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Posts posted by zenobit

  1. IT IS DONE! 🙏
    Just came from immigration in Jomtien, where my wife — who is also my landlady — has filled out a TM 30 application and submitted it together with various copies (see below).


    The confirmation (see below) was stapled on the page before the "90 day notification" in the passport and is valid at least here in Chonburi according to official as a prerequisite for a visa extension.



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  2. Yesterday, together with my wife, I tried to complete the TM 30 notification online, which has recently become necessary for a visa extension in Pattaya (...I have been living in my wife's house as a "tenant" for over 10 years with a non-immigrant O visa and have never filled out a TM 30).


    However, after about an hour, despite extensive research, we had to abort the online notification because too many questions arose while filling it out for which we could not find an answer.

    I'll just write down which points we found misleading. If there is anyone who has done the TM 30 online registration before, I would be grateful if they could help me.


    a) Date of stay "From" in my case would be the date after the last entry (i.e. more than 10 years ago) ... correct?
    b) Date of stay "To" refers from date of departure. However, I live here and do not plan to leave ... what should I enter there? (mandatory entry)

    c) Under "Add" a window opens for further entries (screenshot-2) and next to it is a button for uploading an Excel spreadsheet (screenshot-3) in which exactly the same information must be entered as in the "Add" window. Is downloading, filling in and uploading the Excel spreadsheet a must?


    "Check-in Data": would be in my case again the date after the last entry (i.e. more than 10 years ago) ... correct?

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  3. Just wanted to take another look at the "Pattaya Mail" report that started the discussion here over a week ago, and was astonished to find that the report has since been taken off the site and is no longer available:




    Honestly, all the answers I can think of as to why the report suddenly disappeared without comment make "Pattaya News" seem very unserious. 🙄


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  4. On 10/18/2023 at 9:25 AM, Liquorice said:

    You don't apply for a TM30, as you would an extension, you submit a TM30 to notify Immigration of the residence of an alien.

    Does it actually matter WHEN the TM30 is submitted via the online platform in connection with the upcoming visa extension? 🤔


    In other words: I have to appear for the visa extension in Jomtien in mid-December. Could my wife also submit the TM30 on the website as early as next week, or are there again rules that must be followed?

  5. Actually, I should be satisfied with the explanations of @Liquorice, because they are well researched logical arguments that also make sense.


    But like @mran66 I am unsettled on the one hand by the report of the Pattaya Mail and on the other hand by various experiences during the annual immigration visits, because unfortunately we were already confronted there several times with "spontaneous surprises", which were not always logical and comprehensible.


    In this respect I am inclined to start a new TM30 application before the next extension in December ... on the other hand it worries me that I could wake "sleeping dogs" here and the shot backfires. ????

  6. Am I just mistaken, or do the posts by “Red Phoenix”, “bamnutsak” and “Liquorice” — in which individual paragraphs are discussed in detail — not come to the same conclusion regarding a logical implementation of the TM 30 rules?


    I would definitely be lying if I said that the topic of TM 30 was explained in a simple, understandable way and that I now know what to do. The opposite is actually the case: I feel more confused about the topic than before and have not the slightest idea whether I am even affected by the regulation and whether, after more than 10 years, I will suddenly face a problem when I next extend my visa will or not.

  7. 4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Your wife should file one. Can be done either in person or online but to do online she has to register first, upload tabian ban etc.  

    Do I understand correctly that it is not me but my wife who has to file the TM 30 application?

    If so, she would certainly prefer to register online. Do you happen to have a link to the registration page?
    Thank you so much for the — as always — very competent tips. ????

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  8. Okay, I think it will be safest if I also take a completed TM 30 with me to the visa renewal at immigration this year in December... regardless of whether it is needed or not.


    How should I proceed to get such a document?
    My situation is as follows:
    - I have been living in Thailand for over 10 years in my Thai wife's house (without a tenancy agreement).
    - Have not left the country in that time
    - Have never filled out a TM 30. Does my wife have to do this or do I have to do it?
    - Does the document have to be confirmed somewhere?

  9. “…..The change in procedure means that the requirement is now extended to any foreigner seeking a re-entry permit, a renewal of a one year extension of stay (including retirement and marriage visas), extension of Elite, certificates of residence for driving licences, opening bank accounts etc.

    All these categories must now have a TM30 immigration receipt in their passport issued after their most recent entry to Thailand by air or land or sea. A TM30 receipt issued before the last entry to Thailand will be regarded as out-of-date and no longer acceptable..…”


    I have been living with my Thai wife in their house in Pattaya for over 10 years. My passport only contains the “Departure Card” and the “90 Days Notification”. Haven't left the country since arriving. I don't have a so-called TM 30 certificate and have never had to deal with it.


    Do I now have to obtain a TM 30 certificate for the first time before the next extension of my annual visa ... even though my wife owns the house and I don't have a rental agreement?  ????


    To be honest, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the topic as I've never had to deal with it before.  ????

  10. 24 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    "...You are not allowed to import medicines without an FDA permit (which can usually not be obtained)..."

    Thank you very much for the detailed information. ????

    It leaves me a bit speechless and is definitely not what I was hoping for, but at least I know now. 


    By the way, do you have any idea if the medicine I was talking about ordering online ("Eszoplicone") is available over the counter in Thailand?

    However, I think I already know the answer. ????????

  11. 1 hour ago, connda said:

    "...Here in the LOS, they are totally closed about providing mere commoners with information, but most drugs with the exception of narcotics, drugs that are narcotic precursors, and some odd-ball nootropics are all OTC.  It might be easier to find the list of illegal drugs than trying to find which are OTC...."

    Fully agree ... and yes, there are indeed lists with classifications of banned substances (Narco-list and Psycho-list), but I find it very risky to assume that substances not listed there are legal. ????

  12. 2 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    "...and importation of drugs is illegal in any case without official approval..."

    Am I understanding this correctly: in Thailand you are GENERALLY not allowed to purchase medication from a foreign online seller without a permit? ????

  13. Is there an online portal in Thailand where you can find out which medicines are officially available over-the-counter and which are prescription-only?


    I ask because I discovered an online distributor of generic drugs from various categories ... and of course I would like to check whether the medicines I have chosen (e.g. "Eszoplicone") are legal and available over the counter in Thailand or not before ordering.   

    Thank you in advance for your answers ????


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