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Posts posted by MTH

  1. I've seen everyone mention $20 but it's my understanding that it's $20 OR 1,000 baht - and that they will most likely refuse to take a $20 (because with 1,000 baht they can buy a 20 to give their government and pocket the extra 400 baht). They do the same at Mae Sai. I've been told by several people that the charge at Mae Sai is $10 OR 500 baht, but the dude on the other side gets pretty shirty when you try to pay him in $'s and insists he can only accept baht.

    You can apply for your Cambodian visa online for 20$ + 5$ handling.Saves you a passport page as well.


    You can only get a visa online if you fly into Cambodia not avialble at a boarder crossing.

    You don’t have to fly in, Aranyapratet and Had Lek border crossings will honor an evisa.

  2. If I get 4dr + ad caryboy with cushions and maybe cut the floor to make another 5-6 seats in the back,can it get a blue plates and what will be the tax on that?

    dont know the annual tax, but believe its less than black on white. No need to cut the floor, unless you want. DLT will inspect, make a note in book page 18 and page 4.

    Insurance will need to be changed

    and you need DriversLicence for 10

    I've checked with DLT today,if changed to blue plates the tax is only 1800 BHT(in CM)...they have to see the truck to verify,if it's fit for 10 pax.

    I didn't know,that different license is required ?...any more on that...and I assume the insurance will be higher too ??

    cool, 5k baht less in annual tax

    TH DL with picture of minivan on backside works fine, out of country licence must have similar picture to be valid for 10, usually limited to 7

    as for Insurance, ask your insurance and let us know

    Not sure you’re aware of this KBB, but as the car gets older the road tax decreases.

    So if the Ford in question is 4 years, or older, the savings would be 2K instead of 5K.

  3. 350.000 km is a lot though.. Did you change the clutch yet? At how many kms did it need changing?

    It’s an AT, so no clutch to change. wink.png

    Agree that 40K per year is a bit over the average, but shouldn’t be a problem for a diesel, especially with a good service record.

    I have the same make and model, but (2WD), only 130K on the clock. Somewhat under the average, but don’t think it will reflect much on the selling price anyway.

  4. You might need to press one additional key simultaneously.

    Press <ctrl> + <prtsc> to capture the whole screen, or <alt> + <prtsc> to capture the active window.

    You can paste it into paint and save it as jpeg, that can be uploaded to the forum as well.

  5. So if you’re in Chiang Mai, are you going to do your borders run to Myanmar, or are you still planning on going to Cambodia?

    It’s been years since I crossed over at Mae Sai, so I’ll let someone else tell you about that.

    However if you’re still planning to cross into Cambodia, then read below:

    All you need is your passport and a passport size photo for the Cambodian visa.

    Your Thai friends will need to bring their passports with them, they will not be able to cross with only an ID card.

    Depending on what border crossing you’re using you will be charged differently.

    At Aranyapratet, you can do it for a total of $20, that is the price for the Cambodian visa.

    At the smaller border crossings it’s more difficult to get away without a few bribes.

    They will charge 1000 Baht for the visa, not accepting $20.

    You will also be asked for a 300 Baht fee for not spending 24 hours in Cambodia, this fee can (and should) be negotiated. wink.png

  6. Those washers get on my nerves, i think something is blinking. OK if they aint Auto, but to me as much use as Rain Sensors.coffee1.gif

    HID/xenon lights need to have clean lenses to avoid spread lights blinding others, according to E standard also used in Australia. So if you use your windshield washer while lights are on, they also spray headlights as they are more dirty

    Swedish Volvo was the pioneer on headlightwashers, and automatic since 1975 as I recall

    Close, you’ve got the country but not the brand. biggrin.png

    My dad’s 1972 Saab 99 had automatic headlight washers, funky looking “rakes” with a water spray system.

    Think it was introduced the year before.

  7. Whats the alternative to Sophon ? Getting fed up with the limited English speaking channels and the content. Due to pay my subscription tomoro 1,800 for 6 months.

    I got the 1800 for 6 months deal last February, but when I renewed in August it was 2250 for 7 months (1 month free). Have they brought the old deal back or are you just assuming it will still be the same?

