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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. Thanks Mate,

    I've already bought nice white brackets.

    Come to think of it herself is going to but so much stuff on the shelves that

    you won't be able to tell if they are gloss or mat,so I will go down the village

    and get the nearest thing they have.,maybe low gloss.

    I hadn't thought about the 90 degree wall scenario,as I said Thailand is a great cure for perfectionism,

    We must do our best and then be satisfied what ever the outcome,

    as my grandfather used to say

  2. O.k,

    I'll start the search for mat black oil based paint.

    I have to do it online because I'm so far from the city.

    Finding out the right materials to use and finding them and getting them home is half the job for me in Thailand,

    In Ireland I have friends to ask and then there is the friendly young man in the hardware shop to give advice.

    Ah well,I learn a lot of Thai,patience and it's a great cure for perfectionism.

    Thanks for your help.

  3. O.k,

    I think I will continue with the way I've been doing it so far.

    My wife can read Thai and I can speak it so I get her to help me.

    But it's mainly hardware shops I'm searching and that makes it so difficult because technical terms aren't in the dictionary.

    Ah well,I learn a lot of Thai this way but it ain't convenient

    Thanks for your help.

    P.S sometimes I find something on eBay in Thailand and then try get an internet address but I think eBay make this difficult.

  4. I've just been getting into buying online in Thailand.

    I search on Google and then press "translate this page"

    it's terrible.

    Some tell me to get Google Chrome because it translates automatically.

    But I sometimes use the Google translate page and that's terrible too.

    Does anybody know is Google chrome better than the other 2 Google translation services,

    or better still have another alternative,before I install Google chrome and see what it's like.


  5. This is what the missus is saying,the paint should be oil based not water based.

    Acrylic and latex are not in our vocabulary's.

    I want mat black.Is it possible to get mat colors in oil based paints..

    Thanks for the help so far.

  6. Hi,

    I've just cut 3 large shelves out of 3/4 inch plywood.

    Now me missus tells me that acrylic paint will come off(on her clothes which the shelves are going to be used for)

    Then I saw this guy on YouTube who says that i should use painters caulk on the sides which have been cut or the paint won't cover the gaps left from cutting.

    So,is this true,Will acrylic paint come off gradually,

    I think the caulking thing could be right but do they sell it in Thailand.

    They are big heavy shelves so what would be the easiest way to hang them.

    They are 5ft by 4ft L shaped and I have a bad back so should I fix the brackets to the

    walls or the shelves first.

    Ammeter needs advice and would be greatful

  7. I really thought you were joking about the NANA SCREW till I opened the website,

    I'm on a laptop with Firefox and Google search offers to open the page in English and the whole website is in English after that.

    I would have to download Google chrome,would it be any better than what I'm doing now,

    I like me old Firefox

    Thanks again

  8. IMHO,

    You have changed my life.

    before it was a long day to the city and back.

    Half an hours studying how to say it in Thai first,

    Then pure pandemonium in the shop because I never do a job the same ways as the Thais do.They don't under stand why i don't just slap some masonry nails in.

    Now i might have to change forums but what is the best way to change the sites into English....get them on Google and press translate this page is what I'm doing now.

    However,thank you very,very much

  9. Hi,

    I'm living in the middle of nowhere and often have to go to the city for small things likr an angle grinder disk or a bag of screws,

    Is there anywhere online that do this in Thailand.

    I find it imposable to be organized that I have everything at home.


  10. Great man ,thanks,

    I figured out the send issue too.

    Is there any way that you can set Yahoo to allways save as draught as you are wriring.

    Between power cuts and the net cutting off this would be a great fascility in Thailand

    Thanks again

  11. Hi,

    I am new to computers but I just wrote an email on Yahoo mail.com.

    I always save my letters as draft after every paragraph because of the power cuts in my part of Thailand but couldn't find out how.

    Then when I went to send It wouldn't send and I think I've lost it.

    Does anybody know how to SAVE AS DRAFT and SEND on this new yahoo mail.

