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Posts posted by aussiejosh

  1. Wait let me get this straight Aussiejosh, it is your view that it is ok for everyone to be talking during movies at movie theatres and to try to stop someone from doing so is in fact the unforgiveable transgression to be avoided? Not to not talk but rather to not try to stop someone from talking? Lunacy, but please say if that is your belief.

    No I was saying he embarrassed himself... I didn't say anything about kids talking in movies... But having been a kid, told off in a cinema in a pack of friends for being loud (a lot too) in Thailand I can assure you, I never felt embarrassed, I even had one Thai guy threaten to get his body guard to come kick my ass, which we laughed at more and he ended up trying to get physical, to which we laughed more. He did try confronting us at the end, but as I was with the Spanish ambassadors son at the time we were picked up out front in a diplomatic car and he didn't even try following us after that.

    Yeah, Thailand breeds little shits. It's true, went to a school full of them (BPS). But seriously there is no better education without putting your kids in that environment.

  2. so when a group of kids are yelling to the next group of kids in a different row in a theater and ruining the experience for the rest of the audience, and I tell them to stop, I am embarrassing myself?



    Completely agree

    The point about the farang children speaking Isaan was not so much about their balance between learning English and Thai as it is proof that they are spending an overwhelming amount of time with the paid help.

    Look at how many wealthy and educated Thai children are in the exact same positions? Are you saying it's a problem for the farang children? and whys that!?

  3. Bangkok Patana School in Bangkok every now and again will have a book drive to give to a local school, usually will send some students along with the books and will read to them an teach them english. You might be able to contact some one there who would be interested in them, try www.patana.ac.th and look for some contacts.

  4. Ok , I giggled that kinda does look like Obama. The product might be considered more racist here if Thailand had as large of a history of slavery as in the US... But they didn't, looks like some Thai just went to America at a bad time and thought 'wow these guys are hard workers, doesn't even look as if you need to pay them!' *what an ingenious name for a company* (kidding btw)

    Is kinda racist from my western point of view, showed it to my African American friend Kevin when he visited, he laughed and said at least it wasn't called "n*gg*r" (to all you south park fans no thats not naggers)...

  5. Is a 22 year old with fifteen year old any more bizarre than a 22year old with a 55 year old ??????

    Yes. I'm going to be a little bit vulgar now, my favorite thing when I was in high school was girls between 14 - 16.... basically I thought of it as all they wanted was for me to validate them (as i was the cool druggie dude at the time at school that was actually friendly to EVERYONE), all I had to do to sleep with them was deny that validation for them until I had them in what I would describe as a comfort zone, once they are in my comfort zone and still after validation I would 'close' easily. It is so unbelievably easy that it isn't fair... now if you keep have any sense of morality you would know that this is totally wrong.

    I could link you to some communities I was once a big member of after finishing high school, which basically came up with tricks and 'routines' to achieve these goals... Now some of these people were web predators(guys who specialize in convincing girls with web cams 95% under 18 to do shows for them then they post it to each other in a massive attempt at sharing content), but most considered themselves some sort of dark pick up artists (similar to those in the book 'The Game')... The reason I left is because I realized I was the only one of them under 20 and all these people I had known were like 50 lol... I ended up being banned from a few of them as I realized the challenge and game to me was just a way for them to get to young girls and basically spammed their site with comments along the lines of calling them all pedophiles.

    I haven't done anything with that in a while, although my current girl friend is an international school student... But I didn't need any routines or anything, I was too drunk to care and I just naturally 'gamed' her. Oh, and she is 18 so older than my targets for most of my routines.

  6. Yeah, but the younger the more you limit your ability to develope emotionally i think is what people were trying to get at. It's kind of weird though, I tried asking my dad this the other day, and a few other people I have known to be doing this regularly. Basically what I was asking was, don't you miss the affection side of a relationship, i mean to be laying in bed after with someone in your arms that your not paying to be there, that genuinely is there comforting you as you comfort them? Don't you miss that masculine feeling you get of knowing that this person is with you for you... Because it is a masculine thing i think to sit there holding someone in your arms and enjoying that knowing, or feeling that your protecting them in some sort of way... well feels like it... I don't know how exactly to describe what I am getting at, I mean its a feeling after all. Apparently the answer was no, a few had no idea what I was talking about (more the long term people who behave this way)... I found that sad.

    Although I have completemented you in a previous post, I'll be quick to advise these is nothing like experience. I remember my first couple of relationships and they could have been post-boy descriptions of affections you quoted. Many, including myself can bring up tails of being run through the ringer, no matter how resilient we are, it's burns. The raw passion one feels in our teens and twenties is very hard to remember when divorce court proceedings are taking place or in the heat of an arguement someone lashes out. It's hard to bring back or even find that passsion. I've been a lucky one, but many dont. Some guys find solice in being able to chat up young girls in Nana or whereever and then being able to leave at the end of the night. Sad, but maybe sometimes theraputic for them, who knows. But I do agree that these sort of goings-on are hard to understand with guys in their teens.

