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Posts posted by marsteele

  1. I'm looking for some place in Chiang Mai with a good selection of seeds for vegetables and fruit trees. I'm also looking for fruit trees such as yellow lemons, avocados, oranges, etc. I did check out most of the Kamthieng Flower Market next to Tesco, but it was mainly flowers, plants and decorative trees. Didn't see what I'm looking for. Thanks in advance.

    Did you check out the whole place ? Even the shops on the left hand side (when coming from the back entrance of Lotus) ?

    Because they've got lots of fruit trees. Moreover they can order what they don't have.

    Checked most of the place, but of course I probably missed the one spot where they have the stuff. Thanks

    Be careful when buying garden supplies there. Very expensive compared to other places you can save thousands of baht by shopping around. A local thai friend put me in touch with some smaller nurseries in the Sansai area one 3rd of the cost and better quality.

  2. sad indeed. If the person was scottish, or shall we say canadian, in a traffic accident, would I get an alert in my email?

    well maybe if the person had friends who cared about him/her and took the time to post it here then YES you would be notified.

    Nationality is not the issue. This person has died and people have the oppertunity to say a few kind words.

    If you don't like people to show respect keep it to yourself.

  3. I did not know Colin, but May he rest in Peace. My condolences to all his friends and Family.

    And to those that would try to make this into a "Falang At Fault" and "Falang will Pay" scenario, please lets wait until something to that effect has been reported. Let the Family and friends grieve first before you start throwing Jabs. JMHO.

    regardless who is at fault a person has died and my condolences to his family. From what I read he was just a down to earth sort of bloke who had built a life here in thai. RIP mate even tho I never knew you..

  4. Thanks for the comments. I expected some negatives but let it ride.

    I think most so far have grasped the situation. Thank you for taking the time to read it and for replying.

    If I thought it best for my son to remain in Thailand within a stable enlarged family group then I would put his interests first (as I always do) and just visit as often as possible. Unfortunately, that is not possible. The extended family are poor and whilst there is nothing wrong with that at all, they are also lazy, lack the knowledge to observe basic hygiene etc.

    Any money they receive sees them waste it immediately. No new clothes are bought, no repairs made to the houses, no advancement of any kind. It all goes on nothing I can see except partying, paying back money borrowed (only to be borrowed again) and used to get themselves into more debt. Work or business is the last thing on their mind. Kids run around without nappies, fouling whenever and wherever. Shoes are hardly worn yet the dirt paths are riddled with broken glass, cigarette buts and all kinds of things. No children have been to a dentist or have a full set of inoculations. It is no place I bet any one of you would leave their child, even for one night. Yet that is where my son would most likey be dumped.

    Please make any suggestions. I will not be offended, I am grateful for the comments.

    I am not sure about the UK but when I got my son's Aussie passport both parents had to sign a declaration on the application giving each party permission to take the child abroad. I do not think you would have to many problems if you used his UK passport to leave the country and as he is a UK citizen I do not think you would have to many problems gaining full custody there. Niether her or her family would go to Scotland to fight the case.

  5. Hi, here are a list of things I have had no luck finding in Thailand.

    1. Is there a regularly updated list of english-speaking Thai TV programs available on the internet? I know there are some English news reports on NBT.

    2. Are there any good tea stores (That sell more than the usual Chinese teas.) in Bangkok - like T2 in Australia?

    3. Are there any good music stores in Bangkok that sell a large selection of western music - particularly alternative music or even Australian rock?

    4. What is the best sreet directory of thailand. I notice taxi drivers here don't even carry anything and are always asking the passenger for directions (crazy!), if only google could print out there maps for taxi drivers in every country they would make a fortune :o

    4. Also on my hit list of things to buy are outdoor sensor lights, those cheap sprinker systems that have thin long protruding stems and sprinkler heads running a lenght of tube buried underground and hooked up to your home water tap, and finally a timer to set off the sprinkler system at a particular time of day.

    Thanks in advance!

    You forgot VEGEMITE

  6. I had my best Thai beef ever two days ago. I'd bought some frozen rib eye steaks from Macro in Buriram. I defrosted them firstly outside the fridge then inside all day. Seasoned with just a little salt and some pepper and into a hot pan. 4 steaks, not much fat and a little over 3 minutes one side then 1 or 2 minutes the other. About 1.5cm thick. All 4 steaks great. Cooked medium rare but left in a minute as the pan cooled to finish off.

