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Posts posted by somchaismith

  1. I think it's good that a landlord takes an interest, in their property. It's a good opportunity to get them to repair the wear 'n' tear problems around the home and for you to request additional fittings and furniture, etc. Also, before he arrives ask him to bring round a bottle of quality scotch and some decent grub, such as a couple of large pizzas. If he arrives without them, he doesn't gain entry.

  2. Thanks for the few of you with good advice,,,

    80% of you said it was my other half,when in fact it wasn't,,,

    You lot have really been stung by Thai woman in the past,,,

    Yet I bet you all have one at home,,,

    The main thing is we got the car back with help from our finance company,,,

    So thanks again

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Well, don't leave us in suspense...

  3. "many unhappy voters were seen gathering at the gate..."

    I did a quick estimate from the photo to estimate how many protesters there are, but the Thonburi one looks odd, like it has a que of people leading out of the building rather than a row of people blocking.

    Is that a que of voters? With another group waiting at the back to get in?

    No, it appears to be a donut eating police officer.

  4. No, a Non-Imm visa is not easy for the sponsor to cancel. If immigration can't contact you first and call you in for an interview, they won't cancel it. Take it easy and ignore her.

    Alright that's a bit of a relief, thanks. What do you mean with ''sponsor''? The thai company where I am doing the internship at?

    So it is by immigration protocol and law to call me in for an interview before they can do anything? So if they can't contact me, nothing will happen, is that correct?

    If so, then I am very relieved. However, my now ex GF might give them my thai number or adress of where I am staying at the moment... WIll they come to my adress to confine/arrest me? and take me to immigration office or am I thinking too much now? Is it even realistic of what I am thinking now or is it not very strict in Thailand with such things?

    If they supplied the paperwork to apply for your non-imm visa (assuming that's the visa type which you currently hold). Yes, they are technically your sponsor.

    It ain't going to happen, so chill out. I've heard of it happening, only once in twenty years.

  5. ^Why would an old guy need a marriage certificate, for what you described, then? Getting married with the attitude of "we get what we want from each other then move on" is not a genuine relationship, in the terms of marriage. Just a weak attemt to legitimize dosh changing hands.

  6. The only reason that they want you married is to extract a dowry from the naive.

    Many families give back part (often most) of the sin sot to the couple after the ceremony.

    Many just want to see their daughter happily settled down and well supported, don't look for anything for themselves.

    I always give a fixed allowance to the SO that includes money that she can choose to send home every month or not. I also set aside secretly a monthly amount into a contingency fund that I budget for family emergencies. If there none after a period of time, that's a source for randomly-timed gifts when things are going well.

    Works for me. As long as you've removed her from the family in setting up your own (which is what the sin sot is paying for) then if there's any major problems from them you just cut them off. I've never had an SO side with her family against me, if you get that you've definitely screwed up somewhere along the way, most likely in your choice of mate in the first place, time to cut your losses and walk away.

    Mate, I cannot see that buying women that is, giving them money, is anyway to conduct a lasting genuine relationship.

    • Like 1
  7. So your spouse previously had a Thai male partner who it was okay, with her olds, to live in a defacto relationship with? With all due respect, were not straying from the topic, are we?

    The only reason that they want you married is to extract a dowry from the naive.

    Many families give back part (often most) of the sin sot to the couple after the ceremony.

    Many just want to see their daughter happily settled down and well supported, don't look for anything for themselves.

    I always give a fixed allowance to the SO that includes money that she can choose to send home every month or not. I also set aside secretly a monthly amount into a contingency fund that I budget for family emergencies. If there none after a period of time, that's a source for randomly-timed gifts when things are going well.

    Works for me. As long as you've removed her from the family in setting up your own (which is what the sin sot is paying for) then if there's any major problems from them you just cut them off. I've never had an SO side with her family against me, if you get that you've definitely screwed up somewhere along the way, most likely in your choice of mate in the first place, time to cut your losses and walk away.

    True, my sin sod sot was returned, and I was given a gold Buddha by her father that was worth more then her ring.

    Honestly glad it was returned as I don't have a lot of cash,lol.

    The gold Buddha was a beautiful gesture and means a lot.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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