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About Mason45

  • Birthday 05/05/1945

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  1. I gamble on the horses a few times a week but I always use a VPN.
  2. They gang up because most are skinny teenage 20 baht punks. Then again the German guy was probably heavily bombed by 4 am in the morning., so he would've been an easy prey. I rarely get home late after a boozing session and when I do I call a Bolt taxi.
  3. I'd love to have one as big as yours Bob and have the ladies gushing all over me with eccstacy.
  4. I was a professional cyclist in my younger days. I now only use walking as my early morning exercise. I woudn't dream of riding a cycle in Pattaya. Walking can be dangerous too at times as they watch their favorite soapies on their devices taking their eyes off the road. I've also noticed when they're talking to a person sitting on the front seat besides them they take their eyes off the road looking at the person they're talking to.
  5. Many Thai girls especially from up Noth see getting a boy friend as a status symbol. All's going well and along come 2 kids. The boy friend loses his job or dies in a motor cylce accident. Maybe he has always refused to go to work and when the kids come along he doe's a runner. My wife went through all of this, Shacked up at 18 yo and had her first kid at 19. She assured me if a young girl has problems when she's single then the monthly expenses such as accomodation and feeding 3-4 mouths is virtually impossible.
  6. I contacted my bank card company and then Yolla and they both confirmed that they were both working fine.
  7. Really after living here for the past 24 years I'm not interested in Thai politics. When Yingluck got the flick the Aussie dollar was 33.5 baht. Three months into the coup it dropped to 20.00 bahht.
  8. Good riddance Klaus, I hope you rot in hell.
  9. The difference is when Thai women consider themselves cashed up they get well ahead of themselves. After being married for the past 24 years I know what I'm talking about. When I first met my wife she had absolutely nothing, no accomodation and only one set of clothes that were very well. worn. So our first venture was the Soi Bukaow Market where she cut loose in case I moved her on.
  10. I just don't understand how Thais carry on about inherited assests and money, especially when it could be a long jail term sentence or even the death pena;ty. I know by living in Thailand for the past 24 years that CASH is king irrespective of the consequences
  11. The best thing to come out of Korat is highway 304 back to Bangkok.
  12. The main reason I'm looking for a program similar to Skype is I want the cheapest rate going when calling Government Departments and Banks when I placed on hold for 30 minutes or even longer.
  13. Maybe another coup coming up and Piripan is looking for a senior post.
  14. I tried Yolla and it knocked back my 2 different credit cards
  15. I agree SoCal, that's why I bought a 2 storey house in a large estate in Nong Chok 38 kms from Bangkok City but still part of Bangkok. It's so peaceful, fresh air in the mornings and the natives are very friendly. I'm in my holiday condo in Pattaya at the moment and it's full of cretins from up north and now the Russians are muscling in.
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