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Everything posted by Mason45

  1. Instead of apart, he's the sort of guy who goes to bed with his problem in his hand and wakes up with a solution.
  2. An Aussie friend of mine told me that years ago he went swimming in a surf beach with his son. Everything was ok, then without notice they got caught a massive rip. His son saved him and they ended up 2 kms away. Little did my friend know 3 years later his son would be a World surfboard champion. Even to this day he tells me without his sons skills they would've both drowned.
  3. Probably everyone should have a tattoo of their blood type on their upper chest.
  4. Next time he should use a VPN.
  5. This will be forgotten by next week as the evidence won't stand up in court.
  6. The product I used was well named as it certainly gave the ants the ars.
  7. I even had ants in my bed, so I purchased ARS ant killer from Lazada, it cost 70 baht. It worked in less than a hour, so far I've had no ants for 3-4 months.
  8. Q. What's the difference between a Toshiba vacuum cleaner and a senior Thai naval officer. A. A Toshiba vacuum cleaner sucks sucks and never fails. Whereas the Thai senior naval officer, well I'll leave the rest to you.
  9. So did Julian Assange and look where it got him.
  10. I'm 80 yo and still going strong, I walk at least 90 minutes daily. I only eat good food prepared at home and I have no sleeping problems. I've told my wife if I ever get a life threatening illness just fill me up with pain killers. Forget about hospitals and fancy priced medical practitioners.
  11. She probably had more pricks than a 2nd hand dart board. Just look at the fresh faced bar girls in Pattaya as an example.
  12. My step daughter got caught employing illegals at her restaurant. She was given a brown envelope to place 10,000 baht in, it put her out of business. Ironically the majority of law makers and senior BIB's all have illegals working as domestics. The reason is many Thais are plain lazy and refuse to follow orders. Whereas most illegals are hard workers and obey what's asked of them.
  13. Where did these weapons originate from the BIB's or the highly trusted military.
  14. I got my guidance from my parents where religion never came into it.
  15. Shopping malls are focused at attracting spend thrifts where the goods are over priced all because of the exorbitant rents the shop keepers have to pay. If Terminal 21 etc turn you on thainet then go for it, again it's freedom of choice. The tops in Central is much more expensive than the old Tops before it was relocated, how much rent would Tops be paying for Central now.
  16. I must admit when I first went to Pattaya 24 years ago I was amazed at the farangs begging to get caught mainly for not wearing a helmet. Things haven't changed. Why don't farangs simply do what they do in there home countries, then again I suppose the BIB's would find another nice little earner.
  17. I have properties in both BKK and Pattaya. When I stay at my condo in Naklua I have a set rule, my car doesn't leave the car park until I'm returning to BKK. It's not a problem for me as I have a baht bus 100 meters away and even at my age I can still walk for long periods. It sure eliminates all the s**t that goes on with reckless drivers and the BIB's upholding their versions of the law.
  18. I observe the 11th commandment " though shall not get caught " it works for me.
  19. My old computer chair needs replacing. I've been to several furniture stores but non sell computer chairs.
  20. These poor young teenage girls are dreamers. They shack up with a guy, 9 months later a baby arrives. The bf gets on the Lao kaow, refuses to go to work so those young girls are then supporting 3 people. Of course when she opens her mouth in protest there's normally a mandatory slap or worse. Domestic violence is rife where they came from.
  21. The first thing they should do is have a Pattaya permit for the riff raff that come down from up north. Then they have to show that permit and have a meaningful job or else they get sent packing back, where they came from. Then again I suppose it's easier to blame farangs for everything.
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