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Posts posted by OneZero

  1. 10 hours ago, Ryder88 said:

    Yes thankyou ...I just saw them online...I wrote them and said i would GLADLY  give them a generous donation

    Speak to Fohn at Santisook Cat Shelter Doi Saket 081-638-2105.  She is burdened now with so many to take care of that she has had to refuse further adoptions except for neuter and return.  However, considering your departure to London next week she may be able to make an exception.  Yes, please make a donation.  Appreciate your concern.

  2. 14 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

     Meng La is off limits now.  Apparently there are factions shooting at each other up there at the Chinese border.  At any given time, there are about 5 armed battles going on at various places in Burma.  


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    Burma Army Raids Kasung Village

    28 August 2017

    Kachin State, Burma


    On August 11th the Burma Army launched an unprovoked attack against civilians in Kasung Village, west of Myitkyina, Kachin State. At 1100 Burma Army soldiers began to mortar the village. At 1130 the indirect fire ceased and 200 Burma Army ground troops raided the village, spraying rifle fire at fleeing villagers. Kasung Village has no active Kachin Independence Army (KIA) installations nor military significance. One villager was killed and numerous villagers were injured by beatings from the soldiers.  The Burma Army units involved in the raid were Light Infantry Battalions (LIB) 381 and 384 under MOC-3, headed by Tactical Operation Commander Colonel Aung Than Htwe.

    The villagers fled into the jungle surrounding the village during the assault. A villager named Mr. Lamau Awng Nu was shot and killed and other villagers were injured and captured.  A school teacher and eleven other villagers unable to escape were held captive for two days before the army left them.  The soldiers also killed multiple cattle and a pig, which they subsequently ate.  Most homes were looted.   After the Burma Army had taken the village it proceeded to fire into the surrounding tree line, forcing any villagers that had lingered into displacement.

    Following the assault locals attempted to help stranded villagers, yet the Burma Army stopped them from assisting until August 13th.  Once the Burma Army withdrew, locals and religious groups began helping their people.  More than 1000 people were displaced during this assault against a civilian population.  On the 22nd villagers began to return to their homes.

    KasungVillageMap.pngKasungVillageMap.pngKasungVillageMap.pngLove one another Unite for freedom, justice and peace, Forgive and do not hate each other, Pray with faith, Act with courage, Never surrender

    The Free Burma Rangers’ (FBR) mission is to provide hope, help and love to internally displaced people inside Burma, regardless of ethnicity or religion. Using a network of indigenous field teams, FBR reports on human rights abuses, casualties and the humanitarian needs of people who are under the oppression of the Burma Army. FBR provides medical, spiritual and educational resources for IDP communities as they struggle to survive Burmese military attacks.

    For more information, please visit www.freeburmarangers.org

    © 2017 Free Burma Rangers | Contact FBR

    To unsubscribe from this email list, please respond to this email with the word REMOVE in the subject line, or send email to [email protected].

  3. 47 minutes ago, ThaiBob said:

    The new construction ends before the Rabbit Resort. The beach concessions with sunbeds are open and waiting your friends arrival. Many of the concessions have Rabbit menus so they can order food. The beach is closed on Wednesdays. 

    My guess is that you meant to say that the  sun bed venders are NOT allowed to set up on Wed & Thurs.  I doubt that the beach is closed (blocked off) from people walking along it or sitting on the sand.

  4. On 6/16/2017 at 1:58 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

    Why is there no line to Chiang Mai from Nong Kai?


    Isn't the line to Rayong superfluous because it is so near Bangkok.


    IN MY OPINION look beyond Rayong to Cambodia in the future and nothing to Chiang Mai because it's about the Chinese going to Bkk and through Thailand to Malaysia, not to make transport better for Thais.



    Recent emphasis upon / pushing the build up of "Eastern Economic Corridor" (EEC).

  5. 20 hours ago, harrry said:

    The wat is better known as Wat Phra Non..as it has a reclining budah.  It is very near me so PM me if you want any further help.  The driveway is near one which goes to a tutoring school.