    They are also calling emails messages,I think.

    Anyway the net has been down in town for 2 days and I need to send emails urgently.

    Can anybody help please

  12. O.k,

    I'll go with vinigar,can you run me through it one more time.

    there is water coloured vinegar for sale in the local market,we have to go to tesco's

    to get the light brown coloured stuff.Which is best.

    Then I rub it in with a cloth I presume,

    The keep it wet bit means what,come back every few minutes and apply more...

    untill the metal goes a dark colour.

    How dark? and how long a time frame....minutes-hours.

    I really appreciate your help on this.


  13. NeverSure,

    You seem to know what you are talking about.

    Thank you for your help.

    I will try to go down the automotive paint supplier route.the only snag is that I live way up in the mountains and a trip to the city is a long day out.

    If I had a few more specifics about the products names and brands I could call the shops to see if they had it and get a local who goes to the city often to pick it up for me.

    Also I only have a tiny tin of "made in England stove paint",I did not realize they had such things in Thailand..

    Are there products like heat resistant silver,chrome or best of all stainless heat resistance paints on the market over here.

    The more brand names and products you can give me the better chance I have of checking them out online and maybe even buying them online.

    Thanks for your help so far mate,I didn't think I was going to solve this problem so easily.


  14. I'm just wondering in it's worth all the hassle to bring my own bike into Laos.

    I could just take the bus on long trips and rent a bike by the day for short trips,although this is expensive in Laos as far as I


    To take my own bike I would have to,

    1-Change the name on the green book to my own.

    2-get some kind of international passport for the bike,

    3-renew my Thai motorcycle license.

    4-I remember reading some where that you have to pay a fee to bring the bike into Laos.

    and pay another fee when you leave according to how many days you kept the bike in Laos.

    Has anybody done this.......how much hassle and expense is it.

    I will probably change the green book into my own name and renew my drivers license weather I go or not.

    All advice appreciated.

  15. HI,

    To cut a long story short,I am making a charcoal burning stove that has a chimney pipe

    and can be used indoors.I live high in the northern mountains.

    It's going great,it's installed drawing well and ready to be painted.

    I know how to prepare the steel for painting and have both spray and liquid heat resistant stove paint made in Europe and am ready to start painting tomorrow.

    Here is the hitch.I just saw a YouTube video that says galvanized metal needs a special primer,The tray it stands on to protect the floor from damage has a sheet of that cheap thin galvanized coated metal you see in the hardware shops.the first 8 inches of the chimney pipe is galvanized steel and the rest of the chimney pipe is made of that glorified baking foil that the tray is lined with but it's rolled over enough times to make it safe.

    It's been installed for 2 years and is working well and is safe and now I am finally getting around to painting it.

    What's the story with the special primer for galvanized metal.

    Is it necessary,is it available in Thailand.

    I have silver couriered stove paint for the galvanized parts and matt black for the parts made of steel.The tray underneath won't be getting hot.

    All advice will be greatly appreciated


  16. Hi I've researched this on other posts but still have a few question for my specific case and I also like my information to be up to date.

    So here's my story.

    1-I have a Kawasaki D-Tracker 125cc.It's in my wife's' name because I could not buy it on a tourist visa in Chaing Rai Provence.Even though I could have if my address was Chiang Mai.

    Any way now I have a marriage visa and might be able to change the name so the question is do I need to have the same name on the green book as is on my passport.

    2-I know I have to get a purple book(motorbike passport)How many visits to the Vehicle

    registration office does that take as it is far from where I live and how much does it cost.

    3-Do I have to pay a "visa fee" for my bike when I enter Laos.

    4-Is there anything I've missed.Like my Thai motorcycle drivers license is 3 years out of date and my Irish one is only for a car

    I ask about the costs because it might be cheaper to rend a Honda dream by the day and go for a spin every second day in Laos,I am not the robust long distance driver type.

    I plan to go from Huay krai to the Chinese boarder via Long Nam Tha.

