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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. Spoil Isaan : Newin tells Abhisit

    Former foe links up with Democrats as coalition moves gather strength

    BANGKOK: -- Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has received good advice from former adversary Newin Chidchob: "If you were to dish Bt100 billion into Isaan, pretty soon the Isaan people would forget Thaksin [shinawatra]."

    -- The Nation 2008-12-10

    I hope Newin does not mean vote buying. However, who know better than TRT banned #5.

    The hidden intension of PAD is to rob Isaan, not charity to Isaan. Conflict of interest?

  2. what a funny.

    remember that team of urophagist that recently hold a meditation session called "hiroshima" at the airport? peaceful asphalt & tarmac Camper, cute litte yellow smurfs and a anorexic teletubby as leader. but some people don't get it and that caused lot of noise and disturbance. ohh boy, i tell you, big action, you can google the story. but actually,and not many people know that, they had a mission "support for good people to manage the country and blocking of evil people from coming to power". kinda buffy the vampire slayer, but full show 24/7 on television.

    one of the evil forces they saw in a man with the name Newin Chidchob, he is a evil khmer wizard.

    Spiritual rites and incantations have been performed by the PAD on numerous occasions.

    The rituals, which have been conducted in various forms, have usually been held after Mr Sondhi has told demonstrators about black magic performed by his enemies, especially the one he calls the "Khmer wizard", as they attempt to destroy the PAD and strengthen their side.

    The Khmer wizard is said to be Newin Chidchob, a former Thai Rak Thai executive and one of Thaksin's close aides.

    There have also been reports of PAD members placing used sanitary napkins at the statue of King Rama V to counter the black magic of the Khmer wizard, which is supposedly blocking the statue's power backing the PAD.


    that is of course utter BS like the other stories of PAD, but it got firmly believed by cult fellowers and little brainers. PAD was not just a fad, much more, PAD is obsessive belief in the power of trashy plastic clappers. last week they declared a victory and dispered, but now is that evil khmer wizard in the news and Abhisit the man believed to be the next PM give him roses. are they not afraid that this can bring back the yellow mob? and here on TVforum how will PAD compurgation low style troll mob react on this. different things motivates them envy on rich people, hate of police, misogyny, gerontophilia and lot of them really get hooked up on that devil story. they have FEAR. now they must watch how Abhisit listen to the Khmer wizard.

    Newin is also banned from politics for 5 years by the constitutional tribunal (may 2007). did't he could send his wife, brother, uncle, dad, whoever to tell Abhisit whats going on now and wait behind in the background to make it not to obviously.can nobody in newins 'yes men rat pack' speak for themself?

    is that a victory now? will PAD issue a blessing, is it the big reconciliation? after so much drama about democracy back to the daily soap show. funny.

    PD I understand that English is not your first language, and I therefore try to make allowances for that when I (try to) read your posts/rants.

    However, after struggling through the above, I have now come to the conclusion that you must write your posts in your native language, and then use a very, very bad online translator to arrive at something like the above.

    Perhaps if you tried to simplify your (English) language you may have more success in getting your messages across. And you could still fill them with bile and hatred.

    This is an indication that Apisit will do anything to be PM.

    To be fair, I would do the same.

  3. So if we do get a Demo government what then? Do the red shirts pull a PAD and block parliament?

    No. The red shirts will close Swampy & Don Muang down. Now they know there is no jail for doing that.

    No. Just saying that shows you don't have a clue as to WHY the yellows were not confronted or arrested at the airports.

    Yellow were not confronted because the Army and Police know that the yellow were just asking for democracy. People's Alliance for Democracy - the title speaks for themselves.

    The red are pro Thaksin, who has been sentence by a fair Thai court, to jail, for allowing his wife to lawfully buy a piece of land (I know it sound ironic). So it is the duty of the police to arrest anybody to side a criminal.

  4. Old Man River

    As a Pilot of 25 years and definitely not one of the 'Clueless', I can honestly say that you are a very misguided individual. If you think that AOT could have operated flights as normal, I can only assume that you take illegal substances. The thought that they could go about business as normal is just ludicrous. AOT are bound by International Law (not Thai law) to ensure that their premises operates to a level of security defined by law. Do you think for one moment that any international carrier would have gone in or out with no security at Swampy? The PAD protestors infiltrated the Air Traffic Control for gods sake. They were on the runway!!! Whilst friends are friends i suggest you consider what you are being told. The earth is flat.....honest it really is!!! The flights did not occur miraculously, they were aircraft OUTGOING, from operators who were losing millions whilst they were sat on the ground. The cargo was not incoming.

    Would you be so kind to define what 'international law' [sic] that defines and regulates the security of an international airport?

    25 years as a pilot - with what airline?


  5. You place far too much credit on Thaksin alone being able to manipulate every mind in Issan and North. Wake up and realise people are making up their own minds, they DON'T all think like you...........! Get it!

    Do you realize how naive and misinformed you look like typing something like that? Have you been to some of the so-called talk shows/gatherings in Isaan or North? It's like mass hypnosis and the uneducated Isaans are really buying what is said. People are getting brainwashed there (besides getting the mandatory 100THB lunch money). Seeing your other posts in this forum, it is obvious your "information" comes from your Isaan friend. You definitely behave like one.