    Price was about Bt200 or Bt300 for 6 steaks.

    98% of all other Thai beef I have had has been shit.

    You can buy excellent aussie beef at most of the supermarkets although it is frozen. Cheaper than you can by in Australia

  7. It seems to work well for me as after-shave lotion.

    Now is there any place I can buy one in Bangkok?

    Yes, at Emporium shopping centre and MBK, but expensive there. Curiously its also sold at many airport duty free shops. Look for the one with the merino sheep symbol, -thats the wool producing the best lanolin.

    I go back to Australia once a month just for 2 days and each time I take an order for this product from my thai friends and bring it back. Give to them what is costs me there about 80 baht a jar. cheaper than at duty free stores you get ripped off there.

  8. I agree.... IS Baby Shop behind Carrefour is the best in the city. They also can order a lot more things than they carry. So, if there's a particular brand of something that you want, just ask them.

    Yep dido that's where we go best in chiangmai but still not huge compared to stores you will find overseas.

  9. My wife works for a frarang here in Chiangmai and I am aware that there will be a reception position opening up in the near future. I requirement is being able to read and speak english. I can not be to specific as it is not my position but I can make some inquiries as I am also friends with her employer. Oh yes I am an expat aussie as well

  10. When I read these stories it terrifies me. I have never used drugs, but the thought of a false positive, and subsequently being sent to the woefully overcrowded Phuket Provincial Prison for who knows how long scares the hel_l out of me. From where I am from, this blatant violation of personal liberty would be unconscionable.

    Have to try and keep all those bloody tourists out of Thailand somehow everything else hasn't worked.

  11. Yes I have to agree with you... I think most people understand that the Thai culture revolves around respect. A simple smile smile and a bow will get you a long way in thailand. Some of these arrogant tourists should learn a little about other cultures before travelling...

    Did he swear at the woman who told him his nations passport standards are even lower than cambodias and laos - in a country that revolves around respect?

    'a simple bow will get you a long way' you say - so you must show your subservience to them to boost their insecurities in order to get by or its off to prison?

    Respect is a two way street - the imig peoples comments have shown that lack it.

    I guess you don't rely understand the thai people or the culture. Thais will treat you with great respect if you treat them the same way. I have been living in thailand for near on 3 years and come and go on a monthly basis through immigration always found them polite and respectful. I feel this arrogant guy has jacked them up a great deal from the start. If you want to see rude arrogant immigration officials go to Australia the thais are sweet angels compared to those in aussie land

    I've lived here a lot longer than 3 years - please do not throw your silly lines at me! You may not agree with my opinion but please no not tell me what i do and do not understand - 3 years and coming and going on a monthly visa you clearly dont know so very much yourself.

    Nobody is saying that this guy was sensible, but he is a stupid tourist that is suffering because of the egos of an imig official - common sense and thailand suffers most.

    I wouldn't blame it on the ego's of the immigration officials, they are not paid to be abused or insulted same as a baker or butcher is not paid to be abused. The silly idot simply failed the attitude test. As a police officer for over 20 years we used the attitude test everyday. A simple traffic offence could have seen you drive away with a warning or find yourself in a cell. The more abuse you became the more charges you faced. Thai immigration did nothing more to him than I would not have done they just can raise the bar a little further. If he didn't know when to shut up I say good on them let him push it to the limit which he did and he lost. No pity for him should be 10 years no time for people who abuse government officials who are simply doing a difficult job.

  12. Yes I have to agree with you... I think most people understand that the Thai culture revolves around respect. A simple smile smile and a bow will get you a long way in thailand. Some of these arrogant tourists should learn a little about other cultures before travelling...

    Did he swear at the woman who told him his nations passport standards are even lower than cambodias and laos - in a country that revolves around respect?

    'a simple bow will get you a long way' you say - so you must show your subservience to them to boost their insecurities in order to get by or its off to prison?

    Respect is a two way street - the imig peoples comments have shown that lack it.

