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Posts posted by marsteele

  1. Phuket post.....

    Police Superintendent states owner of bar was present at time of arrest and requested charges be laid......

    What the f** he was in australia as he states in his radio interview 3aw.com.au who is pulling whos dick here he clearly stated that he was not there and did not press charges. Sorry thai police badly caught out on this one

    You may find there is more than one owner. I have met at least two one of which is Steve & I don't think he has a handle bar moustache.

    This Steve character seems to be the main stake holder doing all the international press interviews.

  2. Your forgetting by her own admission.. Running away so resisting arrest, obstructing an officer in the pursuit of justice, probably drunk and disorderly etc etc etc.. In the west they end up chucking the book at you for similar behavior, then bargain it down in court.. Here they just stick to one charge despite the rest.

    Shes out on bail.. So let it simmer for a month or so..

    Plus her idiot husband needs to know when to close his mouth.. A whole host of statements that will work badly against them.

    <deleted> listen to her interview from her own mouth on 3AW.COM.AU

  3. Yes drunken farangs do cause a few problems but they are invited here to Party. I do not mean to be disrepectful but can I point out a couple of things in your post?

    Lets not forget the bag had the mat in it........ Yes you are very correct in this...

    Now the defination of THEFT is... Dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permantly depriving the other of such property.

    Did this woman approriate this property (Mat) = NO friends admitt to that.

    Did it belong to another = YES

    Was the intention on her behalf to Permantly deprive = NO she was not aware of the contents.

    Now the woman was in the bar and just say for instance she was aware that the mat was in her bag. Is that theft by just purely having it in there? NO Did she walk out of the bar with the item? NO

    Ok I will put it another way. We go to the supermarket and select a few small items, we don't need a trolley only a couple of item but we place them in our personal bag. Have we stolen them at this point? I think not. We go to the cashier remove the items from our bag and pay for them.

    Now if I went to the cashier and did not remove all the items and pay for all and walk out the door then yes I am guilty of theft for the remaining items..

    Police officer with 18 yrs experience....

    Interesting insight indeed.

    Well, let's put it this way... Assuming that the above conditions are truly met, what IF while you're walking to the cashier, a security officer came up and asked you kept all the stuff in your bag? and you started going abusively bonkers in a drunkard stupor and ran all the way to the carpark opposite the supermarket? Would things have changed in your 18 years of experience?

    yes then that would be theft if you not pay while fleeing and throw in a drunk in public place but she did not leave with her bag.... was taken from her and she told to leave....no theft maybe an attempt to commit a criminal offence but hard to prove but being arrested for calling me filth, pigs, maggot,dog jacks etc never done that Aussie police thrive on this name calling. get offended if you don't means you not notice us and have thick skins

  4. Phuket post.....

    Police Superintendent states owner of bar was present at time of arrest and requested charges be laid......

    What the f** he was in australia as he states in his radio interview 3aw.com.au who is pulling whos dick here he clearly stated that he was not there and did not press charges. Sorry thai police badly caught out on this one

  5. From what I understood about this whole issue it was not so much the bar mat as the fact that she apparently abused the police when they asked her to open her bag.Now I dont know about anyone else but when in a foreign country and you are approached by police people for whatever reason,you keep your cool and comply within the bounds of the law and common courtesy.Even if she was drunk,as has been reported, she was still capable of maintaining decent behaviour one would hope.If not then the owner of the bar would then be held liable for serving alcohol to a drunk person.

    This story has many sides and I feel that the way it has been reported is not fair to the LOS.

    Thailand has a lot to offer but the drunk farang element causes a lot of problems here for many parts of the community.

    Once this lovely lady stops crying victim and accepts her part in it all then the issue will go away.

    Thats a sensible post and well balanced. It is the drunken falangs that get all the problems here as always.

    You are right. Contrition, a bit of humility and acceptance of guilt (lets not forget the bag had the mat in it) and its all forgotten.

    A Western liberal attitude should be left at home when visiting Thailand. For all its "ways" Thailand is a very desirable place to live and most of us long term expats who accept it as it is, have no problems.

    To the Bogans threatening a boycott of the bar. It only takes 40 or 50 people who live in Patong to agree with the owner and his bar is safe and will remain busy. Most local people I know don't drink there exactly because it is full of loud drunken yobs. You all clear off and we might start going back :)

    You are safer in there than in the backstreet bars believe me. This is the safest best run bar in Patong by all accounts so if you are scared.... stay at home.... please.

    Yes drunken farangs do cause a few problems but they are invited here to Party. I do not mean to be disrepectful but can I point out a couple of things in your post?

    Lets not forget the bag had the mat in it........ Yes you are very correct in this...

    Now the defination of THEFT is... Dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permantly depriving the other of such property.

    Did this woman approriate this property (Mat) = NO friends admitt to that.

    Did it belong to another = YES

    Was the intention on her behalf to Permantly deprive = NO she was not aware of the contents.

