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Posts posted by JoeThePoster

  1. It is more likely that the majority of those countries ministers had more pressing engagements at the current time. :)

    Absoultely right!

    But for unknown reasons skid-Mark and his cronies thought that they were all holding their breath awaiting the rescheduled date to be announced to jump into their suits and show up in Phuket for a linked-hands photo-op. :D

  2. the workmen sneer, laugh and yell stupid things, and try to arouse my interest.

    I keep my head down and keep going; never acknowledging them.

    Any suggestions?

    You know ......be like a regular person. :D

    Yeah, why can't you wear rose tinted glasses and think of them as angels in paradise showering you with praise - like the rest of us. :)

    Jeez it must be tough walking around in your skin.....

    Yeah, life is not easy, but at least I dont have to worry about what some random labourers think about me. :D

  3. the workmen sneer, laugh and yell stupid things, and try to arouse my interest.

    I keep my head down and keep going; never acknowledging them.

    Any suggestions?

    You know ......be like a regular person. :D

    Yeah, why can't you wear rose tinted glasses and think of them as angels in paradise showering you with praise - like the rest of us. :)

    Where do I get glasses that work? :D

    Try the same corner shop that sells the "hansum man" t-shirts. :D

  4. Several questions need answers. :D

    Would a discerning panty buyer have redress if the seller turned out to be lo-so?

    False advertising and all that - is one able to pursue a refund through the CPA?

    What if it is really a hi-so girl, but mailing cheap roadside unbranded knickers? Is there a guideline for acceptable hi-so panty brands?


  5. Tell you what, I've got a 40' container load of Free Nelson Mandela tee shirts stashed away in the East End, London, maybe we could do a deal. :)

    Yeah, let's bring Nelson to Thailand and get him arrested at the Imperial Queens Park for littering. :D

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