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  1. He's only 62 he's not old a mere whippersnapper.
  2. It's just the Aussie sense of humour.
  3. Trump & Vance are looking more like Laurel & Hardy every day.
  4. I think too many people believe everything Trump says while some of it may be true most of it is absolute garbage. Unfortunately he is destroying America in the process.
  5. Nobody wants peace and an end to the war more than Ukraine. What they don't want to do is to surrender. Now Putin has his puppet in the White House it's only going to get worse for them.
  6. America hang your head in shame Comrade Trump sure showed who the real President of America is.
  7. Obviously Comrade Trump obeying his master.
  8. "Trump made a fantastic deal with the Taliban looks like he's about to make another one with Putin." It was sarcasm perhaps I should of made it clearer it actually means it was a terrible deal 🙂
  9. When I was young my next door neighbours daughter got measles and it made her blind she must of been about 5 or 6 years old.
  10. Trump made a fantastic deal with the Taliban looks like he's about to make another one with Putin.
  11. I heard he got a PhD in history at the Golden Globe University of Hollywood
  12. Surely all working working together pulling in the same direction has to be better than trying to score points and outdo each other, you put tariffs on me so I put tariffs on you or ban exports and imports to and from you. The world has evolved with interconnected multinational supply chains that are now under the threat of being disrupted. The way things are going benefits no one with the possible exception of the elite. Trump thinks he is a great negotiator when in reality he's just a bully and blackmailer who is using his power to extort concessions that in the end are going to backfire and it's the American people that will ultimately pay the price.
  13. Previously posted in the wrong thread by mistake-----------Sorry. A new world order is coming where once men of integrity with high ideals an overwhelming sense of patriotism and a passion to serve is being replaced by whose only aim is to serve themselves. Where once rationality, reason, saneness, the desire to seek out the truth to debate to uphold the power of democracy to expand the power of the mind has been replaced by misinformation lies disinformation and conspiracy theories. The Internet that allows the world’s population to interact with each other instead of encouraging more constructive conversation is being manipulated by so called social media. It is all controlled by algorithms and tech CEO’s Where they have the ability to suppress certain points of view where the masses vulnerability can be manipulated even to the extent of encouraging violent riots something we used to call brainwashing, Fact checkers are being abolished under the guise of free speech where in fact free speech now actually means a way of enabling the rich and powerful to destroy their critics. Where once Nero fiddled while Rome burned now we have the likes of Trump Musk and Zuckerberg twiddling with each other’s joysticks.
  14. A new world order is coming where once men of integrity with high ideals an overwhelming sense of patriotism and a passion to serve is being replaced by whose only aim is to serve themselves. Where once rationality, reason, saneness, the desire to seek out the truth to debate to uphold the power of democracy to expand the power of the mind has been replaced by misinformation lies disinformation and conspiracy theories. The Internet that allows the world’s population to interact with each other instead of encouraging more constructive conversation is being manipulated by so called social media. It is all controlled by algorithms and tech CEO’s Where they have the ability to suppress certain points of view where the masses vulnerability can be manipulated even to the extent of encouraging violent riots something we used to call brainwashing, Fact checkers are being abolished under the guise of free speech where in fact free speech now actually means a way of enabling the rich and powerful to destroy their critics. Where once Nero fiddled while Rome burned now we have the likes of Trump Musk and Zuckerberg twiddling with each other’s joysticks.
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