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Posts posted by marsteele

  1. They will cover it up I am sure that the actual figures are much higher than reported. According to figures there are no reported cases in Chiangmai. My Doctor friend tells me that there are actually 3 confirmed people in chiangmai but these do not show on the national figures.

  2. US produce nothing but trash, all this trailer park trash spitting and fighting on stage, dad is having sex with with daughter, son loves animals everyone gets jealous Jerry Springer, ricky lake and all those other quality, informative and educational shows. Really shows the true mentality of Americans.

    Well, I knew a THai television trash-bash would really have to change to a US television trash-bash.

    If you think US television is only Jerry Springer, Rickie Lake, et al, then you know nothing about US television, and it isn't even worth the time to go into any reasonable discussion about it.

    I agree it is trash that comes out of America never seen anything from there that is worth watching. If you want to see quality TV tune into the Australian network and watch the mighty St Kilda football team kick the <deleted> of all comers..... Go Saints

  3. Bloody Farangs coming here with your desease and destroying our tourists inductry.

    I'm not going to insult you because it is probably against the rules of this esteemed Forum, but I deeply despise you and your unfathomable ignorance.

    oh please lighten up just a little bit of tongue in cheek. I am farang but not a grumpy old man.

  4. Sadly, the Thai staff at the visa section of the Swiss Embassy have a reputation for being impolite, even downright rude. In fact, I have been asked how the boss there managed to find the rudest people in all of Thailand as his employees.

    Yes, they have a job to do, but they could do it without being rude. I suspect there is something wrong with the management of the visa section.



    You haven't been to the Australian embassy have you? The rudest people I have ever met. The thais there think they running Australia and even own it.

  5. "to determine if the Thai authorities are requesting or would welcome FBI assistance in this matter," FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimilller tells PEOPLE. She adds there is no word yet as to whether Thai authorities will invite the FBI to join their investigation.

    Yeah, right, the Thai authorities will invite the FBI...................so they can lose face?

    Not gonna happen.

    Why would the FBI think that they could do a better job? Thai authorities could solve a detailed and complex investigation in a matter of hours. Would probably take the FBI a couple of months and maybe then be wrong according to thai authorities. Thailand has far more experienced criminal and forensic investigators along with more resources available. When a farang dies on Thai soil thai's will leave no stone unturned at any expense.

  6. ... Thai Rath newspaper photo that depicted a male hanging in a closet. That was NOT a $700+ per night hotel room. The photo was probably a stock photo from the newspapers archives. I have been in several expensive hotel rooms here in Bangkok and none of them had the look of a backpacker or short time room like the one in the photograph.

    I have just found this picture in the Thai Rath: see for your self at http://www.thairath.co.th/today/2009/06/06 . The image is partially pixeled out and small.

    1) If this is indeed a genuine photo, well then shame on the usual sensitivity of the Thai press to publish such a photo anyway. The Thai press like the Thai Rath rag ..yes it is indeed a rag, often have no concern for family members; Thai or Farang.

    2) As pointing to the above quote: Even a bigger shame on the Thai press if it is a fake. If so, I hope some family member out there sues their ass off/ the Thai authorities suspend their licience for their business; the latter, I'm just dreaming LOL.

    RIP DC whatever happened.

    Looking at that pic I would say that it is definately not that of David Carridine (D.C) The victim in this pic has jet black hair, D.C was grey and balding and carrying a few kilos. This victim is thin and I would say more likely than not an asian.

  7. The family reps say David knew secrets relating to the martial art of Kung <deleted> and he was killed to ensure his silence.

    Sounds they are living in the world of B movie plots.

    No one wants to accept that their dad, grandfather, brother, etc. killed themselves (on purpose or by accident) with a rope tied around their neck and penis by their own hand (and probably only just a little more consolation if said victim HIRED someone else to do it)... and then splashed across the world news to add insult to injury. Because even then, there's still the *<deleted> were you doing* factor that they'd have to deal with. It's more palatable to their self esteem to believe in a conspiracy.


    If david carradine knew these secrets, Then i am sure he knew them for a long time. So why kill him now to safeguard them?

    Ah the secrets of Kung <deleted> theory. 1st heard this theory back in the mid 70's when Bruce Lee died then a couple of years ago when Brandon Lee died now David Carridine. Who is next Chuck Norris, Jean Claude Van Dame or maybe Jack Black the voice of Kung <deleted> Panda.

  8. My wife is exactly the same, mainly as she wants our daughter educated there and prefers it ,simple really, and to the poster that says maybe she has another interest there, get a life, tw@t, ! :) we dont all have ex/current bar girls,.

