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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. 6 minutes ago, GavinK said:

    Unlikely to be DNA or paternal proof test - the child allowance (increasing to THB 30,000 for 2017 but no educational allowance) is given whether the child is the taxpayers legitimate child or spouses legitimate child, or the taxpayers adopted child.


    Yes, this is exactly as I understand it also, really perplexed as to the why and for what possible purpose this medical can achieve for the RD!

    The only difference this year from previous years is the divorce side of things, though from a tax point of view I lose the spouse allowance, so the RD is actually better off because of this.

    I will most likely just ignore the request and carry on as before.

  2. The easiest way to get the VOA for the Shenzhen Shekou region is to take the fast ferry boat directly from HKG (airport), note that the ferry is air side at HKG, VOA desk is available at arrival at Shekou Ferry port, need to check the timing though, as the desk does close in the evening, so have to fly in to HKG and get the ferry that arrives prior to the VOA desk closing.



    As far as I can tell, these are the opening times to get the VOA in Shekou:


    Shekou Port (09:30-13:00 and 14:30-17:00) - Nanshan district

  3. Not sure if this is exactly the right forum to post this in, although it will be read by the members that are likely to have the experience to perhaps advise correctly.


    I've just had cause to go to the Soi Langsuan branch office of the Revenue Department to file an additional PND91 to clear last year's income tax prior to the deadline tomorrow, not so much of an issue to do this, although there wasn't anybody available that had particularly good English language skills, never mind, as on the whole between my poor Thai and their English we got by.

    Apart from one thing, the lady that was checking the PND91 and evidence came out and said that for next year I must submit a medical as I claim the yearly allowance for 2 children, both in education (so for 2016 17,000 Baht each for the year).

    I tried to find out what she meant as a 'medical' as it made no sense why a health check would be needed!

    Pretty sure she did not fully understand my question, although one thing she did say it is required because I'm the Father and claiming the allowance, if the Mother was claiming then it is not needed.

    Surely she would not be talking of some sort of DNA proof that I am the Father? 

    Part of the evidence submitted was a copy of each of their birth certificates, both with me as the Father, both have my surname, both children were legitimised by marriage to their Mother, although we are now divorced.

    I've been claiming the allowance for both of them every tax year since 2004, never an issue or a single question asked.


    Has anybody else heard of this and have any inkling what 'medical' the Revenue Department could possibly mean?

  4. Looking at the information that is available on the web, then it doesn't look easy to adopt a Thai child as a foreigner.

    It mentions that foreigners who have temporary residence in Thailand must have a work permit and been in Thailand for at least 6 months prior to applying, these rules may be different where by the child's mother is your wife.

    I'm no expert, but wouldn't the fact that your married to his Mother negate the need to adopt?

  5. I can confirm that it is no problem to get and use a re-entry permit to exit / arrive Thailand for the consideration period, I did this last year with no issues, obviously the permit is only valid up to the date that you must attend immigration to get the approved extension, the permit can be single or multiple, that of course would depend if you need to go out more than once during that period.

  6. On 25/03/2017 at 7:46 AM, KittenKong said:


    Retox original.

    Retox Game On.

    Retox Darkside.


    Add to that Robin Hood and some resort on an island somewhere. And apparently the owner is considering opening in Bangkok.

    Do the Retox group not also have something to do with Bite Me on 3rd road now?

  7. Which immigration office are you applying for the extension at?

    I agree with Joe, best to keep it based on marriage, much cleaner if you leave the job, however if you cannot then in my case, when I changed jobs, then for the first and the second (literally just completed today) extensions, CW immigration were happy with loads of photos of the work place, two with me at my desk, two with at least 4 Thai co-workers, two with one of the Thai directors, two by reception with the company name in site and several outside showing the building complete with the building name (which at CRC tower isn't easy!).

    At no point did they actually come to the office and check, that is not to say they won't, but if you provide enough photographic evidence then this might dissuade them, I'd imagine physically visiting every applicants work place would be time consuming to say the least, especially in Bangkok!

