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Everything posted by Mason45

  1. The cause of many fatal falls in Pattaya is caused when guys spend to much time on the nest and they think they can fly.
  2. My brother inlaws son is a Thai cop. He told me that prior to graduating the cadets are required to state their preferred posting. If the preferred posting is Pattaya that's when the brown envelopes come into play.
  3. I know that Leo has the highest calories in Thai beers, so how many calories are in My Beer? Where I live the imported beers are virtually impossible to find.
  4. Hi there, I'm looking for a free antivirus program for my back up laptop, are there any recommendations?
  5. When I go for my daily walk an MC goes past at 6.30 am every morning with 4 on the bike and a baby in the front basket. Even though there's a stop sign there, I've never noticed them reduce speed let alone stop. I agree confiscate the bikes as even a license suspension is no deterrent.
  6. I walk for 2 hours every morning at 6 am in the Wongamat Beach area. I've never seen anybody who obeys road signs. Namely stop signs and speed limits. There's 40 km/h limit signs every few hundred meters, many must think that's the minimum speed, Nowadays that area has been taken over by tour buses and they aren't driven any differently.
  7. If you keep on raving on then you might miss your plane. I'm an Aussie but unlike you I don't really care what others do, as long as they don't interfere with me.
  8. As a resident in Thailand for the past 22 years may I ask examples of Thaksins dislike for foreigners ? When he was in power all the overseas exchange rates were going great, ENG pound 85 baht, US dollar 45 baht, AU dollar 33.5. A a self funded retiree with a Thai wife that's all that worries me. Everything else is business for Thais.
  9. I got knocked back for the Australian aged pension as I didn't return to Australia 2 years before it was due. So I sold my home in Australia and I invested the proceeds into a term deposit fund at 5% per annum. I only send money to Thailand when needed, living expenses etc. Will that money be taxable in Thailand. I don't need to send any large sums as I own a house in Bangkok, my condo in Pattaya and I own a 4 years old car. Thanks.
  10. Let's hope that the MFP gains a majority of 51% or more and govern in their own rights. Won't that throw a cat amongst the pigeons.
  11. I'm currently getting 4.85% for 9 months, Australian Government Guaranteed.
  12. Do Thais need a reason to lose it?
  13. I renewed my drivers license today, It was so much more organised than it was 5 years ago. The appointment is probably the reason why. We did the traffic light test, the reaction test but the perception test wasn't even mentioned. I also got a 6 years license.
  14. Given their ages we can probably dismiss the yabba theory. It's more likely they were drinking Lao Khaow, I've seen it with my wifes family and neighbors some guys go totally feral when they are well past their limit.
  15. Who was hit on the head when the crime was re enacted?
  16. Let the users decide after all it's their life. I've seen my wifes brothers hit the Lao Khaow when I visit them up north and we have a party. May I ask is that a healthy beverage as it totally wrecks them.
  17. Thais remind me of Errol Flynn, everything they touch they <deleted>.
  18. One special massage shop I go to I change into my birthday suit after I go up the stairs.
  19. Maybe the first step would be to contact Wise and enquire if this message is genuine. I must've used Wise over 30 times and I've never had a problem. Their exchange rates and prompt transfers is why I've recommended Wise to all my expat friends. Years ago we were ripped off by all banks with ridiculous exchange rates and fees, with a very slow transfer time.
  20. So I take it kids weren't smoking weed prior to Anutin legalising it. I know from my Thai family and others that Thai parents never show any responsibility towards their kids. How would they know because their parents were exactly the same.
  21. Always check your current 90 days slip, that's the day irrespective of the visa stamped date in your passport. I was caught out years ago. I pleaded innocent all to no avail and I was fined 2,000 baht. People have got to learn that common sense doesn't prevail in Thailand.
  22. Hi all, I have several Thai bank accounts and I use KBANK for my auto debits. It never carries large amounts due to security reasons. Anyway I was renting a holiday property and when I decided I wasn't going to renew my contract, I went to the original bank to cancel the power and water auto debits. It took me 8 visits to 3 different KBANK branches before they got it right. My wife did all the talking so they can't say there was a language break down. Cheers.
  23. Hi all, I'd say that his b*lls are bigger than his brains. Cheers.
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