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Posts posted by marsteele

  1. http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article4218844.ab

    Two Burmese fishermen from a sunken Thai fishing boat, are saved by the Australien Coast Guard.

    They drifted for 25 days in a large ice container after the Thai fishing boat they worked on sunk.

    Location, Torres straight of Queensland, Australia.

    It is believed that 11 others are still missing in the shark rich water.

    They survived by drinking rain water and eating fish.

    Given the current economic crisis it was the only form of transport they could afford. There is serious concerns about their story. The fact that they were in fairly good health when found is a concern. According to the manufacturer of the ice chest a Cairns based company in north queensland there is no way this container could have possibly stayed upright.

    How did the 2 manage to stay awake standing up for 25 days? The moment they fell asleep the flat bottomed square chest would have toppled over and quickly filled with water and sunk even in flat calm seas.

  2. I do wonder why many of the complainers, who against better judgement still like to stay in Thailand.

    A few of their complaints.

    Expensive, cheating women, border runs, idiot people, idiot government, foreigner unfriendly, the list is almost endlessly.

    Why many of them buried themselves in some remote Island village or in Pattaya or some touristic place overwhelmed by tourists.

    For myself I used to live in an 24/7 vibrant international metropolitan town, with all the possibilities of London, New York or Paris, like shopping, dining out and a rich cultural life who is hardly to match even in Bangkok. And yes all kind of female relationships is also not an problem and is also widely available.There are a lot of mature attractive and available women over here for people my age with no hassles at all.

    I live an comfortable life and have no problems(financially or legally) what so ever back home, and I can benefit from an excellent health care and social services of all kind for the senior citizens, what is not provided in Thailand.

    Therefore its an enigma why some people moving to Thailand.

    So why I will move to Thailand.

    1- I'm a retiree and have no children or family,and my wife (senior citizen also) like to spend the winter or her life next to her family that she did miss for more than 30 years. And whom am I to deny her that little happiness.

    2-Despite the strong baht, life is still less expensive than back home and I will have an indexed pension that meet the wage of an Thai higher management wage. So I can have just that little bit extra luxury more than back home.

    3- I have no Thai family who i have to support (very important reason, because I don't like to be an walking ATM).

    4- I'm still in good health and my wife give me my personal freedom :o

    5- I have no urge to go to Pattaya (never been there) or other tourist places

    6- I can stay in Bangkok, can not imaging staying in some village in Isan or up North.

    7- Don't need to hang around and listen to whining and complaining expats in some beer bar, or to there fantasy stories about how well off the are and about there cheating Thai girlfriends.

    8- I'm coming already 30 years to the country, so I know the loopholes and dangers. I'm coming with an realistic view and false expectations and prepared myself for more than 10 years before making the decision.

    I open up, and tell frankly about my personal reasons for staying in LOS.

    So come on guys what are your real reasons why you stay in Thailand, lets call a spade a spade and tell us frankly.

    I would ask you kindly to stay on the topic, because otherwise it will become the same boring whining and complaining comments as usual and that will benefit nobody.

    I stay in thailand because I simply love the place, the culture, weather, food and the most lovely people in the world. My loving true faithful wife and my son. I simply can not find a thing to complain about about this country. Never been to Bangkok or the southern tourist hub or sex spots such as Pattaya and have urge to do so. I live in Chiangmai a beautiful peaceful quiet area with wonderful people.

  3. Hey I'm in Chiang Mai and next month I have to do the visarun for my next 3 months non-im-o.icon2.gif

    Reading the older threads , they sometimes check if you have enough cash (10.000 to 20.000B), is that still the case now (Jan 09)?

    So I need 3 photo's and photocopy for passport and 10$ or 500 B?

    No tea money like the @@sholes at the Laos border?icon7.gif

    Still desciding whether to go to Mae Sai or take the leasurly cruise to Sadao, with the low gas price, it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg.icon1.gif

    Is the town or market far from the border?

    Is parking on the Thai side safe for the car?


    I live in chiangmai and have done the border run a number of times. Never had to have 3 photo's or copy of passport. Just go through immigration cross the river pay your 500 baht turn around and go back to thai can take just 10 minutes.

    Mae Sai is right on the border with markets on both sides of the river. Be prepared to be mobbed on the Burma side tho by hawkers.

    As for carparking it is secure and will cost you about 40 baht. Drive down the left side of the border gates and you will be directed into one of the carparks.

  4. My thai girl and I have been talking about moving up to Chiang Mai, and I would like to ask you where is the the best location to bye a house? I want it to be close to downtown, but still it has to be a quiet secured village. I ask because I just dont now where Hang Dong, Doi Saket and Bo Sang is, so can you help?

    Take a look here:http://classifieds.thaivisa.com/real-estate/houses-for-sale/classified-chiang-mai.html

    My thai wife and I live in San Sai where we built our home about 18 months ago in a new village. San sai is well located and about 10 minutes from everything city major shoppping centres. Also she works for a local real estate agent (Jasmine Homes) which is owned and operated by an english guy. So I am sure if you have any questions she should be able to help.

