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Everything posted by sezze

  1. Because a 500l tank is much larger then a 30-50 l tank of a compressor . The air is compressed , even if it is by water , the danger is the 500l . You do not have to over inflate a tire , driving over a stone or similar and it can blow up , giving the pfft .
  2. True , but if this is the same danger and problems like the ones before , meaning same hospital admissions ( people still don't get it that the death rate isn't the thing , it is the hospitals full with really very sick people ) , then the <deleted> just hit the fan very hard . That is at least the 1st estimate , since most things point at , much more transmission ( +500% of Delta , making it 1 of the highest transmission virus recorded to date ...) , and due to many changes in the spike proteines , it will escape the present vaccines ( aka making them pretty much useless ) . We all need to hope for the best , in case we want to keep going in the right direction and not to square 1 of covid .
  3. Expect things turned back for many countries if not all very soon , i mean in the next 3/4 days .Israel closed its borders already. It is waiting and hoping that it is less virulent ( dangerous) and more spreading . That way is the way out , and the way it looks will be by far the fastest way out . Let's just all cross our fingers ....
  4. Just wait , it looks like the new variant is much more transmission , but at the moment there is no indication ( what i've read about it ) that it is dangerous . Lets just hope it is less dangerous , in that case , covid just might have evolved in a harmless cold ( which in fact are corona virus in most cases already ) . I'dd say 1st indications will not be far away , i think within 1 week 2 weeks max .
  5. No it is much more dangerous . It is the volume which is the issue . A bike tyre exploding is only a pff .., a car tyre is a boom , and a truck tyre creates a huge mess already . The larger it gets the larger the havoc it causes . In industry pressure tests are always done with liquid and not with gas , because in case of fail , the pressure with water is reduced fast , with gas it is a explosion . Do not use any kind of pressure tank which is not supposed to used that way , you won't believe what hazards are there ( and it already killed many people in the past!! ) .
  6. Sure these pallets are strong enough , they are made for carrying something . Besides maybe a better look , and fast ready , i wouldn't know why you should use one. A couple of stones , a bit of cement ,sand, stones and a bit of sweat and you have a nice concrete base . Both options are possible , the concrete base is cheaper , the plastic version is faster ... that is about as much difference there is .
  7. You could do , but it is certainly much worse for rubber then isoprop . Add not more then 10% in the water if you want to use it . The alcohol based ( isoprop or if you want to use ethanol (lao khao)) does work much better then water alone , since the degreasing properties . Add a drop of diswashing liquid for the smell and enhance the degreasing effect without the foam ( the alcohol takes care of that ) .
  8. Normally it is Isopropanol with water + a drop of dishwasher liquid . The amount of isoprop vs water is depending on the freezing temp , but since that is not a problem in Thailand i would do like 10-20% isoprop and top up the rest with water and the drop of dishwasher liquid .
  9. well , yes , but i highly doubt these fans are speed controller , but yes , you need to check . Fans aren't anything special , thats why theres very cheap things floating around and used . It is sure that the fans used in a 3000 baht device , meant to be to do a lot more complicated things then cooling , are just bad . Replacing them with better , will not only give better results ( aka cooling) but also extend the lifetime of the total device ( better cooling ) .
  10. Both do fine , i highly doubt that a simple device will check the power going to the fan , unless it is OP ( so way too high) . I did post in somewhere else i think , but all fans used in these inverters aren't the best fans . Meaning high power consumption , high noise , low output . Changing them for a good computer fan , same voltage ( thats important ) , will cost you a lot more ( the cheap fans cost less then 100b , good quality can cost upto 1000b , but theres a lot in the middle ) , but provide more cooling for less noise and power consumption and some have MTBF of many many years .
  11. That is why the vaccinations come in place . At least you can see if there is a sudden spike of seriously ill that a new variant is raising his ugly head . This is not going away , way to far spread in all layers of population worldwide . I think it will be like flu 2.0 soon including the vaccination . All with seasons , and vaccines will include a few variants , so hopefully it keeps it all under control .
  12. Might be a stupid question , but what are the codes on the cables , the VCT and all other cable codes ? I know it has to do with the insulation used but idk which cable type is used for what ....
  13. Check out the " alternative energy " topic , plenty of examples and prices there .
  14. Maybe try live somewhere else , your eyes will open if you see what we pay over here in europe ( and no it isn't less then Thailand ...) . IMHO electricity is extremely cheap in Thailand .
