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Posts posted by marsteele

  1. Most of you <deleted> (farangs) who are married to Thais have been warned countless times not to try and go around the legal system set up for buying land in Thailand. Don't you get it? They try and try to tell or warn you that foreigners are not allowed to own Thai land. Still, most are not listening. They want to have a house with a plot of land just like back in their own country. Well fools (the ones who bought land this way), the Thai government doesn't want you to own land here...how many times and ways do they have to say it?

    We <deleted> know very, very well that we can not own land in Thailand and we <deleted> accept that. Please tell me why an asshol_e can not care for his wife and family (little mixed <deleted>) What is legally or morally wrong with simply providing your Thai family with the means to purchase a plot of land to build a family home on thus giving the Thai woman and her little mixed <deleted> a secure future. The land will always be hers why can't she buy it.

    You seem to have a deep hatrated of farangs well that is your personal choice. I think your hatred comes from jealousy, you have been working hard all your life to try and buy some land and then you see another thai of lower standing in society to you who marries an asshol_e and buys land. Maybe you are concerned that the little mixed <deleted> will one day inhierit the land from thier mother then the little asshol_e gets the land through the back door.

    You are quite welcome to come to Australia and buy as much land as you want the government will even help you. We know very well that you are not going to tow it back to Thailand thus reducing our land mass. We <deleted> will welcome you with open arms. Don't worry we will not be racist or offensive towards you we welcome foriegners and besides it is illeagle to be racist or offensive to a foriegner here and we uphold the law here as you do in Thailand.

  2. A Thai friend of mine moved to Norway and I was wondering if there are any

    other Thai living their or is there is something like a Thai club or community


    I have a thai friend who lives there and I believe she also has other thai friends there

  3. Which country in Asia foreighners can own land, house...etc 100% in them names? It is start getting boring here either for holliday. I got married this year with Thai lady that she lives in Phuket the last 20 years, she is a high Goverment Official. We are planning to moved to Phayao (North Thailand). She has changed her surname and got mine. Her bank acount is empty because she pays everymonth for her car. That means we can not buy property and build our house in Phayao?

    Dude, yours is easy. You buy the car, let her buy the house.

    I love this. My girl has to buy the house. By law. Hahahahaha

    Thank you Mr. Wannanutterbutter, or whatever his name is.

    What a great freakin' topic. I have something to do all day now cause this topic will easily go into being dozen and dozens of pages, if not hundreds.


    Yes but can only use her money. I guess the days of the poor thai village girl seeking a farang to look after her and her family are gone. Against the law for him to put a dry roof over her head now. The dream of the poor thai girl is dead...

  4. Find a good Thai wife...[/size] My advice...if you live here, better to import your bride from another SE Asian country, unless you admit to the facts of what you are getting into... My credentials: 15 years living and working in Thailand as a manager of a large company.... NOT ex-military, NOT living as a "ghost" and making visa runs and worrying about changes to the immigration laws that make it harder to stay in Thailand shacked up with my ex-bargirlfriend. That's not me. I have condos, cars and access to "normal" Thai society. Many writers in these types of forums are involved with bargirls. If you are one of these types, don't waste your time reading this, as you need to evolve beyond that phase. The guys who believe that "she just needs someone to take her out of the bar and then she will be normal", the guys that sit in Pattaya beer bars at 11AM waiting for the night to come, the guys that think that their situation is an exception...well, you will evolve after she takes all your money or leaves you or both. Normal Thai's hate bargirls and so should you. I can remember a sleazy bar in my hometown in the US when you could see a few drunk, tattooed losers who smelled like last nights puke and have endless hard-luck stories. These are the sisters of your bargirl. Why anyone would want to "get to know them and their family" and give them access to your financial future is beyond me. Anyway, enough about bargirls. POINT #1 At the moment, I am dating four normal Thai girls. They are all university educated, have their own cars, their own apartments, and have respectable jobs. These jobs range from marketing to account managers for financial firms. There is no money involved with any of them, and sometimes they offer to pay for dinner. One of them said her last boyfriend wasted his money on gadgets when he should have invested more in mutual funds in the US. Ever here something like that from your upcountry girlfriend?

    Of course, with the financial crisis, maybe it would have made better sense to invest in a new water buffalo for the family in Ubon after all! Anyway, when asked, three out of four of these Bangkok girls say "all Thai girls lie".

