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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. Doesn't it make you wonder how a 22 year old daughter can buy a 7.8 million dollar Hong Kong home

    just last week, with no more than a few days a McDonalds on her resume...?

    Think SHE made 8 mil on her own?

    so where is the problem here? that the family have money that you don't have? envious?

    I bought my first Merc E class as soon as I got my driving license.Guess what. I had not earned a single cent in my life then. Not even a few days at McDonalds. Is there a problem with that?

  2. http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2007/5/27/nation/17848468&sec=nation


    Airasia DO NOT refund. However, if you do not turn up for a flight, you can request a refund on the AIRPORT TAX minus a REFUND FEE. The refund fee is 100 Baht/sector/pax (2nd link above).

    I have email them according to the info from the 1st link above, providing all booking details. About 3 months later, AIRPORT TAX minus 100 Baht REFUND FEE did credit back to my credit card.

    All other items i.e. Fare, Fuel surcharge, admin fee, baggage, etc, are stricly NON-REFUNDABLE. Even if you take them to court. See here http://www.julianmorin.com/blog/?p=401

  3. I have bought BKK-Krabi returns for my whole family. About 400 Baht (rtn) each. Good deal, and simple to book. AirAsia will slip in Insurance & Baggage. If you don't need them, you have to click it out.

    Here is a link (not the AirAsia official site) where it will list out all the prices for 15 days in one go. Extremely useful. http://www.airasiaplus.com/ But you still need to go back to AirAsia web site to do the actual booking.

  4. Abhisit affirms on hosting ASEAN summit

    Prime Minister-elect Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva expressed his confirmation over Thailand's hosting ASEAN summit meeting in February 2009 after making direct calls to ASEAN Foreign Ministers and ASEAN Secretary-General on Tuesday (December 16).

    Spokesman of Democrat Party Dr. Buranat Samuttarak revealed that after Prime Minister-elect Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva's declaring his policy statement to the Parliament, a special Cabinet meeting for the government-elect would be held to deliberate on the country's planned hosting of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit meeting between February 24 and 26, 2009.

    Mr. Abhisit, he said, made telephone calls to ASEAN Secretary-General Mr. Surin Pitsuwan and other ASEAN Foreign Ministers on Tuesday to assure them that Thailand placed high priority on hosting the 14th ASEAN summit meeting. Dr. Buranat stated the venue would possibly be organized in Bangkok rather than Chiang Mai due to convenience for foreign entourages.

    - ThaiNews / 2008-12-17

    It would be better to hold the meeting in Phuket. You never know, the RED might shut down Swampy to embarrass Mark V.

  5. Is there a possibility that Apirak might follow Aphisit foot step soon, entering the political arena. Now he is jobless.

    Not if he ends up in jail first. However the posibility (of the jail term) is very very remote. I am sure he will get away quietly. The Focus in Thailand is now on Thaksin, PAD and Mark V.

  6. I believe the PAD will face court action, Aphisit will say everyone must be held accountable under the law; this argument will cause problems for some Democrat MPs, especially in the South, but it's the only way forward for reconciliation.

    I disagree. I think PAD walks free, that's the deal between Mark V & Sondhi.

    If Mark V attemp to convict PAD, PAD will raise against, capture the airports and demand Mark V to step down. This have happens before, remember Sondhi was once a true support of Thaksin (calling him the best thing that could have happen to Thailand), but later turned against him.

  7. Abhisit's a nice guy.you'd trust him to feed your cat if you were away for the weekend - but that's about it. Sure he speaks fluent English and the office girls in Bangkok adore him but his refusal to speak out on anything that might upset the establishment in the slightest way has marked him down as nothing more than a poster boy for Bangkok middle classes.

    Sad as he could have been a good PM if he had balls.

    I will leave you to your opinion above, but do want to point out that Chuan has said he will take the PM role if this is more palatable to the other coalition parties.

    Good Choice ...but...could he have yet another go and get things right this time around......

    Nobody expect this current Mark govt to last very long. But life could be full of surprises. He may complete his term (what's left of it), and get himself TRUELY re-reclected fair and square next time.

    There is a old chinese say: Becareful what you ask for, you may get it.

  8. Give this boy a chance. He may have came to power via the back door, but at least he is charming and clean (sadly, the same cannot be said about his team). Like his mentor Chuan, he will be well like by the people.

    This is one of the very few Thai PM that speak good English, almost perfect (the other is Anan, a non-elected PM). It is delighful to see him in ALJ/BCC/CNN/etc rather than the incomprehensible Thaksin et al. After a few weeks, I am quite sure the foreign media will go easy on him.

  9. Airlines seek redress for PAD action Concern about AoT passing on costs


    GENEVA : International airlines are asking Thailand to pay for the cost of disruption and loss of revenue resulting from the eight-day seizure and shutdown of Suvarnabhumi Airport by anti-government protesters.

    They do not want to see the costs incurred by Airports of Thailand (AoT), which operates Bangkok's international airport, as it might have to raise airport charges and thus affect carriers that are already struggling in a poor economy.

    The International Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents 230 airlines accounting for 93% of scheduled international air traffic worldwide, outlined its stance in a letter sent last week to Serirat Pasutanond, the acting president of AoT.

    Though the Geneva-based body is acting on behalf of the industry, many of the nearly 100 carriers that operate through Suvarnabhumi are individually considering which parties are liable for the extensive financial damage inflicted by the seizure of Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang airports in order to pursue compensation.

    Thai Airways International (THAI), which bore the brunt of the impact with 20 billion baht in damage, has already resolved to sue leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) for compensation equivalent to its disruption costs and loss of future revenue.

