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Everything posted by Mason45

  1. I had several experiences with a few Ugandan women who were attending the University where I was a maintenance Plumber. I vividly remember that I could've done with a few more inches to satisfy them. They say pussies come in 2 sizes, big ones or whoppas. Believe me they were both whoppas.
  2. Pattaya is really no different to any other tourist destinations, you're safety is entirely in your hands. Minimize carrying large amounts of money and only wear limited jewellery such as a watch or in some cases a religious necklace.
  3. His balls must be bigger than his brains.
  4. Just think of the arduous task of getting their gear off. He must be a spend thrift with a sense of humor to pay 4 k for those 2 crackers,
  5. Geez, it must've been serious as there was no mob there finger pointing/
  6. I can understand a guy in this situation, going back 25 years ago I told her in doors that as I pay for everything I do have most of the say. She wasn't very happy at the time so I told her it's my way or the highway. As years passed by she has realized that she can always go back to her former life. We get on much better now and her family are very welcome at my home for 3-4 day stays but certainly no cash advances.
  7. A few weeks ago we got ants in our bed, I regularly sprayed it with vinegar and now the ants have moved on.
  8. All the fine upstanding youth of the area were pissed right off their heads and most were carrying necks of large beer bottles in their hip pickets. Obviously it pays to be armed in that area. A female friend of my wife stood shot gun in the mens toilet just to watch my back. Actually the brawl halted when some hero rode a motor cycle right into the middle of it. He was traveling at least 60-70 kms per hour.
  9. I very much doubt it as many failed 2nd grade plasticine in prep school.
  10. I went to a festival like this many years ago in Yasothon. A violent brawl broke a few hours before the rockets were supposed to be launched so the launching was called off. I've been around a lot more than most guys and I can tell you the carnage from the brawl was worse than the damage that rockets can do. There were bloodied bodies every where, one was obviously deceased. Again where were the dozen or so BIB's, in the whiskey tent of course. The officials called off the event, not the cops who probably didn't give a rats ass.
  11. People are going to be killed in the future at the Dolphin roundabout. The morons on motor cycles speed down Naklua Road and then swerve sharp right. Not only are they on the wrong side of the road, in certain cases the oncoming traffic simply wouldn't see them. This started a few years ago when the roundabout was blocked off. Now all vehicles even motor bikes are supposed to go up North Road and do a U turn at the rear of Terminal 21. May I add many times a few BIB's are sitting down over the road under a tree. It happens just outside the entrance to the Dusit Thani Hotel.
  12. I suppose the guys who were in charge of the rocket launching were nicely pissed on Lao Khao many hours before the launching.
  13. I've never been scammed in over 24 years, I always check my bin when every ordered drink is delivered. There are bars that play games with bins but most of the time some farangs get so pissed they simply lose count.
  14. As I'm now 80 years old, married, don't chase pussy and I've also drastically reduced my alcohol intake I find Pattaya very boring considering what my lifestyle was when I hit Sin City 24 years ago.
  15. I live rent free here in Pattaya as I'm I'm now 80 years old I rarely frequent bars and I don't chase pussy. I have a fridge full of food, I drink 2 large bottles of beer daily. My daily expenses would be 400 baht daily and I live very comfortably. I'm a former Aussie National service man and we had everything provided with a monthly salary and that goes back to 1966.
  16. Nepotism is a major problem for the Thai police force. Many officers are just plain lazy but they never get told to lift their game as my daddy will fix everything even get you demoted if you talk to much.
  17. With the reduction of car producing they will probably claim it a victory if the motor accidents are down hence a drop in road fatalities/
  18. It's just another case of irresponsible parents. In all my travels Thai's are the worst parents I've ever seen. Where I walk every morning away from the busy roads in Pattaya, I've never seen anyone stop at a stop sign over an 8 years period. The latest beauty is around 6.30 am every morning a motor bike goes past with 4 on the bike all without helmets and let's not forget the baby in the front basket. My wife is from a family of 10 so I've seen plenty of doozeys especially when her brothers on Lao Khaow
  19. I know from past experiences within my Thai family. Who's to blame, the grand mother off course, as Thai grand sons are worshiped by their granny's from the day they were born. So as the bitch boys get older all their life is about them.
  20. Most times in Pattaya I use baht buses and or walk. If I need a taxi I've used Bolt for several years and not one problem.
  21. The biggest problem is the big companies themselves. Even companies where their annual profits are down give their CEO's enormous annual bonuses. So why shouldn't the unionist seek their slice of the action. If going off shore is the answer then companies should be recruiting their senior management from off shore too.
  22. If there is any insurance just say your GF was driving the car.
  23. Hey Bert, you should work for Fox media, when I did I comment on Thai politics? I only mentioned the exchange rate which affects every farang living in Thailand, even you.
  24. It amazes me how farangs can get themselves into Thai politics in this forum. Personally I don't give a ratz what they do as long as it doesn't affect me. Just remember what our conversion rates were when Thaksin and then Yinluck were in power. Those rates were completely smashed one month later by the coup leaders. They're the ones that should be in jail but of course that will never happen.
  25. After living in Thailand for the past 22 years I'm prepared to sit on the fence on these taxation issues. It maybe another brain fart and when the feasibility is studied closely it will just quietly die away without any official notification as other lame brain ideas have been mentioned.
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