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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. Hi,

    I have a big old fashioned lap top, and a bad back.

    When i go away for the weekend it doubles the weight of my luggage on my bad back.

    I see people with these new slimline things,I think they are called iPods,are there any of these that don't do anything except play videos from a USB or some thing.

    and cost that much.

    Sorry to be so outdated but all help would be welcome.


  2. O.K.

    Thanks to everybody.I went to bed early last night and woke up to all the answers.

    I knew nothing before now.

    I know Invernet,their cheapest ones are Toshiba 500GB and the price is right for me.

    I actually have to go to the city any way next week and I will look in Tescos and Central.

    Last question,what is a TB

    Thanks again.


  3. Thanks,

    So what do I need to get a certificate of residency from immigration.

    And does effect my residency in my own country.

    Do I have to go to Mai Sai for immigration and the Department of Transport,that big building near the airport,where the vehicle testing is done.Is that where I go for the drivers license test and the change of ownership.

    Also has anybody done the test there,is the written part done on a computer.

    And I'm still looking for a website to practice on.


  4. Hi,

    I am now on a marriage visa and want to change the name on my green book for my motorbike.

    Is this possible in Chiang Rai,if so, how and where.

    Also while I'm in town I will try to get a drivers license too.

    Is this possible on a marriage visa in Chiang Rai.

    If so .....where and is the written test multiple choice questions on a computer like Chiang Mai.

    Lastly is there a website where you study the written test before you go.

    All,help much appreciated.

  5. Hi,

    I did my test before in Chiang Mai.I went totally unprepared but I got the driving part O.k.

    The written part was done on computers with multiple choice questions.

    I failed this 3 or 4 times because 4 or five of the questions didn't make sense to me even though I am a native English speaker.

    Eventually I had to go to the practice computer provided just out side the test room.

    I wrote down the questions that didn't make sense and their answers on a little piece of paper ,did the test again and passed because I cheated.

    That was years ago in Chiang Mai.Now I'm doing it again in Chiang Rai.

    So my question is is there a website with the written test on it so I can be prepared this time.They might have changed the questions and they might all make sense now but if not I will have to cheat again.

    All help appreciated.

  6. Thanks,

    I'll give it a try.

    But why can't I get the proper stuff to work.I would try the caiulking stuff if I new if it was for sale here and they didn't have a different name for it.

    It's a long way to the city from here to look for something that you don't know is for sale.

  7. Sounds good...what's a car detaliers shop,

    Do you know what it's called exactly because I might try buying it online.


    It's always pre painted concrete wall where I have trouble.

    Should I sand it down or wipe it with white spirits.

    I don't have much experience in these matters as you can probably tell

  8. Mostly I use masking tape when painting a fake skirting board.I don't know the American English for skirting board.

    But it's the ornamental board that goes around the bottom of the wall all around the room.

    Living in rented accommodation I just paint a fake one on.So it's concrete I'm trying to stick the tape to and that's where I'm having problems come to think of it.

    The tape sticks fine to anything else,door frames windows etc...

    I also have problems when I try to paint these concrete posts they have in Asian rooms,a different colour to the rest of the wall.Again sticking the tape to concrete.

    Are we on to some thing here

  9. Hi,

    I've been painting...............

    I've done a little bit in Europe too.I just used the old style beige masking tape and it worked o.k.

    Then I tried the Thai masking tape and some times it worked O.k,some times it didn't.It was very thin and frail.

    So I was back in Europe a while back and got the new style blue masking tape,thinking that would be the end of my problems.

    But there was no stickiness to it at all and it just as thin as the Thai stuff.

    Then I went watching some videos on YouTube and the American guys there were using caulking from a tube just like the silicone tube and gun.

    That's my story,don't know where to go from here.

    Is caulking sold in Thailand,if so what is it called,is it any good.

    I also have a masking tape roller which seems very hard.

    All advice welcome,


  10. i did the whole thing again but this time did a systems clean up afterwords.

    I now have some kind of a hi-bred winch seems exceptible so far.

    I'm going to try out this Firefox e mail.Firefox are always so straight forward.

    Any tips on finding it before I do a blind search.

  11. O.k maybe not yet,

    I found my settings gear icon,

    I clicked settings

    I clicked viewing email.

    Then there were only 2 options mail versions

    1 was the one in use,the second was asic,

    I selected it and pressed save.

    Nothing happened so I turned off Firefox and restarted it.

    Low and behold there was good old Firefox original but if I closed it and opened it again I got this new nonsense again.

    I'm exasperated and am about to change to Firefox mail.

  12. I had to rent a pick up truck to go to Chiang Rai city.A list of things like that builds up about

    once a year adding 1000bht to the cost.

    As for the problem with the walls not being 90 degrees,how about keeping the shelves an inch or more back from the wall even if it means only having the one outer screw hole on the bracket to attach to the shelves.Believe me she will pack those shelves so much you won't be able to see.

    Or the worst case scenario would be cutting my L shape into two pieces.The corner has a concrete post built in too.

    Thanks for all the help guys,I would be lost without yee

  13. That sounds great but just to be specific,

    2 undercoats of water based and 1 last coat of oil based.

    3 coats in all.

    I nearly know what I'm doing now.At home I just ask a mate who is a painter

    and he tells me in a couple of minutes.

    Thanks to all who helped.

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