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Posts posted by zenobit

  1. ^Same exact situation as me. I changed to premier recently and it is finally workable, but certainly less than promised and I also only have the choice of TOT, which is not a choice, and opting for a CAT CDMA deal, with an outlay of 12,000 Baht - last option.

    Not exactly the same situation — because you still have the CAT option. I don't have this option, because CAT can't (...or don't want) to connect us in our location in Pattaya.

    So I can choose between "Maxcrement" and "TOT", which is like a choice between shit and shit. The question is only which shit is worse... :)

    A last chance for me could be perhaps the solution which was suggested by "hughden" — a combination between "TOT" (for the lines) and "Ji net" (as provider).


    But I think this sounds very complicated, especially because "Ji net" (= "Jasmin") has no support in Pattaya. You have to clear everything with Bangkok.

  2. ...So for you TTT defenders out there ....think again...

    I really think there are no TT&T defenders in this thread — only people who desperately looking for a minimum working internet connection.

    If you get better results with your TOT platinum connection then please write it to us.

    I did NOT change from Maxcrement Indy to Premier because I'm a great fan of TT&T, but because I did not see another possibility at time. Nearly all people I know told me that TOT is worst.

    If this is a wrong information and TOT is better than TT&T then please tell us about your experiences. I would be the first one who would change, if I could get a better and even cheaper connection than with my Premier account.

  3. ...I switched to J-Net a couple of months and their service is far superior to Maxnet Premiere. Connection is more stable and faster (even though the published speed is slower). Best of all, when I do have to call their support desk they are really friendly and helpful, unlike the bunch at Maxnet...

    I didn't know that "Ji-NET" is avaible in Pattaya (...Jomtien) :)

  4. How about your speeds to the US or Europe??? Please let us know!




    I knew before that I would NOT get even from Premier the full performance.

    But there is one great difference to the Indy Packages:

    The Premier Connection is running stable and save most of the time.

    FOR ME this is very important.

  5. 2mb for 590 is not Premium but the cheapo Thailand-only package.

    Yes Premier 2048/1024 is 1,090 ++


    As you can see I have been corrected a number of times already and do not need to be corrected again. My post was asking about the different distance in server and no ISP name. That is what I am looking for a response to not my mistake that has already been addressed.

    Now you have the information just twice.

    But this is no reason to get angry and to take it personally.

    I thought by this amount of posting perhaps you overlooked the reply of Phil Connors... :)

  6. Strange as I had the Premium 2Mb package at 590 baht per month and was upgraded to 3Mp at the same price about 2 months ago. My router status shows 3072/509 and was good all over the world till about 2 weeks ago. Thailand is still the same but the rest of the world went to sh_t.

    You mean "Indy" 2Mb package at 590 baht per month and was upgraded to 3Mp.

    The cheapest Premier package starts at 1090,- Baht.

  7. .....Any conspiracy theories out there?

    Not realy, I think it was against the rules that I said "Maxnet" if I had used "Maxscam" it woulden't be a problem.

    If this was really the reason for canceling and banning, then I don't understand that they did not answer your mail to tell you exactly this... :D

    Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that this problem doesn't concern Thais but only Farangs.

    Like we all know — "Thai Rak Thai" and "Thai Mai Rak Farang" :D:)

  8. Well my 3072/512 Indy package is just about useless. I am pissed off that it once worked fine but now it is shit and TT&T wants to upgrade me to Premier so i can get what I use to have at 590 but now must pay 1090 to get something that MIGHT work.
    I've gone round and round with this issue. I currently have the 5mb Indy package at just over 1000/mo. I previously had the cheap Indy package at 600. Both are worthless for overseas connections....

    That brings me to another horrible idea:

    Could it be possible that the problems with all "Indy" accounts are 6-8 weeks ago intentionally created by "Maxcrement" (...perhaps by reducing the international bandwidth) to force foreign customers to change their "Indy" accounts into one of the more expensive "Premier" accounts...?!?! :D

    That would explain why it worked before fine... :)

  9. Well my 3072/512 Indy package is just about useless. I am pissed off that it once worked fine but now it is shit and TT&T wants to upgrade me to Premier so i can get what I use to have at 590 but now must pay 1090 to get something that MIGHT work.

    This is the most irritating point in this never ending problem story: "Once it worked fine"... and they would never tell their customers what happened that it works not fine anymore — even if they would know it. :D

    I've gone round and round with this issue. I currently have the 5mb Indy package at just over 1000/mo. I previously had the cheap Indy package at 600. Both are worthless for overseas connections.

    I've decided to try the 2mb Premier package at 1090/mo, because I've seen the posted speeds from other members that it is somewhat stable. (although nowhere near the promised speeds).

    I've spoken with TT*T customers service. They've said that all farangs want the premier package because it has priority to the int'l gateway and overseas servers. Indy is useless in all its forms.

    Who knows what to believe. I'm changing over to Premier 2mb on Monday. I'll let you know. It's the same price as Indy 5MB which is totally useless.

    This was exactly the kind of information I was looking for.

    Thanks a lot!!!!

    So I don't have to make the test with updating to "Indy" 5120/512. :D

    Remember Premier is not so much about speed. As Maxnet state on their website

    Indy blocked for things like smtp on port 25 outbound, bit torrents throttled/blocked, less international bandwidth

    Premier has less contention ratio 5:1, indy is around 30:1

    Saying that the current tests show international both about the same for downloads, guess they cant even get that right, how they manage a manual routing protocol like BGP is beyond me when a Cisco CCIE course is more than most would get paid in 1 year at Maxnet.

