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Everything posted by sezze

  1. What are most items you buy on Thai market or in a Thai shop ? The same Chinese c_rap ,as you call it . Like i said , do not expect caviar if you are paying for peanuts . Know the prices , a cheap plastic item costs nothing , but something with a decent amount of technology to make ( not only electronics ) , does does a certain amount . You can't find a McIntosh amp at 5000B , or a Rolex for 20.000B . Sorry that ain't happening . Try find it anywhere in the world , miracles do not exist , you believe in religion or not , doesn't matter , they just do not exist . I go further , you can buy many wood items in Thailand , sometimes for a few 100s , other times it does cost a few 1000s or even 20k or more . Did you ever expect the same quality on the "few100s" type then on the 10k type ? They might look similar on the pics... It is the same like in every shop in Thailand , you check the quality in front , since you know warranty is useless . We all learned by mistakes , but if you bought a few items ever before you should know . Lazada/Shopee gives you plenty of choice of items , which before were very difficult to get or 100s of km away now finding them at a click away . They are certainly not all legit or give you something you expect to get , but imho it is just the same like in normal market , but with much more choice .
  2. COD yes , but fakes are pretty easy to spot . If i see something , i check other items in the shop and possibly also the shop location / streetview . There is also the thing , do not expect to pay peanuts for a caviar item . There is many types of shops on both , some specialist shops , some just a bunch of goods . Avoid shops which do just a bunch of good in different categories if you do not want a fake or cheap item . For example if you want to buy a gpu , buy it from a computer shop , and yes they are on shopee and lazada . I got preference on Lazada , but that's just because i'm used to how their system works and they were much faster with a English version of their website .
  3. No successful public company whatsoever in the world ever cared about anything else then money . Any company claiming they do since they didn't do such thing is because they could afford to do so and for public view on the company name . If people die in a company and the name is in the news , its bad publicity . If they go inside a country with "less human rights" they claim others do it also , and we are talking with the government to make changes , or else , we didn't know , it's not our company it is 1 of our subdivisions ... Companies care for the money , they are not social welfare houses .
  4. Everyone will get it , yes . Sooner or later you will get it . Vaccinated makes the symptoms less . The world economy is doing fine , in fact it is doing fabulous . Tourism , nightlife and social industry are suffering , but economy is better then ever before .
  5. I do not know everything about Thai politics , but i am looking at just many many countries . What you are questioning is a joke . The sides between different political sides are getting bigger just about everywhere and i expect , with the history in Thailand , i expect it not to be any different . This means , no , it won't be any difference from the past , unless the biggest sides/party can talk to each other and do not attack each other on every single item . Since there is too much money to be made in politics , all politicians only care about their seat and attack the other side any which way they can . This is not a Thai problem alone , it is unfortunate happening everywhere .
  6. This accident , how bad it is , makes no difference in wearing a helmet or not . In many accidents wearing a helmet would have helped , yes , but in this case , not even the best motorcycle suit and a carbon fiber helmet would have saved him . Seeing the damage , on both the car and the motorbike , this was not a low speed collision . Could have been on both sides ( motorbike + car) or 1 of them . Always have at least 6 eyes on your way in Thailand , 2 in front , 2 in the back of your head and 1 eye left + right .
  7. @Isaanlife I not gonna argue with your building experience . But as far as i know/heard most stones used in Thailand are not for load bearing walls . I mean the cinder block types and the red bricks . I am not sure about the big white cellular blocks . Most places in Thailand got span of 3-4m between columns which is plenty to hold the roof structure in its place , resting 100% on the columns . Like i said , i am not gonna argue with your knowledge , but Thai builders got their techniques , trying to explain something which they do not know is very difficult and requires even a lot more supervision . The technique with the columns work , especially if your roof is made out of steel panels ( colorbond or similar ) , since then the weight of the roof is very minimal .
  8. I am not a builder , but according to me , load bearing walls are 1 method of structural building . Another way of building is with NON load loadbearing walls , instead working with columns . A method also being used also around the world , especially in commercial/industrial buildings . In Thailand this method is used all around , load bearing columns , walls are non load bearing and can be moved / replaced / whenever wanted or needed .
  9. I have that Mazuma gas water heater , works like a breeze . Hot water as hot as you want , winter or summer .
  10. I always hear "som" being used next to the "priaao" . Sorry don't know Thai writing , but it is def used as a softer version of sour , so in my book its what i consider tart .
