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Posts posted by marsteele

  1. funny thread.

    OP, you must have been very rude for a Thai to have acted that way towards you.

    btw everytime i go to the embassy there is an old farang (usually with his scantily dressed thai partner in tow) arguing with an official.

    I think you have misunderstood OP's story. From what I read he was confronted by a thai who thought she was dealing with a farang on Australian territory. Thought she was in Thailand working for the Thai government. She was the one on foriegn soil who thought she knew all about Australian issues when she knew diddly. After dealing with an Australian official it appears that the OP knew what he was talking about and not the thai as it appears all his paperwork was in order when perused by the Australian official.

    So are you saying that all thai's and in particular thai government officials are sweet and polite and it is always a farangs fault if the act in a certain matter. I think this particular thai was proven wrong by the Op and did not want to back down to save face. How many thai's will say sorry sir I was wrong and you are right. I think her only way out was threaten him with arrest and get him out of the embassy to save face.

  2. Had to come back to Melbourne for a couple of days and decided I would pop into the Department of foriegn affairs (DFAT) in the city. Gave them all the documentation and guess what? It was all correct no problems at all. Was told that the thai in Bangkok was bum f**king me so to speak had no idea. Anyway everything fixed as far as the passport is concerned but they still have to send it to Bangkok for official recording of issue.

    yep I did my son's citizenship by decent at the office in Melbourne took about 10 minutes. Best way to do things going to the embassy is pointless dealing with thais on Australian issues. If you want milk you don't go to mechanic.

  3. really don't think this will happen. With all the political unrest in the country and the economic downturn the thai tourist industry is in a shambles. Thailand is doing everything it can to get farangs to come and spend thier money, free accommadation cheap airfares. (haven't seen any real evidence of this but that is what they are offering) I fly in and out of thia every 28 days (go to Melbourne for 2 days) and have noticed the steep decline in passengers on the planes they are only half full. If they stop people who have a sniffle or sneeze whilst checking in simply because of a little dust in the air then they will be flying empty planes. Anyway I am flying out again on the 9th so I will check it out 1st hand.

    Good to get an eyewitness accounting of what's been going on re: the decline in air travel. Thanks.

    I to fly in and out every month and have to agree there is a decline in passengers. See you on the flight maybe Lavarack I also go on the 9th guess there will be the 2 of us at least.

  4. Any word if the medical records are required for domestic flights with Thai Air?

    The key to this is stopping the foreigners bringing their disease into Thailand. On domestic flights why not just hand out a large selection of colourful antibiotics instead of the peanuts, there must be a stockpile of out of date antibiotics somewhere which can be bought by Thai Airways from a friendly supplier at special prices.....

    Stop foreigners bringing thier desease? I didn't know the swine virus was a farang desease. I guess that the SARS virus or the chicken flu is a thai (Asian) desease maybe other countries should stop thais coming so they don't bring thier bird flu with them.

    I agree if this is a farang desease what are thais so worried about. Now if this was a human desease I would understand thier concern.

  5. I went into the Australian Embassy recently to get an Australian Passport for my 2 year old son. Spoke to a thai woman at the front desk and presented all the appropriate forms which I obtained from the DFAT website for a passport for those citizens living abroad. My son was born in Thailand and has dual citizenship. When I presented the forms I was told by the thai lady that I need an Australian citizen to garantee that he/she has known him for 12 months to prove identity. I had the forms signed by his thai doctor who has been looking after him since birth as stated as one of the people who can do on the forms. We began to argue as she said this is wrong and it must be an Australian citizen. I don't know any aussies in thai who have known him for 12 months.

    Anyway we continued to argue about this point for about 5 minutes then I asked to speak to an Australian who may be able to help me she replied that the Australian working there do not handle the general inquiries or applications. I requested to speak to an aussie anyway. She said I was being rude and I can be arrested for insulting a thai government official and if I didn't leave she would call security and have me arrested.

