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Posts posted by OneZero

  1. Don't know how all that other data got in the input data.

    Anyway, the owner has actually owned it more like 20 yrs since 1998 (but the calculator only went back to 2006), so instead of 125,000 income tax it will be more like 200,000.


    In actuality income tax is a sellers responsibility morally, but it is all part of the negotiation.  My ignorance of the income tax aspect and agreeing to pay half of everything (therefore including sellers income tax) was where I erorred in the negotiation.  However, the seller did not really want to sell at the agreed price, so he was probably aware of snaring me into paying half of his "income tax".  Win some, lose some.



  2. Owner is  Person
    Selling Price:
    Land Dpt. Appraizal Price:
    Occupied Date:
           --                  01         02         03         04         05         06         07         08         09         10         11         12         13         14         15         16         17         18         19         20         21         22         23         24         25         26         27         28         29         30         31                           --                  January         February         March         April         May         June         July         August         September         October         November         December                           --                  2006         2007         2008         2009         2010         2011         2012         2013         2014         2015         2016         2017         2018                   
    Transfer Date:
                   01      02      03      04      05      06      07      08      09      10      11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      20      21      22      23      24      25      26      27      28      29      30      31                                                                   January                 February                 March                 April                 May                 June                 July                 August                 September                 October                 November                 December                                                                                      2018                 2019                 2020                 2021                                                 

    Owner has registered its name in a House Registration Book (Blue Book) totally more than 1 year

    Owner has never registered or registered its name in a House Registration Book (Blue Book) less than 1 year

    Condominium or Property in Project

    Private property, not in project
    Person Owner has registered its name in a House Registration Book (Blue Book) totally more than 1 year Condominium or Property in Project
    Expenses Detail
    Transfer fee (2%) =
    * Business Tax (3.3%) =
    * Stamp Duty (0.5%) =
    25,000     occupied 12 year(s)
    * Withholding Tax =
    125,000     occupied 10year(s)
    250,000  baht ***
  3. In the  sales & purchase contract I have agreed to pay 50% of All closing costs at land office. My mistake.  One of the closing costs is "Income Tax", which should be solely a sellers responsibility if one looks at it from a moral responsibility only.  The calculation of this sellers "Income Tax" is rather convoluted based partly upon years of ownership & what all else I'm not sure (The seller happens to be a Maj General & is quite rich, but I'm not sure of that impact).  In any event this sellers "Income Tax" alone has added 200,000 thb alone to the land office costs, of which I have to pay half.  The 2% transfer tax on the 5 million thb condo is 100,000 thb.  Transfer tax (100,000 thb) + income tax (200,000 thb) = 300,000 thb so I'll be paying approx 150,000 thb.   It's the "Income Tax" variable which in some cases can make the land office cost very expensive, even if one is not obligated to pay the "Business Tax" (for a sale prior to 5 years ownership). 

    Live & learn.

  4. I'm not sure if it varies from one location to another, but this question pertains to purchase of condo in Jomtien (Pattaya land office).


    Assuming a condo has been owned for at least 5 years, what are the various % Pattaya land office charges to transfer title (as a percentage of at least the land offices minimum evaluation of a particular condo bldg)?


    Specifics: I am buying a Jomtien condo that has been owned by seller far longer than 5 years  I'm told that the land office has a minimum valuation for this bldg of 40,000 thb / square meter (m2).  Seller & I will split land office charges 50/50.  


    I have long been under the assumption that the various % charges the Pattaya land office makes will sum up to a bit over 3% of evaluation (assuming it has been owned longer that 5 years). 

    Real estate agent says I don't need to go to land office if I give power of attorney.  Real estate agent also says that in the case described (seller has owned at least 5 years) the charges will be closer to 7% rather than the 3+% that I was assuming. 


    My suspicions have been raised.  Can anyone provide advice?

  5. Immigration could solve all this by issuing queue tickets for the next day when they run out. I wonder what could stop them from doing this.

    Lack of initiative.


