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Posts posted by chiangrai

  1. Thanks to all who replied.

    Sirchai is right,I have to change the vocab in the worksheets I get online to match the vocab I have thought and I usualy end up doctoing the whole thinig anyway.

    But I find it hepfull to follow someone elses ideas for now.

    My students are elementry school aged but we are in a remote mountain town so their level is even lower than the rest of Thailand because the Thai teachers are of an even less standard than the rest of Thailand.

    Thanks for all your recomendations,keep them comming.I thought that there would be a holy grail worksheet website that every thought was best.

  2. Hi,

    I've just started making work sheets for my classes.

    I teach at home.I googled it of course and got plenty of choices but it's always nice to have some thing recommended.

    Are there any particularly recognized good ones for elementary school aged Asian kids.

    Just a short question that may save me a lot of trial and error.There are a lot of crap non user friendly ones out there.


  3. Hi Turkleton,

    I have ordered a OTC cable from Bangkok.

    I am about to order a D-Link,4 port,USB 2.0 Hub W/Power Adapter(Dub-H4).550bht.

    And a Toshiba Canivo Conect,500GB Portable Hard Drive USB 3.0. 1790bht from


    Sorry I can't post links but I would really appreciate your final approval before I order and pay.

    You are the only one who seems to be wise to this solution,even the guy from invadet didn't know about OCT cables.

    Many thanks for your help so far.

  4. Just to let you know how things are going guys.

    It loos like casualbiker and turklet are right.

    I'VE ordered an OTG cable online.

    Then I wrote to Invadet inquiries and he tells me all I need is a power hub and a portable hard drive.

    I looked at his power hub page and the only power hubs that were USB 2.0 were less than 200bht.My OTG cable is 2.0.

    I am going to write back to him ,checking that this power hub is write for me and could he recommend a HDD.

    Things seem to be working out practically and price wise.

    I will keep you posted and keep your fingers crossed

  5. Hi Casualbiker,

    A 2000bht powered hard drive is exactly what I'm looking for but my local TESCO doesn't have them.

    The tesco in Chiang Rai city is bigger and there's a Central and a Big C.It would mean an overnight trip to the city but if I thought they were available I would go.

    What is it powered on ,mains or battery and why hasn't someone mentioned this before.

    Thanks for your concern.

  6. Another thing that struck me is that if I went traveling with a 500GB external hard drive and a 32GB card,could I just go down to the local internet cafe,delete what is on the card and transfer another 32GB onto it with their pc.

    Option 2 is looking more and more likely all the time.2500bht.

  7. Thanks Kkerry,

    I see them on ebay in Hong Kong for around 850bht.They say they use little power.Does it have to be that brand,Sandisk Blade.

    Anyway do you know any device like this that my machine would handle.

    I only have 233GB to save.It's been like that for years.I delete about as much as I save.Anything that is better than a 64GB card.

  8. Out of interest,the video above showing a guy playing videos on my tablet with a USB 2.0 Thumdrive.............what is the largest thumdrive i could play on my tablet.I see they go up to 128GB I would only need two.

    I've gone off the bulky 3.5 USB cover idea.

    Invadet have a power hub for 690bht but it's USB 3.0.would that affect me.

    If not that option with a 2.5 HDD would come to about 2500bht.

    The powered wifi USB option woks out at either 3860bht plus shipping from America or 6590bht plus shipping from invadet.

    SO OPTION 1-two 128GB USB thumbnail drives,I still need to know if my tab would drive them but if it would it would be the cheapest option.

    OPTION 2-the powered hub and the 2.5 hard drive 2500bht.

    OPTION 3-The wireless hard drive probably the best device but out of my budget.

    So after 59 posts I've narrowed it down to two options.

    Some final advice,especially from Mister Turkleton would be much appreciated.

  9. Guys you are killing me with kindness here.

    It's going to take me a while to work out which option to go with.I am on a budget.But to put things in perspective what I would have had to spend on the Thai shop solution was 1700bht for a hard drive that I could only use on my laptop and 750bht for a card that was too small.So 2500bht total for a far less than perfect solution.That's when I opened this post looking for a good solution to my problem and I didn't mind if it was 1 or 2 grand more expensive.

    That solution is in here some where I just have to figure it out.

    I still have two questions though.

    Turkleton-how much should pay for a powered hub and do you know where I might find one.

    And to Kkerrry what does DIY mean in techno language.

  10. Now we're getting warm,these are the devices I am looking for.

    Sorry it took me a while to realize what has it's own wifi meant.

    I would prefer a 500GB version and would prefer to buy from invadit than Amazon but at least I know what I'm looking for or that they even exist.

    Thanks for all your help and patience.

  11. I will be using it mostly in hotel rooms with possibly no wi-fi but with electricity.I like to have all my stuff with me so while I'm offline I have a chance to sort it all out and tidy it up.

    So will my tablet power the 500GB HDD if the tablet is plugged in to the mains.

    If not I need a hard drive that can be plugged into the mains.

    Bringing even 64gbs of my stuff on a card does not really interest me.

    They are not movie files they are educational videos and documentaries that need to be sorted out occasionally and being stuck in a hotel room with no wi-fi would be the perfect time to do it..

    Where can these these mains powered external HDDs be found.

    A 7 inch tablet and a 3.5 inch HDD does not sound bulky to me.

    Thanks to all for your continuing help.

  12. Thanks for all the reply's,

    What I tried to buy today was a500GB external hard drive but they all had a micro usb socket and a cable that had a micro usb jack on one end and a large usb jack on the other end,so you can only use them with laptops.

    To save me buying one of these and a card i need a cable with a micro jack on both ends or an external hard drive with a large usb port.

    It would be nice to have all my stuff with me when I go away an not just 32GB of it.

    O.k,I've just read over the last two posts,this OTG cable is to be used WITH the cable I have,not instead of it.

    This is exactly what I'm looking for,this is what the Thais in Tesco and my local computer store say doesn't exist.

    I think I will order the one on JessyFranks link and go back rearmed and re informed.

    JessyFrank the one on your link is for Samsung but I presume it works for Lenova as well.


  13. I have 2 storage needs which I would prefer to solve with the one device but don't know if that's possable.

    One I have a laptop with about 250GBs on my disk D which I would like to save in case anything happens to the laptop.

    Two,I have a tablet on which I would like to play the same 250GBs when I am away for the weekend.

    So I went shopping for a 500GB USB,thinking it would do the two jobs but..............the jacks won't fit my Tablet.

    So in the confusion of shopping with little knowledge of computers and the Thai language I was given 2 choices,

    The USB which will store all my stuff but cannot be played on my tablet or a 32GB card which I can play on my tablet but will not store all my stuff.

    I also heard of a 64GB card but didn't see one for sale.

    So did I get it right,I have to buy two devices or can I buy a cable that connects the USB to the Tablet or a jack adapter.The Thais say no,are they right.

  14. kkerry,

    I got it ...........I bloody well got it .

    Long story,I had to reset my Google password.

    I had to realize that if you hold the letters c or o or a on the tablet laptop for more than a split second you get some thing they won't accept.

    I then couldn't download from my laptop but could from my tablet.

    It was a long night but now VLC is playing the files that the original players wouldn't.

    Thanks for hanging in there with me mate.The simplest of things are so hard to figure out first time when you're on your own but now that I can install from Play store next time should be easy.

    Thanks again.

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