  5. Laziness pure & simple.

    I am sure the ER are full of these stupid inconsiderate selfish jerks.

    Pass the test? You must be kidding !!!! There is no "test".

    I think lack of education, rather than stupidity or laziness, is the problem.

    No one has taught the Thais road awareness or road safety so they just follow the herd in repeating this accepted practice.

    yes I think the road rules are just guide not meant to be adhered to. well now after 2 years I just close my eyes and put the foot down.

  6. there are or were a few things that annoyed me. 1st when driving a car and I signal my intention to turn left and have to wait for all the the motor bikes to pass me on the left because they apparently have no idea what a left hand turn signal means or they can't figure out how to pass you on the right. 2nd all those road blocks on the highways every 50kms or so that you don't see until you come around a bend at 120 kph and they are not even staffed. All the police are taking a nap on the side of the road. 3rd the whistle blowers in every carpark you go to why does everyone need a whistle.

  7. been here 2 years is there something that should be happening to me?

    Yes, you should taste like chicken.

    oh ok I will ask my wife and let you know

    If she says you taste foul, then you have the answer. :o

    so if she says so that means I have turned thai?


    well I guess the answer to the original question is yes I am turning thai.

  8. been here 2 years is there something that should be happening to me?

    Yes, you should taste like chicken.

    oh ok I will ask my wife and let you know

    If she says you taste foul, then you have the answer. :o

    so if she says so that means I have turned thai?

  9. You can get a pretty decent quality of meat in Thailand and I don't think ours is really any better. HOWEVER, I don't eat beef so that might be an area where our quality trumps that of Thailand.

    :o And yes it is always better when it is cooked to suit Thai tastes.

    yeah well beef would be one of the meats that australian quality is far superior to thai.

    well generally thais don't eat beef.

  10. we have a lot of thai restuarants in Melbourne with very few run by thai people and those that you do find do not cook authentic thai all the receipes are modified to suit western tastes. I am married to a thai in chiangmai and we laugh when we hear farangs in restuarants complain about the food in thailand and say they can get better thai food back home. Most westerners would not know the difference between thai, chinese or malay food.

  11. Police said investigations revealed the incident might have stemmed from arguments over McLeod's alleged involvement with a Thai woman.

    hang on a minute .. dont start blaming the thai women for this.. they get blamed for everything....

    Who's blaming Thai women for this? This is all the fault of the murdering husband. I think what was meant was that the husband's involvement with a Thai woman -probably as much or more junior in age to him as he was to his wife- was no great shock. Thai women are often lovely, and some kids can't resist a candy store.

    My husband finds Asian women unattractive, except for the stunning beauties in Chiang Mai. Notice that we will be living in Korat. :o

    yes the women in chiangmai are stunning that is why I married one. She is only 2 years yonger than me.

  12. Besides Tesco/Carrefour, is there any other places in Bangkok with a good varied range of rice cookers worth recommending?

    I browsed Tesco/Carrefour today, the range was limited, basically just the cheapo large 10 cup cookers. I cook for myself so a 3-5 cup cooker is more practical. Maybe Zojirushi or Tiger rice cookers are available in Bangkok?

    Thanks in-advance

    tell me where I can get rice in thailand and I will tell you where you can get a cooker...

  13. I don't miss western food all that much, but occasionally I do feel like starting the day with one of my favourite cereals from another place. I always keep an eye on the cereals in the various supermarket we go to here, but it's always wither fairly brutal-looking mueslis or the type of dyed confectionary that I imagine must appeal to north Americans. There is a european product I have tried called 'Weetabix' (I think), but it was a little too much like compressed sawdust for my liking.

    Anyway, lo and behold, I was in Rim Ping Supermarket the other day (the one near the Pimuk housing estates). I was looking for Xmas pudding and the like, but while striding down the aisles my eye caught the familiar colours of several boxes of Sanitarium Weetbix. The real deal. Many varieties too.

    Oh and they did have puddings too (2 sizes), fruit mince pies (looked good) and various other festive treats.

    Merry Xmas!

    Yep is a good supermarket. Can even get a four & twenty pie. Must have my vegemite on toast tho for breakfast.

  14. the thai women knew exactly what they were going to do so they were not vunerable and would be doing the same in oz as in thailand no doubt.

    That may or may not be true. What we have to understand is that a lot of these ladies in thailand would not be doing this sort of thing if they had a choice. Many come from very poor villages with little or no education and have strong family values. They do this sort of thing to support thier parents who are to old to work and try to provide a better life for thier children. This monster would have promised them large amounts of money and a great lifestyle. In reality he was using them for his own personal gain and he alone would have been making the money. They would have received a pitence for their work, thier passports would have been taken from them, they would have been living in sub standard accomadation and supplied with the bare nessecities of life. No medical coverage because they would have been working in an illeagle brothel. They would not have received the funds to send back home to parents and family because they were sex slaves. Yes they were vulnerable to the promises of wealth. It has happened before. The man is a monster and I feel sorry for the women. If they knew the truth they would never have gone.

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