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Posts posted by johnefallis

  1. lol this guys on a nerd rage, hey buddy what exactly are you trying to say? (jonhefallis)

    Yeah, it's a nerd rage alright, you being the nerd that can't even figure out what I'm saying. All that after claiming how "smart" you are.

    I can say that I am thoroughly entertained by those of you who "think" you know anything about women, dating or whatever else you try to discuss, including the OP, so go ahead on, don't let me slow you. I'm having too much fun reading your other posts which reflect your true intellect.

  2. Why the hel_l would you want to give a lady money because you have slept with her and had sex?

    Start handing out cash and they are no better than Lady Bar.

    This is close enough to what I would tell you. Most of the idiots making comments on here are clearly used to buying ass, which can be okay too, especially considering most of them. But otherwise,... don't be cheap, if you didn't pay a bar fine, and she didn't establish up front that she was charging you, then don't listen to those on here who really wouldn't know what a pimp hand is, and don't pay them. If you really like someone, you should at least know them well enough to know what their basic situation is. If you are going to be dating several women don't be an idiot, just date as many that will give you money, as you do those you might help out now and then. Just be a little chivalrous along the way. Oh, and wear a condom. It's not brain surgery, just math. If they are not the only one, don't tell them they are, could be dangerous.

    It's late, I'm tired, not going to proof read this. I hope it makes sense.

  3. I have girlfriends that I sleep with but a lot of the time I don't give them any money. As soon as the demands for money crop up, I have to dump them. Is this wrong? It's just that I'm not exactly rich. I feel I'm a deadbeat. :o

    Why a girl should be together with you if not for money ???

    because you from the usa or for what , everything you make a young thai man

    can do better then you, so pay your money and stop ask stupid questions


    Bumbui, I'm laughing with you, not at you. :D

    You would.

  4. I have girlfriends that I sleep with but a lot of the time I don't give them any money. As soon as the demands for money crop up, I have to dump them. Is this wrong? It's just that I'm not exactly rich. I feel I'm a deadbeat. :o

    Why a girl should be together with you if not for money ???

    because you from the usa or for what , everything you make a young thai man

    can do better then you, so pay your money and stop ask stupid questions

    Clearly you are one of those "smart", pardon me, hahahahahahahaha, Thai guys, right?

    I've been waiting just for someone like you to come along. I'd like you to pick 5 things you "think" you can do better than me, then lets go, I'm game.

    Thinking you are smarter than you are is a big reason why Thailand is still 3rd world. You should stick to trying to be nice. You have a better chance at being successful at that.

  5. The OP comes across as very immature, if he is, in fact, 28 years old.

    I think that he wants everybody to tell him "Well done", screwing a girl without getting screwed!

    There must be something about him if he never had a gf in USA!

    I would think that his gfs come with a foot pump or are 5 finger puppets.

    Why is all the supposedly MATURE geniuses like you, can't simply answer the guys question? The real dummies really stand out clear on Thai Visa.


  6. if you take a working girl / bar girl then you should pay !!! i don't care if you think your good looking, your not ,you just seem like a better option .. looks wont pay her bills !!!

    and your not good looking ( like me - joke ) if your a falang .....

    Thai like thai .......sure they put up with /can love a falang but its not because hes good looking !

    i had a mate like you ,he thought he was a good looking young swedish lad ...... he didn't pay , thought he shouldn't have too

    he took the same girl twice , and on the second time , when he didn't offer any money ......he paid in a different kind of way later .....it was not a pretty site , alot of blood

    i do understand your point thou , why should i , a good looking 38 year old , pay the same amount as the fat ugly guy , buy maybe hes pays more ,some older people over here have alot more cash to throw around , and cash is king !!!! ( today (3.00pm) i saw a guy buy 20 tequila shots for 2 girls) .

    in a nutshell ...... you should always offer some money ....if its that kind of girl ...........don't be a cheap charlie

    Bottom line no I was not talking about bargirls and neither was the op since he said they were girlfriends, if you take a bar girl and refuse to pay you are stealing and risking your life, unless it was agreed upon before hand that you were not going to pay, this does happen.... an extreme example is I had a handsome 19 year old friend.... half the bargirls wanted to go with him for free, it was really quite annoying. But other than that, Thais don't like a handsome falangs looks? lol Is that seriously what you think?

    do you still think that ..... now you / somebody has pointed out his other posts

    i looked before a commented , unlike you.

    in an other post , he mentions cruising sukumvit and pattaya beach for girls or girlfriends ,

    Either way, you two both seem to have worse problems than the OP. In fact, I'm wondering why are you even in this forum for EXPATS and FARANG, when you probably are neither, especially if you aren't as repulsive looking as you sound?

