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Posts posted by aussiejosh

  1. From the original posting:

    "Fifty international scholars and public figures called on the government yesterday to stop lese majeste charges being laid and suppressive measures being used against people, websites and the peaceful expression of ideas.

    Well-known international scholars such as Noam Chomsky, Stuart Hall,"

    Is this the same Stuart Hall, the north-west England broadcaster, who commentates on football games?

    Previously employed as a link-man on such "educational" shows as "It's a Knock Out".

    If my memory serves me correctly, this chap had some sort of legal problems, many years ago in th UK, regarding him threatening old ladies with a gun, apparently because he was a TV "star" and felt he should have more rights than they did. :o

    And he is one of the people trying to tell Thailand about freedom & democracy?

    Dear oh dear.

    You've picked a name, made an assumption and spent 5 minutes witting something useless. Not just that, but should ones actions in the past mean they have no right to voice opinions in the future because you remember some negative publicity about him? Look at the other names and scholars who are involved with this petition and do some research.

    I have actually thought about this before and wondered the same, what could stop a Thai person I am having an argument with accusing me of breaking this law? - and if they were to do that, what could the potential repercussions be?

  2. Really good responses so far. I wonder though, have you heard her say this or is it just what you have heard through people? Information generally changes significantly multiplied by the number of people in the chain.

    Definitely consider the letter and telling him though, if your given the power to stop someone from being robbed in an alley by giving them a heads up there is a mugger in there just waiting; you would, wouldn't you?

  3. Another disgusting anti- Thai girl thread.

    How dare anyone say "Remember- Their Loyalty Is Always With Their Families, Thai girls"

    I have found this not to be the case and how dare anyone suggest they all are, some might be yes, but this is no different to a girl in any country. This thread is reported to the moderators for being abusive to Thai girls, and will hopefully be removed soon !!

    Well its not necessarily a bad thing to be labeling a group loyal to their family above all other? I mean it would be a cultural thing right, and something that people might actually be proud of, not exactly negative. However it is stereotyping but don't we do it everyday anyway, at least from some perspective its not a negative attribute.

    But it was portrayed as a negative trait, and thus perceived easily as negative.

    Wouldn't your goal of a relationship hopefully bring you into this loyalty circle? Eventually... I mean you tend to gain more, but TIT.

    Some fair points there.

    Although considering that it was a post about deceit and probable theft then I don't think that your point stands in this case.

    Well I did say it was being portrayed negatively... but thats the nature of the beast, to one side its completely justifiable and reasonable to some strange extent that we might not be able to understand or relate to.

    I don't know how or why people get into these situations. I have dated here, used my standard western rules most of the time splitting 50/50 (I am 20) and had some good relationships because of it, I believe if there isn't mutual respect from the start then your relationship is doomed from its conception. You can buy loyalty, but thats not really my thing... I rarely buy drinks for people at the start to, I always try to get the first free drink then my wallet opens.

  4. Sounds like he is mentally ill, I wonder what will happen to the poor bloke, I can already imagine the conditions he is in... Hope someone sponsors him in prison at least, prison is hel_l here without a sponsor...

    The 33 baht a day the Thai government has put aside for the expenses of each prisoner is not enough.

  5. Another disgusting anti- Thai girl thread.

    How dare anyone say "Remember- Their Loyalty Is Always With Their Families, Thai girls"

    I have found this not to be the case and how dare anyone suggest they all are, some might be yes, but this is no different to a girl in any country. This thread is reported to the moderators for being abusive to Thai girls, and will hopefully be removed soon !!

    not a complete and utter one because despite the rant he does hit upon a point.

    That point being of course that the OP has painted all Thai girls with the same brush because of his own personal experience with one individual, some could take offence to this.

    Maybe the OP chose the wrong words to explain himself, or maybe he needs to think outside of his own world a bit.

    Sorry to hear about the OP's woe's but there is no need for the prejudiced attitude that he has displayed.

    Well its not necessarily a bad thing to be labeling a group loyal to their family above all other? I mean it would be a cultural thing right, and something that people might actually be proud of, not exactly negative. However it is stereotyping but don't we do it everyday anyway, at least from some perspective its not a negative attribute.

    But it was portrayed as a negative trait, and thus perceived easily as negative.

    Wouldn't your goal of a relationship hopefully bring you into this loyalty circle? Eventually... I mean you tend to gain more, but TIT.

  6. I think its a good step. The law is outdated, and when people say "Thai laws should be decided by Thai's" well the current Thai's deciding your current laws seemingly use the laws and legislation to benefit themselves not Thailand, and the majority of Thai's will have no direct participation other than the seemingly endless protests and voting for the least corrupt....