    I guess I can understand that... My mum is the main cause of my dads 'never get married' kind of ideal he has been trying to convey to me for years. I guess I just didn't draw the lines between passion and his experiences as I can't really understand what his experiences were (neither do I really want to).

    With that said I still think its unhealthy for my high school buddy to be exhibiting the same behavioral patterns as my dad, although my dad seemed to be a lot more 'safe' and not so... boastful about it. Ok my friend is 20 obese and smells as if he doesn't clean often (not like in high school he was fat but he is huge now), but I don't think what he is doing is a result of his appearance and personality, I think his personality and appearance have been directly effected by him being in this 'scene'. It's scary to see what he has become, sad to.

  7. I am currently looking for a company, preferably a larger one which does HVAC maintenance? I am looking to source outsource work from my business... just wondering if anyone knew of any around? I have tried using search engines, but it seems Thailand and websites doesn't go that well together for most businesses unfortunately. The few I could find I have emailed without a response which makes me sad :o

    Any ideas?

    Didn't know what forum to post this in so I figured general...

  8. Yeah, but the younger the more you limit your ability to develope emotionally i think is what people were trying to get at. It's kind of weird though, I tried asking my dad this the other day, and a few other people I have known to be doing this regularly. Basically what I was asking was, don't you miss the affection side of a relationship, i mean to be laying in bed after with someone in your arms that your not paying to be there, that genuinely is there comforting you as you comfort them? Don't you miss that masculine feeling you get of knowing that this person is with you for you... Because it is a masculine thing i think to sit there holding someone in your arms and enjoying that knowing, or feeling that your protecting them in some sort of way... well feels like it... I don't know how exactly to describe what I am getting at, I mean its a feeling after all. Apparently the answer was no, a few had no idea what I was talking about (more the long term people who behave this way)... I found that sad.

  9. From the other side of the fence.. Young guys seeing that money buys affection and sex probably isn't that good for their emotional developent..

    Saw it just the other day, friend of mine who had been living here for the year I was gone had completely changed. I was telling him about a steady girlfriend I had in Melbourne the entire time I had been there and he shoots back with various stories about various prostitutes he had been with, as if boasting. Now I know the people here and I usually just smile and agree but honestly deep down feel disgusted but he is my age and had become that while I was gone. It was scary.

    Went to high school here, can tell you kids as young as 13 14 are out 'partying' from many reputable schools BPS NIST ISB were the crowds I hung around with, and I can tell you its more than 50% from every year group. I was there 6 7 years ago and when I left 2 years ago I remember being at studio 22 and seeing this group of about 20 BPS kids in year 8 so about 13 years old and almost half were throwing up everywhere. My biggest worry for them is however that they are so young and have no idea of the risks they are exposing themselves too, but knowing what I was like I doubt much can be done. Plus good parents for most of these kids are far and few between. They treat their kids like they are in a western country which they wouldn't be able to go into just any pub and club...

    A tragic result of their careless attitude happened 2 weekends ago as a girl from one of those schools was drugged taken from her friends and raped during the concert 'culture one', parents and students won't get the message though, schools want to appear safer than they actually are...

    Nice informative piece Josh, sounds like you got through ok. In the end I think morals your parents have instilled are the foundation no matter how far one strays on occasions. It's not easier having Thai/Farang daughters in there teens right now either ...... that's another thread that includes words like shot gun, casteration knives, baseball bats n' knees, handcuffs, locked windows, rotweilers etc.

    I wouldn't thank my parents, my mother had enough of me and sent me here. So I came from a different background than 95% of the kids in my year who had been brought up with a silver spoon... But even here I had to realize myself that if I didn't change and put in an effort that I would end up like my brother (massive drug addicted nut case)... Never was once told what to do, just learned from my brother and tried to do it better. Lucky I was the second son, we didn't realize our dad was even wealthy before I came here, only had met him a few times before and he was more interested in me getting an education than me getting parenting.

    Anyway I turned out alright, probably because I got to see this country and realize the huge amount of differences that are made by our decisions and that I actually had an opportunity to turn what I was doing around. I still went out and partied, but avoided drugs for a long time(eventually did try them but thats over to now, just needed to know) never got in trouble and seem to find myself the only one these days that does stand watch over these kids even if they don't know it or appreciate it some times.

  10. Went to high school here, can tell you kids as young as 13 14 are out 'partying' from many reputable schools BPS NIST ISB were the crowds I hung around with, and I can tell you its more than 50% from every year group. I was there 6 7 years ago and when I left 2 years ago I remember being at studio 22 and seeing this group of about 20 BPS kids in year 8 so about 13 years old and almost half were throwing up everywhere. My biggest worry for them is however that they are so young and have no idea of the risks they are exposing themselves too, but knowing what I was like I doubt much can be done. Plus good parents for most of these kids are far and few between. They treat their kids like they are in a western country which they wouldn't be able to go into just any pub and club...