    The guys asked a simple question, too simple for the simple two of you.

  7. This is the kind of people that are running this country and while so many extremely poor, they are absconding with hundreds of millions of dollars. No chance all that money will be recovered. I think they should make the family repay ALL of it, AND ban the entire lineage from ever holding public office or owning a company or property, sort of like getting a dishonorable discharge from the U.S. Military, only this being a dishonorable discharge from Thai society.

    Civil war will happen here sooner as opposed to later, somebody take note of their addresses, we can get rid of them all then.

  8. Police arrest foreigners on money forgery charges

    The Korean tourists told police they were fooled by a money-forging gang once before in which they lost 120 million won (Bt3.2million) and recently Korean compatriots sold them golden-coloured lead items as real gold.

    Pitak urged tourists to beware of similar frauds.

    -- The Nation 2009-03-27

    Hilarious. Don't we all just go around buying forging equipment when we're on holiday for B3.2m......how the Koreans had the gumph to admit that as a point in their favour I don't know....

    Maybe because being duped by somebody with forged money isn't a crime, and it doesn't specify they committed any crime. And does not say they attempted to purchase forging equipment for B3.2m either. Pay attention to the details, details, details.

    I've had people try to exchange cash with me for a rate that was in my favor by about 25%, I wanted to, but I didn't do it because I could not verify the cash was legitimate. I'm sure somebody else did though. Later I heard about an arrest where those caught in possession of counterfeit currency claimed they bought/exchanged it from someone else and thought it was real.

    When you have money, people coming to you with these kind of "deals" is rather common. Just because you may play with small amounts of money, doesn't mean everybody does.

  9. I don't think sitting on the mgmt board in an unpaid capacity can be termed work within the context of the law. He was after all over seeing his investment and ensuring that he and other condo owners were able to hire Thais to do the management. If he is accused of working, then the person that oversees his/her domestic staff is working when he does their pay and hiring. The management board serves to provide a voice to the unit owners. What the aggrieved management company has done is say F you to the owners and most likely set out charging fees that cannot be challenged. With reports like this, I can't believe people still insist on buying condo units.

    When you buy a condo here in Thailand you have no say in what the Condo owner can do with management fees.A customer of our company bought a Condo for 4,000,000 Bhat. The management fee was 1,200 per mounth.That covered security,rubbish removal ,lighting,and as the say maintance. After 12 mounths they put the fee up to 2,350 bhat.The owner complained but could not do anything about the increase. There is very small print in condo contracts that the owner can change the fee at any time......So when people buy a condo they do sometimes not read the small print . I think that it is not good to Buy Condos untill they change the law to protect the buyer from overcharging maintance fees. The same applies to buying a house on an estate,The estates company can charge what they like and you cannot do anything about it except sell, As they say you pay per mounth or get out.

    WRONG. Maybe read the new laws before you comment. You won't look so foolish that way. Owners, especially those on the board, do have a say in things.

  10. What about all the vollentier police do they have work permit.

    All farang shut leave thailand for 2 years, sale all they own here, then the police and guverment had to start thinking about how to do good to people how bring in so much cash to thailand

    1.) Volunteer police are supposed to have work permits, but most don't. This has been a recent internal immigration topic.

    2.) Novel idea. We should all go to Cambodia for a year or two, get some competition going around here for our business. It's such a monopoly now.

    Or maybe the Philippines, they speak English there, most of them do in Malaysia too.

  11. Hello,

    You are welcome in thailand. Great that you guys stay in thailand i love you all. Thanks for staying in thailand. (whas gona say somting but changed my minde)

    ever wunder why most thais tinks forlangs are stupid ? becoze the smart ones get out !!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA

    :o Counter-point:

    Most Thais aren't "qualified" to know the difference between a smart or stupid falang. Even the dumb ones are hired to teach at the Universities here.


