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Posts posted by JoeThePoster

  1. Trying to remember the name of a totally bizarre Japanese show that I caught a couple of times on UBC last year (possibly on the eXcite channel). It was on in the evening and had kids and adults giving some of the most surreal performances I've ever seen.

    Anyone else watched it and know the name or have a copy of the True schedule to hand to check it out for me?


    Takeshi's Castle? :o

  2. I read a while back that Thailand announced they were going to build a Nuclear Power Plant.

    Does anyone know anything about this? Have they started planning yet?

    I think it's a good thing as personally I am all for nuclear power.


    - Shug

    I am all for nuclear power too. I'd certainly build a nuclear plant if Lego sold one in a box. :o

  3. Or does it bug you that in the beerbars the ladies give a lot of attention to the handsome young man backpacker whilst neglecting you old pot bellied geezer though you have a fat wallet to spend on ladydrinks and so on?

    Does that really happen? I mean, are fat wallets and ladydrinks no longer in demand? :D

    Do I need buy a backpacker now? :o

    How much would you have to pay for a decent backpacker then?

    About the same as an English teacher, I guess.

  4. Or does it bug you that in the beerbars the ladies give a lot of attention to the handsome young man backpacker whilst neglecting you old pot bellied geezer though you have a fat wallet to spend on ladydrinks and so on?

    Does that really happen? I mean, are fat wallets and ladydrinks no longer in demand? :D

    Do I need buy a backpacker now? :o

  5. Oh I see.. Now I look closer.. How many lines are there? If every eligible person queued there it would be busier than the normal queue.

    There are at least 2 manned counters and every time I passed through in no more than 5 mins. It is faster here than the outgoing fasttrack counters - because it's so much more difficult to locate.

  6. For the last few years street vendors are not allowed to open Mondays as it is a Bangkok city council law

    Probably the only thing the last governor (Apirak) did was to void that law and implement cleaning every alternate Monday.

  7. Go here.


    That's ok for outgoing. Incoming is where the confusion lies. They announce fast track arrival on the video on the plane when on approach to BKK, but don't say where it is. I usually join the normal queue having been careful to avoid the ones with Indian or Chinese groups loitering nearby waiting for their place holder to reach the front so they can all jump in.

    If you look carefully, you'll find that it's the map for the Arrivals level. The long lines with numbers are the baggage carousels. The purple area shown by the arrow is the incoming fast track for TG business & gold card passengers.


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