    So true we leave those for the desparate and lonely.

    What was the OP wifes status in Thailand before moving to Australia? Maybe she prefers the life she has there as to what she had in Thai maybe she is considering the future of your son. I met my thai wife when she was living and working in Melbourne and she had been there for a number of years but she got itchy feet and wanted to return to thai for a couple of years now she wants to go back to Melbourne again.

  9. Never heard of it Samui either..

    wonder when we get the gps tracking device - a mobile phone

    isn't that far from it anymore anyway!

    We have a thing in the west called an ankle bracelet it is fitted to convicted criminals who are sentenced to home detention. A way of keeping track of thier movements. I suggest that all tourists entering Thailand be fitted with one of these on arrival at immigration. Would streamline the process and avoid long lines at police stations and police can go about thier business of detecting and preventing offences.

    These bracelets can be compulsory and rented to the tourists during thier stay providing further revenue for thailand.

    I hope you are being facetious; if not "Heil Hitler!!!" to you...

    Yes I am but it is getting that way tho isn't it.

  10. Never heard of it Samui either..

    wonder when we get the gps tracking device - a mobile phone

    isn't that far from it anymore anyway!

    We have a thing in the west called an ankle bracelet it is fitted to convicted criminals who are sentenced to home detention. A way of keeping track of thier movements. I suggest that all tourists entering Thailand be fitted with one of these on arrival at immigration. Would streamline the process and avoid long lines at police stations and police can go about thier business of detecting and preventing offences.

    These bracelets can be compulsory and rented to the tourists during thier stay providing further revenue for thailand.

  11. If you could change something about Thai culture to make life easier for a foreigner, what would it be? (A wish list, since it isn't going to change)

    Here is my first comment:

    Less discrimination in pricing

    Have you got an example of discrimination in pricing for yourself?

    I know it happens but if you have a WP all the entrance fees i've been asked to pay have been the same as the natives.

    I'm really interested to know your own experiences and not just hearsay.

    Two examples of Government sponsored dual-pricing:

    Almost ANY national park

    Royal Palace in BKK

    Except for the minority of foreigners in the country with a work permit. :)

    never been to any of these places my thai wife won't let me after they asked our son to pay. He is mixed but not considered thai even tho having birth certificate and only 4 yrs old. Say he is farang and must pay to enter park.

  12. Maybe unenforceable (or no one will bother) but this is another example of the steady escalation of anti-farang laws. From the 15 day visa change to this, it becoming obvious that chasing away farang has become an official policy. With the economic downturn that is only just starting to hit home there will be more of this in the near future. I and others have also noticed an increased hostility to farang in day to day life over the last few months.

    Good advice to anyone- if you have not tied yourself down here with wife/kids or investment- get out as soon as possible. The writing is on the wall - a society that rarely (if ever) can blame itself for causing any of its own problems, an increase in laws to inconvience foreigners, a major economic downturn and a culture based heavily on seeing fareng as less than Thai in every way

    If the worst thing that happens to farang is that the just lose all their land property, I will actually be relieved. We've already seen several mysterious farang businessmen deaths.

    As hard times hit home- who will be the scapegoat? You think any new Prime Minister or royalty that take charge will blame Thais or the government fo their own plight?

    Thailand is not the only place to enjoy life as an expat - other places allow you to own property, a have visas that last months or years, and don't have a moral code that sees taking everything you can from foriegners as noble act.

    We're not wanted or respected here, why should any farang stay?

    I know of a few such countries. However, I prefer that all you stay in Thailand so as not to "ruin" these other cuntries in such a way as LOS has been ruined by all the "western" influence and sepsis (as my Brittish pals call it). Phuket is a joke. Brain dead falangs with too much money and not enough intelligence purchase severly over-priced housing. The Thai real estate dealers, etc. are the ones laughing all the way to the bank and they should be the ones earning the profit from land development... not the falangs. It is Thailand and it is their country. If you do not like the rules, you should leave! Would you want foreigners (such as Chinese, Saudis, or Nigerians) moving to your home country and trying to change the laws in your country to their liking and driving up property values so that the locals are priced out of the market? I have had conversations with many Thais that depise the fact that falangs are allowed to purchase properties... even condos. They see island and coastal ecosystems (such as Phuket, Koh Samui, etc.) being ruined by expensive housing developments and then Thais themselves cannot afford to live in the areas any longer as property values appreciate past their buying power, etc. Once beautiful and peaceful island areas now look and feel like Honolulu. Very sad. I have heard from my Thai friends that non-condo properties have been purchased outright by falang couples...both the man and woman are falangs from European countries. My Thai friends personally know these people (falangs) and wonder how this is possible since falangs not married to a Thai are not legally allowed to own houses. They have never asked the falangs how they were allowed to purchase the property because they do not want to be "rude". I have seen LOS ruined by greedy and disrespectful falang t-bags, so I will side with the Thais on this issue. You don't like it in LOS... leave. BTW.. I will not disclose the other countries that I enjoy more than LOS because I do not want a bunch of falangs to move there and try to change their culture, laws, rules, and destroy their land to make a profit via real estate developement and "ruin" these countries they way LOS has been "ruined".

