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Everything posted by snowgard

  1. There is no red notice for Vorayuth Yoovidhya on the website of Internetpol!!! https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-Red-Notices
  2. Do you give your money to someone without a investion contract or investion agreement? Me not!!! ???? But even then it can happen that the paper is worthless.
  3. Why you don't made a police report? It's easy and free!!! I would never let someone run with my money away!!!
  4. If the assistent promote it as a bank deal and the investors got a contract on bank paper, ... from my view the bank has to be responsible. They have to control their staff. Also I am sure that other staff members had know also from this deals. Let's wait what comes out!!!
  5. Because they don't want to pay !!! I am sure that the bank did not do anything wrong from their point of view and only the bank assistant is responsible for it. The victims will likely have to sue the bank for damages. And then at least 10-15 years pass before the 3rd court instance.
  6. The shops don't care which variety you like or want. There is only one type of potato on sale. So buy it or leave it. That's your onliest choice. Alternatively you can buy 2kg packs of french frites in Makro for 89,- to 175,- THB. https://www.makroclick.com/en/search-results/?keyword=fries
  7. What surprises me is that he can buy a Ferrari but apparently has no money for a lawyer. Maybe then he should turn to the Office of Consumer Protection Board. They usually help in such cases. Jock, here is the link: https://www.ocpb.go.th/
  8. Could it be that you suffer from hallucinations? That's the biggest nonsense I've read here in years. I have no idea which Thais you hang out with, but I haven't met them in 30 years here.
  9. How it can be a defamation if you tell NOTHING about a brand? ????????????
  10. Wow, and because she is double vaccinated you mean she can go work tomorrow again? Did you not understand that you can be vaccinated but still get the virus? And infect other? And this people maybe get real sick and die? That the infected person just got a mild cold is nice for this person, but this not mean that other who she maybe infected get the same mild symptoms. Everyone know that staff members take the mask off if no customers in the near. The probability that she was also infected is given. And this is why it gives this rules. Just for protect OTHER PEOPLE. Is it really so difficult to understand this???
  11. No, they are just not so handsome like you, but the luxury car enchants the girls and makes up for it. ????
  12. They're talking about nightly street races what are annoying the people in the near who can't sleep!!! Sometimes there are somehundred racers and spectators and all on public roads with normal traffic. Nothing to do with luxury cars & people play on their phones. If you live in the near of of a racing point you will know what they're talking about. The most younger drivers of luxury cars use it to catch girls & not for racing.
  13. Did someone of you think about that the most farangs what comes in to thailand now are from countries on the TOP10 of new Covid infections? And than do you feel discriminated about "wearing a mask"? Full list: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  14. Why??? Just when I look how much idiots demonstrate in the european cities about new lockdowns without a mask, I am sure this man spoke right. So much farangs give a <deleted> about the law here. Just drive down the beach road in pattaya or jomtien and you can be rich if you give a fine to every farang without mask on the mouth
  15. Harrassing??? These RIDERS harass all other residents of Thailand by their reckless behavior with their modified and noise-making motorcycles. Which, especially at night, when they remain undetected due to the darkness, fully crank their engines. It is time for the police to confiscate all motorcycles that are louder than allowed. Bring this to the workshop, where new original exhausts are installed and the drivers / owners are billed for all costs. Race modification on Thai roads? Can someone be more stupid?
  16. Why? I see daily that around 30%-40% of motorbikes drive without backlight. On a dark road it's not easy to see a dark motorbike. About highspeed it's easy to say but it not must be true. What I see on the photos I not elieve someone drive there with highspeed. But the good old police work can find out how fast the car drove.
  17. Nonsens!!! Do you never read the news? https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2021/10/18/skimming-scam-impacts-thousands-of-accounts/ https://kr-asia.com/thai-police-probe-online-bank-fraud-that-affected-40000-people and much more posts you can find with google!!!
  18. I not understand that people who live long time in Thailand never learn how things run here. If someone stole my money from my bank account, I report it immedialy to the police. If the bank who I (with witnesses) also informed about this crime not react, I will inform the press. After this everything will run smooth and easy. BUT I HAVE TO REPORT IT TO THE POLICE BECAUSE IT'S MY BANK ACCOUNT AND MY MONEY. I am also sure the bank will have informed me about this. This is the same procedere as in the most countries.
  19. Buy minced meat of your choice, a sausage stuffer & casings and enjoy your own recipes!!! https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=sausage+stuffer
  20. Looks like that the ministry of foreign affairs don't know it. Can you instruct they? https://www.mfa.go.th/en/page/non-immigrant-visa-b
  21. And I'm sure they all have a business Visa & working permit!!! ????
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