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Posts posted by aussiejosh

  1. Get everything in writting, no.1 rule in business imo. (at least thats how I was raised)

    Good luck, I'd ignore the 20,000 baht local option, it can get you into a lot of unnecessary trouble, if its such a big deal cut your losses and take the lesson. Now, if he ruined your life, like totally ruined it and you don't mind taking the risk take the local option, but it sounds as if your not at that kind of point.

  2. Philadelphia or New York were safer to raise my two daughters I would be on the next flight home.

    Well yeah you just said Philadelphia or New York, I think they are in the top 5 for crime in the US anyway, Detroit being up there as well.

    If you wanted to go somewhere 'safe', Australia would most likely be that for raising children. UK is full of chavs, US is full of everything, and I am not just saying this because I am Australian because for the reasons of it being so safe and so clean I hate it, you can't do anything even late at night. On an completely empty road in the middle of the bush, you want to get home a little bit faster, there is no one around at all, and so you push the speed limit by 10-20kmph and randomly hiding in shrubs or something a dam_n police officer will pop out of nowhere and arrest you... "Do you realise you were going this speed" "yes" "do you realize you are danger to other drivers?" "fuc_k no i am not, there is no one here"... 220$ fine license gone because it was a long weekend and its double points lost.

    That is plain anal.

    I love living and traveling around Asia, not because I am here to break the laws or anything because the punishments are far worse, because there are less laws. Yes they protect you and your family but while I am young and without a family I love it.

  3. Yes, it is sickening but the same kind of thing goes on in Farangland everyday. Thought i would elighten you if you didnt know.

    The topic under discussion is the rape of a child by seven adults in Thailand.

    Now I accept that you might be predisposed to clouding this bad news item from Thailand but your suggestion that such attacks take place in Farangland everyday is nonsense.

    I can't remember the last time I heard of any such attack in any of the corners of Farangland I've lived in, that such attacks take place is probably without doubt - But that they take place every day utter hogwash.

    This is where I am from in "Farangland" and when you made your statement I just thought I would look at today's news.


    A South Philadelphia man has been arrested for allegedly raping a 13-year-old and investigators believe there could be more victims.

    According to sources, a warrant was served on a home in the 1400 block of S. Mole Street Tuesday afternoon and 21-year-old Aquan Spearman was taken into custody....

    Need I say more?

    The difference between what your saying and what is said in Thailand is they actually caught that guy. The fact it goes on is not disputable, but the scale is far out of proportion, or maybe guys comprehend proportions and scales; in a country with a population of approximately 60 million the scale is way out of proportion to try and offer and form of a defense for these people or the culture which breeds these types of ideas. It is obvious this is a far worse problem here than abroad if you try to deny that you are completely ignorant.

    An Indian Thai friend I had here tried to stress to me the importance of these issues when in the context of my then girlfriend and how I am not understanding the culture and their mentality towards this subject, I never understood what he meant until culture one(which the girl from my old school was raped during).

  4. IDK why people are saying things like "suck it up." and "don't litter in someone else's country" (quick replying at work so no direct quoting soz)... I didn't litter, it was my friend who isn't going to read your posts so its irrelevant. Myself I can't imagine trying to justify a 1000 or 2000 baht fine in Thailand for a single cigarette butt seeing as that would be far to much for the average Thai.

    Oh, and guards shouldn't be collecting it themselves, thats retarded and not how a legal system works.

  5. Are there any lepers there yet ? Better check first before marooning these people there. Oh, an don't forget to cut off the electricity and water and put a blockade in place.

    Can someone please remind me which century this is.

    Just copying the Aussie.

    No we put them into a detention center you idiot. There is a difference between dumping them on an island and putting them in a detention center which we pay massive amounts of money to operate daily. They have a/cm eduction and medical assistance constantly we give them a lot and process them legally. I can't believe the total ignorance in your simple post.

    As for making it as inhumane as possible, it wont deter them from leaving something that is already unimaginably inhumane, if anything its just a little bit more cruelty that Thailand is adding to their already harsh lives. Now, should we let everyone come and go as they please between? No, thats stupid. But making their lives worse is really just harsh, completely and utterly harsh.

    But I do find it amusing Thailand actually outdid Burma on this one for human rights abuses "Lets tow them into the ocean and leave them all to die!" << nice policy...

    "but we give them a can of rice and water" << prolong their slow and painful deaths YAY!

    Doesn't negate the fact you towed them into the ocean to DIE.

    There is a legal humane way to do things (Australia over does it abit with what we give them) and there is what we have seen happen recently.

  6. Ok this is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous, if 7 men RAPE a CHILD in the U.S. or Canada there is going to be a motherfooking MANHUNT to catch the dirty evil bastards, no question!! The same happens in Thailand and NOTHING is done. See the difference yet? By god!

    So true, and the community would be the one pushing for it and be up in arms if they didn't get it... No one cares here. Not even the police, just a case number to be filed with the rest.

