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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. Police: PAD guard found dead at airport

    Bangkok Post Wednesday December 10, 2008

    Body found inside Dong Mueang Airport believed to be PAD guard

    The Nation

    Must be the work of Thaksin's supporter. Why would the PAD guard kill their own people.

    Or the police plant the evident there, so they can get the guard list, to start arresting them all. Dirty trick.

    Sondhi and PAD is white as snow.

  2. without announcing it many would take Friday 2.01 off the work - but really if the government wanted to give an extra day they should do it much earlier, not just 3 weeks in advance, when all cheap arifare and cheap accommodation is gone to the foreign tourists

    That exactly the point. Thailand aim is to serve foreign tourists. The Thais only get what is left over. Even Chuwit serves the Chinese first.

  3. No, I don't believe the difficult part is finding the money to solve the problem.

    The next few years during this recession are going to be very difficult, but IF, and it's a big IF, the taxpayer's money is utilized fairly and distributed to those areas in need, particularly Isaan, and far less ends up in the politicians pockets, then there's a chance that a new government under Abhisit can eventually prove effective.

    Under Thaksin vast amounts were siphoned off and ended up in his family's, and his cronies, bank accounts.

    JMHO :o

    Every thai governments that i know of spend to their limits. If they can borrow more, they have done that already. There is no more money left in the system without syphoning from other place. Money in Thailand is finite.

    The government right now is in no position of increasing tax. In fact, they have been doing the opposite of gain voters favour. Cut in petrol tax, cut in perperties transfer tax, more tax incentive to RMF/LTF, thinking of reducing VAT to 3%. This will do no good for govt coffer. The only way govt could raise tax is SIN TAX (beer, cigarette, bg, bathers, etc), which is not a lot.

    By maintain the current tax structure, there will be less money coming next year. More jobless, businesses not doing well, and people spending (VAT) less.

    I don't see how the new govt can get pour 100 billion into Issan without upsetting everyone else.

  4. I think I'm getting to the point where ANY report on Thailand in western media is suspicious by default ...

    They give a different point of view ...

    What is very interesting is that an increasing number of educated Thai people are now unhappy with the current political situation. I used to believe that support for reform was only from the poor farmers and the progressive business people. Wrong ! It's deeper than that. Today they express themselves in foreign media but they are the future of Thailand.

    Do you realize that the owner of the noodle shop in Udon, or the hardware store in Pak Chong, is now sending his son (or daughter) to study in London, Sydney or Washington ? Do you think when they will be back they will accept the old order ? Especially when they are the son (daughter) of a noodle shop owner and not of the wealthy old elite ?

    Unless they get the Thaksin/TRT scholarship, how could your said people send their children to London, Sydney or Washington? Maybe drug dealers or underground lottery operators, which Thaksin/TRT tried so hard to have it removed?

  5. Spoil Isaan : Newin tells Abhisit

    Former foe links up with Democrats as coalition moves gather strength

    BANGKOK: -- Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has received good advice from former adversary Newin Chidchob: "If you were to dish Bt100 billion into Isaan, pretty soon the Isaan people would forget Thaksin [shinawatra]."

    -- The Nation 2008-12-10

    I hope Newin does not mean vote buying. However, who know better than TRT banned #5.

    The hidden intension of PAD is to rob Isaan, not charity to Isaan. Conflict of interest?

    Put it simple.

    Isan : win, check last Newin statement

    Newin : Big time winner, I don't like to brag but I was right when I called Newin the "PM maker" in an earlier thread.

    Democrat : They sold their soul, what they won is not really clear, but when the only thing you can say about your leader is "he is good looking", you can't expect much.

    Thaksin : Doesn't look too good for the time being but he's a survivor. I still support the guy ....

    I am going to stay away from the won/lost comments and keep it more simple. The Democrats are being given an opportunity to bring this country together AND put to rest their poor reputation in the northeast. I hate to say it, but Newin is right. If they kill the northeast with kindness, these people will not only think of Thaksin as their savior.

    The trick is how to do it.

    While Newin was referring to pouring money into the northeast, the more important issue is dealing with the mountain of debt that is suffocating the people upcountry. This debt was created during Thaksin's easy credit administration, after he forgave the debt they previously had incurred freeing them up to buy new motorcycles, mobile phones etc. He did this to spur on the economy through consumer spending.

    However, with Thailand's export markets declining, coupled with the recent political problems, the only out for Thailand from an economic standpoint is to stress domestic (private) investment and consumption and this is going to be very, very difficult without again providing easy credit.

    It is very easy to solve problem with Money. The difficult part is finding the Money to solve the problem.

    Newin is right, if we pour enough money in Issan, people will forget Thaksin. However, if the money is syphon from other area (say BKK and South), then people from other part (say BKK and South) will not be happy. I am sure these people will not stay quiet.

    I remember once, there was a shorty PM. He is very good in pouring money into Suphan. Of cause all the Suphan people love him (even till today). However, people in Bangkok do not like for exactly that (pouring money into Suphan). So, back to Newin advise. If Democrat starting syphoning money into Issan (presumably from BKK), what would the PAD (Sondhi in particular) would say? "Good lad?"

  6. Fourth Quarter Airport Arrivals Down Almost 50%

    PHUKET (MAI KHAO): Passenger numbers at Phuket International Airport for the last three months of 2008 are expected to be down about 48% year-on-year due to global economic conditions and recent events in the Thai capital.

    Phuket International Airport Director Wicha Nernlop told the Gazette that around 65 direct international flights to the airport were canceled during the10-day political standoff that resulted in the closure of Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi and Don Meuang airports.

    Domestic flights during the same period were down 80% as scheduled flights from Bangkok, mostly from Suvarnabhumi, dried up.

    Domestic flight schedules have since returned to normal, but six to eight direct international flights a week have been canceled.

    Mr Wicha said that only 65 out of a scheduled 665 flights originating from abroad landed during the 10-day period.

    More here: http://www.phuketgazette.net/news/index.as...8&display=1

    Phuket airport was not closed (well, only a few days eariler in the protest). How could tourist number drop by half. In fact it should INCREASE as some Swampy pax escape through Phuket.

  7. I think it's very late in the day for "AOT to suggest arming security guards", to do this in a International Airport environment is not practical whatsoever.

    They SHOULD have trained armed police officers like other International Airports, and have factored this into Suvarnabhumi's initial plans, long before it was even built.

    Ermmm why is it not practical. When I came back to Thailand through Amsterdam Schiphol airport I noticed that Schiphol is patrolled by many Marechaussee (an army police branch) carrying big guns with their fingers near the trigger. If they can do this at Schiphol why can't they do it at Suvarnabhumi. And these guys are patrolling all of the building both airside and landside.

    But the main problem in Thailand is not international terrorists, but local protestors. I cannot see how armed police would get away with gunning down protestors in Thailand.

    But the main problem in Thailand is army and police. I cannot see how they can away with refusing orders from the government.

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