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Posts posted by poskat

  1. 23 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

    Why would you say "dishwasher wanted" if you are looking for a contractor to supply and manage dishwashing staff?  Surely they would only get dishwashers applying?  Is this just an effort to get some free publicity?

    I think you are giving the guy who placed the ad too much credit.

    he just wasnt saa-mart enough to place an ad that described what he was really looking for.

    i.e. he is saa-toopid, not clever

  2. 37 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    But if there were serious respected laws and very severe punishments for illegal sales and ownership of guns society would not need to see such incidents.


    No matter how you frame it, a society is much better off to not allow the public to own guns.

    criminals by definition dont follow laws


    the cities in the usa with the strictest gun laws, nyc, dc, chicago, and la have the highest gun violence rates

  3. Thailand's health minister couldnt go to a who meeting due to not meeting the vaxx standard, and now thai style democracy is shunned by the world democracy meeting.


    Reality is a harsh mistress

    Best in thailand doesnt mean much on the world stage.


    No wonder the thais hate foreigners

    Foreigners dont buy their bullshxttt

    Its the ultimate loss of face

    • Like 2
  4. 5 hours ago, fusion58 said:

    Planning? What’s that? 

    Don’t you know Thailand operates on the “mai pen rai” principle? ????

    my hypothesis is that the mai pen rai culture developed here long ago with the thais deciding that because they are all basically screw-ups, that they would culturally agree not to call each other out on each others failings.


    My GF is mystified, and considers unreasonable, by my idea that a person should know how to do the basics of their job.  

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  5. 4 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    I would guess that's very difficult to see where there are weaknesses in a floodwall when there is no water to give inspectors a clue. The tiniest fissure can quickly erode into a major breach once water begins to flow through it.


    That's a lesson learned, of course from the little Dutch boy who stuck his finger in the hole in the dam.

    they said "the floodwall constructed 10 years ago was damaged, with gaps and holes present"


    those sound pretty visible to me

  6. "The engineers said the floodwall constructed 10 years ago was damaged, with gaps and holes present. Water had gushed in from these openings below the top of the floodwall and resulted in the recent flooding in the area."


    So this means that these guys with all these ideas never thought to do a yearly inspection during the nonflooding period to see if there were any breaches in the wall and fix them before the next rainy season?

    • Like 2
  7. I live in bkk, so am searching there. i just started using the phone app compared with the website, so i dont know what it was like before.

    but based on my search parameters, I get a nonstop scroll of girls that goes back for days and days of their last visit. However, I am a subscriber, which may have some effect.


    I am by no means an IT expert, which wont stop me from acting like one...555, maybe adjust some of your parameters slightly to see if that resets whatever is happening currently on your phone


    maybe the algorithm sees that you are not replying to your messages (257 unread by your screen shot), so it is giving you less choices.

    I know some of the swipe apps behave like that

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