  15. Many airlines were now beating a path to Thailand's door he said noting that Emirates even wanted to land their A380 airbusses. "That's 500 tourists on each flight," enthused Yutthasak. Your calculations are very easy , 50k per day , only 100 Airbus A380 .... very simple . I think there will be double , at least .
  16. However it does sound not good , he is actually right . Personal freedom is that correct if i want to kill all non believers ( in relation to terrorist acts around the world ) ? Is it personal freedom above culture to do anything you want to do ? IMHO no , it isn't . In some countries the culture is not liked by me , but then i can't go there since it is outside my personal freedom/believe . He is right , that the culture is what makes a country , well beyond the personal freedom . You might like it or not , since that is personal freedom , but the culture in a country/region will always win ( until the culture changes , since that does happen over time ) .
  17. This s***t still flying around .... Don't want to take a official tested and reviewed vaccine , but want to take some non reviewed medicine for a viral infection . The amount of medicines around for viral infections is small . There used to be only 1 , Aciclovir , working against Herpes . This only changed when HIV/Aids started where they did huge research on , and found some medication working in slowing down infections . Ivermectin has been in use since 1977 so before this time . They did found Iver... working against some virus strains , maybe this is where the covid believe comes from . Anyway , do you believe that the company making it ( there are more since it is around for some while ) , Merck btw , who do have no vaccine for Covid do not want this to be subscribed for Covid ? Since the drug is on the market long time , the test would not take long , but yet doesn't do so . This all should raise your alarm bells as somebody saying "this works for Covid" . Reviews and tests are specific focused on that , finding out on a group of persons if it works or not , since it has to be double blind studies . This also rules out the persons , since of all things , we are all human and react different on all kinds of stuff . This means there has to be a difference in the 2 groups , and it needs to be significant . None of that happened .... Ivermectin does not work period .... take a vaccine, it has been tested and reviewed . BTW , some medication is underway , but Iver... is not 1 of them .
  18. 100% agree , small pressure tank is ok , large pressure tank is not only very expensive , but also dangerous in case of failure ( hence the expensive reason) . You can make your own ,with larger diameter pipes , but anything containing more then let's say 50l will become a problem .
  19. In order of breakthrough infections , yes a booster is needed . This thx to the Delta variant , where the vaccines just fall back a little , but enough to still give problems. How long we still got problems with this virus is unknown , but it ain't over just yet . However i must say , it has been a while i heard something about different mutations showing up , so hopefully we got the worst behind us . I think , but i'm no researcher there might be a 4th shot needed also , with not only a booster but adapted to some diff variants , but we will see ...
  20. I consider myself a globalist , and i do not worship rich people . I got nothing against them , up to a certain point . Same like Bono who goes asking for normal working class people to donate money for helping the starving in Africa or somewhere else , in his private jet ... Or Al Gore , who does say to normal people that "we" do put out too much CO2 , while his personal CO2 footprint is extremely big . Nobody on this planet needs more then 1 billion $ , while many others can't go school longer/higher degree because they don't have the money for it . Or are struggling to get a plate of food on their table .
  21. That is impossible for most poor people . If you do spread some of the money , and like i said , you can absolutely keep 1 billion ( thats 1000 million $ ... ) , much more people can have a better life . Most of the superwealthy people did not start from nothing . They had a serious amount of start money . If you grow up poor , chances of you getting out of it is very very small . So simply "earn their own" is not possible . Some of these poor people do have great ideas , but lack start money . More equal society creates less anger/crime in society also .
  22. I do not care for any of them , I do not care any of politicians , in any country . IMHO they all bad ... which i know they are not but imho they are . I keep my opnion , nobody should be worth more then then 1 billion . Even in capitalist sytem this is great , it is much much more then you can spend in your life. You can do much more if you give it do others , and tbh idc to who , since spreading is the key to spreading it all for more people .
  23. Nobody should be worth more then 1 billion $ , anything more should be given to less fortunate . It might sound communist , but i call it socialist . 1 billion $ is more then enough to do anything you want , with a lot of extra's . You can own everything you basically want , even can buy small countries if you want to . If you manage to earn 1 billion , im am pretty sure , everything you make will always flow back to you even if you give it away . It is like a ocean , give the water away , it will flow back , since people will still do the same like before . If not , you can change things to make it , and even if that doesn't work , you can still stop it , but in the same way , your billions extra will have been distributed between others , meaning better distribution of wealth .
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