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Everything posted by sezze

  1. There's plenty more . Batteries can catch fire , as long as Li will be used , since Li is very unstable element . It will not blow up , but will cause what it is called in chemical reactions as a "runaway" . Fuel cars did come a long long way , gasoline ( benzine) is much more flammable then batteries , but they had time to learn from previous accidents to prevent fires. Diesel is a different story , since at normal temp , this is inflammable . You either have to heat it up to create a gas ( liquids don't burn ) or disperse it . Take it or leave it , unless you are death in the next 10y , you will see the transfer to electric happening very very fast . They are much better is many ways , and worse in some others . Biggest downfall atm is the price , they do cost a lot more then fuel cars , but that price difference will get smaller ( and has been getting smaller) as years go by . In use you also have to figure out what it will cost you on daily base . A electric car in general does use around 15kW/100km -> around 65-70 baht / 100km A fuel car at a price of 30baht /l will use somewhere in the range of 5-10l /100km -> 150-300baht /100km . And let's not forget you can put solar panels on your roof and get your electric even cheaper . In case of motorbikes , the difference is much bigger . Most people i know use their motorbikes in a range where even very cheap electric motorbikes can compete . Going around the local town , to local market , ... driving only few km . It will take over the market fast , i think in 15y , you will have to look at new cars and will find fuel cars as you find now electric cars .
  2. True , vaccination is most important . But the OP said he wants to know the choice between the AZ and the Pfizer . Both are good vaccines , better then the Chinese made (i think there was 1 exception , but ok ) , and are safe . Now a few months down the line , the differences between AZ and Pfizer are becoming more visible , and Pfizer looks better in protection longer time .
  3. If somebody breaks quarantine rules and imagine that person being positive , infecting others , making a country going in lockdown due to many cases ... forcing business to shut down , and disrupting the daily life of many , would it not be logic that there are very very strong actions needed ? 99% prob she is negative , and prob nothing will happen . But the quarantine is there for a reason , it is not a choice to follow or not . This is not about the right or wrong for a quarantine , but saying "Fascist Aussie" are very strong words , and i think many people will agree on fleeing quarantine being a serious matter .
  4. btw my dad is cancer patient and diabetic type2, forgot to mention that .
  5. Over here in my country , they are starting 3th vaccination . We have had here J&J ( single shot ) , Astra Zeneca , Pfizer and Moderna . 3th shots for elderly are busy . Next up are J&J and Astra , as they do see more breakthrough infections there . I did get Pfizer as so did my parents . No negative side effects , besides painful arm . All 3rd shots are supposed to be Pfizer or Moderna ( most Pfizer ) . If you ask me , i would choose Pfizer above AZ every single day , since the new mrna technique seems better in protecting .
  6. Tomorrow , new estimates ... 10 million visitors by April 2022 expected . For the real latest estimates , i think was 1 million visitors by April , if im correct ? 50.000 applications were made , knowing who it is , nobody of them would be real tourists , and also knowing that these were people who couldn't wait to come Thailand . It is like the opening of a new bar/shop/... 1st days are busy , after it falls back to more normal numbers . I think they must be lucky if they get 300-400k
  7. Charging times mean nothing its kW/h . You cannot charge 50kW in 1 min unless you got a <deleted>load big cables and scary big power running through it . It isnt happening any time soon even if the batteries can do .
  8. Again , this is predictable . Some people in tourist industry need to open their eyes . If you want to focus on standard tourists , it isn't the time right now . Long haul flights , in times like these are still a huge gamble and no 1st time tourist is gonna come right now , or even any time soon . Only people with some ties to Thailand , family , business , friends , long time tourists are willing to take that jump right now . Families will not come , no way since the risk something happening is way to big. People who believe otherwise are just crazy. I am not even talking about closed nightlife ( and it is logic that it is closed , since it is everywhere around the world the last thing opening, thx to more risky behavior, close contacts , indoor...) . I even doubt it will change for 2022 , since many people plan their holidays months (6 and more) in front . If you see the numbers in EU right now , we see another big wave rolling over , in many countries with less hospitalisations ( vaccines) , but with more infections . Times are still way to difficult to go take risks like that . People just want to stay closer to home . Thailand can think they are nr1 in the world and everybody can't wait to stay there , but the fact is , Thailand does have some good points , but other countries have good points also . They are just 1 of the 195 countries in the world.