    Ask the "5 Why's" ** to get to the root cause(s) of a problem.  In this case we don't even have to ask 5 times.


    Why #1:  Immigration could solve all this by issuing queue tickets for the next day when they run out.

                     I wonder what could stop them from doing this?

    Answer:   Lack of initiative.


    Why #2:   Why the lack of initiative?

    Answer:   Lack of kickback from the visa service companies.

    Stop.        The root cause of the problem has been identified.


    **"The 5 Whys is a technique used in the Analyze phase of the Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) methodology. ... By repeatedly asking the question “Why” (five is a good rule of thumb), you can peel away the layers of symptoms which can lead to the root cause of a problem."

    "5 Whys. 5 Whys is an iterative interrogative technique used to explore the cause-and-effect relationships underlying a particular problem. ... Not all problems have a single root cause. If one wishes to uncover multiple root causes, the method must be repeated asking a different sequence of questions each time."

  6. Quote: "I recently moved to Chiang Rai from Chonburi. When I was registering at the Immigration Office, the lady made it quite plain that I need to do a report every time I leave the province."




    I think perhaps that based on what you wrote perhaps there was some mis-communication / misunderstanding between question and answer.  Orperhaps between what "The Book" says & what is actually implemented for practical purposes.


    I'm willing to bet that if you get yourself a yellow book in Chiang Rai, then CR Immigration won't even demand the 24 hr TM30 garbage even if you have returned from overseas.  They haven't given me a problem when I wait 90 days after return from overseas to show up (to do the 90 day report) without even making any mention of a TM30. It just could be because I immediately lead off by handing them the yellow book when I shown up & they ask if my address has changed & I say "No".  Or, perhap  I've just been lucky.

  7. 1 hour ago, sceadugenga said:

    There's a sign on the counter, yesterday it was the last officer as you come in the door with the counter to your left.

    I took a number and she asked me for it.

    OK, glad they have a notice for the 90 day desk now.  My experience where it was not noticable (at least to me at the time) was dated 12March, but I failed to mention that in my post above & afterwards I was not able to get back into "edit" to clarify my post.  

    • Like 2
  8. 7 hours ago, sceadugenga said:

    I had a completely painless 90 day report today, parked near the door, actually sat down for a few minutes before realising they had a officer doing 90 days exclusively.

    5 minutes.


    I took a number upon entering & sat down for 45 minutes before I realized that there were people without numbers (the number clock was not moving) proceeding to see this one officer.  After watching this for awhile I realized she was doing 90 day reports.  45 minutes wasted not a big deal & I had a coffee.

    But I thought to myself that they should have put some sort of notice up alerting folks to this.  Also, probably should also the have  separate numbers for the 90 day report (vs all other business) to avoid potential conflict over who gets served next. 

    Overall I'm very happy with the service at CR Immigration because I've seen what Chiang Mai Immiration is like.  The following links address Chiang mai Immigration, not CR Immigration:

    The first link is a post of someone arriving at 0200 (2 am) to ensure they could accomplish their visa renewal that day.  The second link I have also copied what the poster wrote about Chiang mai Immigration.



