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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. The ONLY two ways are for her to try to get it resolved at immigration here or try to enter again via an airport with her Thai passport and then if refused take it to a higher level, to go out on her British passport and come back on her Thai passport at a land border could result in refusal with no one of sufficient authority at that border to resolve the issue, all other suggested ways of going out and in on her Thai passport mean that she still has an identical issue regardless.

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  2. 1 hour ago, thatguy said:

    post 10 ubonjoe As a Thai can she not cross the border (run) both ways as a Thai (Thai ppt); then return to UK with the papers she got on entry(BKK) in the uk ppt? She will have exit and entry stamps in the Thai ppt

    The issue with this is it would remain the same, i.e. the exit and entry stamps are the wrong way around, my understanding is the IO refused as there was no exit stamp in her Thai passport and by doing the above there still would not be, because she would exited and then entered, rather than just exited and therefore no TM6 for the exit. 

    The IO was totally wrong as has been stated and should have been reported.

  3. + 1 for the above answer, only thing I'd add is that exactly the same sequence would apply if your son was born here and this is his first trip overseas.


    I've never had any issues with Immigration here in Thailand when departing with my 2 sons, so long as their Mother is with you, then it should not be an issue at all, as Skatewash suggests, it wouldn't harm to take some proof of parentage, the birth certificate should suffice in this instance, as this shows both parents and more importantly the Mother's details.

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  4. WOW unbelievable cost, especially considering the info they provide, i.e. all it means is it saves a trip to Bangkok for a mere 50,600 THB, bargain of a lifetime, will be over subscribed I'm sure!


    • How much will this service cost me?

      The cost of the service will depend on the size of the group and the location. Please see the pricing table given above. Not only is our pricing competitive, you will also avoid the associated costs of travelling to one of our visa application centres and taking time off work.

    • Will my application be processed more quickly?

      Your visa application will be processed in exactly the same way as any other. Eligible applicants also have the option of our 5 day priority visa service.

    • Will this service improve my chances of success?

      Your visa application will be processed in exactly the same way as any other.

  5. As you had a work permit and that everything with the company and your employment is legit, then if they make you redundant or retire you they will have to standby the labour law and pay you 10 months salary, which is subject to special tax concessions. Unless you took this option of the payout at the age of 60?

    Did you participate in a provident fund here for the first 5 years employment, i.e. until you were 60?

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  6. Allowing the use of the one year visa or an extension of stay as proof of residency does not surprise me at all, as IMHO the requirement is not necessarily to prove where you actually live so much as to prove that you are legally allowed to and are residing here from the point of view of being able to apply for the passport here, as opposed to the UK.

    Under normal circumstances, a tourist would not be travelling in to Thailand with a passport that is about to expire in that period or is virtually full and if so, then they could get an Emergency Travel Document from the Embassy.



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  7. Fair enough, though the fact does still remain that people are getting refused at entry, some for legitimate reasons others not, plus seemingly an increasing number of people are getting questioned by immigration if they are seen to have a number of exempt entries in their passport.

    Again, it is up to the individual as to how they want to do it, I was in exactly the same position as the OP from 1989 through to 2004, the first 8 years were on visa exempt entries and were never a problem, then I got married and went to ME non-O visas, times have moved on since then and if I was like the OP single with no dependants here and put in to the same position again, then I would not hesitate to purchase the 5 year elite program purely for peace of mind.

  8. 27 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    The 90 days in 6 months rule was rescinded in 2008. There are a few odd embassy and consulate websites that still have it. It does not appear on the MFA website.

    Not sure about it being rescinded, however, it is most definitely on the MFA website, that is where I took the quote from! MFA Q & A  and see the answers to the first question.


    Also, given the fact that there are several reports lately of people being refused entry for a variety of reasons on visa exempts, tourist visas etc. then if it was me, I would not take the chance, as by definition the OP will more than likely end up building a life here during these work periods, then an entry refusal could cause all sorts of issues for him.

    It is a personal choice, but if earning the big $$ and you want to have some sort of certainty (as much as one can dealing with Thai Immigration!!) then really the best option is the Elite program, the OP has to find a solution that is acceptable to his company as well.

  9. Actually, for my own learning, I am intrigued as to where the cash amount derives from, whether it be in Thai Baht or equivalent?