    I guess you don't rely understand the thai people or the culture. Thais will treat you with great respect if you treat them the same way. I have been living in thailand for near on 3 years and come and go on a monthly basis through immigration always found them polite and respectful. I feel this arrogant guy has jacked them up a great deal from the start. If you want to see rude arrogant immigration officials go to Australia the thais are sweet angels compared to those in aussie land

  13. A BRITISH man is facing a two-year sentence in a hellish Thai prison for being 'rude' to an official.

    Voice reader Simon Burrowes, from Wembley, north London, was ending a holiday with a friend when Thai authorities in Phuket airport detained him on January 31, preventing him from returning to the UK.

    Immigration officials suspected Burrowes' passport was a forgery. Speaking to The Voice via phone from Thailand, Burrowes said: "A woman at immigration was looking at my passport and then handed it to the man behind her. I was ushered to sit down whilst he took out a magnifying glass and proceeded to check my passport for half an hour," he explained.

    He was told that he was not getting on the plane and was taken to a detention centre, whilst his friend Matthew was able to fly back to the UK. Burrowes said: "I'm a black man so I'm used to getting hassle at airports, but I was shocked by this." For three weeks, the 44-year old was held with 126 men in a cramped prison cell.

    "Thai prisons are notorious for being some of the worst. There is no privacy. You go to the toilet in the open and there is no toilet paper. There were guys in there that had scabies and were next to me," said Burrowes.

    He contacted the British Consulate, who confirmed his passport was genuine. However, the disgruntled Brit claims that the Consulate should have done more, saying that they took long to react to his case.

    "I was disgusted and beside myself. People talk of them [the British Consulate] like they are the cavalry. If you have issues abroad they come charging to help. But they didn't really help me," he fumed. Burrowes was later charged with 'rude and aggressive behaviour' towards an immigration officer, a claim he denies, and was released on £2,000 bail. He must remain in Thailand until his trial begins on April 26, and his lawyer has warned he could face a two-year jail sentence.

    "I have to find some way to sustain myself financially while I am here. I went to Thailand to enjoy the land, learn the culture and spend some money. It's turned into a nightmare," he said. Burrowes is hoping that he will soon be able to fly back to the UK.

    "If they find me guilty, who knows what will happen. I met people in prison who are doing five years for having two spliffs on them. It's very difficult to hold yourself up in a Thai prison. I feel very bitter about what has happened," he said. A spokesman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London told The Voice they are

    looking into the case.

    Link to story here.

    It would appear that he swore at the immigration official, criticised Thailand & snatched his passport back, so on that basis he got what he deserved & if he does receive a prison sentence, he has only himself to blame - end of discussion. I'd just add that I've no sympathy for him whatsoever.

    Yes I have to agree with you... I think most people understand that the Thai culture revolves around respect. A simple smile smile and a bow will get you a long way in thailand. Some of these arrogant tourists should learn a little about other cultures before travelling...

  14. After using the internet for many years now, I have noticed one common error that crops up in thousands of posts in English forums (fora) everywhere. That is the use of the word 'lose.' The number of people who use the word loose (= not tight) instead of lose drives me nuts every time I see it. The phrase 'I am loosing it' used instead of I am losing it is enough to push my blood pressure up. It is not simply a case of being anally retentive as I use US, with its more relaxed usage, or British English depending on which forum I am responding to, however, it seems that there are so many 'English teachers' in thaivisa you would think someone would have pointed this out before!

    Does anyone else have any pet hates regarding common errors in English that crop up frequently here? Is this really something we should be careful of, in the case of native speakers, because the Thai members are obviously going to believe that we don't even know our native language?

    There is the english language and then there is American, most people speak english not american.

  15. Info obtained by torture is crap. People will say anything to stop the torture. Doesn't mean they are telling the truth. I am ashamed of my fellow Americans who rationalize torture. Happily, you lot are out of fashion.

    yes according to your guy; Carter II; if our troops capture foreign fighters on the battlefield we have to charter a lear jet & get them in front of a US magistrate within 72 hours to hear the charges against them.

    O I forgot - all our troops will have to be trained for "evidence collection" just like CSI.

    Is nobama making us safer? No possible way. He's giving the terrorist a leg up.

    He is basically dismantling the CIA as demonstrated by putting a man in charge that has no experience whatsoever in intelligence gathering. As stated in the post above, along with an undeniable determination to weaken the security of the United States, Obama's naivety about the evil that certainly exists in the world is one of the reasons that I have decided to change my residence to Thailand. It may not always be safe here, but at least Thailand is not as big a target as the US.