    Now the woman was in the bar and just say for instance she was aware that the mat was in her bag. Is that theft by just purely having it in there? NO Did she walk out of the bar with the item? NO

    Ok I will put it another way. We go to the supermarket and select a few small items, we don't need a trolley only a couple of item but we place them in our personal bag. Have we stolen them at this point? I think not. We go to the cashier remove the items from our bag and pay for them.

    Now if I went to the cashier and did not remove all the items and pay for all and walk out the door then yes I am guilty of theft for the remaining items..

    Police officer with 18 yrs experience....

  6. What I wrote about Sky news was what I heard on the TV. It could be on their website as well?

    I just put in the MSN link in addition.

    BTW, from what I saw of the bar owner on the news, he looks like a decent bloke. I feel this has more to do with the Thai police and they way they are handling it. I don't blame the bar owner for sueing or doing whatever he has to do if he loses business, but suing goes both ways. I hope the Thai authorities don't let this get out of control.

    If you log onto 3AW.COM.Au you can hear a one on one interview with the woman and also an interview with the bar owner. Get two (2) stories but sorry no interviews with thai authorities.

  7. Allthought this is a different issue, it seems as if the Aussie media is on a warpath...

    As I was uploading this, the story this thread is on is the Second headline on Sky News.

    According to Sky news, she is facing a minimum of 1-3 years, maximum of 3-5 years. The problem was she refused to sign a declaration right after the incident in the cop shop because it was written in Thai and during that time of night, no translator was available at the cop shop so she refused to sign. She refused to sign the declaration because she did not understand it and no one could translate it. Because she did not sign the declaration at that time, on the spot, it is apparently too late. If she signed it, she would have been released. I can't blame her for not signing something she could not read.. Only a fool would sign such a declaration in a foreign language without understanding it. The story lasted 5 mins on Sky news. She is out of jail but her passport has been confiscated and she is on bail.

    Updated on msn:


    This sums it up: "To lock up this Melbourne mother for ... 18 days for the theft of a bar mat which other people have admitted doing is simply crazy."

    I wasn't able to find this about the declaration on the link, or on Sky news.

    Interesting if true.

    The declaration is a standard thai police proforma. It is an admission of guilt. Designed to strealine the judicial system cut out the use of lawyers, or medling embassy staff. Quite innovative really simply sign then off to prison or what ever other penalty they wish to impose depending on the size of your wallet. No it is not in english, french, german or any other language this impairs the process just sign and case solved.

  8. This case has had coverage all over Australia, even came up at the MUA meeting and seafarers are calling for a boycott of the Aussie bar.

    No one likes a dog and won't drink at a bar when it's owned by a dog.

    Steve should know better.

    Just listened to this steve guy's interview on a Melbourne radio station. He stated that he had not even pressed any charges against the woman. He also stated that the whole thing had harmed his business and he is now losing money and because he is losing money he will now press charges against her.

    If he didn't make any complaint of theft or press any charges then where is the crime no offence. Since when can the police arrest someone for an alleged offence if no offence has occured. I guess only Thailand need a few extra baht for the tea club this woman/guy will do arrest them sort out the offence in the next few weeks.

    Yep this Steve is a dog alright and eats his own kind true aussie mateship..

  9. This would be the same Aussie PM who's flight got turned round last month and who's state-funded week in Pattaya was stuffed up by Thai protestors?

    Yes I can see why he's denouncing Thailand this week :)

    Yes I saw Kevin RUDD (Aust Prime minister) on tV he is getting involved so there must be a lot more to the story if a prime minister makes a comment on a single issue No different to the president of America making a point on a single issue with the prime minister of Australia even having a voice on this little issue then I think thailand is further killing it's tourist industry

  10. Have any of you ever seen how farangs can behave in Thailand? Are you all just going to swallow her story? If you have ever been involved in the entertainment industry you know that there is 2 sides to every story. The drunk persons side, and the sober persons side. They will always be 100 % different. My guess is she was wasted. Stole the beer mat to bring home a souvernir. Ran when she was caught red handed.. and the behaved as a total a-hole when the police took her in. A lot of farangs think they are above the law. When are people going to understand that when you travel to another country you need to treat people with respect?

    An australian who apparently (?????) stole from another Australian Saw the owner of the bar on TV giving his point of view.

  11. apparently the bar is full of video cams so I dont see what the point of speculating is, the truth should come out

    oh what the hel_l she probably spent more on booze and food than what the mat was worth anyway but the publicity this gives to bar is worth it. Throw the woman in a thai jail for a 50 baht mat .... True Aussie tradition to eat our own. Come in spinner I need the publicity...

  12. Have any of you ever seen how farangs can behave in Thailand? Are you all just going to swallow her story? If you have ever been involved in the entertainment industry you know that there is 2 sides to every story. The drunk persons side, and the sober persons side. They will always be 100 % different. My guess is she was wasted. Stole the beer mat to bring home a souvernir. Ran when she was caught red handed.. and the behaved as a total a-hole when the police took her in. A lot of farangs think they are above the law. When are people going to understand that when you travel to another country you need to treat people with respect?

