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Posts posted by johnefallis

  1. The 10 year, 5 year IDD are a "scam" which ever way they are spun...

    A real IDL is issued by AA, AAA etc and are valid for a year only....

    All a IDL is...is a legalised translation of your current valid DL.....no more..no less, it cant be used as a "stand alone" Driver license and always needs to be accompanied by a valid DL for your own country or country of residence..

    Scam or not I can't say, but it's what I have, and for more than 10 years police in both Thailand and Cambodia have accepted it without question.

    Many of us don't go back tyo our own countries every single year so a one year permit that has to be obtained at home is hardly feasible...

    Makes the 205 baht Thai driver license an extremely good deal then. What is that, like less than $6 U.S.

  2. To transfer 1.7m in blocks of up to 200k into ten different 3rd party accounts for example: 10 minutes.

    To withdraw cash 200K cash in blocks of 50k per day from each of those ten accounts: 4 days.

    Or, simply go to bank teller and withdraw 200k in cash from each account: 10 minutes.


    withdraw that much from atm?how long did that take?no daily limit?must be more to this story.

    Again, the default amount for daily withdrawal limit is 200,000 baht on my standard Kasikorn Bank account.

  3. It would appear that he swore at the immigration official, criticised Thailand & snatched his passport back, so on that basis he got what he deserved & if he does receive a prison sentence, he has only himself to blame - end of discussion. I'd just add that I've no sympathy for him whatsoever.

    Clearly an ignorant bigoted comment.

    If he receives 2 years, you should receive at least the same.

    Hopefully they'll put you in together.

  4. Can any man here put their hand on their heart and say

    "I have not thought about throwing my Thai wife out of a window"

    And that would be premeditation! This guy didn't mentally plan it out, it was a sudden flash of anger and being denied the viewing of the gozabas - and there was the window before him, 'right, out you go darlin' "

    So thats why it isn't attempted murder.

    Right, huh? :o

    I hope the guy doesn't get cancer from unregulated durex trading while he's in there.....

  5. The cooling problem isn't really an issue, as long as it doesn't overheat. Consider that variance in temperature the head of a bike that is air cooled goes through under the same circumstances.

    I am also interested in the CBR150, and though the engines are very closely related, the little extra displacement and extra gear are helpful. The main reason I would still consider the Sonic, is because it has saturated the market for years, in many countries, under one name or the other, and you can get parts and repairs pretty much anywhere. It's a little cheaper and faster than most every other bike in that class, except for the CBR. Not to mention more durable if you should drop it, smack it, flip it up or rub it down...er, you know what I mean.

    I really want to do some backpack/motorbike travel/migration around the region, so maybe the Sonic would serve my purposes first, then a CBR later.

    Hopefully I'll get a chance to ride both before I decide.

    Let me know if you decide to get rid of yours to get a CBR. Maybe we can both get our use out of that one. I'm in no rush.

  6. Really? Lets check. First part is...

    ...I'm half asleep now, so I hope that is clear enough.

    Well despite english not being my first language i had suspected your post may have been implying that there was something wrong with a fee being applicable to a volunteer's work permit, but i did not want to assume that as you are obviously working on a much higher level than me. So i now know you think it ridiculous so i can rest easy. I had thought your scatter gun angry and inane posts in this thread betrayed a latent anger and low self esteem, but i may have been too hasty in that assessment afterall.

    Anyway back on topic - as for Mr Nixon I suspect we may not be hearing (in the press) how his case progresses or his exact role, depending on whether he receives and accepts any good advice.

    Excellent, back on topic. My point was never going to make through to him anyway.

    I sympathize with anyone, especially farang, that is doing anything that is directly or indirectly beneficial to Thailand, or other people in general. Especially when having to fight against bureacracy, it seems, every step of the way. Whether this man is guilty of anything or not is less important than the fact that the policies and laws are in need of desperate changes. Sticking together is the time proven method of causing change.

  7. The cooling on the Sonic is mostly dependant on airflow from the bike moving. Most bigger bikes have cooling fans and larger cooling systems, plus the ambient air temperature is usually cooler there, possibly why you haven't noticed as much temp increase.

    I'm considering buying a Sonic also, would appreciate your opinion on the pros & cons.


  8. QUOTE (stevenl @ 2009-03-30 10:12:03) post_snapback.gifQUOTE (johnefallis @ 2009-03-29 13:17:05) post_snapback.gifQUOTE (stevenl @ 2009-03-25 17:03:06) post_snapback.gifQUOTE However, in order to obtain a work permit a person must be earning more than 60,000 baht a month (in Bangkok) and have registered capital of.....etc,etcThis is not correct. Also a volunteer, earning 0, can get a workpermit.

    What is the fee for that work permit? I doubt that it is reciprocal.

    If you have nothing serious to add except bashing other members, stay out of the discussion.

    Why don't you point out to me what is "bashing" of other members? And to which members. You certainly can't be referring to my pointing out that even a work permit to work for free is not free, in fact expensive. So what is it?