    I ventured that maybe 85% do, but they said NO ... ALL!. One (the account manager) said that if I were her boyfriend, she would still cheat on me, because "looking for the better deal" was the normal goal. This is not a statistically significant sample, but it does make you think.... POINT #2 How many successful marriages between Thai's and farangs do you know of? By "successful", I mean a STABLE, married couple that you might imagine meeting back home. I do NOT mean the marriage where the guy is drunk in the pub every night because he knows he is stuck, or the girl who comes home at 9AM from a night out drinking with her friend named "Lek". I am thinking of a married couple where they love each other and pool their resources from the jobs or business to buy a home, expand the business, or put their kids in a better school. In other words, plan together for a future. Now, how many successful marriages between, say, Vietnamese or Filipino or Chinese and Westerners do you know of....? Probably more. Thailand is different from every other culture in SE Asia ... I believe these differences make it very difficult for a successful marriage between Thai and Westerner. Not impossible, just difficult. I have had girlfriends from Indonesian, China, Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia and Singapore. In one way or another, these countries share some aspect of their culture that is in tune with Western thinking. The populations of Indonesia and Malaysia are predominately Muslim with a smaller Christian minority. The Philippines is Catholic. Vietnam is not associated with a particular religion, but there are a lot of Catholics. But Thailand is different in that it is primarily Buddhist, along with "something else". Unlike the other major religions that I just mentioned, Buddhism is a humanist religion...that is, they don't worship a deity, but rather they strive to achieve a particular harmony in physical life, not after-life. My point is, the girls that I have known in the other countries have had better family values, and I think that a part of that comes from, frankly, a "fear of God". It gives them a different aspect on the meaning of right and wrong. I think it gives them a conscience as well. The values of Buddhism do not try to instill fear, but rather a way to live life. I don't pretend to understand a lot about Buddhism, but I don't believe that what is practiced here is not what you may think ..... The Buddha said "do not worship me, or worship images of me" but in Thailand everyone wears a Buddha amulet. There are markets that trade these amulets, and some sell for millions of baht because they were carved by a famous monk. Some amulets are believed to deflect bullets! Even the meaning of Karma is distorted. The meaning is basically, "what goes around come around" and if you do bad, it will come back to you". But many here see the meaning as "I shouldn't do bad because I will get punished" without understanding why something is "bad" in the first place. Lying is an epidemic ... but it's not called lying. It's "avoiding conflict" or "avoiding loss of face". Withholding information is not considered lying. If your girl goes out with another guy, it is not a lie because you didn't catch her, or you didn't ask. But one of the worst aspects is the "face" issue. In many cases, the parents and relatives living upcountry are not sitting around watching the rice grain wave in the wind or praying in the temple. They are involved in an inter-community pissing contest as to "why so-and-so got a bigger flat screen TV from her daughter in Bangkok than I did".

    For Bangkok girls, it is your sophomore year in high school all over again, with the people with the car and the Macbook being more popular than those without. Who is going to the HiSo club and who's boyfriend (read:"FRIEND") is giving them the most toys. There is the additional belief in "Sanuk" ... that you should avoid things that are not fun. This is a philosophy for 5 year olds. Do you really want a wife who believes that? Finally, there is a growing migration of "bargirl-like" attributes from the bar into middle class Thai society. The excellent article below describes this ... it wasn't too long ago that even a rich and well-connected farang would have little chance to meet a normal Thai girl. Their families would disapprove. However, in the past 10 years, you can see more and more so-called normal Thai girls managing multiple farang "sugar-daddies" via SMS, asking for money and IPOD/computers and LV purses, and these guys don't know about each other. If they DO find out, well, then "he's just my FRIEND" or "oh, he's GAY". This article below is SO TRUE from my personal experience that I was almost in tears from laughing after reading it...especially the way lying is so natural, and so accepted. Again, I am talking about so-called "good girls".

    My ex-girlfriend from Indonesia (she's Muslim and married to a Brit guy now...I know him too) once told me "you should look for a girl that contributes to the relationship...not just a needy and clinging girl who happens to have a nice body". This really opened my eyes. I used to think as well that the "social contract" here was, I bring the financial support to the relationship, and she brings the cute body. But you can have a cute girl who can contribute as well, and not just bring a load of problems from upcountry and needs to impress her Thai girlfriends with the latest fashions. One last thing...when I meet a girl in a country like Malaysia or Philippines, I often know her whole life story in 30 minutes...sometimes when I DON'T even want to know!

    With some Thai girls, it took a month to find out their real name. This is called "story" ...as in "I will tell you my STORY when I know you better" . The definition of STORY is basically "a collection of mistakes and bad decisions made throughout my life that I am looking for someone to fix for me"

    To close, I hope not to offend anyone here..and there are many farang guys who are users and abusers as well. Good luck...

    good comments

  5. This is way overboard. So, supposing my wife is a house wife (which she currently is as we have a little one), I receive my salary from the Thai government, does this mean she is not entitled to buy a house with our family income?