    Unless anyone has a nicer circuit of about the same distance to recommend.

    Right now I am just researching the paper work.

    O.h and my tyres are new but the are racer types,is that o.k if I wait to go till after the rainy season.

    All advice wellcome

  17. O.k,

    Thanks to all,looks like I might go for the cheap wok and learn how to season it.

    How about the small frying pan and medium sized sauce pan.

    I want something healthy.I've looked on YouTube and what most people recommend are

    3 layered pans,top and bottom layers of stainless steel and the middle layer of aluminum.

    I can't figure out if the stainless steel pans on the CENTRAL or HOMEPRO websites have a layer of aluminum in the middle or not.I might have to go in and get my missus to read the box but that's a long day out from where I live.Tesco is not too far.

    Thanks Again

  18. I have bought 2 woks in Thailand.

    The first was the cheapest aluminum I could find because I was low on funds.

    Needless to say that it didn't last long.

    Next time I had a bit more money and bought the most expensive wok in Tesco.

    Seagull brand,non stick,which is now sticking and burning.

    Can any one recommend a gamble for my 3rd time lucky attempt.

    At home we have frying pans and the best are made from cast iron.

    Non stick have came and went.

    So I don't know what shop to look in,what brand I'm looking for or what material

    the wok should be made out of.

    If I found something good I would also invest in a pot and a small frying pan.

    Buying online would also help because I live in the middle of nowhere.


  19. I have a KRUNG THAI bank account.

    I asked them for internet banking and they said it would be too dificult

    and that I should just get a service that send an text message to my cellphone

    every time Iuse the ATM or money arrives from abroad,they charge me 10bht each time.

    I said o.k because I'd just gone through the considerable hassle of opening the acount

    after being refused in several other banks.

    Does anyone know how English friendly the KRUNG THAI internet banking is.Or which bank has the most English freindly internet banking.

    The Farang friendliness of the bank varies according to how rural it is.My country bumpkin bank is bizarre

  20. I don't particularly want a manly smell it's just that I don't want a puffy chemical smell.

    A natural smell that doesn't smell like girls perfume.

    Tolley,can you tell me more about Deodo Min.Is it spray or roll on,mens or ladies,strong or mild.

    It's 80 kms to Central from here.

    Thanks to all who helped


  21. Here's a topic I haven't looked into for a while.

    I used to draw all my money from Ireland using my Irish ATM card.

    Then the 150bht charge came in from the Thai side and soon after my Irish bank put a limit

    of 100 euros per day in countries they considered risky for froad.America and Thailand being 2 examples.

    So I changed to internet banking,transferring from AIB to KRUNG THAI.

    I usually send 1000 euros for a 15 euro fee.

    20,000bht(500 euros) for 150bht is a better deal............right?....but only if the exchange rate

    is the same......right?

    Does anybody know how the exchange rates compare for ATM withdrawals from foreign banks and internet banking.

    If they were the same I would try to have my limit raised for my ATM transfers and go back to that method.

    The only other snag I see is that there is only KRUNG THAIand THAI MILITERY BANK ATM'S IN TOWN.

    Could I also do over the counter withdrawls with my foreign

    My old ATM card is now a debit card,if that helps

  22. Talcum is good,yes.

    But not so convenient when you need that quick boost,you know,like when you've been

    bustling around town for a few hours and then you have to go to the bank.

    Thais take it so personalty if you smell just the slightest bit off and it does you no favors.

  23. KUNATEE,

    That was the best answer yet and without a hint of sarcasm either,

    I do need a good grammer referance book because if I have to write in here for advice I will just get the "holier than thow" croud mouthing off.

    Raymond Murphy and Micheal Swan have been mentioned.

    Any more recomendations for a Teachers guide to Elementry and High School grammer.

    I live in a small town where the kids can't understand theirThai teachers when they teach them English so I help out by giving them classes in the evening.I teach English through the Thai language and do a good job.

    Give me a break

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