    But most are nice. Unlike you. We like that. It's pretty clear you have little idea what the rest of the world is like. Or how most view Thailand. I don't think there's any of us that don't get more than our money's worth.


  12. I know this idea will probably be ridiculed, but as usual when something racist, unequal or biased occurs many views are expressed which follow the TIT line and nothing ever changes.

    Have foreigners ( and i hate using that term as it is intrinsically divisive) ever tried petitioning the government with a list of points for consideration? I am fairly sure that as tax paying members of this society a unified voice and cause goes a lotf arther than comments on a forum thread. We are a lot better financed than most, and most people would consider themselves to have better than average education and throw in a couple of foreign news networks to cover the story and things may change. hel_l we could even get ourseleves a special coloured t-shirt!

    We know what the inequalities are - why not seek change? :o:D

    assume sarcastic post

    the powers that be are already well aware of what foreigners want - money has flowed in quite well without enfranchising farangs

    having more money than the majority of thais is of little importance - you may have noticed they aren't the ones making the decisions

    feel superior by all means, whilst your pocket is emptied

    (and before morality police rises up - i am not saying this is a good thing)

    What's sarcastic about it? Appears rather sound and informed to me.

    What are they well aware that foreigners want?

    You often seem to be in a world of your own.

  13. Thank you for saving me the time and effort of writing the same thing. I think based on what I've seen in the last 6 months here in Thailand I will NOT be buying a condo or building a house, not here, like I had planned. I don't need TiT crap, I've had enough already over the years.

    I think I'll be better off to get another boat instead. This country is in for some enormous changes in the coming years anyway. It's anybody's guess which way things will go. Thanks TAT for the 2 free visas though, at least I'll likely stay to benefit from them.

    Well, you may try buying properties in Singapore, but then you'll find out that the price is about the same like the one in your home country.

    Or perhaps you want to go buying in Japan?

    After trying several countries in Asia, eventually you'll decide to return to Thailand and buy a condo or a leased house, and find a mia noi :D

    Maybe, but a) Living on my boat negates the need to buy a home. :o I can rent c) Already own a home elsewhere d) I already have her e) All of the above.

    I'll still probably buy a place here though. I don't mind having somebody do just about everything else for me anyway. I won't spend any more than I can walk away from. (P.S. my son in U.S. is of Thai descent, so I can always give it to him, hehehe).

  14. I will leave aside discussion of the rights or wrongs of foreign investment, laws affecting foreigners etc. (for the moment!).

    The precise role he served and the reason for the arrest are not at all clear from the PG report. It is impossible for him to be a 'juristic person' of the others in the way the report suggests. He might be an officer or representative of a 'juristic person', the only 'juristic person' per se he can be is his ordinary self Mr. Nixon.

    Unless he is merely a personal (in his own name) owner occupier of a single unit, he could very easily find himself in a position in which he requires a work permit (yes its due to the wide wording of the labour laws which are sparodically enforced but I will leave general discussion of the whys and wherefores of that to to the side for the moment).

    The other possibilities are as follows (not all mutually exclusive):-

    1. He owns the units by way of a company (thai or foreign) - any actions by him as director etc. of such a company is 'work'

    2. He owns the units in his personal name - pretty much any action he takes in managing this investment would be 'work'

    3. He acts as a proxy for owner/s of other units in casting their votes (he can only be a proxy for 3 other units) - 'work'

    4. He is on the Condominium Corporate Board - 'work'

    5. He is the Condominium Corporate Board Chairman / Vice Chairman - 'work'

    6. He is the Condominium Manager - 'work'

    (much of this is not normally a problem but in his case he has got into a dispute so the door knock has come)

    Interestingly the maximum penalty for working without a work permit is 5 years imprisonment for the Employee and only a fine for the Employer.

    Also IIRC if he is convicted of this he may be forced to dispose of the units (and depending on the circumstances barred from purchasing another condominium unit anywhere in Thailand?)- and with a forced disposal at the very least the monetary price will of course suffer.

    The PG report talks of his merely wishing to act as a safety net for the common interests of the joint owners - without acknowledging his own 5 votes, the votes of the other joint owners and the protections afforded by the condominium acts.