    Correct me if I am wrong but inside the confines of the Australian Embassy isn't that considered Australian territory. Are the people in there not working for the Australian Government and Australian taxpayer like myself. When was a law passed in Australia that you can not argue your point with a person working for the Australian government? I am sure all aussies have done so at some point. When did the thai authorities get the power to arrest someone for arguing a point with an Australian government employee on Australian territory.

    I have found thai government employees more helpful than those at the Australian Embassy.

    I never go to my embassy , but recently my wife and I had to vote in the NZL elections....so did so at the NZL embassy in Bangkok...I can concur that the NZL diplomatic staff were nice, polite, cordial and good at their jobs.....the Thai front liners were incompetent snooty little worms.

    Yes I don't know what it is with the thais that work at the various embassies. Don't they realise in there they are the farangs not the nationals that attend. Maybe this is why they get so snotty

  6. Long story but I have been talking to this checkout girl at my local 7-11. We always joke around and sometimes if its not busy

    there i will buy a beer and we will sit there and talk about everything under the sun. She looks 20ish, stunning looks, lek and real nice


    SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

    hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you". She thought for a minute and says "OK".

    So i laughed it off thinking she was just joking as we always do.

    I go in today and she corners me by the beer cooler and says "When u make me girl you?". Again i just laughed but she said "no laugh i

    no joke you". I look down at her and the bad wheels in my head turning. Then i said to myself no she is just joking so i said "I dont believe." She comes over close and holds my hand and says seriously "me no joke". Then the bad wheels in my head start

    spinning wildly and i almost dropped 2 big bottles of singha on the floor. We talked more and I said let me think about.

    Well should i

    A) go for it

    :) start shopping at Family Mart

    C) start shopping at my local Wat

    D) Become a Monk

    E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

    F) Get on the Dr Phil show

    G) Double my Meds

    she looks 20ish, right stunning looks? How old are you may I ask?

  7. MSingh,

    The only "problem" I have is the family want to interfere (in the typical thai way) and busybody with the newborn, thats the only gripe with them. They dont ask for money, no strange illnesses, help needed etc, I live with the wife in HER house, her sis gives us lifts , takes us shopping, her mum cooks for the wife, her other sis goes shopping for food for us (to the local cafes for farang style food for me), i just pay a few bills. No sin-sot thingie. Yes shes isaan, so crap education, but hey i cant have everything, her ex hubby was a coke head, so shes happy for someone who doesn't smoke, drinks very little. She's also a good friend, a great cook and bloody gorgeous, no I wasn't desperate, I just fancied her rotten :)

    And I am not living in cloud cuckoo land. If ever I property / land it will be in my babies name - no amount of persuasion. The wife tells me not to be generous to the family or they will get greedy, I give a very small allowance (in western terms) for food to the wife, she looks after it, any spare she banks, I have the bank card details/PINS for her bank and she shows me the book every time. All my money is overseas anyway and I will never move a penny here, I just dont trust the thai economy or the banks. Her mum tells her off if we get in any sort of "discussion", the family is not rich, but they dont ask for any dough. Its upto me if I want to give them any money, I do, but very small amounts and infrequently.

    good for you, lucky guy

  8. Go to the nearest bar and find one that says she will be 100% faithful to you. If she is faithful and thinks you are handsome what more could you want?

    <deleted> That is really good advice. 100% faithful bargirl I'd like to see that and don't they all tell you that your handsome even if you look like the monster from the lake. let me guess, you are a used car salesman. I equate this to you selling him a used car. Great bargain don't worry about the knock in the engine or the 500,000 miles on the clock we can wind that back she will be a safe reliable and faithful vehicle for you.

  9. Because they call you handsome?

    yep and they know how to play you make you feel special for a few baht. Well a lot of baht. Thai women think farang men are stupid and a lot of them are. A smile, a few sweet words and they reel you in caught hook, line and sinker thank you please empty your wallet here I have to bait my line again the fishing is good.

