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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. Kkerry,

    I did your "little" test.

    A tiny tab comes on the desktop saying USB data non-readable.

    I changed from FAT something to NFTS.

    Can you tell me where to find this Paragon app.

    Could I change all files on the hard drive to Fat or is that a stupid question.

    What a mega post of ups and downs this has turned out to be.

    Thanks to all who are helping especially the regulars

  2. O.k..

    I tried the Nexus file system Casual biker recommended,there is a free trial version but it said no USB is connected.

    So Bino must be right the problem is the hub.I wasted 450bht could be worse.

    The 1700bht I spent on the HDD was money well spent as I would hate to loose the stuff on my laptop.

    So two ways to go from here the expensive and the cheap.

    The expensive being the internally powered disk that Bino recommended.

    Can you send me any links or prices for these please.

    The cheap route would be to come to terms with not being able to take all of my 250GB files with me and buy the biggest USB flash drive stick that the tablet would run.How many GBs would that be and how much would it cost.

  3. O.K---

    I've got it all wired up.A little sign pops up and says an external hard drive has been added and dissapears.

    Then I open COMPUTER(the app that looks like windows)but there is no sign of the new USB.

    So the problem now is either software or me.

    Don't let me down now guys we've come so far and are so close to the end.

  4. O.k Guys,

    First problem,the only cable that goes into the hard drive has a male large USB jack on the end.

    The OTG cable micro male jack won't go into the USB port in the hub but it will go into the Tablet and the tablet will recognize a USB 2GB stick.

    So I am left with the cable coming out of the HDD being a large male USB.

    I have another cable coming out of the USB port in the hub ending in a large male USB also.

    So it looks like instead of a OTG cable I need a male to male large USB connector.

    Am I being clear.Would this work.

  5. Anybody know a good brand of whiteboard markers.

    The best I've found yet is PILOT.

    I would even order them over the internet from abroad if I had a recommended brand.

    I found PENTEL on Ebay are they any good.

    I hate working with crap tools fading away in the middle of class

  6. Hi,

    A simple question please God.

    I like all my files in windows explorer to be opened in CONTENT mode.

    You know when you have a drop-down where you can set it to list-details-titles etc..

    I keep changing them to CONTENT but only some of them reopen in content.

    Is there any way to set them all to open in CONTENT mode always.


  7. Hi,

    I've been out of shape for a long time but I'm trying to get fit again.

    Every time I exercise I get really stiff and sore the next day and have to wait for days before I can exercise again.

    I'm not lifting weights,just doing press-ups and crunches and stretches but I really pay for it after.

    I don't want to be misunderstood in two ways-1 I am not into body building and-2, I don't want anything illegal

    So I've heard that some testosterone based drugs and other mild performance enhancing drugs are legal in Thailand.Does anyone know anything about these.

    I just want to take something for a month to get used to exercising and then wean myself off for another month while keeping up the exercise.

    Does anybody know what drugs are on sale over the counter in Thailand for this.

    I would prefer tablets to injections because I am only going to be taking them for a short while.

    If some body could advise me on some drugs or brand names or even another forum,preferably Thai based I would be grateful.


    PS I'm a 48 year old male

  8. I just downloaded freefileviewer and it does everything,

    opens windows and non windows documents,opens photos,and apparently much much more.

    Well done trentbridge.That was one of the best computer tips I've ever got.

    Check it out guys....truly an all in one file opener.

    End of story

  9. I just tried to open these documents on my wifes fake microsoft office and it opened them.

    I tried to install it in my computer via usb stick I transferred it but could not install it.

    Maybe I will go to the Thai shop and ask him to instal it.Or just use the wifes machine for documents.

    Does microsoft office open all document types.

  10. i've checked the website I'm particularly interested in and the files all seem to be either .doc or .docx.So it would be a great start if I could open these.

    There are six more websites that I have been recomended,God only knows what type they are.

    Thanks for your patience

  11. I have got rid of adobe reader.

    I can download no problem,I think firefox does it.

    The problem is that I can't open the downloads.

    Don't I need a program that can open all kinds of documents.

    The VLC of document readers or am I missing something................probobly.

    libreoffice.org and OPENOFFICE are the two that sound like they may do that.PDFs should not be a problem if I have foxit...................right?.

    Or what about a reader app from firefox.

  12. Good morning ladies or gentelmen,

    The website I'm trying is isicollective.com.

    I try to open the worksheet I'm interested in but it won't let me do it online because I'm not a paid member.I must download it and open it myself.

    So I have downloaded 3 and now that the file type shows on the end I see that they either end in .doc or .docx. but I can't open them.

    Does libreoffice open all document types.I probobly need something that does as I will be going from website to website trying to download and open documents.

  13. Hi,

    Some of you might recognise me by now.I live up the mountains away from any other Farangs.I got my first computer about two years ago and i basically learned how to use it by asking questions on this forum.

    All of my questions were very simple,some of them were very stupid but you've all been very patient with me and I have learnt alot.

    When I bought my laptop I bought the original version of widows seven.The one for 1700bht for sale in Asia only.

    I immediatly deleated all the microsoft office stuff,windows words etc.....

    Thinking that I woud never be having anything to do with documents.

    First stupid mistake.

    Now I find I'm teaching English and have to use worksheets off the internet.Then my computer couldn't open the documents.I thought that all the documents were PDFs so I put a post on this forum asking how to open PDFs(second stupid mistake) and was advised to download Foxit.I did but now it's turning out that when I open some of the files with Foxit it says Microsoft office is required to open this file.

    I also have windows wordpad wich opens some but not all of the Text.

    So I'm downloading these documents from all these different websites and can't open them.I presume that they are all different formats.

    How do I get out of this one.I could go round to the computer shop and get him to install fake Microsoft Office and change it to English but some Thai allways apears sometime later.

    Thanks to all those who have helped before and thanks in advance to any one who helps this time.

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