    Simoh asked:
    My wife asked me last night why she couldn't represent herself to Immigration as an agent and act on my behalf, much in the same way that my existing established agent does. I didn't have a good answer for her other than she didn't have any contacts at Immigration, although I reckon that developing them shouldn't be difficult. The benefits potentially are reduced fees and improved turnaround, over and above a farang walk-in. Thoughts?
    Nancy had a good description of the CM Immigration situation:
    Nancy replied:
    Your wife can definitely "represent" you at Immigration and for some matters she wouldn't even need a Power of Attorney document (with tax stamps) that is required of visa agents.  For example, I often submit 90 day reports for my husband at Immigration at the same time I submit mine, but it is one of the Immigration matters that one doesn't have to do in person.
    However, if your wife starts to handle immigration matters for others besides you, she'll find herself in the same position as others I've talked with.  She'll be called into Immigration for a "discussion".  One travel agent in our neighborhood was called in thought she was going to be told to stop doing what she was doing.  Instead, she was told what she was expected to submit to Immigration for each service: 3000 baht for a one year visa extension, 10,000 baht for a visa conversion, 300 baht for a 90 day report, etc.  When she protested that she didn't charge that much for her services, she was told to raise her fees.  In exchange, she could use the special visa-agent desk on the second floor and not have to wait in the queue before dawn.  A restaurant owner I know who sometimes helps her regular elderly expat customers with visa matters had the same type of meeting.  
    OK, did they record these meetings?  Did they get anything in writing?  Of course not.  Are they corrupt?  No, they're just trying to help their customers.  Who is the corrupt one here?  
    All this "evidence" has been submitted and reported to the appropriate channels.  As with the editor of CityLife and her planned rally about the air quality, when the reports went up the ladder what happened?  They chose to punish the messenger.  This is old news from 2016-2017 and I came very close to leaving Thailand because of it.  
    Things have moderately improved at Immigration, but the "pricing structure" remains.  I'm no longer in a leadership position at CM Expats Club, all I do is assist some elderly expats with health issues from time-to-time, so my mandate is less clear.  I stay away from Immigration now and merely observe from afar, mainly by monitoring this forum. 
    I'm not "anti-visa agents".  They serve a valuable purpose and can be very helpful for some people.  I'm anti-corruption.i.e. the way that the previous head of CM Immigration structured the office to deliberately make it difficult to navigate to drive customers to using visa agents. 
  9. After going to the Tuesday & Friday Buakow market & seeing how cheap 2nd hand clothes can be I'd guess that the vendors are getting this stuff ultra cheap by the container load; and based upon the sizing of shirts & jackets perhaps from a foreign country.  I doubt they will pay much for anything.  Better to gain some goodwill and give away what you no longer need.

    • Like 1
  10. My AJ Amplifier is not recently putting out sound.  All wires appear to be connected ok & amplifier appears to capture FM channels ok, even noting strength of signal (see picture).  But no sound from radio or DVD inputs.  Numchai said they don't work on AJ amplifier.  Perhaps I need a small shop type electronic repair handyman.  Any ideas?

    AJ Amplifier.jpg

  11. Give it a try at the other office.  Let us know what happens. 

    We all want to know the truth & what shenanigans may be occurring.  I know there are restrictions against just using any province convenient to do a retirement renewal.  I have had to contend with that myself.  But I have not heard of a full 90 day wait to evidence / prove it's a sincere change of province. 

    Let us know what you find out.


  12. 4 hours ago, frodo77 said:

    Well after reading all the positive comments, I was looking forward to renewing my retirement visa this morning. I was told that I have to have been here for 90 days before I can do it. Apart from the young girl where you get your ticket number, the 2 ladies next to her were very adamant about this rule and not at all friendly. I was very polite and smartly dressed. This appears to be a local rule. So far I am not impressed with this office. Now I have to return to Chonburi at extra expense just because some local official has made this rule.

    I doubt very much that it was "some local official has made this rule".    So in this case , I would suggest reserving your anger for head office Immigration bureaucrats, unless you have evidence of local lack of incentive to improve poor quality administrative performance for customers (as has seemed to exist in Chiang Mai for years).


    For years I have found it aggravating, while on holiday in another province, to have to return to "Home Province" to do such administrative headaches.  People wanting to buy used vehicles advertised in another province may also have paperwork headaches if all the "T"s are not crossed correctly and the seller doesn't accompany the buyer to the Transport Office.


    Speculation:  There could be a fair number of folks hoping to avoid the potential long waits at the notoriously potentially poor service Immigration Offices (Hint again: Chiang Mai) who hope to get things done in Chiang Rai while on a road trip (that may have been disguised to not appear to be solely a road trip).  Just speculation (and my suspicious nature) of course.  On the other hand, perhaps just typical head office bureaucratic requirements that ignore the convenience of customers.

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