    As far as I can see the Immigration act only states:


    11. According to the Immigration Act of Thailand B.E. 2522 (1979), foreigners who fall into any of the following categories are prohibited to enter Thailand: 

    (1) Having no genuine valid passport or document used in lieu of passport; or having a genuine valid passport or document used in lieu of passport without valid visa issuance by the Royal Thai Embassies, the Royal Thai Consulates-General or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with exception of those who meet visa exemption requirements. The terms and conditions of visa issuance and visa exemption are prescribed by the Ministerial Regulations. 
    (2) Having no appropriate means of living following entry into the Kingdom. 
    (3) Having entered the Kingdom to be employed as an unskilled or untrained labourer, or to work in violation of the Alien Work Permit Law. 
    (4) Being mentally unstable or having any of the diseases stated in the Ministerial Regulations. 
    (5) Having not yet been vaccinated against smallpox; or inoculated, or undergone any other medical treatment for protection against disease; and having refused to have such vaccinations administered by the Immigration Doctor. 
    (6) Having been imprisoned by judgement of the Thai Court; or by lawful injunction or judgement of the Court of a foreign country, except for when the penalty is for a petty offence, or negligence, or is provided for as an exception by the Ministerial Regulations. 
    (7) Having behaviour which could cause possible danger to the public; or having the likelihood of being a nuisance or constituting any violence to the peace, safety and security of the public or to the security of the nation; or being under warrant of arrest by competent officials of foreign governments. 
    (8) Reason to believe that entry into Kingdom is for the purpose of being involved in prostitution, the trafficking of women or children, drug smuggling, or other types of smuggling which are against public morality. 
    (9) Having no money or bond as prescribed by the Minister under Section 14 of the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (1979). 
    (10) Being a person prohibited by the Minister under Section 16 of the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (1979). 
    (11) Being deported by either the Government of Thailand or that of other foreign countries; or having been revoked the right of stay in the Kingdom or in foreign countries; or having been expelled from the Kingdom by competent officials at the expense of the Government of Thailand unless exemption is provided by the Minister on an individual basis.


    Obviously it must come from what the Minister prescribes?


    I also thought I read that it was 10,000 THB for individuals?


    As written by several posters before, in this modern age, then there really should be allowances made for those that come with credit cards etc. 


    Though really the amount needed to show is not a huge sum if coming on a holiday!

  10. 8 hours ago, thecyclist said:

    Unbelievable, they won't even accept hard currencies any more, unheard of.
    This is just pure harassment.

    Sent from my ASUS_Z00UD using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

    Not sure about the pure harassment bit, but it is certainly pure stupidity, countries like Thailand need hard currencies, the whole point of tourism is to generate cash from overseas!

    Thai banks / currency exchange companies make a lot of profit buying and selling USD etc. I'm sure they would prefer the average tourist to arrive in to Thailand with hard currency.

    Feel sorry for anybody having to exchange in the UK or similar!


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  11. 3 minutes ago, lonewolf99 said:

    From personal experience.... you get a ETD that is supposed to be used to continue your journey back to the UK. 

    You also have to show them at the British Embassy your booked flights/travel arrangements and countries on route and list any stopovers. i.e if you fly through Dubai / Paris / Amsterdam.

    I doubt if you can do a border run using one ?


    it is what it is - for Emergency travel use only and on returning to the UK the ETD is taken off you at Immigration/Border control - whatever they call themselves these days.



    Not strictly correct regarding having to return back to the UK according to the Government Website info on an ETD, though the OP doesn't actually live in Thailand.


    What an emergency travel document lets you do

    You can use an emergency travel document to travel to your destination through a maximum of 5 countries. You can also normally use it to return to where you are now if you live in the country you’re applying from.

    Your travel plans (countries and dates) will be printed on your emergency travel document. If you change your travel plans once you have your emergency travel document, you’ll need to apply for a new one.

    Your existing British passport will be cancelled in most cases.

    You may need a visa to leave the country you’re in or to travel through other countries with your emergency travel document. Check with the embassy or consulate of each country.

    If your final destination is the UK, border staff will keep your emergency travel document when you arrive. Border staff at a different final destination might also keep the document.

  12. I'm sure that far more knowledgeable members than myself will also reply, but, to my mind, if you do have an Non O-A visa (which is what I assume you mean), then you could depart Thailand and return on or before 13th April 2017 and this would give you one more year of entry in to Thailand, then 30 odd days before that entry expires apply for an extension of stay based upon retirement.

    Alternatively, as far as I know, the money for the first extension only needs to be seasoned in the bank for 2 months prior to the application for extension, the 3 months applies for subsequent extensions.

  13. On 27/02/2017 at 9:48 AM, mahjongguy said:

    We know that the Jomtien Land Transport office does not accept yellow books. Does anyone know if they accept the pink ID card?

    As far as I know, the Yellow book is accepted by Banglamung Land and Transport Office for driving licence renewal / car transfer etc. I know of several people who have used them in the past as proof of residency, in fact one of them was with a Yellow book from Surin and this was accepted no problem at all, has something changed?

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