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Everything posted by Bannoi

  1. Trump is destroying the USA's reputation in the world looks like he's trying to bring it down to his level.
  2. A lot of people voted Labour simply because they wanted to get rid of the Conservatives and they wanted change unfortunately that change doesn't appear to have been for the better. Unless things change drastically I cant see them winning a second term there are a lot of disenchanted voters out there. I just hope Farage doesn't win or the UK could end up as the 51st state
  3. Tariffs and trade wars are never good I am expecting the markets to react negatively when they reopen after the weekend. I cannot predict the future I can only make informed and considered assumptions. Only time will tell.
  4. Exactly it's a very simplified explanation of a very complex subject only time will tell but the signs aren't lookin good.
  5. Put very simply economics is about supply and demand it’s about what you have available and what people want. Something high in demand but low in supply prices high or rising prices, on the other hand something high in supply but low in demand prices low or falling. Or prices too high - demand falls whereas lower prices can lead to higher demand. As countries respond to Trumps tariffs by imposing their own tariffs on American goods making American goods more expensive demand will fall consumers will simply buy from other suppliers from other countries. Result unless American supplier can sell more domestically it could possibly lead to the supplier downsizing or even going out of business resulting in more unemployment. More unemployment leads to less demand domestically combined with less exports could possibly lead to a recession. Any goods made in America using components from other countries subject to tariffs will also be more expensive even in America.
  6. You really have no idea of economics or how things actually work do you.
  7. Trade wars are not good for anyone with the possible exception of a few very rich and well connected individuals. It can lead to higher prices - higher cost of living - unemployment - higher intrest rates - inflation - depression. History has a habit of repeating itself. The vast majority of economists are in agreement this is not a good idea and its going to backfire. Turning inward with an isolationist policy is not good it will only hurt America and the American people. Why on earth would you trust someone who's business dealings have made him bankrupt multiple times with the economy of a major country. Other countries will find new markets and turn away from America once trust is lost it can be hard to regain it.
  8. Time to revive the National I.D. card idea. No card means no job no housing no NHS no benefits no driving licence etc. Give police the power to stop anyone anytime and demand to see I.D. card. No I.D. card means being given a choice of internment on a remote uninhabited northernmost Scottish Island surrounded by trained sharks in tents with no heating and a diet of porridge salt haggis and water or voluntary repatriation. Masive fines and prision terms for any landlord employer friend or family member flounting the rules or harbouring illegals. The UK is doomed doomed I tell you it's heading for the Abyss.
  9. There are a lot of people outside America and on this forum that you may percive as bashing America but the truth is far different they are simply saddened to see how far and low it has fallen myself included. I hope it gets better unfortunately I can't see that happening under Trump when myths lies and misinformation peddled by snake oil salesmen take presedence over the truth and facts. I sincerely hope the majority of Americans or even the rest of the free world don't live to regret the Trump presidency I know the billionaires won't.
  10. But for how long! times are changing the word order is changing MAGA is destroying America for the benefit of a few very wealthy morons. A lot of Americans have been and are being conned when they finally wake up it will be too late. America is a very divided country at the moment.
  11. President Musk and his sidekick Trump's priorities are only themselves and making more money for themselves and their cronies.
  12. No President or Prime Minister should have the right to pardon anyone convicted by the courts that is what Dictators do. What next 25% tariffs on all imports only to be reciprocated by the rest of the world leading to massive inflation which would only make American goods too expensive outside of America look what happened when it was tried in 1930 The "Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930. Just who would benefit from that? How long before the world decides America can no longer be trusted and turns it's back on America.
  13. Biden is old. I am old it comes to all of us if we are lucky. If I am honest with myself I know I am unable to do what I was once able physically to do that is a given What is harder to accept is mentally I am not as able. Yes I may have more experience that brings a degree of shall we say maturity but I know I am not as I once was. Biden and Trump are both in there 80's When is America going to wake up there sould be an age limit not just a minimum age.
  14. Presidential Pardons belong to a begone age Time for a change America is not a Dictatorship, however Trump may want it to be. Democracy and America was built on the rule of law only the courts should have the power to overturn unfair or unlawful decisions. We Are The People not I am President so I can do anything I want (Dictator)
  15. Wrong . As always Money gets the best of everything.
  16. Knowing many Brits and Americans Europeans Canadians Australians etc.living here would say most Brits are far from dim and I am not a Brit.
  17. Which begs the question, Why do Billionaire's want to become Presidents or Prime Ministers? Personally I have my own views on that and is Musk setting himself up to become President Musk after Trump.
  18. Good job it was a Merc it probably saved their lives.
  19. Amazing what those little blue pills can do, unfortunately there comes a time when even they don't work.
  20. Now this case has received publicity it may give the police a boot up the arse and get them to do their job. I suspect the taxi driver would be more than happy to get a nice substantial payout brokered by the police even allowing for their cut/commission. Saves a lot of paperwork.
  21. Thai fishermen are poor they have no money or influence therefore the Thai Government don't really give a toss just lip service. Though when they get the submarine they can use it to tow their Aircraft Carrier to the disputed waters. That will make those pesky Myanmarian Juntanees poop themselves.
  22. Obvious really the IRA has sent instructors and set up a training camp in Ukraine so Guiness has had to send supplies which explains why there is a Guinness shortage in England.
  23. Thailands death penalty is and always has been only for Minions HI-SO's are exempt or pardoned.
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