    Between My GPRS on DTAC, My Premier Maxnet and my Blackberry service on AIS, something is always working at least. The Blackberry service from AIS is superb!

    For me this is the most important point for changing to "Premier".

    Just visiting international websites with international news, etc...

    Alls the other stuff, like downloads, radio, and TV is a kind of entertainment, which is not sooooooooo much important for me.

    Sorry for the stupid question, but what is a "Blackberry service on AIS"? :)

  10. Okay... next round: WHAT ELSE CAN WE TRY TO DO?

    I don't want to sit here and wait, if they are able to fix the problem in 2, 5 or even 10 years. So I'm going to test other options, even if many of you say that they don't work...

    I think one of these options COULD be to update/change the Maxcrement account — BUT, and this is the most interesting question, update/change in which direction...?

    In other words, there are two possibilities to update/change the account:

    1. An ordinary update — for example from

    "Indy" 3072/512 (590 Bhat) to "Indy" 5120/512 (1000 Baht)

    2. Not an ordinary update, but a change from "Indy" to "Premiere" — for example

    "Indy" 3072/512 (590 Baht) to "Premiere" 2048/1024 (1090 Baht)

    And this brings us to the main question:

    If we WOULD believe, that an update/change could bring us more speed and quality which decision WOULD be the better one:


    For me it would be helpful to hear some more expierences and voices from members in the area around Pattaya.

    I remember that Phil wrote, that his "Premier" account is working now a LITTLE BIT better than in the last weeks. What is with other members around Pattaya... :)

  11. What do you think about the idea to change from Maxnet to trueonline...?!?! :D

    ...welcome to your daily nightmare! :D

    Okay... in other words: THERE IS NO SOLUTION

    1. "CAT" is probably the only provider which seem to be not worse than "Maxcrement" — but in Pattaya not avaible in my area.

    2. "Maxcrement" is my personal nightmare provider — but it seem to be that...

    3. "TOT" is worse

    4. "true" is worse


    The only way for me in Pattaya to get a working Internet-connection is to sit at my sofa, gather at the wall and wait that "Maxcrement" will fix the problem in 2 weeks, or 2 month, or 2 years or later. :D

    Is that a correct sight?

    Ahh... I forgot: And even updating from "Indy" to "Premier" brings no guaranty for a better connection, because sometimes it works, sometimes it does'nt work, right? :)

  12. Found today an interesting flyer in my postbox:

    hi-speed Internet by trueonline

    ...."more than 400 hotspots around Pattaya"... (this sounds interesting for me!).

    My wife called the number on the flyer, and they said a connection to our area is possible!!!!!!!!!!!!

    For example: CAT said yesterday, they can not connect to our area (...Siam Country Road)

    The trueonline service for Pattaya seem to be new. On the hotline they told my wife, that they connect the area around Pattaya since about 3 month.

    Now to the promotion-prices:

    It is very interesting, that they advertise with two kinds of speed (...speed for international websites and speed for local websites). But I can't believe that there is a guaranty vor it...

    hi-speed Internet Package (hi-speed internet ONLY):

    Speed for international websites = 8Mbps

    Speed for local websites = 8 Mbps

    Price (baht/month) = 1,990

    Speed for international websites = 4 Mbps

    Speed for local websites = 5 Mbps

    Price (baht/month) = 1,199

    Speed for international websites = 2 Mbps

    Speed for local websites = 4 Mbps

    Price (baht/month) = 990

    Speed for international websites = 1 Mbps

    Speed for local websites = 3 Mbps

    Price (baht/month) = 890

    Speed for international websites = 512 Kbps

    Speed for local websites = 3 Mbps

    Price (baht/month) = 599

    There are two smaler packages, but they are not interesting for international websites.

    What do you think about the idea to change from Maxnet to trueonline...?!?! :)

    Contact: TRUE CARE CENTER 082 000 8888

  13. Jasmine is a rather small company that is owned by Pongpol Adireksan, former Commerce Minister in Thaksin's cabinet and a key TRT figure. He managed to get hold of much bigger TT&T and his company has been reaping huge profits from TT&T which, in turn, had been accumulating huge debts.

    The creditors want P Planner to restructure TT&T, and they want Jasmine out, and so Jasmine comes with an ulitmatum

    For me in this context there are only two questions:

    1. "For how long capacity and customer-support will suffer under this mess?" :)

    2. "Could it be possible that there are other (unknown) reasons for the current Maxnet-chaos?" :D

    And while we are talking about this, it's still getting worse each day — like you can read in the other thread called "Maxnet Latest Problems".

  14. There is proverb in Germany:

    "Under blind people the one with one eye will be king."

    There is proverb in Amerika:

    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

    This strange coincidence, no?

    Hoho... :)

    that's exactly the same! Who invented it first: The "Krauts" or the Americans?

  15. I'm so seek of TT&T/Maxnet... :D

    Since about 2 month my internet-connection is so slow and unstable like never before — and I think this is not the end in getting worse.

    There is proverb in Germany:

    "Under blind people the one with one eye will be king."

    And this is exactly the success story of TT&T/Maxnet. For example in Pattaya they can do whatever they want, without any support... because other providers are worse.

    For me in Pattaya there is no other way to get anywhere else an at least 50% working internet connection like with Maxnet (...with TOT perhaps a 30% working connection).

    And even in 10 years this nightmare will not change.


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