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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. Thanks Guys,

    All good advice.

    I have been suffering from severe tendonitis for ages but only now have

    realized that it is coming from not using the muscles in the arches of my feet which caused the arches to colapse.

    This comes from wearing work boots all my life.

    Activating this muscle seems to be the best cure.Clenching my feet but with the muscle in the arch of my foot not in the front of my foot.Also straightening out the arch in my foot by using the same muscle.If I do these two exercises using the muscles in the front of my feet it makes it worse.

    I stay barefoot as much as I can and consciously activate the same muscles when I walk.

    This is greatly reducing the tendonitis in my whole body.

    The next step is to buy shoes or insoles for when I have to ware shoes.

    I will check out the links people have provided here.

    Thanks again.

  2. I've got fallen arches.I need to buy a pair of really good insoles that support

    the arches of your feet.

    Does anyone know where to buy these in Thailand or online with regestered


    I am out in the sticks but can get to Boots and Central.


  3. Hi,

    I've had this computer for a while now but I still can't do documents.

    I just got a yahoo email with a form on it that I have to fill in and return.

    What I am doing is getting it printed,filling it out by hand and then going back to the shop to get it scanned and sent back.

    Is there an easier way to do this like filling it out on my laptop and sending it back myself.

    I have no clue about documents.I have windows 7 with no windows word,I have freefileviewer.If I have to use windows word/office I can use my wife's computer.

    All advice wellcome

  4. Thanks for your patience.

    And ReVo is spelled with a V.

    But the problem is that when I open ReVo and it shows the list of installed programs

    iLvid is not on it.Probably because I removed it months ago.

    The problem was that when I started up my computer I would get a window asking me if I wanted to let iLid through my firewall.

    I seem to have fixed this by clicking yes and then removing it from the "let through firewall" list manually.

    Now the only place I can find iLvid is in the "show hidden icons" box in my task bar.

    If I click that and then click the iLvid icon I get the full iLvid program which I presume isn't working.

    This is why I was trying to remove traces of program with Revo.

    Again,thank you for your time.

  5. I downloaded Remo but couldn't understand how to use it.

    I ran "evidence remover" which took 3 hours but iLvid is still there.

    I can probably figure it out by reading the instructions but some

    some instructions here would save me some time and effort.

    Thanks for all the help so far.

  6. Yes,

    Maybe I should chuck it.

    This is what I'm trying to find out.

    If I get a new one I will want a quality one with with all the functions

    which will probably cost 2k+ in Home Pro.

    Advice on what I should pay for a new jigsaw is welcome also

  7. Hi,

    I have Windows 7 and it has this annoying function that changes the files to full screen when you move them quickly across the screen.

    I can't look up how to turn off this function because I don't know what it's called.

    Any suggestions.

  8. Hi,

    When I start my computer I get a window asking me if I want to let iLvid through my firewall.

    When I close it I get a flashing light on my taskbar asking me if I want Bandoo publishers to make changes to my computer.

    It's not causing any problems it's just annoying.

    I think it's something I picked up when downloading another program and removed it from program files immediately because I can't find either of them in "program files" or "installed programs".

    Does anyone know how I can get rid of it.

  9. Hi,

    I'm living way up in the mountains and my electric jigsaw just died.There was no smell,it wasn't hot,it just died after 3 minutes use.I brought it to the local Thai guy but he could only check the plug and advise me to go to the nearest repair shop which is 160kms round trip on bad roads.

    The jigsaw is made by Parkside,I brought it from Europe so I don't think the parts are for sale in Thailand but if it's a simple thing like soldering a connection they could fix it.

    So my question is do you think it is something small like a loose wire or could

    it need a part.Do they have to be hot or smelling of burn before the blow the motor,can you tell if it's worth the trip to the repair shop or can you tell from what I've written that I should bin it and spend 2500bht on a new one.

    If the repair shop was just down the road I wouldn't be writing this post but such is my lot.


  10. Hi,

    I have a D-Tracker 125cc which I bought new about two years ago.

    The battery died and it was cracked when the mechanic looked at it.

    He says it happened because I don't use the bike often enough,that D-trackers are different and they need to be started every day and left with the engine running for a while.

    I don't understand what he means by different but it's not like any other bike I've had.When you turn the key the head light and the preheater for the fuel injection come on.Also the battery went while I was on a long journey.It started on the key then I drove it 60kms and stopped for a break and it wouldn't start again.

    Any bike I ever had before would start better after driving 60kms,I said this to the mechanic but all he said was that my bike is different and that I must start it every day and let it run.

    Letting it run is a hassle because I only use it once a month.So my question is how is my bike different and why does the battery not charge when I take it for a long drive and is there anything I can do instead of running the engine every day like disconnecting the battery or something.


  11. Hi,

    I bought a CD from Amazon and I want to save it in my computer with my other videos.Is this possible.

    I tried playing it with VLC and recording it at the same time but it recorded the video and sound for the first hour and then recorded video with no sound.

    VLC says the file type is (.vob) and I understand that the problem is that the CD is copyright encrypted.

    Does anybody know how I can get around this.I know of titankey DRM converter but they want 40USD for the program.

    I am on windows seven.

    Many thanks.

  12. Thanks for the advice guys,

    trd my question is about eBooks that I see for free on torrent sites and kindle books that I see for sale on Amazon.

    What program or programs do I need to open these books,where do I get them and are they free.

    All other advice welcome also

  13. Hi,

    My eyes have gone bad and I've just started exploring other options than

    paper books.

    I joined "audible,an Amazon company" where you pay a monthly subscription.

    They let me download audio books in MP332 format but I like to edit my audiobooks and cut them down to size deleting everything except the parts I want to listen to again and you can't do that with 'audible'

    Is there any way around this.

    Also I want to try a "pdf" book but I know nothing about this.Do I have to install a program first so that I can open the "pdf" book first.If so what program is best for me.I would be trying to download free first and only buying a kindle version from amazon as a last resort.I will also need large print and the ability to delete huge sections.

    All general advice for a newbie into this world of downloading books would be welcome.

    Many Thanks.

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