    Its all well and good standing up for your rights but before you start throwing stones.........

    You just DON'T get it, do you?

  15. 1. i sympathize with the man as kicking down the bamboo curtain is a most formidable endeavor.

    2. this story just shows the contrast and therby the unfairness of the two cultures.

    3. until such time as global society will focus on the racism that is taught and lived in "asia", these sorts of abuses of the law will continue.

    we can hope that the thai justice system will focus on the charge at hand and rule in an unbaised way as though they were blind to race or nationality of the defendant.

    4. ive been going to thailand since 1996 and always am aware of the deep seated racism and facism here. thus, i always stayed surface here, that is i never got serious about anything. i see them for what they are and want.

    5. if you western white men, knowing and educated choose to go against the grain in siam and achieve and live long to enjoy, then i am in awe of you.

    6.i believe there is a high probabilty that prolonges exposure to living in thai will be hurtfull so i choose not to. short time is ok with me!


    8. i say go around. visit all the countries in the region. dont just stay in thailand all the time, there are other countries that have offerings not found in thai. both good and bad.

    9. if this legal matter happened to an asian in the west it would be called racism and the tables would be turned. dont forget where you have come from expats and the idealisms you were taught. dont choose tyrany.

    10. stop giving everything away and unify to make a change for the better. western goverments need to do alot more to assure globalism is open to all the world not just a one way take and no give!

    Another excellent post. Thank you for taking the time.

  16. not sure what 1st world standards i am apparently applying to the reported situation??? it seems like he is the one wanting to apply different rules to the situation

    What I am referring to here is some like to believe the LOS justice is in black and white, sorry I'm sure you would be mistaken to believe law enforcement is anything but completely grey. Laws are enforced by the wealthy and powerful and until you stop joining the Thai law bandwagon this is gunna continue. Foreign investment here both monetarily and socially is the way forward for any country. I believe your first post indicates you are willing to allow this grey area to exist and continue to propagate through your comments this mentality. I for one while trying to mind my own business here and stay out of trouble have an opportunity in anonymity to put forward ideas that here may be dangerous and totally against the flow of present Thailand, and this is the beauty of internet social media. Your comments only reinforce longstanding opinions are the roots of evil in this society namely to never question authority and allow laws and regulation to create injustice. While you may truly love this country and its people, you are propagating its perpetual poverty and lack of basic rights by your interaction in this forum. Humanity is a valuable thing that should be stood up for especially in places of safety from prosecution such as Thai Visa.

    Caring about 'this country and its people'? you know me so well - to care i should grieve over a farang who appears to have broken the law and is moaning about it and talking down the laws of the country he is a guest in without acknowledging his own role in it all?

    no one forced him to do anything - many farangs rely on what others do and have done without apparent problem - thats fine but if for whatever reason the knock on the door comes and the authorities scrutinise what you have done (however unofficially you might think its been 'encouraged' in the first place) you should have the grace to accept the consequences (since surely you assessed that risk at the outset - if not, more fool you)

    I am in no way asking for grief or condolence, he may indeed by a swindler and deserve all he gets and I may well jump on the same wagon as you at that point. But unless we are reading this differently, I am seeing a guy that has no recourse here, but to explain his situation all be it one sided and to his benefit, to the press and hope there are some people that will join him in his protest. Regarding "grace" you may have a higher ethical and moral standard than I, but I can tell you I would be fighting this tooth and nail till the bitter f##king end, even if I was wrong, forget grace. Having those 5 condos living here for 10 years he probably has other investments here as well, those condos alone would have to be worth upwards of 2 million US$, plus golf memberships and vehicles etc. This is a guy that has come here and put millions into this country, he must have some connections there must be some heavies on him here, I don't think this has anything to do with breaking the law.

    Thaiwanderer, I like surely as you, break the law as grey as it is here everyday. Whether it's bagging my own groceries, driving over the speed limit, cooking my families dinner, mowing my lawn, coaching a local football team, teaching my girlfriend to play the guitar etc etc. They will have to pry my family, my home, and my guitar out of my cold dead hands before i lay down to this. I will spend every last dime in litigation for false arrest and reparations, and every media on this planet will hear about it. So as far as I can see from this article while there is no way I would be caught in this situation here, stupidity is not one of those Thai law grey areas, its legal.

