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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. I think it's about time I converted all my music filles to the one file type.It would make life easier.

    I like this Rocker Player,it's nice and simple with large print.

    So,on a different note .Any body know the simplest way to convert files on my laptop,

    I don't think I have a program to do it and am not sure what file type to convert to.

    I'm going to Google it now.

    Thanks again folks

  2. I've got Rocket Player working but it only recognizes about half the file types in the folder.

    I can't do anything with VlC.

    I'm going to try Google music next but I think it's the files that are going to be the problem.

    Thanks for the advice.

  3. The video player is VLC but I can't find the "make playlist" function.

    I'll try to find instructions online.

    There is Google music player but I'm not sure if you have to be online to use it which is no good to me.

    So is making a playlist the only way to go with android.On my laptop I have Potplayer and when one song is finished it just plays the next one.

    Thanks for the tip

  4. Hi,

    I just got a new android tablet,I put some folders in the memory,each folder has about 30 songs.

    I have a few media players on it but they all just play one song and stop.

    Does any body know how I can play all the songs in the folder consecutively.

    All help welcome

  5. Hi

    I have a d-Tracker 125cc and I find it skids very easily.I'm not very mechanical but some one advised me that it could be because the tires are two hard,it gives a very bumpy ride also.

    Seens as there is no tire gauge in our town up til now I have just been letting the Thai guy do it Thai style.I would say that this method definitely over fills the Tyre.So I got myself an electronic tire gauge.

    I have no manual for the bike and don't know what pressure to use.I was going to look it up on an English website but I was told that they set different tire pressures in Asia because of the heat.

    So can anybody recommend the best tire pressures for a d-Tracker 125cc with a 60kg rider.It still has the original racing tires on.

    I would love some help on this because I think it would give me a softer and safer ride.

    All help welcome.

  6. Many thanks to Massok,

    I did the job today,no hitched,removed the divide between disk C and D,expanded disk c to the full hard drive and reinstalled what was erased from disk d and that was that.

    Started my half downloaded torrents again,nothing was affected.

    Now no more waiting when I transfer from one disk to another.

    Another step on my crusade to de-microsoft my windows.

    Internet explorer,Microsoft office,windows photo viewer,windows media player,libraries are all dead or on the execution list.

    Thanks to all who helped.

  7. Thanks all,

    I'm working this weekend and will start on monday.

    I hope the thread will not be dead in case I need some help.

    I'm just going to take out the partition to save time moving files.

    I won't forget to put everything on a external HDD in case anything goes wrong

  8. Thanks Richcor,

    I have windows 7 with 233gb on Disk C and about the same on Disk D.

    I believe you can move the dividing bar between the disk,this probably wouldn't make

    a difference with speed but would make things simpler.

    Does anyone have have any idea on how to do this.I would search widows seven forum but I don't know the terminology I'm looking for

  9. Car77s solution worked straight away so I changed my bookmarks and did a disk C clean up and check for errors and restarted the computer.

    Then I could find my settings,not advanced settings and I was down for English.

    Randsomesands second link put me through to a link in Thai which I presume was advanced settings so I got the missus to set it to English.

    My PayPal still opens in Thai but just until I sign in.

    I think Car77s link was the only thing that made the difference.

    I will Google the problem if the PayPal issue gets worse but Google-ing a problem can be a wild goose chase some times.Some times it's easier to ask English speaking people who have specific experience of using computers in Thailand and we can all have a chat and learn something at the same time.

    You meet the odd grump though but that's life.

    Thanks to all who helped

  10. Hi,

    I opened a gmail account recently.Now when I open my old Google.co.th bookmark it opens in Thai and there's no place to change it to English.

    I tried to change it to Google.com and that was in Thai too.

    Also when I pay for something in eBay my PayPal account opens in Thai.

    I can't get to the root of this problem............any ideas anybody

  11. Hi,

    Before when I opened a folder it would open in the size it was when I closed it.

    If I didn't like the size a folder that I opened was i.n I would resize it to what I wanted,close it and when I opened it again it would open in the size I closed it in,the size I wanted it to open in.

    Now it always opens in a tiny square and I have to adjust it.Is there anyway I can set it to open in a certain size every time or at least get it back to the way it was before,resetting it by closing it and opening it again.

    I'm sure it's easy IF you know how.

  12. I will leave you guys at it.

    I have only one last queston.

    When I buy the cheapest 32GB flash drive stick to use with my OTG cable.

    Need I be worried if it is USB 2.0 or 3.0.

    The power drive is still useful as it will charge my tablet and my electronic cigarette at the same time.

    The last hotel I stayed in in Laos had one electric socket which the fan was plugged into.I had to carry an electric 3 socket extension cable so I could plug in the fan,bring my lap top wire to the bed and charge my e-cigerette at the same time.All strapped to my motorbike only my laptop was on my back,but still.................

    So I've lost the electric multi socket extension cable,my laptop and two chargers.

    Now I have a 7 inch tablet a power hub,a flash drive and a OTG cable and no chargers.

    Every cloud has a silver lineing.

    Please don't forget my last question.When I buy a flash drive is the USB 2.0 or 3.0 an issue

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