  9. Commercial vehicles , there are certainly a few around , bus and vans are used already . The heavy equipment , you are right , and it will be a while before they come. Thailand indeed is far from being ready . But not having it now , doesn't mean it won't be in 10-15y . Range and recharge time : Range is no problem , most people drive less then 100km per day . Many electric cars now got 400km range ( and more but 400 is pretty standard ) . Recharge time , well it is different then your petrol engine . You do not drive to the petrol station once your car is empty and then drive out again for the next 400km . It can be done , and then the recharge time is important , but it is not the best use in several ways . It is bad for the battery . Normally you come home and plug in a normal rate charger , meaning , it does take a few hours , but if you are driving 100km a day , it is nice and full again without problem for next day . Idk where you live , maybe in Thailand , but looking outside on the road here ( Europe) , i see electric bicycles a lot , cruising along . I see electric steps , cruising along . Yes , it isn't the same like it used to be , requires some changes , but many changes are easily done . https://www.gogoro.com/gogoro-network/ And this can be done easy in Thailand also , and it can go superfast . The amount of motorbike's around is huge , charging /switching stations can be build fast .
  10. Yes old cars do stay around for a while . How many cars of lets say 30y old do you see driving daily ? In some countries cars of 10/12 y are old , and replaced, and let's say they will be replaced by electric . The old car goes to let's say Africa , and will drive there for years to come . But will it drive there for 5y , 10y , 20y but sooner or later , it will be out of use . There aren't many Ford T on the road , not in Africa , not anywhere . So phasing it out , means , it will go away .
  11. no , because you do know the incubation period . It is been mentioned here . It is not visible the 1st second you contract covid ( or any virus that is ) unfortunate . It would be fantastic if it would be and maybe somewhere in lets say 20y it might be , but atm it isnt. 1st you contract the virus , and it goes in your cells . After a few days , the growth is exponential , since your body doesn't know it is there and neither is any of the tests . After a while/couple of days , viral load goes skyhigh , and is detectable . Your body is also producing antibodies if everything is correct , and we go where you know it will . Unless you are flying from 5 destinations for week week in airports , no way 1st test are positive unless you contracted it before . btw , it does have a name , it is called incubation time . It is the time needed for the body to have the virus but not knowing it does have it.
  12. Most problems will prob occur indeed with a transfer switch and generator . When the grid is off , generator is on , and thx to faulty wiring/installation/transfer switch , putting it back in the empty grid is possible. I highly doubt it is possible when the grid is on , since it would cause a massive short circuit thx to the generator not in sync with the grid . All grid ties like said do have anti-islanding features and while it might be possible in theory when having several GTI in house to have a islanding happening , chances on that happening are very unlikely ( has been tested before , and even then , they still go out within milliseconds ) . Off grid hybrids , they simply cannot put back in grid , while they have a incoming wire from grid , they will not send anything over to that side , since it isnt connected . Putting IN/OUT wrong , might in theory send back in grid , but then we get the same problem as with the generator , not sync'd -> short circuit .
  13. Why such a high bill ? Testing positive is always possible and most if not all countries demand quarantine for such people . This is logic , since they can infect others , inside or outside Thailand , doesn't matter . Having follow up is also logic , since you did test positive , to make sure you do not need extra medical care ... all logic . Then comes the bill in mind . 350.000 for 14 days , for nothing more then a positive test .... absolute rubbish . I do know Thailand so i guess the story is true , but that doesn't make it right . Quarantine , test again after 7d, 10d and so on until 2 negative results would come in is much more logic. Yes it will cost the price of the room and the tests , so potential bill would not be needed to exceed , price of room + the extra tests .