    You said people are making up their own minds...joke of the day. Who do you think is instigating the violence and defamation of the Friends of Newin now? The Isaans loved them soooo much 1 month ago. Didn't they?

    The only person who needs to wake up is you.

    I fully agree with you.

    However, to be fair, PAD/ASTV/Sondhi did the same, which resulted in airports closure. Not just Swampy & Don Muang, but also Phuket, Had Yai, Krabi.

  6. Irony isn’t it. Apisit has all along calling for the parliament to be dissolved, so that the people can have a fresh election to choose new MP/government. He has always voice that that PM (Somchai/Samak) step down is not the way to go, nor will it solve Thailand problems.

    But now, the favor is for him to be a PM. Has he gone back his words. Does he not want the parliament to be dissolved anymore? Does he not want a new election anymore?

    I am not for or against him. I am just saying that all politicians (with no exception) are slimy like an eel. Not just the ex-Chat Thai leader. That shortly whose name I can't really spell properly.

  7. What's up, with this woman? Is she above the law? Able to walk in alone after screwing her people over. I mean, this is the second time that this family has flaunted their status to come and go as they please.

    Most countries would just take the passport and say to them, you cannot go now. Welcome to Amazing Thailand.

    Just like Sondhi and Chamlong. NO ARREST.

  8. Government buys a piece of land for 2 billion baht and sells it to Pojaman for 25% of what they paid

    Like all other assets, governament can keep it. Is there a reason why the government needs to sell ALL (ues, everything is already sold) the assets in such a short period of time, at rock bottom prices. Why fire sales.

    The land Porky bought is just of the the thousands of assest sold at a big lost by the stupid government. Single out 1 case amoung a thousand is plain stupid or ignorance.

  9. I flew into Thailand from KL this afternoon. This is the 1st day AirAsia start flying to Swampy. Usually there is 8 flights a day, 4 from Thai AA and 4 from Malaysia AA. However only the Malaysia AA is flying today. Even with just half the usual capacity (4 instead of 8 flights), our plane is only about 60% full. Mainly Thai people returning after many days of stranded in KL. Not many visitors.

    Swampy is almost empty. Not many immigration officer, even that, there was almost no queue at all. There was in Pakistani and his old mother in the airside complainning that they have been sleeping there (not sure airside or otherwise) for two nights already. They have just been told that they will have to sleep another night on the metal seat for another night. I am not sure if I believe him or not. But it look obvious that he has not shave for a long time.

    Took a quick look at the screen. About half of the flight displayed are still shown as cancelled, especially foreign airlines. I hope things get back to normal soon.

    If you take a quick look at AirAsia.com, internet is showing only 1 FD flights (Thai AA) / day for the next few months. However, AK (Malaysia AA) only cut from 4 flights to 3 / day.

  10. Whay do you think of Apirak. When I mention that he is an Alleged Criminal, my wife went goes ballistic. I said he is just "alleged", but my wife doesn't care. She think he is white as snow. Although I understand enough Thai, I don't read Thai. So I don't know how the Thai press view him.

  11. Chalerm is quite a nice guy.

    This qualifies for the most ridiculous and ignorant comment I have ever seen on Thai Visa. :o:D



    Time has come to wean yourself off the yaa baa... or is it too late?

    Strongly disagree it is one of the funniest comment on Thai Visa and should be moved in the Joke section.

    If he is not a nice guy, why would people vote for him to represent them. Also, he ran for Bangkok Governor a few years back, he was fourth, just behind Chuwit (3rd).

  12. Who is this guy Giles Ji Ungpakorn, political science professor at Chulalongkorn University . Is he Thai or Farang? He is so anti PAD.


    He is a paranoid communist (self-proclaimed socialist) that hates HRM and therefor takes any chance he can to throw dirt in some directions. And since the former TRT with Thaksin at it's helm worked against the real Head of State, presumable to become it himself...Giles sees PAD as a threat. And therefor he takes the 'enemy of my enemy' approach to TRT/PPP.

    colpyat was just being disingenuous when he asked the question.

    who is "colpyat" and why do you think he/she was being disingenuous?

    Colpyat was one of the first in this forum to warn of the incipient anti-democratic tendencies of the PAD. Among others, colpyat would frequently refer to the writings of Giles Ji U, one of the few socialist academics in Thailand. Colpyat rubbed some people the wrong way and was consequently prohibited from posting. Since then, there is an assumption in some quarters that anyone who refers positively to Giles Ji U is an incarnation of the dreaded colpyat- --- kind of like in the same way that anyone who, for instance, opposes PAD is assumed to be a Thaksinlover- even according to more than one of the PAD supporters, paid by Thaksin (directly or indirectly) to sew dissent among right thinking folks. Volk. Folk.

    I was asking about Giles beacuse I came across one of his writing today. I also saw him on on one of the reputable western media recently (can't remember if it is ABC, BBC, Bloomberg, CCTV, CNBC, CNN or ALJAZEERA). He doesn't look very Thai nor Farang, so I am confused? I am not sure why is he so any PAD.

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