    My thoughts EXACTLY. Enough said, I hope. If anybody here disagrees with this, I'd REALLY like to know. Seriously, This is an even more important topic than the original post.

  17. Always seems to be those individuals that want to impose their 1st world countries ethics and morals in the LOS.

    not sure what 1st world standards i am apparently applying to the reported situation???

    it seems like he is the one wanting to apply different rules to the situation

    If you really care about this country and it's people you could at least try to be a little concerned over the many injustices that go on here, whether its between expats/thais or thais/thais. Rather than blame this guy, tell it like it reads unless you know something the rest of us don't this is a pretty simple case of extortion, at best. I mean come on we have a situation here that can be pulled on any one of us expats here, for merely painting your house.

    Caring about 'this country and its people'? you know me so well - to care i should grieve over a farang who appears to have broken the law and is moaning about it and talking down the laws of the country he is a guest in without acknowledging his own role in it all?

    I am telling it like it reads (it is PG afterall) - (as reported) the guy is moaning about a situation he has got himself into. Yes he is getting rolled over because of a dispute and in an ideal world that would not occur - rather the laws would be consistently and forcefully enforced across the board (and perhaps the laws might be different?) (BUT they are not). However he knew (or should have) known the rules (both written and real world - including sparodic enforcement) - if he didn't like them he should not have played the game. Now he's got burnt he's moaning about it??

    no one forced him to do anything - many farangs rely on what others do and have done without apparent problem - thats fine but if for whatever reason the knock on the door comes and the authorities scrutinise what you have done (however unofficially you might think its been 'encouraged' in the first place) you should have the grace to accept the consequences (since surely you assessed that risk at the outset - if not, more fool you)

    I'm incredulous that your reply is even worse than the one Blaiz "blazed" you for in the first place. I can't say any more because it's likely to just feed "flame" to the blaze you've already brought on yourself. Did you even think before writing any of this?

  18. This donkey should shut his mouth,

    Claiming this rule isn't enforced elsewhere isn't helping his case. His interpretation of Thai labor law isn't helping his case.

    Where I live I know for sure some owners don't pay their maintaince fee & there isn't a dam thing the condo association can do about it.

    They can't lock the owner out of his unit.

    Since condos are supposed to be 51% Thai owned & above why does this idiot get involved in whether or not owners are paying their maintaince fee?

    The best thing this Nadian can do is to put his units with a property management company & disappear into the woodwork.

    I totally agree with blaiz. This ain't your homecountry & it never will be.

    Calling attention to oneself in this manner will get you blacklisted.

    I think it's pretty clear you have very little idea what you are talking about. Nor does anything you said coincide with what Blaiz said. Looks to me your opinions couldn't be more different. Who's the donkey now, or "AIN'T"?

  19. some further clarifications apparent in the updated report - he had an appointment with them - would be interesting to find out if he continued in the position after he was on notice or is he just moaning about the original 'injustice'?

    now looks like the aggrieved other party is one of the other condo owners who hasn't paid / disputes the fees (may or may not be the developer etc.)

    farang condo owners' positions can be protected without a farang being the JP so he's a bit ahead of himself

    his comments about that the thai government should tell farangs clearly rather than arresting them is infantile - he knew (or should have known) what he was doing - its not even as if he is a bored retiree with only one unit he owns and occupies and has merely got involved a little with the committee (and even then would be his own look out) - he takes no responsibility for what has happened even though it is entirely his own fault

    the 'false arrest' headline is still inaccurate even against what he claims, suggest 'Canadian blames everyone else for his own actions'

    Anyhow sterling work by the PG to point out that laws differ in different countries

    There are often cases in which "aliens" are arrested in Thailand for doing work which would not be considered illegal for foreigners without work permits in other countries.

    Always seems to be those individuals that want to impose their 1st world countries ethics and morals in the LOS. If you really care about this country and it's people you could at least try to be a little concerned over the many injustices that go on here, whether its between expats/thais or thais/thais. Rather than blame this guy, tell it like it reads unless you know something the rest of us don't this is a pretty simple case of extortion, at best. I mean come on we have a situation here that can be pulled on any one of us expats here, for merely painting your house.