  14. Not to mention , but many work on main lines is done under "life" or "hot" conditions . Meaning , the grid is still on , and he is working when there is power on it . This also means he got protection gear on ( in Thailand prob Thai style ) and is ready for possible hazard . In the cases where he expects the power to be really off , he will check this a few times .
  15. Hmm , euhm yes and ? The government , in whatever country your in always controls you . And it isn't alone the government it is companies also . Not only that , it is in fact even the other countries government who controls you . We live by rules , because we life in a society and it requires certain rules . At work you got a employer and he tells you what needs to be done and you get paid . He sets the rules for you . In any country or even international waters there are certain rules to be followed . I am pretty sure most , besides some psychopaths , say we cannot harm or kill other people . That is where vaccination and masks come in , is that so bad ? The masks aren't fun at all time , i do agree , but i do not like many other things also , but you do it to protect yourself and your neighbors , parents ,friends , or just other people .
  16. Yes , you can check PEA/MEA approved , unless you are on the cheapest grid tie inverters , by far most of the grid tie inverters ready available in Thailand are PEA/MEA approved and all ( even the cheapest ) have anti islanding protection . For the off grid hybrids , they do not send anything to the grid side , so no PEA regulation , and off course , it has islanding function , otherwise it wouldnt be a off grid inverter . The on/off grid hybrids , the most expensive ones , there are not a ton available in Thailand , and they got also the PEA label . For fuseboxes , including all bells and whistles , are ready to buy . They are specific made for solar , it isn't the weirdest technology . Yes you do need some knowledge , but not more difficult then the circuit breaker box standard in your home . Adding batteries , does include some more knowledge , since the high amps , do require some more specialized equipment , not available everywhere . Also the batteries do need bms ( in case of Li type ) and some more protections .
  17. Quick calculations ,for you : solar panels around 9 baht per watt . For 3 kWp it is like 27000 baht for solar panels . inverter , thats the tricky one , starting from 2500 baht all the way to the sky . Typical grid tie inverters should set you back around 10-15000 baht , 3 kWp . If you going for a partial off grid inverter , 3kW simple versions around 7-8000baht , 5kWp 20000 baht . Then you have the more complicated versions , and they cost in area of 35000-45000 baht , and they do all , grid tie together with the option for batteries on/off grid. Batteries , still expensive , but there's examples in some treads of having good back up solutions for 20.000/30.000 baht . still need mountings for the solar panels ( couple of 1000 should be enough ) , fuse box ( 1500 baht ) and some wiring , lets give that also 1000 baht . So depending on what you want for 3kWp : 27000 + 15000 + 5000 (all kinds wiring/fuse...) -> 3kWp (around 350 kWh a month) -> 47000 baht should be able to do it , grid tie 3 kWp no battery backup
  18. There are multiple hospitals in every single city in Thailand . I can only know from the city i stay in when i'm in Thailand . Check google maps , to see the hospitals in your area , and ask Thai persons which hospital they go to if they have a problem . They will know .
  19. Come on , in many countries life is pretty much normal , besides a few things . The few things being having to show a certificate , limited amount of people together and masks . It is very different then 1.5y ago , when i was driving home from work ( mind you , i work in chem company , my work can't be done from home ) and i was literally alone on the road . It is not evil like it is now , in most places , thx to the vaccinations . Vaccinate yourself , preferably with mRNA technology ( new insights already are that the protection is working better for longer period of time then other technologies around) and this way , it will be faster on it's way to normal .
  20. Looking at the responses ,i'd say my responses are right . This does not mean all comes cheap , as i do know , some medical things are crazy expensive ( cancer treatment in general is , unfortunate , chemo and even much much more in immunotherapy ) . I do not wish it for anybody neither do i say like anybody should forfait on it . It is all personal choice and personal wish to do in such treatment . For most treatments, general hospitals are fine , they go cheap . They do not have all modern means , but do have good doctors ( as far as i know the same like most fancy ones) , but they do not treat all people same for sure . This is where the private hospitals step in , at a big increase in price . You go for it or not , like i said , i do not give any choice , thats personal ... i do know mine , and i do talk personal experience ( which i hope nobody should ever get that choice or chance , but since we are all on this planet living , we all do in contact with the end of life....)