    A tragic result of their careless attitude happened 2 weekends ago as a girl from one of those schools was drugged taken from her friends and raped during the concert 'culture one', parents and students won't get the message though, schools want to appear safer than they actually are...

  11. My friend is currently going doing visa runs every 15 days now he is coming up to 86 days of total time in the kingdom and I have been told by many people that the 90 day law was revoked... I have asked here before as well and got the impression that it was over too, but I was talking to my dad about this guy last night and he said that he had asked his lawyer out of curiosity about when it was taken out and his lawyer told him it hadn't been. Now I am wondering, does anyone know where I could find out if it is over 100%? or even if he does leave assuming that the law still exists that 86 days total wouldn't prevent him for entering for another 15... He is planning on doing a 2 month tourist visa run after if he decides to stay longer.

    Sorry for posting again guys, I am just worried my friend will have a problem in 6 days time when he does his next visa run.

  12. Besides what kind of person trusts someone who ""Bigs" himself up as the NUMBER ONE ferang in his city (I don't think so)!"

    That just makes me think either people are full of shit and trying to boast to me because they can't prove anything, or they are trying to steal something. Either way I don't deal with boasters, or I tell them to prove to me what they say before they say it. Working quiet well for me so far, just started a business with no investment of my own just running through the legal hoops and visa issues before i can release my product, but I got my agreement in writing and 100,000 baht has already been given with no drama. Get things in writing.

  13. The problem with men is they cant empathize with women, they can't even try to understand what intercourse or being touched is from a female point of view. Typically younger men are much more physical with each other and hurting each other slightly never seems to be a big deal, as we do the penetration it is hard for most men to try and get away from the idea that this is just another form of physical fun for women as it is as much for men (as they aren't the ones being hurt or penetrated)... That mixed with cultural factors and pop culture push the image of women as sexual objects that they are ones who are penetrated.

    I can kind of understand what the guy was trying to say when he said something along the lines of "If they have had sex before then it shouldn't be a big deal", I can understand what kinda of idea he is coming from, and that is more common than people would like. Now I totally disagree with is, as I have studied social dynamics specifically relating to human relationships (specifically relationships are built) so I have a better understanding how completely differently womens minds work compared with the majority of men, unfortunately that kind of idea is hard to get every day people to understand.

    I will give a short example. To women, men who cheat and say they don't love the other person and that it was purely sexual will more likely stay in the relationship accepting the fact that he didn't love her, women are more emotional. However if the male says he thought he loved her or something along those lines using love or the his interpretation of love as an excuse he totally totally ruins the chances of the relationship ever returning to any form of normalcy as the concept of love hits harder to home with women. However if a woman cheats on a man usually one of the first things that would enrage a male is the fact that another man has been with 'your women' (another sexist mentality but it has evolved with our culture), the mere idea alone of someone penetrating 'your woman' will infuriate you.

    This again could be due to the fact of the penetrating vs being penetrated alone. The issue is so complex it could write 100 essays on it (have have written a few).

    Unfortunately sexism will always exist, to say that we aren't different is a lie, its pure science men and women think differently. To suggest that one side is inferior is debatable, but in modern times I have a feeling and to an extent hope that women will have some time on top of this vicious cycle...

    I mean after all you rarely hear about women raping men.


    I love studying how humans interact and little things you can do to get the upper hand in conversations or build rapport faster it just makes meeting people and putting them at easy with you faster and easier.

  14. between the age of 12 - 55

    LOL 55? ...exaggeration... Plus most women conform to these ideals and act and dress pretty promiscuous in most western countries, brought up in a system that starts this from a young age, everything we do to our children (from as simple as dressing them or telling them what to wear) impacts on their psychology and ideas at the end of the day. Sexism starts with language anyway, English has a few nice examples as I am sure Thai probably does, although the OP doesn't specify sexism it is the main cause and the base of this whole issue. Think about it, one of the most used insults in English is the word <deleted>, the basic meaning is sex or more specifically penetration, so when you use insults like "<deleted> you" or "get f*cked" it forms the idea that to be the one being 'f*cked" is the lesser... of course naturally females are penetrated much more and thus the idea begins to form consciously or subconsciously... Every culture promotes these ideas from the start.

    Another quick example, widely considered the worst word in English is c*nt, original meaning was vagina. So these 2 words are pretty much creating the mindset that women are inferior.

    I really find it disturbing how unreported and common these stories are in Thailand, every time my girlfriend leaves my place I record the taxi details but I can't protect her all the time. :o As much as I would like to.

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