    Otherwise, I'll assume my point is made, you are wrong, and you will now have nothing to say.


    What point has been made?

    I point out that also a volunteer, earning 0, can get a work permit. According to you I am wrong, fine, just check with some of the more knowledgeable people here on this forum, who have also indicated that also a volunteer can (and normally must) have a workpermit.

    When did I ever say you were wrong? Do you even speak English? I actually not only agreed with you twice, but I EMPHASIZED that the cost was not free, TWICE. You need to first not talk when you clearly having trouble understanding, second, not attack others because YOU don't understand the language, third, by all means, ask somebody, in fact "all those knowledgeable" people you refer to should be able to tell you how wrong you are, TWICE.

    I can't believe you actually got something SO simple wrong AGAIN, and even as I pointed it out to you. Next time you want to attack somebody, at least have some slight clue what they are saying, or for that matter, what YOU are saying.

    Cheese and RICE!!!!

    yes but unfortunately its not entirely clear what point you aretrying to make - a work permit for a volunteer is not free. and?

    Really? Lets check. First part is a question: What is the cost of that work permit?(Of course referring to him saying that as a volunteer you can get a work permit) The second sentence states the doubt that it was reciprocal (referring directly to the price of the permit in relation to the wage of ZERO ). I could define each word for you, but you obviously have access to the internet, just look them up if necessary. You will find that my reference means that I doubted that because someone was working for nothing (volunteer), the price of the work permit was also nothing. Which it is not. I'll try to use smaller words than reciprocal in the future.

    The sarcasm of it is that even when you volunteer and work for free, clearly for the benefit of Thailand, that Thailand still charges you for the work permit. Seems a little ridiculous.

    If it wasn't clear to him, he certainly shouldn't be attacking me. Or attempting to condescend the second time around as if "I" was the stupid one. Let me explain it in simpler English. Do you see the part in bold print? The first part queries about the price of the work permit that is required for somebody working as a voluteer, thereby pointing out the second part that emphasizes that it is not free.

    The following posts requested specifics about his attack, still no direct response, just more evidence he didn't understand. Sorry, I didn't know I had draw diagrams to explain the English language to avoid unprovoked attacks. I'm more than happy to banter, even aggresively, with anyone, the only requirement is that they have some comprehension of the language.

    I'm half asleep now, so I hope that is clear enough.

  9. QUOTE (stevenl @ 2009-03-30 10:12:03) post_snapback.gifQUOTE (johnefallis @ 2009-03-29 13:17:05) post_snapback.gifQUOTE (stevenl @ 2009-03-25 17:03:06) post_snapback.gifQUOTE However, in order to obtain a work permit a person must be earning more than 60,000 baht a month (in Bangkok) and have registered capital of.....etc,etcThis is not correct. Also a volunteer, earning 0, can get a workpermit.

    What is the fee for that work permit? I doubt that it is reciprocal.

    If you have nothing serious to add except bashing other members, stay out of the discussion.

    Why don't you point out to me what is "bashing" of other members? And to which members. You certainly can't be referring to my pointing out that even a work permit to work for free is not free, in fact expensive. So what is it?

    Otherwise, I'll assume my point is made, you are wrong, and you will now have nothing to say.


    What point has been made?

    I point out that also a volunteer, earning 0, can get a work permit. According to you I am wrong, fine, just check with some of the more knowledgeable people here on this forum, who have also indicated that also a volunteer can (and normally must) have a workpermit.

    When did I ever say you were wrong? Do you even speak English? I actually not only agreed with you twice, but I EMPHASIZED that the cost was not free, TWICE. You need to first not talk when you clearly having trouble understanding, second, not attack others because YOU don't understand the language, third, by all means, ask somebody, in fact "all those knowledgeable" people you refer to should be able to tell you how wrong you are, TWICE.

    I can't believe you actually got something SO simple wrong AGAIN, and even as I pointed it out to you. Next time you want to attack somebody, at least have some slight clue what they are saying, or for that matter, what YOU are saying.

    Cheese and RICE!!!!

  10. However, in order to obtain a work permit a person must be earning more than 60,000 baht a month (in Bangkok) and have registered capital of.....etc,etc
    This is not correct. Also a volunteer, earning 0, can get a workpermit.

    What is the fee for that work permit? I doubt that it is reciprocal.

    If you have nothing serious to add except bashing other members, stay out of the discussion.

    Why don't you point out to me what is "bashing" of other members? And to which members. You certainly can't be referring to my pointing out that even a work permit to work for free is not free, in fact expensive. So what is it?

    Otherwise, I'll assume my point is made, you are wrong, and you will now have nothing to say.