  21. Like the post from Crossy , but there are plenty of options , all with a price point . A grid tie inverter with limited feedback to grid( or none) and battery connection does exist , but many aren't cheap . I think 1 of the cheapest around is the Sorotec Revo 2 . This is very useful if you want the feed in grid and keep the battery as a backup in case of blackouts . For the same amount you can double out your system , 1 grid tie inverter , taking care of daily needs and putting in the grid , and a standard hybrid off grid which does take care when power is out . 3th and most expensive option , and most of the time the best option is having all that in 1 single box . Unfortunate they do not come cheap , there is no reason why they would be more expensive then the others , but since i do not make them , that's just the way it is . This 1 can do all , meaning grid tie if you want to , put in net what you want , and inject even from battery when your solar isn't enough. Everything has got it's pricepoint , it all isn't extremely expensive , but neither is it cheap , and requires a initial investment . It will pay back itself after a while , but putting a system together needs planning , since you are looking at payback of at least several years (2.5 to ???? .
  22. Yes , it is possible , but actually it is too late . If it was done in the early hours of the outbreaks , this was the shot we had in having this under control and making it going away . Now , there's millions who do have it , right now as i'm typing and who are not aware that they have it ( or don't care since mild symptoms) . They give it to others , since it is very infectious , and so the circle keeps running around . Some people got now their 2nd or even 3th covid infection . In solving this , everybody needs a superhard lockdown for 1 month worldwide . In this way , nobody comes in contact with others and the virus will be extinct . This is however not a option , so it keeps on spreading here and there . So , what is the next best option . Make the infected numbers not matter , and make hospital admissions and deaths the numbers who do . This can be done with vaccination . At the moment the vaccines aren't perfect yet , some look better then others , especially in the longer term , but more time is needed , so more results are in . Vaccinations do not make you 100% immune , but especially when newly vaccinated , do keep you out of hospital . They do not only keep you out of hospital , but also makes the spread less , so less spread means , it will take longer for large groups to be infected . In the long run , people will still die from covid , like people who die from any other disease , when you are weak enough . But it will be manageable , hospitals won't be overrun anymore . It will transform in a flu , and prob in later stage a common cold , which in fact are most corona virus in humans .
  23. True , but unrealistic . We need food . We are with too much people , and while it is nice to dream of some plants and animals in the garden , it is not doable for most population. Factory farming is a way to get enough food on our plate , while the situation needs to be improved to make the life of the animals as good as possible , at the moment it is the only way .
  24. In a government hospital ? I never ever heard or seen bills like that in such hospital , i did hear about it in private hospitals . Abdomen surgery , 3 days in private room public hospital less then 10k . No special insurance . Other hospital , private but medium range , was something like 70.000 . I highly doubt it was a government hospital that he went .
  25. Ok , but again , why you want to go to such place ? Standard hospital can take care most things , private room is 1000 baht/day extra ( and that room was much larger then the private hospital i visited once ) which is a bit dark room , but airco is present , tv , also there , ... even private staff is present ... that is in public hospital . 3/4 days stay in such hospital with operation sets you back around 10.000 baht . Do i like to travel in 1st class , or even a private jet , sure ... but i do not have the money for it . I want also a yacht , a Lamborghini just to look at , a private designer for me alone ... ... but i can't afford such things ... A hospital is there to make me better , and as far as i've witnessed , standard hospitals do that also . Then you got also private hospitals which you pay a lot more , get more luxuries , but thats about it . Then you got like Bangkok Hospital where a single day can cost you 100k . Like i said , look different hospitals , there are plenty around .
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