    If had invested in 5 of those condos, (and if they are the blue canyon condos those are a pretty penny).. I would want some pull on that committee myself, I am also a committe member on several condos I own, dont really participate but it keeps me informed. Been living here 18 years never occurred to me to get a second and third work permit to participate on those committees, which im not even sure is possible. I have dozens of friends or at least friends of friends that are participating similarily here on committees whether they be condos, NGOs, charities, or sport organizations none i know of have workpermits for that purpose.

    Whether he is the JP or not is non the matter, if this guy was the deciding vote on this committee we would see the same injustice. My guess is this article has been written as he has decided to out this into the media because he believes he has done nothing wrong and this is the only way he can protect his investment and for that matter himself. I figure this guy isn't going down without a fight, he would have turn tailed along time ago before it got to this stage. This looks like another bullet solution, I think he is lucky to not be lying face down with lead poisoning by now.

    I think this is a chance for logical expats to take a bit of a stance in this forum. Granted there is limited knowledge here, but im sure it will all come out soon. My guess is he will take it as far as it will go in the media, this is what might be keeping him alive.

    Lets get some facts on this one before we start cutting this guy up, from what i have read so far it sounds like he been railroaded.

    Never know one day you might actually be able to invest here without looking over your shoulder for a stray bullet or a jail sentence.

    Thank you for saving me the time and effort of writing the same thing. I think based on what I've seen in the last 6 months here in Thailand I will NOT be buying a condo or building a house, not here, like I had planned. I don't need TiT crap, I've had enough already over the years.

    I think I'll be better off to get another boat instead. This country is in for some enormous changes in the coming years anyway. It's anybody's guess which way things will go. Thanks TAT for the 2 free visas though, at least I'll likely stay to benefit from them.

  20. It's the law that every year owners of condos are elected to be "kamagann" or committee members who share a meeting with the chosen management company of the building. This is according to the Condo Act which is actually making things easier for condo owners. There have been several problems in Thailand with corrupt management companies. I for one have had this experience in my condo, and I used to join from time to time the committee, and use my auditing back ground to check things which they've already audited. I wasn't happy with our old management company and voted to remove them.

    Personally, I would use the Condo Act to help me, which says that every owner Thai or aliens (providing that the building isn't more than 40% owned by foreigners) is entitled to be elected for the committee.

    However, in order to obtain a work permit a person must be earning more than 60,000 baht a month (in Bangkok) and have registered capital of.....etc,etc. Therefore, this would be impossible for someone who is actually a tourist or retiree and therefore contradict the Condo Act (work permits are also issued for specific jobs so using a work permit for another job would still break the law).

    Put it another way, if you can get a work permit for being on the commitee then that's just great. No more visa trips!!!!!! All I have to do is go to one meeting every 3months and whoppy, I can get a 1yr biz visa.

    Most condos do actually pay their members a small fee, like Bt500 per meeting and should a work permit be needed for the job then that also implies that Thai committee members as well as management company members should submit their Bt500 per meeting for income tax purposes but who's going to do that? Therefore, they could also have committed a crime and worth a counter charge.

    My guess is that the police will let this issue slip regarding the committee and work permit, hence the excuse that the chief is in Bangkok. I am just thinking about the consequences in Pattaya where so many committees are almost entirely made of foriegn retirees and long-term tourists.....

    This sounds like to me that the management company have paid the police Bt5,000 to put this guy in a cell for a night just to scare him and stop him asking difficult questions in the meeting. What this guy needs to do is get some support from the other committee members and vote to push out this management company. Its' easy. Only two members of the Committee are needed to put the topic on the agenda and the committe can decide by themselves. They no longer need to get a 70% approval from all the residents as the case before the new Condo Act....Go for it....


  21. It's my opinion that most immigration officers interpret the rules how they feel fit....and that if they ask for three months, it's unlikely they'll back down and lose face. Sorry, but that's how I see it :o

    The upside to this is that you can just present your information to a different immigration officer or office. As well a lawyer can often help with things like this. I have a contact that has connections inside immigration in the Bkk area, if you would like more info PM me.


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