  11. Excellent poll and topic. I wanted to put in my 2 cents worth, although I've already put in about a buck and half into other posts recently. I'll comment only on a selected post, rather than every one I may have an opinion about (apparently that would be a "nerd rage", whatever). So here is:

    I don't agree that our home countries are better in every way. Granted, being in a country where 80% of the women are thin and mostly attractive increases your odds, if not desire. (not to mention the men, for those of you so inclined), as opposed to our home countries where in many place it seems 80% are overweight, over-bearing, and less than attractive. I had exceptional girlfriends there, most from this part of the world, a good life there, but tired of the huge over-bearing, over-priced, over-sized government. Originally from Alaska, I had 4 1/2 years of living the easy life in Las Vegas, not having to work, new vette, hotels, casinos, etc., before coming to Thailand based on my good experiences with Thai's in the U.S. I look forward the each day being warm, not cold like Alaska, not excessively HOT!!!, like Vegas, and now really look forward to the European trips about 2x per year for travel, climate change, even skiing. I will pursue a U.K. grad degree, maybe even post-grad while living inexpensively in Thailand before I even consider returning to the rat race. Then it will most likely be to better prepare for my next period of time away from there. I am really inclined to believe that man should live and experience life in many places and cultures. Life is after all what you make it, wherever you are.

    Two cents worth now contributed. Again, great topic, forgetting who the OP is now, but thanks for the effort.


  12. Thai women follow you back home because they are greedy,want a job and send all the money back to mummy,without contributing to the house,give me a pmmy girl in uk any day.

    Wrong. Well, maybe you are right about the Thai women that are willing to hang around you. Either way, you can have that loud, over-weight, seriously in need of dental work, Pommy girl, I surely don't. In fact, it's the main reason I avoid going to the U.K.

    Have a nice trip home!

  13. Many of us whinge about life in Thailand, but things are not so good all over, and I think most of us would rather stay here rather than move back to our home countries. How about it?

    Some poll details:

    -- non-expats not covered

    -- people with unusual life histories, never lived in home country, having no nationality, having ten passports, extraterestial beings, etc. all not covered

    -- I thought of adding the option "I am a wanted criminal in my home country" but thought the better of it because such people will tend to be paranoid, and with good reason

    A good poll

    Would be another ssue if you added

    If you could afford to move back

    Many of us can but not sbai sabai in the sunshine plus increasing stereotypes racism against Thai partners

    I got used to ripple of falng and double pricing visa dicrimination paying tax with no vote but would not expose my gentle wife to the xenophobia in Europe or Oz in my experience US is better on the surface but as we cannot live there its irrelevant in the green card lottry the only 2 nations excluded were Ireland and UK which covered US in ever war bar the Nam folly seems muslim militants and mexican wetbacks are whats in demand

    Sad, but true.

  14. I am excited to go back to the USA. I miss clean air and water, quality control. The landscape, temperate weather and lots of job opportunities for me in spite of the economic downturn. I miss restaurants, history and architecture. Though I do see the appeal of Thailand but if I am honest with myself the #1 thing is the women and the other pluses fade out very quickly without them. Hopefully my lady will be happy with me in the USA where we are going in a few months. If not then I may end up back here and the pluses I mentioned about the USA might take a back seat. I guess it's all about what you value but really most places have strengths and weaknesses.

    I agree. But unfortunately the U.S. government has worn themselves very very thin with me. Maybe in a few years, maybe Obama will do some good, maybe I'll be better armed to stand against them and for principles. Maybe then. Either way, I agree with your statement. As my father used to tell me, "it's F'd up, but it's the best thing going". Finally I begin to see. Thanks Thailand. Anybody else feel the same way?

  15. Really it does? Dont have more girlfriends then that give you money and that you give to? <deleted>?

    This guys a tard RJT, thinks he knows something he doesn't.

    Honestly I have no idea what he's rambling on about. I'm just seeking attention.


    It's become pretty clear most of you understand little about the subject you are talking about, let alone much else, including the OP. In fact if you read his other posts you'll find...well, you can read his posts.

    That being said, you keep "thinking" you know what you "think" you do. It makes things much better for guys like me that actually have some idea. Don't forget to pay your girlfriend for what you can do better than me too, she'll probably want to spend that money on me. I appreciate it.


  16. I have girlfriends that I sleep with but a lot of the time I don't give them any money. As soon as the demands for money crop up, I have to dump them. Is this wrong? It's just that I'm not exactly rich. I feel I'm a deadbeat. :o

    Why a girl should be together with you if not for money ???

    because you from the usa or for what , everything you make a young thai man

    can do better then you, so pay your money and stop ask stupid questions

    Clearly you are one of those "smart", pardon me, hahahahahahahaha, Thai guys, right?

    I've been waiting just for someone like you to come along. I'd like you to pick 5 things you "think" you can do better than me, then lets go, I'm game.

    Thinking you are smarter than you are is a big reason why Thailand is still 3rd world. You should stick to trying to be nice. You have a better chance at being successful at that.


    Pretty straight-forward, what is it you are confused about? Especially since it wasn't directed at you. Let me put it in your terms:

    <deleted>, <deleted>?


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