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Posts posted by MTH

  1. Above 42" anything below 1080p is out of question, and Plasma TV with this resolution were unavailable until most recently. Yeah Sophon still is ancient NTSC, but I can suck lots of HDTV from the internet.

    Seems the differences in energy consumption are greater than stated above, and there is also the weight issue of Plasma TV if it's considered to put it on a wall. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2387377,00.asp

    Do you even know what you’re talking about?

    There is no such thing as NTSC in Thailand, maybe where you’re from, but it’s a substandard… Look up PAL and you might get a clue…

    Additionally if you’re talking about cable TV in general, you can’t beat a plasma for clarity compared to an LCD, LED, OLED... display, whether it be Sophon or any other cable TV source.

    I’ve had my Panasonic 42” plasma for about-5 years, (is that considered most recently?) and it’s a 1080p display.

  2. He is indeed at Pattaya immigration for at least 18 years, that I know of, and he has always been like this.

    I think he's also one of the highest ranked in the immigration office.and maybe that explains his behaviour.

    I remember him as long back as they had Immigration in Jomtien - and I think also back to when they were in Soi 7 in pattaya. Yes he was always like that. Why do you think he should be one of the highest ranked officers? I don't recall seeing any rank signs, but why would they put a high ranking officer as the receptionist?

    Think your memory isn’t what is used to be, or possibly at bit blurred. Immigration was located at soi 8 not soi 7 before they moved to Jomtien.

    As for 90 day reports I’ve been bringing a copy of my driver’s license, front and back (as it has my address on the back of it) and so far that’s been accepted. Then again, next time who knows…

  3. I never heard of such a scam during my 10+ years, but i was told they took away some resistance at my last place,

    it was 7 baht/unit like my previous, but the electric still more than doubled, and i was living exactly like before

    Im asking what the actual units of measurement are...4 baht for how what unit of electricity usage? not saying that actual scam now exists

    Electricity: 1 unit is 1 KWh

    Water: 1 unit is 1 M3

  4. Aranyaprathet has a couple of big casinos, you don't need a taxi, they are less than 100m from the border. The Cambodian side of it is like the wild west, the other border I have been to is near Soi Dao, also the wild west but no casino there. Aranyaprathet also has a big market on the thai side of the border with the knockoff handbags and the other normal market stuff, but it is a lot cheaper than anywhere else. Many BKK traders buy their stock from that particular market.

    Yes, at the Aranyapratet border there are a few casinos, however there are two border crossings near Soi Dao and there are casinos at the Ban Pakard/Prum border crossing as well.

  5. I know I’ve seen at least one on Sukhumvit in Jomtien, but can’t remember the location.

    There is one just before McDonald’s on Sukhumvit and another one close to the flyover to HWY 7, both on the west side of Sukhumvit.

    Here is a better description of the second one, and this place seem to be used by quite a lot of posters here.

    I usually drive out to the DLT by Regents and do it all at once, as these shops will require a day or two to get your paperwork ready.

    Thanks for the info. When you say they require a day or two to get your paperwork ready, I only want the test certificate as I would like to renew the tax myself at Big C. Can't they just issue the test certificate on the spot?

    Paperwork was related to them doing it all for you. As johng says, they will issue on the spot.

    Used them for just the test certificate when the test station at the DLT was closed about a year ago.

  6. I operate a couple of Tour Desks in two hotels. It's quite true, the prices have simply gone up. No one can do 800thb any more. The minimum I can arrange (but only between 09:00 - 21:00) is 960thb including the motorway. Outside of these hours; +100-200thb.

    your post does not really add up, only because its 800 for the taxi and customer pays the tolls, so 960 is pretty much the same as 800 only tolls charged upfront

    Tolls must have gone up by 100% then.

    tolls are around 100-120, so what exactly are you talking about going up by 100%?

    There are two toll booths on the way to Swampy, each is 30 baht.

    My guess is, that’s why jbrain was commenting about a 100% increase.

    • Like 1
  7. OK, I just got back from immigration in Jomtien. Absolutely no problem what so ever. They did not even ask why condo rental was in G/F name. The girl at desk # 7 was extremely helpful. In and out within an hour and picked up in afternoon. Thanks for the advice.

    My pleasure, glad to hear that it worked out for you. Thanks for posting back with your experience.

  8. I know I’ve seen at least one on Sukhumvit in Jomtien, but can’t remember the location.

    There is one just before McDonald’s on Sukhumvit and another one close to the flyover to HWY 7, both on the west side of Sukhumvit.