  10. Where did you meet her? If it was in a bar many of these girls will have a number of farang boyfriends who they meet during the course of thier trade the guys back home thinking these women love them and send them money every month. Having many farang boyfriends that they string along are just part of the trade and they are very good at it.

  11. Funny story but sad too.

    It is the same at the US embassy

    All Thai guards whose English was worse than my Thai :)

    Funny though the guards.................Is TL too small time?

    I mean I always thought of the US Embassy in the same way you think of the Aussie Embassy.

    I would have guessed a marine or two at the gates? Is that not how it is in other countries or no?

    A sanctuary of sorts. I mean if you had cause to run up to the gate there is a good chance you would not get in during an emergency.

    Yes I know at the US embassy in Australia the security staff are American servicemen not sure if marines but they wear american uniforms.

  12. I think you found a thai who thought that inside those walls you are still in thailand under thai authority. Maybe she forgot there she is on Australian soil working for the Australian Government and the Australian people being paid Australian wages by Australian people. You are not the farang shit in there she is the foriegner in there but I guess she forgot that.

  13. What is PG-Tips and Boddingtons bitter I am farang and never heard of such things so why would I love it? As for Tea bags your farangs don't go to Pattaya for a nice cup of tea it is other things and I sure it is not work for your wife.

    PG-TIPS is a brand of Tea-Bags, well known for their superior blend and tetrahedron-shape tea-bag that allows 'Brownian Motion' inside the teapot, thus securing a fine tasting cup of tea.

    Boddingtons Bitter is a Manchester (England) beer, which is made from Lake District water and a special recipe. It is a satisfying canned beer much loved by Northern dwellers of the United Kingdom.

    If you are on vacation, you are correct; you don't come here for the tea. However after the first six months of sack-emptying, a cup/mug of tea becomes quite important. Thanks.

    Thanks for clearing that up. So she will be relying on a lot of tourists and expats from Manchester to make money.

  14. In all honesty, running a beer bar is not all it's cracked up to be.

    A much better alternative investment for you

    I have a brilliant product and willing to offer you sole agency for only $100,000

    Will do very well in the hot, dry season.

    Dehydrated water

    My friend in Chang Mai made 1 million baht profit last year from his beer bar with 12 working girls.

    He is in a great location.

    It can be done

    so is it the beer that's making the money or the girls?

  15. Don't listen to them-- they are all snake oil salesman.

    But I have a real good offer. I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell. Send me a message for details.

    We are talking literally exponential growth possibilities with 40% growth theoretically possible. There is no actual evidence for this but it is a scientific fact.

    Gacca is a conman don't listen to him. I already own the bridge. I got it for a steal from a lovely little old englishman. He wanted a bar in Pattaya and I wanted to sell. Did a straight trade felt bad about ripping the poor bastard off but it was a deal I couldn't turn down.

    You should be ashamed of yourself lavarack. Give the man his bridge back and take back your bar. How could you do such a thing to what you call a lovely old englishman.

  16. if youre paying more for a draft in patters than 55 for hene, youre getting ripped.

    I pay 90 baht in Caddy Shack for draught Chang - very large glass, can swim in it.

    Elsewhere, anything from 45 baht upwards for a smaller glass (iced glass in TQ).

    Not being ripped-off anywhere. I choose to have a nice cold draught beer, I select the surroundings and sit back and enjoy. Everyone has to scratch a living, I pay not just for the beer but for the pleasure of being in a place I like, relaxing as I like.

    If I don't like the atmosphere, I will not order.

    The other part (Pizza).

    This is basically a southern Italian meal, and bought around the Naples / Sorrento / Amalfi area is delicious.

    Roman tourist trattorii make some lousy ones.

    American-Italians make an American dish they call Pizza.

    But this is like curry in England. It has been adapted and developed to suit the local taste. (Balti Indian food for instance started in Brum). Although sometimes very good in taste and content, it ain't the original.