    What I really want is the same rights as a foreign woman that marries a Thai man!

    :):D:D This is Thailand, fantasies are found in Disneyland where all your dreams can come true.

  6. Sorry folks I am a bit slow here. I am married to a Thai she uses my surname. We have had a joint bank account years. The house was brought before we were married in her maiden name. She has changed it in to her married surname. Is this Illegal or not or only for new land property purchase. Some body better tell this person we only do things like this on april 1st.

    Think what would happen if so all the realestate companys out of work 2 house propertys will come down in price not a bad thing as the are 2 high now and as 1 chap said about the bars all over the place. no more retirement visa and type o visa money tied up in banks. But just shows you guys that the laws can change in this joint like the wind.

    The only sure thing in our name is our passport.

    We were considering buying some land in my sons name purely for investment for his future. He has my family name (farang) and holds dual thai/aust citizenship. Is he considered to be thai or farang for the purpose of owning land. Later in life if he went to work or study in aust for a few years I am concerned that by thai law he would then be considered to be farang and any land owned by him would be confiscated by the government. What would happen to this land then? Would it be purchased at a ridiculously reduced price by some thai government official who would then make huge personal profits.

  7. Next time over there, withdraw every baht from her accounts, burn the bankbooks and open a new account at a different bank.

    Anybody who already "owns" land through the spouse has a better idea how to beat the system? How else can they proof that the money used to purchase the land came from you and wasn't legitimately earned by your Tirak?

    I guess they will check the thai womans tax records, if she is employed and earning 10,000 baht per month which is about the average income then how can she afford to buy an average home valued at 2 mil baht with morgage of around 10,000 baht per month. Where did she get this extra income? From that bloody farang husband of hers the swine. I guess if she pays tax on the money (Family income) that she gets from her husband then it would all be legal...

  8. It is sad isn't it? Lonely guys that can't find love closer to home.

    My personal experience is I married a model from Los Angeles.

    Would never need or in fact even consider a Thai spouse. Not enough substance I'm afraid.

    post-4007-1243417582.gif <------------- Here's the happy couple. :)

    Yes I agree maybe just on the internet

    A model from Los Angeles. Is that some sort of special model? The same as a model of car from Korea as apposed to a car from Russia not sure what you mean. Anyway if she is a model a pressume the catwalk type then why the hel_l are you on this forum critising another persons choice of woman. Why the heck aren't you in the bedroom bonking the life out of her. She will not be considered a model all her life, things will start to sag and balloon out. Get in there man stop wasting your time here.

  9. Oh well, tourism inevitably causes minor cultural frictions. The guy going shirtless, not taking off his shoes where he is supposed to, using a handkerchief to blow his nose, and so on....

    But what about the Thai tourist in a bar in Australia who accidently knocks over someones beer, and then smiles whilst apologizing?

    Never knock over a mans beer and just smile. That is suicidal and very offensive.

  10. England lost its empire. I suppose its only natural that the English cling to the pitiful notion that England owns the English language. They don't. Next ...

    And the thai language is owned by the Americans also. Just like America patented the term "Waltzing Matilda" Yes they own this phrase now took it from the aussies. I bet they don't even know what it means. No he has nothing to do with dancing

  11. Fascinating insight into TAT and local psyche. Remember that thais are hereditarily and primarily farmers. they have a farming instinct for most things (including the native population)

    1, I would say a big proportion of (western) tourist money goes into alcohol consumption. The prevalance of resort bars demonstrates this. The local businesses thrive on it and a lot of money goes to influential thai businesses and the government. (Thais also like to drink but average per capita expenditure is less and non-taxable)

    2, Western tourists are culturally louder and appear more overtly aggressive when drunk. (to an asian) But they don't tend to go for their shooters and blaze away. It's really the overt, exhibitionist behaviour (and it's colonial after-taste) that offends Thais.

    So citizens and tourist ministers of Thailand how do you want to farm your tourists?

    *Bovine asian group bus tours that steal ashtrays and towels and minimise spending?

    *Luxury golf tours and 5*boutique resorts only (small percentage and high maintainance)

    *Sex tourism (high potential cash crop but your farm hands steal the crop)

    *street drinking/low income western package tourists (aggressive and bad smelling animals but high profit)

    *Backpackers (free-grazing, hard to domesticate, low meat yield)

    *ask them to stay at home and just send the money? :)

    *Not sure, send them all away and take time to think about it

    I agree just ban tourism out right and the problem is solved. I am quite sure that phuket will survive nicely without all the bloody tourists.

  12. Temper Tantrums Call for a (Phuket) Tourist Court By Alan Morison


    My pet hate is seeing topless male tourists in supermarkets etc., this causes great offense to Thai people.