  11. Yes , because it is a very big issue . You are witnessing a massive shift , creating big problems in supply chain . This is largely done by covid , but not all of it . Covid made homework for many possible , creating much bigger demand in PC , together with the blooming computercoin market created a shortage of chips . Next is the different spending , when people didn't travel anymore or aren't going to bars , much of that money is going to different areas . Things much closer to home are very popular , like renovations . All creating a shortage of products which do create the big inflation number . This all was enhanced by the blockage of Suez canal . While it only took 1 week, but it created a large backlog which is basically not so easy to fix . These container ships are all carefully planned and every minute costs money . Then we got the spike in gas price , at least partially provoked by politics of Nordstream 2 and the tension between US and Russia . Rising gas prices means also rising electricity prices and everything involved ( which is just everything ) . It's all a big massive snowball ...
  12. I find this all strange . Australia demands vaccination for all incoming passengers . Novak was/is clearly not since he is against it . Consequence , no entry . All choices got 2 sides , and in this case it does mean no entry . That Australian Tennis Fed made him exempt is weird , but if recent positive counts , ok . Then we next point which is he was positive on a certain date ( 16 December?) and he made visits/interviews after that date , so in fact he was infecting others ... that should be jail sentence , not in Australia , but it is just a fact . There have been jail sentences before for positive HIV which infected others knowing they were positive . 3th thing , he lied on his entry form , since he did travel 14 days in front of going Australia , while he stated a no on his entry form . Australia is known to be very strong entry rules , all this together makes this imho very easy . No such man should be allowed to enter . We all make choices , choices also mean consequences . They can be good for you or bad , but they are always there . Face them ... that's my view .
  13. What would be over ? I'm double Pfizer vaccinated and Moderna booster . I'm as well protected as having virtual sex with wearing a condom but getting it doesn't solve anything . If i get it , i'm prob just a number in a file somewhere , and then what ? Does it mean you can travel anywhere ?, no quarantines? , no paperworks or special forms ? ,no extra special insurances ? bars open ? no extra tests ? If you answer yes on this questions , yes give me it , but you know as well as i do that it isn't the case . You are not THE man which needs to be infected to solve anything , and neither am i . It is the society and the politics . As long as a big amount of people are in hospital with Covid , no matter what variant or mutation , then the politics won't change . In this vieww , Omicron can be a game changer , since it is highly transmission but lower virulent . This together with the vaccines make you not go hospital and while you are nothing more then a number , any number not going in hospital is 1 and if there is enough like that , then it is all over and solved .
  14. Other topic just started says , Test & Go unlikely to return before middle of 2022 . That tourism isn't the complete economy is true , but in Thailand it is a good chunk . If you leave tourism out , what damage does Omicron do , anything more then Covid has done before ? I'm not staying Thailand , so i can only see it from far away , but anywhere i hear nothing more , in fact in most places less then previous variants . So that leaves a damage for tourism , which certainly is hurt from Omicron . If Test & Go is scrapped until middle of 2022 , not a lot of tourists will arrive in 2nd quarter also . That's just my opinion ...
  15. No , i agree that we all make errors , we are all human . But you are saying: i did that , but you cannot . People must be able to travel , far or close , that's personal choice . The travel industry does need to adapt also , but saying you can't anymore is a different thing .High speed rail is 1 thing which can already be a big thing , if the price is not more then a plane ticket .
  16. Thats rather strange , unless you are a Thai . Most people here are people living in Thailand or going holiday Thailand , and also most people birth nation is much further away then a few 100km . It doesn't mean that we shouldn't limit our consumption , if i see many peoples electric bills over here , there's still a lot of work to be done.
  17. It is not pathetic and weak , but it is weaker then Delta . This together with the vaccinations keeps most people out of hospital. When not vaccinated , it still is a potentially very serious disease , but thx to the vaccines it is "pathetic and weak" . You can see in many places that they let the virus more or less do it's thing , only trying to slow it down little . This is also because the spread is so big , that previous methodes aren't enough so in order to slow this 1 down , very drastic measures would need to be taken . In many countries vaccination status is pretty high , so they can manage the hospital load , it is more a problem to keep enough people going to work .
  18. IMHO any choice got other sides . He chooses not to be vaccinated , which means he can't go to all places. Australia demands vaccinations , so unless valid reasons ( medical background) he should be vaccinated or not enter the country . That's it ... no further discussion . A vaccinated can enter B not vaccinated can't enter C not vaccinated but valid reason ( immune disease , extreme allergic ...) .can enter . IMHO and what i've read , he can't enter . I praise Australia to be as they should be , or you follow rules or you don't , idc who you are .