    I’ve been paying 1800 per 6 months for a while. Last June I also got the 7 month instead of 6 promotion, still 1800 Baht.

    Next bill to arrive January, will be interesting to see if it’s still 1800, or if they’ve indeed upped the price.

    Do you pay the actual Sophon bill, or do you pay an intermediary?

    I pay the bill personally at the Sophon office. I specifically asked about the 1800 for 6 months deal in August but it was not available.

    Thanks for clarifying that, seems that Sophon must have raised their prices in July or August then.

  8. Whats the alternative to Sophon ? Getting fed up with the limited English speaking channels and the content. Due to pay my subscription tomoro 1,800 for 6 months.

    I got the 1800 for 6 months deal last February, but when I renewed in August it was 2250 for 7 months (1 month free). Have they brought the old deal back or are you just assuming it will still be the same?

    I’ve been paying 1800 per 6 months for a while. Last June I also got the 7 month instead of 6 promotion, still 1800 Baht.

    Next bill to arrive January, will be interesting to see if it’s still 1800, or if they’ve indeed upped the price.

    Do you pay the actual Sophon bill, or do you pay an intermediary?

  9. You will most likely not get a double entry tourist visa in KL. However receiving a single entry there should be a safe bet.

    If you have any concerns about getting approved for your non-imm B visa, then why chance it, you will still only get 90 days stay out of it.

    A tourist visa will also permit you to stay 90 days, granted you do need a 30 day extension for 1900 Baht.

    You’re also talking about a multiple entry non-imm B visa, these are not issued in the region, only single entries.

  10. Depends on where you’re going. If it’s Poi Pet, and you will stay at a casino in “no man’s land”, then yes, your girlfriend can come along without a passport.

    However if you’re to stay at a casino inside Cambodia, she will most likely need a passport. There are some borders that will issue a border pass, you’d have to find out if the place you’re going to does this or not.

  11. They only do International Driving Permits at the main office in each province.

    So the closest would be Chonburi, or heading up to BKK.

    Cost would be 500 Baht.

    However there are driving schools in Pattaya that will do it for you, if you don’t want to do it yourself.

    Not sure how much extra they want for the work.

  12. What you are talking about is not a tourist visa stamp. It is a visa exempt entry, that will grant you 15 days at a land border crossing or 30 days at an airport.

    Correct, there used to be a rule for border runners, without visas, that you could not stay in Thailand for more than 6 months per year. However that's a few years ago, and this rule does no longer apply.

  13. Go to Amorn shop, basement of Tukcom pattaya tai. They have the best selection of remotes I’ve seen anywhere.

    Boy Sound and Air is usually recommended. Haven’t been there myself, I bought my current car stereo in a smaller shop next to the Shell station at the beginning of road 36 (going from gratinglay towards Rayong).

    Nice work and good pricing, if you’re interested I can get you a better description of where it is.

  14. .

    Yes. they've changed the process again -- below is my experience last week.


    I was 5th in line for the 90-day and the process took only about 3 minutes, after a 15 minute wait. I had all four currently required documents, but from what I could see, he didn't even look at anything other than the application.


    Could you fill me in on what the 4 current required documents at Jomtien are, for a 90 days address report.

  15. Interesting, I did not know about the 7 year test. My car was registered in Jan 2548, so I believe mine will be up for inspection?

    Correct, you do need to do an inspection when you renew your road tax next year.

    If you don’t want to chance it, that the vehicle inspection station has been reopened at the DLT that is.

    You could first drive by the inspection station on sukhumvit, that I mapped in post #7, cost is 100 Baht for car.

    Take that with you to the DLT and get your tax taken care of over there.

    Or as some prefer, just let them do it for you at the Sukhumvit location, and pick up the paperwork a day or two later.

  16. Bring the car along if it's 7 years or older, as you then need to test it there as well. Otherwise just the blue book is enough.

    I read somewhere a few days ago that the LTD at Regents no longer does the vehicle inspections.

    Just to confirm that this is indeed correct, in case someone else is heading out to the DLT for an inspection.

    I was out there yesterday to renew taxes for our motorbikes and noticed that they are currently renovating the vehicle inspection station.

    Couldn't get a straight answer on when it's expected to be opened again. Only that it's sometime next year.

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