    Here is a better description of the second one, and this place seem to be used by quite a lot of posters here.

    I usually drive out to the DLT by Regents and do it all at once, as these shops will require a day or two to get your paperwork ready.

  9. There's a plethora of people on 12 month Multi-Entry Non-Imm visas that need to leave the country and re-enter every 90 days, those on a double-entry tourist visa etc. etc.

    Indeed there are. And many of them are not tourists at all but are engaged either in illegal work or worse.

    I am certain that at some point determined action will be taken to stop people from doing this. The simplest way would be to just stop issuing these long multi-entry visas and, by all accounts, they are indeed getting more and more difficult to obtain especially after the first one or two.

    let's hope they also get rid of the long term retirement visa at the same time

    Don’t forget the marriage extension when you’re at it, it’s a possibility that married men could also be working illegally.

    I think BlackPuddingBertha might be on to something here cheesy.gif

    • Like 1
  10. "I don't do 90 day reports as I leave the country every 90 days on my non-O."

    Do you have a multiple O visa that only allows you to stay 90 days at a time?


    Do you have an extension from immigration for 1 year and are not required to leave the country every 90 days?

    If the former, I don't think immigration will give you a certification of residency.

    If the latter, they might not give you one if you haven't been making 90 day address reports to them.

    Good luck.

    At immigration in Jomtien it’s enough with just a non-imm visa.

    (Seen reports that it can be more difficult at other places though.)

    • Like 1
  11. Have you done a 90 day report yet? Should make it easier to get relevant cert from immigration.

    I don't do 90 day reports as I leave the country every 90 days on my non-O. Just wondering if I get lease in my name then there is no problem for certification?

    You don’t need a rental agreement in your name.

    Just bring a copy of the rental agreement, signed by your gf and a copy of her id card, also signed by her.

    (Misread your OP the first time, and thought your girl owned the condo, therefore suggested copies from the house book.)

    • Like 1
  12. It could be done but she might need to write a letter stating that you are living with her.

    She could also fill out Notification Form for House Master, Owner, or the Possessor of The Residence Where Aliens Have Stay (TM.30) form which could serve the same purpose.

    Unless you are on an extension of stay you may not get the residence certificate. If that is the case then your only choice will be to get one from your embassy or consulate.

    I am on an non-0 based on retirement. If the lease was in my name would there be no problem?

    Pattaya is pretty laxed about issuing a letter of residency.

    Last time I applied for one, it’s about a year ago, I brought along the following:

    House book, copies of address page and name page.

    Copy of my girls ID card.

    You also need some photos, can’t remember if it’s one or two per letter.

    That’s it.

  13. I tried AEO in pattaya and there was a fee.

    So I do not beleive this is true for all of their ATM's.

    depends on what card you have.

    Yes, and the fee is related to the issuing bank of the card that inifiny11 used, AEON doesn’t charge any fee.

  14. Why the need to shatter his illusion and try to make him look stupid.blink.png

    You must be new to internet forums.

    No I'm not but sometimes the bickering gets to me.

    Not enough good experiences come to TV just because of this.

    OP will think twice before posting again, and that's a shame.

    End of rant tongue.png

    Yermanee wai.gif

    Only if he's delicate of nature/ego. He's been given some stellar advice on here by yours truly. That's what it should be about. smile.png

    You need to check up on your advice before passing it on. E-Visa is not a viable option at the two border crossings near Pong Nam Ron, (i.e. Prum and O’Smach).

    Additionally never heard of anyone getting away from at least paying a 100 Baht bribe to Cambodian immigration, at the smaller border crossings, for not staying 24 hours.

    Nowadays they usually demand 300 Baht, but it’s negotiable.

    Of course at the Aranyapratet/Poipet crossing, it’s possible to do the whole thing for $20, I’ve done that a few times myself.

    And that’s even cheaper than your E-Visa option. thumbsup.gif

  15. Just got a car license today. Took about an hour. Took passport and copy of every page. Work permit and copy of every page. UK driving license.

    Did the eye tests only. Seemed to be hard to fail. The one where you have to stamp on the brake a woman kept failing because she had huge platform shoes on, but they just let her keep trying until she did it. Bit of a worry as I bet she drove to the center.

    205 Baht total. Good for one year. Apparantly my next one will be a 5 year license.

    Very easy and efficient, but honestly, its so lax that I can't see it keeping anyone off the road unless they're totally blind (and deaf so no one can shout at them when to stomp on the brake switch)

    If you have a Work Permit, do you still need to obtain a certificate of residence from immigration?

