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Everything posted by poskat

  1. "“Everyone who is sitting here is based on the 2017 constitution and the people who were in power are now performing new duties that are based on a new constitution and a new law,” he said during parliament debate on Thursday. " so it is different because everyone in the junta just moved one chair to the right, and now do the job of the person who was previously sitting there? now that we have established how the new government was setup, it now makes sense why no one knows how to their new job because their expertise was for their old job.
  2. not a surprising result considering that most of the participants likely fall into the old/fat/comorbidity group who are likely to die if they got infected.
  3. "The survey reflects a common belief among teenagers that drinking alcohol leads into sexual intercourse." based on my experience, and what I have heard anecdotally, that is a well-founded belief. as the saying goes "candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker"
  4. thai film crews just execute the creative vision of the director, i.e., they just do what they are told to do. The lack of creativity and understanding what makes a good film by those responsible for the content are the ones responsible for thai films not being on the level that they are in other countries.
  5. Just a bunch of marketing buzzwords and models, few if any of which they have any real idea of how to implement.
  6. I am interested in hearing Air Marshall FuFu's opinion on this issue
  7. "Other non-mask wearing accusations were made but the billionaire bullet proof minister has survived when other country's health ministers have fallen by the wayside." that is because the other health ministers were evaluated based on their performer in dealing with covid, and not based on the fact that their political party's support was needed by their prime minister to maintain his parliamentary majority.
  8. well, the ex has seen this happen in many thai dramas where the girl falls back in love after being abducted and held captive by the bad guy, so he probably just thought why not give it a try...
  9. a careful reading of what I wrote would reveal that I was talking about people in the government think, not the thai people as a whole
  10. they love the short term tourists because they just come here, spend their money and go home, and dont really talk to any thais. In contrast, those pesky long term people, such as retirees, get to know thai people and have families and spread all sorts of bad ideas to them, including the concept of honesty, that corruption is bad, asking "why", that a person 1 centimeter "above" you doesn't need to be unquestioningly obeyed in all things.
  11. A a visit to Colombia or the Ukraine might shift your opinion
  12. after watching CNN and reading the Washington Post, Dr Yoong stated that....
  13. I like this site. a bit of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation in each short lesson with audio and pdfs of the content https://www.thaipod101.com/
  14. If only they had been drunk and drove over a cop at high speed. Then the thai authorities would have no interest in their whereabouts.
  15. the government closes the country to incoming tourist and businesses and suggests that people dont meet up or eat together; why would people panic.....
  16. Due to the feudal culture n thailand, the problem isnt the problem. the problem is the person talking about the problem.
  17. "Preparations indicate Thailand will focus on APEC process and protocol rather than substance" which is just thais acting like thais
  18. sounds to me like someone has a relative/good friend with an airpport-related construction company
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