    Yes I agree and a police officer have seen more than you can ever imagine. But has to be proved her friends say they did it as a joke.

  13. No, I was not at the bar however, I live in Patong and I frequent the Aussie bar a lot. Steve is a personal friend of mine and I also know the managers very well, both expat and Thai managers. What I can say is that there is not one single indication from anyone (including the regulars who live in Patong and drink there) that suggests she did not steal the beer mat. All say the same thing in relation to her running away, being aggressive and abusing the police etc.

    So who am I going to believe ? My friends who were there when it happened, or a load of dimwits who say shes not guilty just because ABC news says so ?

    What the Aussies should be worried about is the image that this low life, disrespectful thief has cast on the good folk of Australia, not about what might happen to them if they come here.

    What sickens me is the fact that this petty crook will probably get a hero's welcome when she gets back. When in reality they should take her passport off her and put her in jail for giving the nation a bad name ! Shame on her !!! :)

    Not saying she is not guilty but there is reasonable doublt if her friends say they put it there for a joke then what is the offence. The friends did not steal anything...... Police point of view....

  14. Saw this on the Melbourne news tonight also. Prime Minister RUDD has also put his point in. Not much help tho. Anyway from a police point of view if this happened in Australia (I say if) The case would have to be proved beyond all resonable doubt.. From what I see and read. (that is only from what I see and read) the woman would have no case to answer. Should not have even been arrested or detained. Apparently she had her to friends who admit putting it in her bag as a joke. (if) and if so that would throw resonable doubt on the court. Lesser charge of handling stolen goods the courts would have to prove that she knew the item/s were stolen. BUT this is Thailand and the court system is different. Saw the Aussie bar owner also on the T.V looked so proud of himself good publicity for his Austrlia Bar. What a smug dingo. He states it is theft and basically let the woman rot. Hey Mate what happened to the Aussie mateship. she has four young children aged 1 to 11 yrs so as an aussie you would let her rot in a thai prison over a lousy bar mat and leave her kids without a mum for 5 yrs. You never nicked a handtowel from a hotel ....

  15. Well just think if the vote would have gone the other way, then the Americans would have been speaking German.

    I am British, and a teacher, when I teach English I make it a point to tell my students the differences between the two.

    Remember we teach English, and there are two dialects - American and British.

    Also 96% of the American Population speaks English

    but 98% of the UK Population speak English.

    what vote?

    if it wasnt for the Americans the French and English would be speaking german , no?

    Anyways who cares, there are plenty of Americans that speak poor English, and a equal ammount of English that cant speak their own language correctly.

    What is those quote?? The rest of the world had been fighting in the war for 5 years the yanks only came in when the germans were down. like putting the boots in when the poor bugger is already on the mat.

  16. Good see that Kirmira admits that all Pattaya women are in the sex industry. The world has known this for years. good on you for telling truth.The only thing Pattaya is known around the world for is the industry. Tell someone you going to thailand and they oh you going to Pattaya be carefull. las vegas is known for it's gambling and Pattaya for it's cheap do anything sex trade women children anything sorry but a true fact of life

    Of course no one here on TV need worry about that. We're all here to take photos of ancient wats and elephants aren't we??????

    As for "ALL" women in Patters are in the sex industry ....... REALLY??? There was a nice old lady that laundered my shirts when I was working there last year. I wonder much she would charge for an hour with her knees up in the air? .. Ok Ok .. maybe she also laundered go go dancers bikinis which would be an involvement in the "industry"

    That was not my statement but that of a Pattaya Lady. The Pattaya sex industry 1st started back in 1962 and established by American servicemen just prior to the full outbreak of the Vietnam war (God bless America and thier abuse of other cultures) This is fact and can be found on web research check it out. Pattaya was a fishing village until exploited by the dam americans who have made it what it is today. Maybe your laundry lady is past her use by date and I belive on todays standards that would be about the age of 25 yrs. You no longer have the young 20 yr old american soilder but 50+ fat balding smelly old men looking for 16 to 20 yr olds. Kirmara speaks the truth.

  17. Good see that Kirmira admits that all Pattaya women are in the sex industry. The world has known this for years. good on you for telling truth.The only thing Pattaya is known around the world for is the industry. Tell someone you going to thailand and they oh you going to Pattaya be carefull. las vegas is known for it's gambling and Pattaya for it's cheap do anything sex trade women children anything sorry but a true fact of life

  18. I am not being racist they have had some great playwrites like William Skakespear

    :) That's a great joke post marsteele, :D until I got to the last line I thought that you were serious.

    Crickey a cob who didn't let the roos spoil the billabong.

    I person who can read between the lines. Yes we aussie can destroy the english language with the best of them. We must all admit tho there is one true english language and it must be taught correctly in the 1st instance

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