  7. Are you guys suggesting for one second that Thailand's military is up to the standard and ability, let alone the technology (versus the situations counter part at the time in comparison to this hypothetical situation) of the Israeli special forces which conducted that raid? Because that it a laugh.

    South America is poor but not as poor and low tech as Uganda was back then, and is probably now. Besides I also doubt Thailand information ministry could handle the logistics of that kind of operation or even have any information further than what they find on a CIA web page (which is very informative).

  8. It's this kind of victimisation and trumped up charges that stopped me from ever going to the countries like Dubai.

    Every time you mentioned Dubai,what you have against Dubai.I haave ben there many times nver had a problem.Maybe it depends on the passport.

    Because Dubai is evil, and they routinely detain and put people in jail for the stupidest of things, a few good examples would be the UN official who was arrested for having poppy seeds which he had the paper work to be transporting from Afganistan (part of a UN mandate to stop the drug trafficking in that area). He was given 4 years even after the UN cleared it up, or the UK teen who last year was blood tested and found to have trace amounts of drugs in his system and he was also given 4 years. Maybe because Dubai also like to put people in prison for prescription medicines which their laws happen to be slightly different about, and by the way everyone gets 4 years... every time. Dubai sucks.



    A BRITISH man is facing a two-year sentence in a hellish Thai prison for being 'rude' to an official.

    Voice reader Simon Burrowes, from Wembley, north London, was ending a holiday with a friend when Thai authorities in Phuket airport detained him on January 31, preventing him from returning to the UK.

    Immigration officials suspected Burrowes' passport was a forgery. Speaking to The Voice via phone from Thailand, Burrowes said: "A woman at immigration was looking at my passport and then handed it to the man behind her. I was ushered to sit down whilst he took out a magnifying glass and proceeded to check my passport for half an hour," he explained.

    He was told that he was not getting on the plane and was taken to a detention centre, whilst his friend Matthew was able to fly back to the UK. Burrowes said: "I'm a black man so I'm used to getting hassle at airports, but I was shocked by this." For three weeks, the 44-year old was held with 126 men in a cramped prison cell.

    "Thai prisons are notorious for being some of the worst. There is no privacy. You go to the toilet in the open and there is no toilet paper. There were guys in there that had scabies and were next to me," said Burrowes.

    He contacted the British Consulate, who confirmed his passport was genuine. However, the disgruntled Brit claims that the Consulate should have done more, saying that they took long to react to his case.

    "I was disgusted and beside myself. People talk of them [the British Consulate] like they are the cavalry. If you have issues abroad they come charging to help. But they didn't really help me," he fumed. Burrowes was later charged with 'rude and aggressive behaviour' towards an immigration officer, a claim he denies, and was released on £2,000 bail. He must remain in Thailand until his trial begins on April 26, and his lawyer has warned he could face a two-year jail sentence.

    "I have to find some way to sustain myself financially while I am here. I went to Thailand to enjoy the land, learn the culture and spend some money. It's turned into a nightmare," he said. Burrowes is hoping that he will soon be able to fly back to the UK.

    "If they find me guilty, who knows what will happen. I met people in prison who are doing five years for having two spliffs on them. It's very difficult to hold yourself up in a Thai prison. I feel very bitter about what has happened," he said. A spokesman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London told The Voice they are

    looking into the case.

    Link to story here.

    It would appear that he swore at the immigration official, criticised Thailand & snatched his passport back, so on that basis he got what he deserved & if he does receive a prison sentence, he has only himself to blame - end of discussion. I'd just add that I've no sympathy for him whatsoever.

    For starters thats not a reason to subject any human being to a Thai prison. It sounds more like they are trying to save face by making up some lame charges. Isn't overpopulation bad enough from Thai subjects that they don't need to be taking in foreigners too.

    I don't care how he acted, its only words and a bit of snatching at the worst of it, he has been in a Thai cell while on his way home and after the passport was confirmed he should have been real released immediately. How is this even debatable, its stupid they want the expense even if he was just a bit rude, ban him from the country if he really hurt someones feeling and the government actually cares.

  9. You guys have to work for a GDS (global distribution service for hotel rooms) company before you can complain people booking electronically and not honoring their agreements. I do sales and support for a GDS company here in Asia and they usually (all) have a no show policy with some form of compensation being owed to the hotel and to the GDS provider (which is my company) and you can not understand the frustration of trying to chase these people up for the penalties they have agreed upon. We get their details name address credit card information, but of course the banks aren't going to let us charge them for something we have the legal right to do without their consent... I get 50 - 60 emails a day with no shows I am expected to chase up, ill be lucky to get 1 or 2 of those to actually pay...

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