  19. No i work in a chemical company for a long time . I know that we do many things to try to preserve energy but yes we do create many greenhouse gases . I hear the things of the "environmentalists" which they only see not further then 3 cm of their nose . Do i care about the environment , sure , but the stuff the "green wing" people are about is taxing everything and then it's all fine . It all is a lot more complicated then most people imagine . Are EV's more environmently friendly , i am not at all convinced about that . Since i do know all the techniques which are needed to create the batteries , the engines , or even the paints used on the cars . Are EV's better , yes , but that's because of the engines used which are way better then combustion , but in pollution , i don't think they are . And i don't only think they aren't i am pretty sure they aren't . People can believe all they want , like the engine is made out of copper wires and magnets , but i can tell you there is a lot more to them . The batteries are made out of lithium ,cobalt and few other metals , which are just on surface and ready available , no they aren't .
  20. Fact also is , environmentalists think people live only at few miles ( km ) from their work , do live in a city where everything is close by , and work normal working hours so they can travel by public transport . The "green people" forget about people working in chem or petrochem companies , making products which do make all the needed components for their "green switch" , for medicines , for their computers and phones and their sheep wool clothes . I am in front for EV's since the technology is way better then petrol/diesel/... driven cars . Not because it is cleaner , since the electric produced can be from anywhere , and the batteries are creating huge resources . But a electric engine just works much better then a combustion , in all different kinds you want to look at it .
  21. While it is never smart to forget "official paperwork" , if you still get 1 , it does show "good intend" . I mean if it is within certain time frame , not after 3 weeks , when should be 5-7 days . I always believe that even officials do show compassion if a person does try to do the right thing , even after they done "wrong" in the 1st place . You can always have a bad officer , but i believe the chances of having a easier system after does rely on 2 sides , especially if you do have something not right . So , go to test center as soon as possible and get yourself tested , you are too late , but if it is only a few days , you can get away with it .
  22. What you are saying is basically the same everywhere else also . What are the biggest risks of transmitting a virus ? School off course , they are rarely sick themselves but take it home and infect others . Other places are nightlife , especially with alcohol involved . Nightlife because it's indoor ( most of the time ) , and creates social contacts . The more alcohol involved , the more social contacts ( beer is helping ugly people have sex since ... ) and the more a virus can spread . These are facts , you can try to make it safer but the basic reason of bars / nightlife in general is social contacts . Thailand is in this no different then any other place on earth . Whatever measures are taken can be different but the standard rules apply and it is that bars and alcohol are certainly loved spots for a virus to spread .
  23. Failed no , i wouldn't say so . Caught by reality is a different thing then failing . Many or better say all countries have been caught by the same thing . There's no running from this , neither hiding . It is what it is , and countries are trying their best , some more successful then others but basically there are no winners here .
  24. Why does it matter so much to you ? No person ever died of HIV/ AIDS , since HIV/AIDS does not kill you , surrounding diseases do . Covid is not harmless at all , and yes , if you got underlying conditions it certainly is worse . Nobody ever told you otherwise , if you are weak , having covid surely can "help" you dying more quickly . You can check all my previous responses , im well in front of regulations , vaccinations , but i am also checking and seeing the Omicron data. Get vaccinated and fast since it is superfast , but if you are vaccinated , it poses little risk to you if you are not unhealthy before . BTW i lost far family members on covid , i got a nurse in my family and i got 2 close family members fighting a losing fight as i'm typing . I seen all sides , including a neighbor who is not being treated as he could be for blood circulation to his legs/feet , because his department is closed ( covid ) . Omicron is much better , all reports say , but it isn't harmless . We will see how it turns out , but it still isn't the time to joke about it . ( ps you can joke about it , if you keep in mind that many people/families are still suffering ) .
  25. You can see daily numbers in Eu , and regulations being let go little by little while breaking new records or heavy rising cases . Omicron is not harmless , but if vaccinated , poses little risk . So , if the hospitals can follow the workload , everything will be more and more free , within respectable time . This is also being confirmed by multiple of official sources by multiple scientists of different countries , UK and Denmark being the 1st . Is it all over yet , no , but does it start to look good , yes . Check France with record breaking near 300k infections in a day , but hospitals can handle , which was impossible numbers in previous covid variants .
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