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Everything posted by snowgard

  1. The reality about Trump is: "When Trump says 'Good Morning' you have to look out the window and check it out. Like most things he says, it's probably a LIE!!!" I will never understand how this LIAR & SUPER-BULLY could become President of the USA!!!
  2. In general, smaller fans spin faster, and larger fans rotate slightly slower as they increase in size. For ceiling fans you can buy dimmer as switch. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.qmM66?cc It give also dimmer cord switchs but I never tried it. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.qmMue?cc Together with cable https://s.lazada.co.th/s.qmo4f?cc
  3. Ceiling fans run much more slower as wall/desk fans.
  4. So it's just shows: "Public toilets are needed at the beach!!!" And only every 4km one!!!
  5. This isn't & never was in the contract which was signed. Just because someone told this lie does not prove that an agreement was ever actually made. Otherwise it would be in the treaty that Russia signed.
  6. Russia can stop it today. But PUTIN don't want do it!!! Point!!! That NO ONE CAN TRUST PUTIN him showed already!!! So how you can talk about peace with a <deleted> who isn't trustful? Him broke enough contracts & given words!!! Here you still can read the Russian statement which RIA.ru published on 26.02.2022 where they thought they WON already!!! https://web.archive.org/web/20220226051154/https://ria.ru/20220226/rossiya-1775162336.html You must use a translation tool.
  7. Here you can find different seats & can ask the shops if you have questions. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.qedme?cc
  8. This job him do alone with his behavior!!! 😉
  9. Some people are not selfish, lying, insulting, slanderous bastards like Donald Trump & his MAGA Crackheads!!! They are simply clever!!!
  10. This happen now in all european countries with the imported doctors & ingenieurs!!!
  11. I checked the reach of the NT Thunder before I bought it and everywhere where I'm going it was usable. But if there are a lot of people I can't even sent a line message or look youtube. In my home it works fast but I have a 1GB 3BB Line which I prefer. 2 days ago I was at a Sattahip beach where it worked great before. This time I not got a connection. I learned now it's sometimes better to pay the double and get a better service. 🙂
  12. I buy our sim cards almost from melone thai shop on Lazada. I used always the True Fast70 (1 year) sim card. But the price gone up around 500 THB yearly. So I decided last time to try the NT Thunder but NOT again. At most slowy, bad or no connection, ... !!! Next time it will be a True Sim again. Melone Thai Shop: https://s.lazada.co.th/s.p1nXY?cc
  13. Hahaha,,, 379.000 THB are expensive!!! With my actual consumption and electric price the ROI will be after 14+ years. Not something what I want!!! 🙃
  14. I have a spinning disc meter. But 80% is unrealistic without batteries because in the nighttime 3 aircons are running.
  15. My electric bill shows we use between 550-800 Kwh per month. With a Ongrid solar system how much pannels of 500W I need to reduce it around 40-50%?
  16. And your next of kin knows which health insurance you have and is always available? Or do you think the hospital calls 140+ insurance companies worldwide to check which one you are insured with? I not believe it!!!
  17. Same for me. I order at most from Smarttechshop on Lazada. Never had a problem. I look also at buyers reviews with photos of full charged battery capacity. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.LmqhC?cc
  18. Check here: https://s.lazada.co.th/s.LV8U2?cc
  19. I have a half dead one in my garden. Can I get the double?
  20. No!!! You can write the day, time, way, taxi no. etc. down & report it to the police. Specialy if you know the normal fare is just 300THB. Police know the fares to. They try to catch the taxi driver and will check the taxi meter for manipulation.
  21. I don't know but I never had the problem about delayed ejaculation. I not need it!!! But I have sometimes the problem (if drunken) to get a orgasm. This is much more harder!!! The girls start "uihh. tschepp" after they finished 3-4 times but me not. I can't finish or need to long to get a orgasm. Sorry, I forget to say that I let the lines cut around 10 years ago. So I can't ejaculate anymore.
  22. The Thai drove right on the road!!! If you want to drive from the side into the road you have to look it's free. So 100% the farang is wrong!!!
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