    The Americans put the target on thier own backs if only they really new how much the rest of the world hates them and stop thinking everyone loves them. The rest of the western world can't stand Americans especially australians 99.9% because of the way they medle in australian politics and affairs and are always trying to dominate australia most aussies would love to see america wipe off the planet.

  16. They are not going to admit it otherwise the American Dictatorship will bomb the shit out of Thailand.

    Where are you from Iran?

    True blue Aussie christian but can't stand the sight of overbearing, loud mouthed self centred Americans who think they are in charge of the world and every other country must do as they say or else. Love the british and all other western societies but Americans ahh.. If they keep thier noses out of every other country then this world be a peaceful planet and the world economy would not be stuffed up because of their greed.

    Oh yes, if only the US would wither and fade away, then all the world would live in kumbabya peace and harmony! THere would never be a cross word spoken and love would spring from every person's heart!

    Yep would be a much more peaceful world without the dam yanks interferring in things that have nothing to do with them and raping all the riches of the world for thier own greed. If america was so concerned about world peace then why are'nt they in the african countries helping those people. What no god or oil there for them nothing for them to steal after they destroy the country...

  17. They are not going to admit it otherwise the American Dictatorship will bomb the shit out of Thailand.

    Where are you from Iran?

    True blue Aussie christian but can't stand the sight of overbearing, loud mouthed self centred Americans who think they are in charge of the world and every other country must do as they say or else. Love the british and all other western societies but Americans ahh.. If they keep thier noses out of every other country then this world be a peaceful planet and the world economy would not be stuffed up because of their greed.

  18. The missus is flying with them to Thailand in June, she chose them over BA and Emirates because she'll be travelling with a 21 month old toddler and will be 5 months pregnant so she thinks, and I agree with her, if the trolley dollies are thai then she might get more help, we'll see.

    I personally think thai airways are great. I fly with them up to 10 times per year from Melbourne to Chiangmai. Great service and very friendly staff but maybe I bias because I have a friend who is a stewardess on there. No not my wife.

    I must agree with another writer tho who commented on thier frequent flyers program after flying with them 18 times in the last 2 years I still have not got enough points for a free coffee.

    The recent unrest in Thailand has done a great disservice to thai airways the last few times I have flown the plane has been nearly empty. Great for me get a good nights sleep and stretch out across the seats.

  19. I didn't know it was against the law to have sex behind closed doors. When did they introduce the no sex please we are thai policy. No sex in thailand, 1st the demos at the airport now a ban on sex the thai economy is going to be in real bad shape without the sex tourists comming. What is going to happen to places like Pattaya. I am married to a thai and living in chiangmai just hope I don't get that knock on the door in the middle of the night.

  20. A little background: I've been living in Thailand for a while, I work in Singapore, I'm married, my wife is Thai, educated and pretty cool. Everytime I've gone to her parents house, I have done my best to speak Thai, to be polite and respect them in every best way I can and know and accept this isnt an easy culture to understand however I treat others with the respect I wish to be treated, this is the way I have been brought up. It started a while back at the family home, words said to me indirectly, such as farang kii nok, and others which I don't know as they have a countryside accent and I cant understand. I used to smile and brush them off, maybe its said in jest? However nowadays I have given all excuses possible not to go the parents home, they make me feel uncomfortable and the wife is always nagging at me to go with her. Maybe its inside my mind and I shouldnt be bothered with silly name calling, or perhaps its racism or perhaps they just don't like me, either way I'd like to know what you guys think.....any experiences with this? Thanks in adv!

    yep dido exactly the same experience as you. But do not worry about being called farang. I think you will find most thai families accept the son inlaws. I get teased all the time especially when they are trying to feed me food. I give back just as much as I get.

  21. A friend holds a 1 year multiple entry non immigrant O visa.

    One of his 90 day permissions to stay under this visa is running out, but he would like to postpone his border run by an additional 3 days, if possible.

    Is it possible to do so by contacting Immigration? He has no special compelling reason, except that there is a good flight leaving 3 days after his 90 days expire.

    how did he get a one year multiple entry without a thai wife or child. Having these would be a compelling reason as I have got a 2 month extention cost 6,000 baht

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