  8. Just now, elviajero said:

    You will have to have legal custody. Joint might suffice, but expect them to want to see proof that you have sole custody issued by the court.

    The divorce was amicable and out of court, it was all completed at the local Amphur office, with an agreement drawn up between us, signed by both of us and countersigned and stamped by the Amphur, in this document I have custody.

  9. Sorry to intervene, I have no intentions of hijacking the thread, however this subject is of interest to me in a way.

    I am currently working and have been on Non-B yearly extensions of stay since 2004, my interest lies in options for extensions should the work dry up.


    I was married to a Thai since June 1999 (in Thailand) and we got divorced in April 2015, I technically have sole custody of both children from the marriage.

    The actual extension and requirements are understood, I'm more wondering regarding the legitimising of the children, this was automatic by way of marriage, does it remain so in the eyes of immigration after being divorced?

  10. As Crossy suggests, ask the airline staff on your flight to Thailand if they have any available onboard, might also be worth asking at check in UK side, they might be able to get you one.

    Failing this, then download a blank picture of the current landing card and print this out, then fill in all of the relevant details on that, giving clear instructions to your Mother in Law to pass this to the airline staff on her flight to UK and ask them to fill in the proper landing card on her behalf, I'm sure she would not be the first or the last!

    • Like 1
  11. They normally post the special of the day on the Retox Darksite Facebook site in the mornings, so worth checking that out if in the area and looking to eat, they were doing ridiculously cheap ones the first week at 99 THB, though this was to gauge the customer base apparently, last week's specials were 149 THB, except Friday's which was Cod & Chips at 199 THB.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Jeremy50 said:

    You can only work on a NON IMM B visa, which is then converted to a 'work visa' at immigration once you have attained the blue book work permit. The 'work visa' is then dated to the same date that your contract expires. The 'work visa' can then be extended at immigration when you have a new contract for the following year, without you having to leave the country. You can have multiple entry, [and pay for it] if you intend to leave the country, for example: to take holiday, a couple of times during the year.


    It is not legal to work on a 'Thai wife visa', this kind of visa has to be converted to a NON IMM B before you can start the work permit and 'work visa' process.


    PS. Why are they talking to your wife and not you?

    PPS. Please don't tell me you are teaching English!

    Total and utter rubbish!


    When I changed jobs last year (due to redundancy) the extension of stay was cancelled for the original extension and a new extension issued under consideration for the new job, this extension of stay was then extended for a year up to 28th March 2017, at that time, my initial employment contract was for 6 months firm, so not even close to the extension date OR the work permit expiry date, the work permit was issued for one year on 22nd March 2016 and has since been extended for another year up to 21st March 2018, even though my last employment contract was expiring on 22nd March 2017, I'm due back to immigration at CW on Wednesday (29th) after the consideration period for the last extension (issued on 1st March and prior to the renewal of the work permit) and I fully expect that immigration will issue a new extension of stay based on work up to 28th March 2018.

    The connection is if my employment is terminated, then so will the extension of stay, as mine is based on work and the original Non B visa issued in 2004.

    There is absolutely nothing stopping somebody from working on a Non O based on Marriage, dependants etc. it does not have to be a Non B.

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  13. You can check this on this Heathrow website, http://www.heathrow.com/flight-connections not knowing your exact flights, I did do a check on their site based on Flying in on 30th March from KL on Malaysian Airlines (MH004), then flying out on BA (BA442) 90 minutes later, the Malaysian Flight comes in to T4 and the BA flight departs from T5, so doesn't tally up with yours?

    However, it did say that 90 minutes was not enough time to make the connection safely.


  14. Not been in since it became Retox Darkside, did go a couple of times when it was O'Neill's 


    Heard differing reports about it, some good, some bad, their daily specials do look to be good value for money and if you are an afternoon drinker, then the prices on the draught beer and cider are keen up till 5pm.



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