    Sometimes it's better than the original, because new ingredients can be added that are local to the new outlet.

    In Thailand the major market for food is Thai, naturally. Most Thais are unaccustomed to cheese, thus there are alternative ingredients used in place of cheese in many dishes. A sort of mayonnaise springs to mind in several food outlets. This changes the taste of Pizza as much as the American pizza differs from the original.

    If you want genuine New York Pizza, or genuine New York pastrami / corned beef / bagels / what-have-you, please go to New York, not to Amalfi, Tel Aviv, Warsaw or Pattaya.

    In Pattaya eat local food, and enjoy - not gripe.

    Italian Pizza is to boring.

    American pizza wins hands down every day.

    Same as the Uk Curry.

    Americans could not make pizza if the tried, All the big american pizza chains like pizza hut have tried in Australia and gone bust put out of business by the small family business. Yep they make the worst pizza ever maybe only yanks like it but they would eat turd if they were told it was laid in America.

  17. I came across the Australians in Thailand (AIT) club on the Australian Consulate website. They are based in Bangkok apparently, and have 80 members.

    I Had a look at their website. Looks like it may be something I would be interested in joining so as to meet fellow Aussies. I see that they have an Australian Day Gala dinner coming up at some swish hotel on Australian Day, but at 3000baht, it is way to expensive for me.

    Has anyone had any experience with AIT, are all their meeting events so highly priced? If so, this would definately put me off.

    If anyone has any feedback, would be greatful?

    Why don't you go to the office on Sukhumwit 33? Owned, operated and frequented by Aussies in Bangkok.

    As to mixing with Aussies. Why? Discuss politics? Not as boring as discussing anything with a septic though!

    Been in Chiangmai for 3 years and never seen another Aussie, plenty of poms and yanks tho but I think I am the aussie. miss ranting about the footy with someone who knows what they are talking about in the season

  18. Yeah, I've lost count of the number of people I've murdered :o

    Me too! :D Or arranged to be murdered! Come to that, I wear a crash helmet and don't fight or rip off farangs (or anyone else come to that)! Where am I going wrong??

    Have to admit though that I have driven my motorbike a few times whilst over the limit. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your viewpoint) I realise that I drive badly after a few drinks so nowadays prefer to get a taxi.

    do they have a limit here or is it when you fall off?

  19. Australians abroad are just accidents waiting to happen. Wearing corks dangling from the brims of hats that could put someone's eye out in a crowded city environment, and don't get me started on those pointy crocodile-tooth necklaces you all wear...

    And, I'm sorry, but a boomerang is not an acceptable way of getting your waiter's attention in a busy restaurant. :D

    the aussie chavs are often forgotten here on TV with the main focus on the brits,but the aussies can be an ugly bunch too,most of em would n't know what a boomerang is.


    True aussie story.

    Some years back I was buying some bootleg CD's (music type) in a store on Sukhumvit.

    An Aussie came in and asked the clerk if she had anything by David Bowie (he pronounced it Die Vad Bow Wee)

    The Thai clerk said no, but she had music by David Bowie (she said Day Vid Boo Wee).

    Aussie said no, he just wanted David Bowie (Die Vad Bow Wee) music.

    I would have translated, but I was over by the rack of David Bowie CD's laughing my American a** off, and couldn't catch my breath to explain the problem to them.


    Anyway...Back to the topic.

    beinging american I am glad you typed that because I can never understand a word a yank says.

    ye ole com back now ye ear

  20. Just how many of these are duel citizens, lived in Australia for a couple of years got thier citizenship and passports and then have gone home to live. Civil unrest explodes in thier country ie the middle east and then they call on the Australian government and tax payer to get them out because they have dual citizenship. Flee back to australia for a couple of months until things cool down then return back to thier native country.

    This is why the australia government cannot recoup the costs many have no intention of permanantly residing in australia it is only the dual citizenship and passport they want makes it easier for them to travel than on say a lebonese passport.

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