    Work permit will do the job, no need for a residence letter from immigration.

  16. If one has an International Driving license (and a Canadian drivers license) for both motorcycle and car, is it the same process? Does one have to do all of the tests?

    No you don’t have to do any tests, except for the eye and reaction tests.

    Just bring all the docs listed in the OP in duplicates, one copy for each license. Also make copies of your IDP and Canadian license.

    Then exchange all this paperwork for two Thai licenses, one for bike and one for car.

  17. Can’t understand all the questions/comments about what they want to spend their moneys on, and that more information is required.

    The title says “Couple Of Cashed Up Lads Out For A Good Time..”

    And in the post the OP asks for resorts or hotels in the $50-100 range, with a few requirements.

    Why not give him some recommendations instead of a hard time. wink.png

  18. Check out Silver Sand Villa.

    It’s at the lower end of your budget, about 1500 Baht per night, including breakfast.

    They have two larger pools and are located on the beach road, so very close to the beach.

    Within walking distance of the Rompho Beer Bar Complex on 2nd road and the Jomtien Complex.

    If you decide to stay there, ask for rooms in the newer complex, they are not “new” any longer, but preferable to the old wing.

  19. Good question indeed. I tend to always go in there late (month or 2) and find that no extra fees are added unless I'm like a year late. Even then you must just pay the past tax (not insurance) and a very small couple hundred baht fine.

    Actually there is a late fee, it’s 1% per month.

    Adds up to a whopping 1 Baht per month on the 100 Baht yearly tax of a scooter. smile.png

    I've never paid a late fee unless it's been over a year late. I showed you my receipt for my last rego and it was a few months late.

    Look at your receipt, you paid 102 for tax, so you must have been between 1 and 2 months late, hence the 2 Baht late fee.

    You can also see this in your green book, it’s in the column just right of the tax fee, it’s labled "เงินเพิ่ม". Should be stamped 2 baht in this column.

  20. You can do it at BigC South Pattaya (Sukhumvit).

    Every saturday morning until afternoon (?)

    First floor, near the information desk.

    Desk at BIG C cannot do it if it has gone beyond expiry date. Sorry!

    How many days or weeks before the expiry date can you renew the tax and insurance?

    Good question indeed. I tend to always go in there late (month or 2) and find that no extra fees are added unless I'm like a year late. Even then you must just pay the past tax (not insurance) and a very small couple hundred baht fine.

    Actually there is a late fee, it’s 1% per month.

    Adds up to a whopping 1 Baht per month on the 100 Baht yearly tax of a scooter. smile.png

  21. Writing Hotel was a typo, meant to say under a hotel. The staff were ignoring me when I asked for a manager, the lineup at the ticket counter was really long as well and my Thai GF was saying there was no way we would get a refund so I believed her and accepted the loss. It wasn't worth it to me anyway lining up and trying to beg for a refund of 480 baht only to possibly hear cannot.

    The topic is bad customer service anyway not about getting a refund. When something similar happened in my home country the manager was outside the theater apologizing and handing out free ticket vouchers. This was in a theater that wasn't half as nice as the one here.

    Those who are saying it is fishy, I didn't register yesterday and just wanted to warn anyone who might go to the theater that if something goes wrong what to expect. What do I have to gain from making it up or embellishing the facts?Ridiculous.

    So you didn't bother to ask for a refund or comps because your Thai GF basically didn't want to hang around? Sorry mate but why would she when it's not her cash. As to there being no manager waiting to greet you baring gifts gimme a break. Did you even stop to think that maybe he was balls deep in projector problems in the booth. I speak from experience BTW.

    Excellent comment, I’m baffled too.

    If it’s a “new” girlfriend, I can understand her point, as she didn’t put any moneys down for the ticket, why would she be inclined to ask for a refund?

    However if it’s a girl you’ve been with for a while, then maybe you should reassess your relationship.

  22. Have to agree with Jayman and Semper here. Either head out to the DLT, close to the Regents, or have one of the certified shops do the work for you. If you drive out to the DLT, it’s a done in a few minutes, if you use one of the certified shops that Jayman mentions, you can pick up all your paperwork within the next day or two with a slight surcharge.

    My preference has always been to do it myself. It’s a pretty close drive out to the DLT and that’s it, you don’t have to do another run to pick up the paperwork.

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