    The YMCA is one of the better courses of Thai.  Either at the city location or north of the river.  Be warned.  Learning thai will help you but older people here do not speak it well as they still speak Northern Thai.


    Thank you Harry, for proving that posts can be helpful without displaying your superiority.

  6. Where to buy in Chiang Mai?

    It has been suggested as one ingredient in an anti mosquito & flea mix for cats.  "My recipe for cats is very similar to the one for dogs. Mix 8 ounces of pure water with 4 ounces of organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, plus 10 drops of neem oil and 10 drops of catnip oil. Cats and essential oils can be tricky, so we want to leave essential oils out of the kitty recipe."


    Neem oil is a vegetable oil pressed from the fruits and seeds of the neem (Azadirachta indica), an evergreen tree which is endemic to the Indian subcontinent and has been introduced to many other areas in the tropics. It is the most important of the commercially available products of neem for organic farming and medicines.


  7. 17 hours ago, Sambotte said:

    Thanks for the info. A local friend told me about the DCondo. Have to check the two other too.

    And according to another poster, Absolute Condo north the river.

    And Condotel : will check too, the website says :

    1st Month 28,000 THB
    2nd Month 18,000 THB
    3rd Month 10,000 THB


    Chiang Rai look pretty nice and relax. I was for years in Chiang Mai too, and it's quite different here, more friendly/less tourist oriented, and less pollution !!! It's smaller, less traffic and diesel, and not in a small valley with no wind. Have very positive experience here... well, since two days only :)

    Those condotel internet prices are insanely rediculous.  Whoever is asking that is dreaming and there is much for far less.  Why don't you send an email to John Ellis that has many very nice rooms to rent on a monthly basis.  [email protected]

  8. On 21/03/2017 at 1:00 AM, dcnx said:

    I'm in Chiang Mai. Probably will return to Colombia within in next year or two if things work out. I enjoy Thailand and have been here for a while but the pollution, terror on the roads, and the fact that it's moving backwards and not forwards, is enough for me to not want to grow old here. I'm in my early 40s, so the thought of living here for 30 or 40 more years sounds like a nightmare. Immigration check-in every 90 days for the next couple of decades, no thanks.  


    Expats don't leave Thailand for many reasons, geographical location of another place isn't generally one of them. Being stuck, having a limited budget, having a Thai family, or just too lazy to move, are a few. I fall into the lazy category. Such a move is a big ordeal, especially with a business here. Otherwise, I would have gone back a long time ago.


    There is quite a large expat community in both Colombia and Ecuador. Cost of living is just like here, it depends on your lifestyle. You can do it cheap or live lavishly. Visas... there are options and work arounds for long term stays, just like here. 


    If you're an anti-social drunk, prefer sitting in a beer bar all day, or simply enjoy the chaos of Asia, I don't recommend the move. Thailand is perfect for those types. But normal gents would find it quite nice and a change of pace after being here for a while. A better place to have a family perhaps, and for sure better schools, safer roads, and cleaner air. If that stuff is important to you. But like you said, this is just my opinion. Those things matter to me more now than ever. 


    Speaking of Columbia:



  9. 1 hour ago, ezzra said:


    Ever the price maker, the PM over look one thing, why would you want

    any submarine at all? let alone 3 of them, they cost a fortune to run

    and maintain, and Thailand doesn't have enough enemies to warrant

    having subs... but hey, he's not the man to pass on a bargain....

    To say nothing of making a deal with the devil trying to gain manipulative influence (spare parts, overhaul, expertise, joint training) over Thai military in the future.


    The stated mission: Neighboring countries already have subs.  How rediculous.  

    Where is the sense of priorities ?


  10. 2 hours ago, Denim said:

    I an eye test or even two from opticians then take the prescription with me to Chinatown and get half a dozen sets of glasses at a time ......40 baht a pair and just as good as glasses I've paid over a thousand baht for.


    Maybe as the OP mentions , if you are on the computer a lot and your face is too close to the screen then this could be the culprit. Give up using the computer for everything but essential work for a week and see if things improve.