  7. I recently heard about an international school student (a girl 17) who was raped at the music event culture one, I have seen her in school (years ago) and know her and its so sad and upsetting when you hear about these things happening to anyone. It especially hit home for my friends and I this week when we heard that she had been hanging out with our group when she was abducted, we had no idea that anything was wrong for over an hour... By that time it was too late, she was dumbed on Sinakarin road the next day after being raped by more people than she can remember and being beaten savagely. As far as I know she is still recovering in hospital.

    Any banter and discussion on this is really irrelevant, these things happen all the time and its really up to us protect our loved ones and try and keep them safe. We can catch the bastard after, but we cant undo what has already been done. Prevention is the best policy, and western kids here are in so much danger every weekend it isn't even funny, I see Patana students as young as 13 years old out drinking and vommitting in the street (really 13!) and the parents are bloody oblivious, everyone thinks their child is differnt and smart and doesn't do these things, but all of them have told their parents "I am sleeping at a friends tonight"... EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM... I had 2 girls about 2 weeks ago (16 and 17) ask if they could spend the night at my place, I let them of course but they had only met me that night and trusted me because I helped the younger one get into a club but I literally could was anyone... This is such dangerous behavior and I have a feeling that the parents haven't a clue, I know my dad didn't back then. Didn't find out I was doing drugs for 3 years because I kept my grades up and didn't get into trouble but it didn't mean I was not being stupid and making insanely bad decisions (especially messing around with drugs in Thailand)... I am just lucky I was able to mature and make the decisions to help myself in the end, western parents seem to just be more into the le se fare style of management of their children.

  8. Oh I forgot to mention in the 15 minutes they were trying to get money from him, another foreigner came by (total tourist no idea about Thailand) and according to him his crime was stepping his cigarette bud out in the park. Ok, you can't smoke in the park so thats fair enough to grab him, but he actually paid 1500 baht to them straight away as they threatened again to take him to prison.

    What is up with these park cops?

  9. Yesterday a friend of mine had a run in with the park cops in Queens park, or the security there I am not sure if they are actually police. Basically he was walking past queens park after leaving friends of mine at Emporium and he flicked his cigarette butt onto the ground while walking and just left it there (littering), anyway the security guard yelled at him and he turned to respond and straight away they just said you are going to prison, you have broken the law unless you can pay a fine now of 1000 baht...

    He didn't have any money on him at the time (well very little 100 baht or so to get home) and had only the option of just saying no i cant pay you that amount. They kept threatening to arrest him and claiming they were about to take him to the police station so he started calling me and my other friends... Basically we got a Thai friend of ours to tell the police officer to issue a fine or to just let him go as he hadn't done anything that illegal. The police officer refused and made some weak attempt of looking official actually taking his finger prints there in the park security booth and getting him to write his name on the same random piece of paper they had gotten him to put his finger prints on. He just gave a completely random name and left, they told him to come back today at 11 am and pay them their fine or they would send this piece of paper to the embassy, to which I just laughed after what he explained to me with the random paper they found and got him to record details on.

    Just sharing with you guys, and wondering if anyone had a similar experience with park security of all things. Do they even have Jurisdiction to do that not to mention authority outside their park grounds (which he was merely walking past not in)?

  10. I have lived here for 6 years and I have seen my dad become one of these people, personally I know since his divorce he hasn't wanted a real relationship and he thinks that this pay as you go deal is actually much better than a natural relationship... Personally I would never pay anyone to be with me, but im 20 fit and healthy (not to mention tall and handsome:P).... and he is 53 fat and always working...

    Don't worry mate, there will be a time when you are not. Curious, when you go to the bar, do Thai girls tip you? :o

    Unless im married... (**..i know still young and idealistic...**)

  11. I am not a sicko... I am just laughing at the point he is still attempting to deny it. Not laughing at the fact, laughing at the point. Don't you see the difference?

  12. I have lived here for 6 years and I have seen my dad become one of these people, personally I know since his divorce he hasn't wanted a real relationship and he thinks that this pay as you go deal is actually much better than a natural relationship... Personally I would never pay anyone to be with me, but im 20 fit and healthy (not to mention tall and handsome:P).... and he is 53 fat and always working...

  13. I was reading the post online and decided id grab this little gem here from Mr. Kasit...

    "Mr Kasit asked the Thais not to follow foreign news on this matter, adding that they should wait for the Indonesian government to finish its investigation first."


    By: BangkokPost.com and AFP

    Published: 4/02/2009 at 04:13 PM

    I mean seriously, can it be less obvious that the Thai Navy was responsible for this? There was a tape released to the international media from a Thai Naval vessel obviously filmed by someone in the Thai Navy which shows them being towed out to sea... Not just that, there are videos of the Refugees on beach and pictures floating all around the internet with Thai authorities beating them. Does Mr Kasit really think that Thai people are so stupid that they will completely ignore the media and only listen to the channels which the government can censor? My god, that made me laugh.

    Made my morning, thanks Mr. Kasit...

    Oh and like Indonesia is known for its excellent human rights record, or its ability to find justice and assist those less fortunate (maybe some money under the table or some false reporting about their findings is what he is hoping for)

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