    With all this being said, I side with the falang that gets married because he wants to and then would like to own property/ a home for his family. However, the falang that gets married SO he can own property or wants to come to LOS to make a profit in real estate, housing developments, etc. should not be allowed to do so. I do not understand why many of the posters here do not understand why many Thais do not like falangs anymore. Do you ever talk deeply to the Thais you befriend in order to get their true views on subjects? The falang invasion of Pattaya, Phuket, etc. has, in their view, ruined these areas and I agree with them. I support the average person who just wants to have some property and a peaceful life with thier Thai spouse... but all you other greedy t-bags that come here to make a profit via real estate should be sent back home. LOS has become far too westernized for me now. It is too much like many western countries. The western sepsis has changed the country. Maybe that is why many Thais want to take their country and culture back for themselves. More power to them.

    I had this kind of discussion with some people before. I usually start with a joke "you hate the chicken but you eat the eggs...". Then if they argue further, i start pointing out the cloth they wear, the car they drive, the house they live in, all the modern appliance ...

    The thais are very lucky because in the past they had very smart rulers who understood all the benefits Thailand can get by learning from the west.

    By the way, please remind me, where did dear Abhy got his education from ?

    I don't really know but I don't think it was at school

  13. Ban Thai soaps on TV! Just pure dribble 24/7, mind numbingly pointless....boy meets girl, boy meets another girl, girls argue, someone gets hurt!

    Yes ban thai soapies, thais don't like them. Ban, thai food, band the lanuguage, ban the festivals, ban family loyalty what the heck ban everything thai and now we have a perfect country. Only now thailand will become boring for us farangs.

  14. I wouldn't change a thing. If we applied all the changes that you lot want to Thailand it would be just like the west. I like Thailand because it's bizarre and unusual and nothing at all like home.

    I agree 100%. People travel the world to experience different cultures. If you want Thailand to be just like your home then stay home and imagine as you are walking the streets of your city you are in thailand. Why would you want to pay airfares and hotel bills to be in a replica of your home. I love Thailand just the way it is.

  15. Hello

    The first post i make is a most sad and distressing one for me,I live in the uk with my thai wife and our 19 month old uk born daughter had a holiday in Thailand arrived 1/4/09 we submitted another settlement visa on 3/4/09 did the online application and submitted all the docs 3/4/09 tracking system states sent to uk embassy now i'm back in england wife and baby in isaan.Wife lands a bombshell and says she no longer wants to return to the uk to live with me and intends to keep our baby girl in Thailand the baby is british passport holder no dual nationality on a tourist visa valid 21/6/09.I still hope i can talk my wife round to return to uk with our baby once visa is issued but she is also talking of obtaining a thai passport also for our baby to counter any border runs and tighten her grip of custody of our baby.I realize there probably is no thai lawyers on here but i'm desperate for any help or advice.I've checked the net and seems embassy help is little to non and looks like dealing with Thai lawyers wise in family law is the other option.Though i hope i can sort our marriage out by talking with my wife i need advice.Help anyone please.

    Well when her tourist visa expires she has to leave the country. From what you say she is farang if she doesn't leave she will be deported. speak to your embassy.

  16. Well I think that there is a lot of Jealousy .....

    A Bargirl can be within a couple of months a millionair , while a family member of a politician has to work and accept bribes there whole live and maybe never will be a millionair.

    Bargirl get picked up by Farang , they Marry , most of the time not even on paper ... buy land / houses etc etc.

    After a few years they start to selling it and get wealthy ...

    The Bargirl have reach a higher status then a daughter of a politician.

    En 9 out of 10 the bargirl speaks better English then the daughter of a politician who have a univercity degree.

    Lets see what will be the next joke....

    ..its not the bar girls that are the problem..its the farang who perpetuates the industry, falls in love the first night with sexy bar girl,thinks with little head,marries her quickly,there is a breakup, farang upset so he slags all Thai women

    oh so true.... 99% of thai women are wonderful people.

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