    They're not in Spain or the Gold Coast.

    Would DFAT. FCO, & local expats please remind them! :)

    I see thais running around without shirts on everywhere. why you just picking on tourists.

  13. Mt Thai wife is involved with the Thai Association in Australia

    So here are some facts from the horses mouth

    in this week over 1000 phones calls from Australian's giving their negative thoughts about Thai Police

    Right or wrong this is the perception

    The Thai Embassy in Canberra is taking 30 days to complete a visa application

    and over 3 months to do a replacement passport for Thai's citizens thats expire

    ( a recent case is where 47 passports where renewed in Bkk over 3 weeks ago and have not yet been received by the Canberra Embassy ) well so they say

    Thai airways has so many seat unfilled they are offering return tickets from Bris to Bkk for $450 Australian

    These are the cold hard facts

    So do your really believe those i Power in Thailand really care ?????? :)

    That's not true I can't get a seat in July fully booked out.

  14. ha ha ha good one tourists from Australia. After last weeks stuff up by phuket you will be very lucky if you ever see another aussie. Come to phuket have a beer and we will stictch you up for 2 to 5 years make sure you never leave. Any tourist going to Thailand is running the risk of being locked up from the time they get of the plane.

  15. I truly do not know what this particular bars policy is on stolen goods.

    That being said, I do know of Thai waitstaff working for International food and coffee chains, who have had to pay for items stolen at their stations. I do know of Thai waitstaff who have had to pay for food refused by customers, often from misunderstanding spoken English, which, by the way, is a foreign language in Thailand. I also know for a fact that Thai waitstaff are not paid salaries the visiting tourists are paid in their country of origin.

    Exactly the same thing happens in tourist resorts, I gather. In other words if a tourist queries a bottle of wine which has allegedly been mistakenly charged to them, the cost is docked from the resort's Thai staff who are paid bugger-all in the first place.

    Back on topic, as a Pom, I wonder whether this poor(?) woman was only making some misguided attempt to inject some fun into her life as an antidote to the inevitable but (for her) depressing prospect of the Aussies being stuffed in the forthcoming Ashes series......

    now some serious stuff. bring it on you pommies....

  16. Not a good situation with a "war of words" and both sides digging in to their positions. The Thai police colonel defending his men's actions and the Australian press making the story front page news (which I am in favor of.)

    What ever went down, it looks like the Phuket authorities are not backing down on this one.

    Nothing turns a tourist off more than heavy handed Police. Why was it necessary for anyone to be put in a cell for what was obviously a trivial offence? A notice to re-appear, even a seizure of passport, wouldn't have caused a ripple in the world news. Maybe she was abusive - police deal with abusive drunks every day. If you can't deal with it, change jobs.

    And now the "Big Pig" says this is how things are done here, without the slightest thought to the repercussions. Why should he worry, he's on a sweet salary.

    On the other hand, there is no such thing as bad publicity. when an English lass was murdered on Lamai Beach, Samui, pictures of the beach were shown on UK tv. A friend's mother thought that it looked lovely, and convinced her to visit. As she said, "I can get raped and murdered in my own street."

    She was offered an easy way out.. On the night.. Sign the declaration, admit your guilty, pay small fine.. But she wouldnt !! She said she wasnt guilty, she refused to sign the statement, wanted english translations, wanted english speaking lawyers, wanted it her way.. So then they process her by the book, bail her, and send her to court.. And still its not OK ??

    She had multiple chances at an easy way out.. And she didnt take them.

    Um so if you are a thai arrested in Australia don't speak or read english and someone is throwing a piece of paper under your nose saying something that you do not understand then you would just sign.. Thanks I just got your 1st born your house and a confession to all the unsolved murders..

  17. I hope the Aussie bar goes broke we don't need australians like this owner Steve you and your bar are trash

    OK so Steve with a little counseling and the right attitude could change and be redeemed,.....but that bar, now how you gonna deal with that bar, and its an Aussie bar which makes it even tougher to redeem. Its a no good downright dirty rotten Aussie bar and should be bulldozed and replaced with a good wholesome, respectful and healthy,......juice bar, yeah how about that ???!!

    yea thats the right attitude and a few beers and the AFL. just get rid of this steve character and all his thai police mates

  18. A few aussies go to phuket for a holiday decide to go and watch the footy and have a few beers in the aussie bar. Be careful this steve character has got the bar loaded with undercover thai police just watching you and waiting to fit you up with anything they can get you for. Free beer for thai police a few baht kickbacks and a slice of the action for the owner steve. What a scumbag lure your own into your den to be eaten .

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