    Good points, thanks for posting Demin. Headaches are recent though, so it's probably time for an eye test and a new pair of glasses, preferably with anti-glare coating. I just don't want to spend a fortune on frames again, that's all.



    Also see if you see any improvement in the headaches after the March bad air (actually possibly mid Fe4b - Mid Apr) is gone.

  11. I know that it is possible to change the condo fiscal year to run 01Oct - 30Sep, as long as owners have approved it at an AGM/EGM.   In order to defend such actions legitimacy at an upcoming EGM, I need the following information / specific references to condo law / regulation that I can reference to refute our condo JP claim that it is illegal to make such a fiscal year change.


    1. Can the AGM vote for change be confirmed by a simple majority show of attendees hands, or is a certain percentage of floorspace required (25%, 33%, 50%, etc).

    2. What followup actions by condo representatives (JP, committee, mgr, accountant, etc) are necessary to legally register the change with government office(s).



    At a recent AGM at my Chiang Rai condo we were scheduled for a vote to change the fiscal year dates.  One owner asked the JP if it was ok to make such a change.  BTW, the condo pays this JP only 5,000 thb per month, and that may have a bearing on his replies.  The JP initially replied that it was too difficult to do because it required coordination with and inspection visits by several government agencies (which he refused to name).  I replied that my condo in Jomtien had already done so without referencing any great difficulties, and I requested the JP to elaborate on what he considered such great difficulties.  The JP hummed & hawed a bit, and then pulled out a pocket phone from which he read supposed condo law stating that the condo fiscal year must run from 01Jan - 31Dec, and can not be changed.  He went on to state that my condo in Jomtien had therefore acted illegally.  Attendees at the AGM could not refute the JP,  so decided not to vote on the issue now (AGM) but to wait until such time as someone can provide proof that the JP's hasty anwear was either wrong or not the full story.  I was the one tasked with obtaing answears to the questions I am asking above.  If I can come up with specific references that justify the legitimacy of a fiscal year change, and specific actions that need to be accomplished, we could then take a vote, if still desired, at an upcoming EGM already being planned to decide other issues.  


    Further Background:

    My condo in Pattaya did it years ago but the new mgt there is under administrative fire from owners (for other reasons) and is not interested in being responsive to my current queries.  

    Evidence that other condos have done this is shown by the following tv link / thread: 


  12. 6 hours ago, SoilSpoil said:

    How bad is the smog so far this year? 

    Mountains in distance not clear like in January; but weather up here supposedly not as polluted this year.  However, for the past 2 weeks I've had a never ending cough & mild headaches which I'm 100% sure is related to the underlying small particles in bad air.  Same thing happens to me every March up here.

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  13. 3 hours ago, MadMac said:

    You miss the point here, immigration is not a private company (well in CM they may be), but a government office. And they need to follow rules and laws. Don't know why it works everywhere else in the country, but not in CM. 

     I may not have been as clear as I should have been, sorry about that.  I do get your point, and I couldn't agree with you more.


    Those using G4T for whatever reason, should not be criticized for doing so (Who wants to get in a line at 0500).  

    But neither should those using G4T put on blinders as to CM Immigrations failure to  emulate benchmark quality procedures set up at other Immigration offices (e.g., Jomtien); and the supposed connection between CM Immigration and G4T (even if some would argue that point). 

  14. 8 hours ago, Trujillo said:

    What baseless accusations? 


    My understanding is that the owner of the agency is associated with immigration in a "higher office" position.

    The poorer immigration works, the better business for the agency. 

    Man the repititious debate on a couple issues in these threads goes on endlessly doesn't it.


    If I had to use CM Immigration I would also use G4t to make my life easier.  So, despite disliking the reason (poor service) for feeling compelled to turn to G4T for assistance, we should respect other people's right to use G4T to make their life easier also.


    But those who defend CM Immigration's drawn out failure, & apparant lack of incentive, to improve their extremely poor service, should also  respect other peoples right to call a spade a spade.   


    In most organizations creating streamlined quality procedures is considered commendable and for a business increases customers & revenue.  For CM Immigration it's just reverse.  Ignoring poor quality service drives customers to G4T, thereby increasing revenue.

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