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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. 1 minute ago, bkkexplorer said:

    Not a PR, married to a Thai and on a spouse visa. If there's no choice then so be it, that is really what I want to know. But it puzzles me how a company can offer this service and do it for you without going to the embassy. This doesn't make any sense. 


    Yes, noted that appointment has to be made.

    I think that Oldgit was referring to a translation company going to the Embassy on your behalf.


    If it is for a driving licence, then why not do as evadgib suggests, it would be far easier so long as you are making 90 day reports to CW immigration?

  2. Departing Thailand requires clearing immigration for all passengers, Thai or Foreign, if you not in Fast track, then this is done after security, so back down a set of escalators.

    You, as a foreigner would have been given a TM6 most likely on the plane and upon arrival the arrival part is retained by immigration and the departure part left in your passport and then retained by immigration at departure, a Thai passport holder is presented the TM.6 at check in and fills in both the departure and arrival parts, immigration retain the departure part and the arrival part is left with their passport for the next arrival in to Thailand.


    She should enter AND depart Thailand on her Thai passport, no reason to do anything but, if she came in on her Thai passport and then tried to depart on her US passport, then this would lead to confusion and problems, as there would be no entry in to Thailand recorded on her US passport.

  3. The British Embassy can and does certify British Passport copies and is the only one that MFA will accept.



    OP, if you really need to get a yellow Tabien Baan (As unless you are a PR, then you cannot be entered on to a blue Tabien Baan) then I don't see that you have any choice but to pay for this service from the Embassy, don't forget to make an appointment first as well.

  4. 21 minutes ago, pumpjack said:

    so back to the question.    will airline stop her boarding on way there or way back ?  

    Have a look at the thread I linked to, in that the OP did get his wife an Irish visa in the end as it simply less hasle, theoretically she could argue the toss with the Irish immigration reference the EEA rights etc. but it worked out easier just to get the visa and it is mentioned that most airline staff do not know the rules so would most likely insist on seeing a visa, especially returning.

  5. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    2.19 In the case of being a family member
    of a Thai resident (applicable only to
    parents, spouse, children, adopted
    children, or spouse’s children):

    Each permission shall be granted for no

    Sorry to interrupt, but surely as a husband, then this rule does not apply?


    sorry, blind today, spouse!

  6. 3 hours ago, scottyp1980 said:

    Can any one answer 1 more question if possible?

    The photos required for my sons passport is it ok for the person who is counter singing my passport application form to sign the photo also?

    i have my appointment on Wednesday so just don't want to get anything wrong.


    thanks again 


    If you mean is it the same person that is counter signing the application form for your son's passport application, then it absolutely has to be the same person.

    If it is for your own passport application in addition, then I see no reason why not.

    If I remember correctly, for a Child passport, the counter signatory has to have known you for the period of time, not necessarily the child.

  7. 5 minutes ago, bkkexplorer said:

    3. Marriage cert (already in English)

    5. Wife's passport.

    7. Signed statement from wife that she is using her maiden name.

    You could provide the above just to be on the safe side, however they really should not be needed, as presumably, your children were born after 1st July 2006, so marriage certificate and the signed statement should be not needed as they do not apply, as per table C in the guidance document and you will have to provide the mothers birth certificate, so her passport is irrelevant, you could provide a copy of her ID card.


  8. Just did a little more research on whether or not the locally assembled bikes would be cheaper and it appears to depend on whether they incorporate under BOI or not, the zone the factory will be in and on the deal they can negotiate with the Government, initially Triumph did assemble under BOI in a certain zone and that was under the condition that the bikes were assembled here and then exported only, Triumph renegotiated that BOI agreement at the end of 2014, which then allowed them to sell the locally assembled bikes, this resulted in a dramatic decrease in the cost.

    So, potential HD buyers, keep your fingers crossed on what the deal with the Thai Government is!

  9. 2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Given the horrible import tax on Harleys in Thailand currently, making them locally should have a very substantial impact on reducing the price.

    Not necessarily, it will depend on where they locate the facility, if it is in a duty free zone, then they will only be allowed to export, no local sales of the locally assembled ones, I believe Triumph are this way?

  10. I do not know a huge amount regarding the Non B-A visa, although I believe it is intended for people who will invest money in to a Thai business that is not covered under BOI (if it is BOI then the visa type is a non IB and those can be up to 8 years duration!) and the B-A type is normally initially applied for by the business that you intend on investing in to, they apply for pre-approval at the immigration office in their district (though this may be passed to the immigration head office in BKK), once the approval is granted, then it passed to the Embassy overseas where you will collect the visa. As far as I know, it is a one year ME visa and is not intended for working in Thailand in the work permit sense.

    Immigration should know the exact documentation needed by the company here for the pre-approval, I imagine it is a lot!!

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  11. YetAnother - What is it you want?

    If it is a residence certificate, then for what purpose?

    The requirements for issuing a residence certificate differ for each immigration area, certainly Chonburi (Jomtien) immigration only require copies of your passport photo page, visa or extension, TM.6, last entry stamp and some sort of proof of address, i.e. a bill with your name and address on it, they do not require a rental contract etc.


    Might be best to ask the office in the area you plan on moving to about their requirements.


    As for getting on to a blue Tabien Baan, unless you are a PR, then that cannot happen, the only possibility would be to try and get a yellow version, for sure the house you built MUST have a blue Tabien Baan attached to it, even if it is empty.

  12. 4 hours ago, Ahab said:

    Just buy a car from a dealer in Thailand, problem eliminated.

    ??? But Niche Motors are the official dealers in Thailand for Lamborghini and Mclaren.


    Somebody somewhere within customs etc. has been making a load of cash from this scam if it is to be believed, the dealer / importer could not have done this alone, $105,000 = 3,622,000 THB give or take, even after taking the tax and profit in to account, then this would seem a bit low for cars retailing here in excess of 25 - 30,000,000 THB!


    One thing is for sure, if you or I tried to import one, then customs would know the real (and some) value of the car for tax purposes!!!


    As a footnote, their showroom at km1 on the motorway looked closed on Friday and Sunday afternoon as I went past.

  13. 2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    I might of misread or misunderstood the OP earlier.

    He could still possibly get the the work permit and apply for a extension of stay based upon working.

    No worries, was just interested to know / understand if it is possible to work on a non-O based on dependency, as if you were to get a work permit and work, well, you would no longer be dependent :smile: 


  14. 5 hours ago, SWAQARH said:

    I arrived and have been living in Thailand on Type O dependent visa (granted based on my wife Type B visa) and have just secured an employment in a private company.

    UJ etc. are you sure that it is possible to work on a non-O dependency visa, my understanding from the OP is that he is here based on his wife's non-B visa, so by definition she is not Thai and is working here, your original answers give the impression that you assume he is married to a Thai, or is it possible to work here on the non-O because you are married to a foreigner who is on a non-B?

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