    Meanwhile, the AoT board last Thursday decided to sue the PAD seeking compensation for the damage caused to all six of its airports including Suvarnabhumi, estimated at 64 million baht a day plus unspecified lost opportunity costs.

    Jeff Poole, director for industry charges, fuel and taxation at IATA, told the Bangkok Post: "We want to see the costs of disruption and revenue 'ring-fenced' either by AoT or the Thai government. We don't want to see those charges coming to the airlines."

    IATA suggested that the Thai government could follow the precedent set by the US government, which compensated airlines and others in the travel industry after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

    It has offered to work with AoT to identify the costs and make sure they are not passed on the airlines, according to Mr Poole.

    IATA officials stopped short of blaming PAD demonstrators for laying siege the airports from Nov 25 and Dec 3. "We will not get involved in internal political problems," IATA director-general Giovanni Bisignani said.

    Separately, Georgina Graham, the director for security and facilitation at IATA, said the seizure of the two airports was not strictly speaking a breach of security.

    "They (PAD activists) weren't inside the airports' security restricted area, but they were outside the airport. What they did was to prevent the normal movement of traffic into the airports," she said.

    "So they used the airports to make a political statement, they did not actually breach security restricted areas. This is more a national security issue rather than aviation security."

    In any case, Mr Poole said the industry wanted to see much stronger security taken up. "There has to be the right level of security and the right balance so that higher security costs being passed on to the airlines."

    IATA has commended AoT for getting the airports back to operating effectively and quickly.

    Mr Poole suggested that the Thai state-controlled airport company waive landing and parking fees for airlines for six to 12 months, just to get them back.

    AoT reported that passenger traffic through Suvarnabhumi fell to an average of 55,737 a day after it resumed normal operations on Dec 5, down from about 100,000 in the pre-seizure period. The number of flights dropped to a daily average of 496, from 714 previously, while cargo throughput declined to 2,395 tonnes per day from 3,365 tonnes.


  10. This is a free market. If doctors don't like the pay they get from govt hospital, they are free to go elsewhere. Why blame it on the 30 baht scheme. They reason why they stay is because they cannot get a better paid job from other hospital.

    To be fair, there are more doctors queuing up to get into the govt hospital than those wanted to leave. Becuase work condition is easy going, unlike private hospital. And they have plenti of free time to run their own money grabbing clinic.

  11. This is a good day for the country, in my opinion. That they finally managed to put a politician in office who is educated and articulate, with a clear passion for developing education in the country, is one of the best things Thailand could hope for. I wish him nothing but success, as he has a huge and difficult job in front of him.

    If you hear that banging sound, that was the final nail in Thaksin's coffin. (or was that T's head against the wall, either way...)

    A good day indeed. An anti-democratic , monarchist puppet in charge. No doubt the first act will be to repay Bangkok bank for the cost of the demos. The Lady may think she's won, but this may mark the end for her and her son.

    Which lady are you refering to? And which son?

    Are we thinking of the same duo?

  12. Defence minister and govt spokesman to be non-MPs

    New Defence minister and government spokesman will be non-MP, PM-elect Abhisit Vejjajiva said Monday.

    Speaking at his party headquarter after being voted as new PM, Abhisit said both positions are Democrat's quota.


    -- - -

    Just my gussing:

    New Defence Minister = Chamlong (ex-General)

    New govt spokesman = Sondhi (speaks very well in PAD rally)

  13. I just hope the red shirt people will give this the new P.M a chance....and that Thailand will not be front page news around the world,,, let the county heal,,,, With that said i hope the S.E.T. can rally back up to around 500 so i can end the year with a profit,,, HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE!!!! :o

    I just hope the red shirt people will give this new P.M. a hard time....

    The PAD has upset me too much already, especially on the airport closure.

  14. I wonder how long it will be until we see the airports over run with red shirts????

    The red has no guts to take the airport. They have no strong backers left in the country.

    you'd be surprise my friend

    Red shirts will be out sooooooooon in thousands

    trust me, and I hope they do..... :o

    I hope you are wrong, I hope they take to the streets in a peaceful manner and protest. But taking the airport would make them just as wrong as the PAD protestors.

    How can the red taking the airport make them just as wong? Have you forgotten that the yellow taking the airport is RIGHT (and not wrong). So the red taking the airport will be just as RIGHT.

    yes in the PAD supporters eyes taking the airport was a necessary evil, thus making it the right thing to do.... So following the same logic would make the RED's taking the airport the right thing to do.

    That's if you buy into the PAD's crap that taking the airport was necessary, I for one think it was wrong and they all, every single PAD protestor that was at the airports should see time behind bars for their illegal actions.

    I can only hope that the RED side has less sheep in the crowd and realize that such actions would have negative ramifications for the country.

    I agree with you that it is not right to take the airport.

    BUT, if I put myself in the shoe of of the RED, I would call for the airport to be taken.

    PAD can continue on-and-on for months, who cares? Once the airport is taken, Ah situation change.

    RED can also go on-and-on for months/years, who care? If they take the airport, at least they can demand a new election.

    Pokeman can run, and there is a chance thet Shinawatta may be back in power.

    (I truly believe that IF Pokemon is an MP, she would have been PM today).

  15. I wonder how long it will be until we see the airports over run with red shirts????

    The red has no guts to take the airport. They have no strong backers left in the country.

    you'd be surprise my friend

    Red shirts will be out sooooooooon in thousands

    trust me, and I hope they do..... :o

    I hope you are wrong, I hope they take to the streets in a peaceful manner and protest. But taking the airport would make them just as wrong as the PAD protestors.

    How can the red taking the airport make them just as wong? Have you forgotten that the yellow taking the airport is RIGHT (and not wrong). So the red taking the airport will be just as RIGHT.

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