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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. 10 minutes ago, transam said:

    The paper thingy is now history...

    I do believe that the green or pink paper licence's issued prior to the photo licence introduction remain valid so long as your name or / and address remain the same and you are not disqualified at some point.

    If any of the above happens, then they must be replaced with the photo licence.


    You are correct if you are referring to the paper part of the photo licence, I think this was done away with in June 2015.

  2. On 04/03/2017 at 9:03 PM, LongTimeLurker said:

    In an email to me DVLA said that my UK (green) paper license can still be used in UK until I am 70 and as I live abroad the address cannot be changed and any fine for incorrect address would not be applicable.

    Now that is interesting, as they pretty much told me the opposite, my question at the time was related to hiring a car and using my UK licence, they told me that I could not and must use my Thai licence, as driving without the correct address is an offence.

    Never had an issue hiring a car with the Thai licence, though mine is a 5 year one.

  3. 14 minutes ago, elviajero said:

    The CW IO's are correct.


    If you were returning on or after March 29th you'd need a new re-entry permit, but as you're returning before the current permit expires you don't.


    You will be stamped back in until March 28th under the existing valid re-entry permit. When you go to immigration on March 29th they will grant you a new 1 year permit to stay with day 1 being the 29th.


    If you don't leave the country you're permission to stay expires on the 28th. If you do leave the country and re-enter with a re-entity permit it also expires on the 28th. There is no difference. The 29th is covered by the under consideration stamp.


    The re-entry permit remains valid for use up to and including March 28th even with a new application being under consideration.


    I think you'll get the same answer at the airport.

    Interesting, thanks for this, maybe I'll ask at the airport re-entry desk if I do have to depart between now and the 29th, that part is not sure as yet, a distinct possibility though.

  4. 5 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

    Up to you how you think ok , I read it and he is after a o or o a is he not and in my country you can only get the o but you can get the  o a  and the  normal 6 months or 2 months visa.

    it has all changed in thailand now .

    you did 7 years ago , back then you could do it like you have done it not now .

    No reason why he cannot, as suggested, come here on a 30 day visa exemption entry and convert this to a non immigrant here in Thailand, can be done and has been done many times.

    Alternatively he can go to a consulate locally and get a single entry non o, loads of options!

    • Like 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, Swiss1960 said:

    His current extension is the "under-consideration" stamp and therefore, the re-entry stamp linked to the previous extension is not valid anymore. This I learned from Jomtien IO.

    Sent from my HTC 10 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

    Yes, this is exactly how I understand it to be, the last re-entry permit was linked to the last extension of stay and therefore invalid, tried explaining this to them all yesterday, but it would have been far easier to draw teeth, was a typical 'what does the Farang know situation' I'm afraid!

    Probably just easier for me to get a re-entry permit from an airport if I do have to depart, help ones self!!

  6. 2 minutes ago, Phuket Man said:

    Surely his current extension is valid until 28th March and his re entry permit is linked to that and still valid.

    I understand what you mean, but what will happen is the IO at the airport will stamp me up to 28th March, as that is the expiry date of the re-entry permit as it stands now, so technically on the 29th I should not be here!

    Joe's advice is correct I think, there should be a new re-entry permit linked to the new date.

  7. Yesterday I went with my company's agent to CW immigration to renew my extension of stay based on work, note that the existing extension of stay was valid until 28th March 2017, as was the last multiple re-entry permit.


    As expected immigration stamped that the application for the extension of stay was under consideration and the return date is 29th March 2017.

    The agent asked 2 different immigration officers (the one that handled the application and her boss who was checking / approving this initially) if there was a need to get a new re-entry permit or not, both replied that there was no need so long as I reentered Thailand before 28th March 2017.

    I queried if this was indeed correct, as if I depart Thailand, upon return the IO at the airport would allow and stamp me in until 28th March 2017 and the next appointment at CW is 29th March 2017, both said yes, why not!


    Now to my mind this is not correct, as technically when I go back to immigration on 29th March 2017, then I'm already on one day's overstay, even if the date on the consideration stamp says that I can remain in Thailand up to 29th March 2017, as this would be negated by the re-entry permit date of 28th March 2017?


    I really do not want to take a chance here, as it could possibly jeopardise the original non O B visa from 2004 and mean starting from scratch, I wanted to get another re-entry permit, however, the agent was just not going to after the IO's had told her there was no need.................


    Thoughts and advice appreciated.

  8. When I contacted DVLC about the UK license about 2 years ago then the answer was simple.


    If you do not have a current address in the UK then you cannot drive on the UK licence, as mine is still the paper one, with the wrong address on it, then it does NOT invalidate the licence per say, you just are not allowed to drive using it, if you get the meaning, so if you were to return back to the UK, then you have to show residence at an address for 2 years, then can apply for a replacement licence. (I read that this is now 3 years, at the time DVLC said 2)

    You are allowed to drive on a valid Thai licence in the UK for up to one year.

    Their advice to me was to get on the electoral register at an address ASAP (Family if can) to start the process of time, as this is how they verify the residency.

  9. 4 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    So those guys in the Brown uniforms with 'Immigration Police' badges in the booths that take my passport and stamp me out are who exactly, security? 

    I did do a fair bit of world travel between late 60's and late 70's and never had a passport but that's a different story.

    How do 'you' manage to leave Thailand without going to the Immigration Services counters/booths?

    I'm sure a lot of guys on overstay would love to know.

    I'm confused! Jamie2009 was talking about when leaving UK etc. not Thailand?

  10. I go in and out at both Bangkok airports regularly and over the past couple of years have noticed that the immigration queues are getting longer, the problem appears to be two-fold, firstly not all of the desks are manned and secondly the nationality of the people who are being processed by immigration has changed, these people tend not to know how to fill in the TM.6, which in turn delays the time required to process each individual, a lot of the times the IO allows them to fill it out at the desk instead of kicking them back. They do have staff checking the TM.6 at the end of the arrival line in BKK, but this seems to be a cursory check at times. Seems to be often that the TM.6 departure is not filled out prior to arrival at departure immigration, couple this with having to be filled out in English, a language which a lot of the new age 'tourists' cannot read or write.

    Maybe it is time to have the TM.6 in languages that are understood by these tourists, or even do away with it altogether.

  11. Actually the school was simply not ready or prepared to go to the IGCSE program,  my youngest son attends this school and it really has been very confusing to say the least!


    Regarding payments for terms and school bus, this is a total shambles, Earlier this month, I received threatening letters from the school saying that I had not paid for the term fees, then the following week the school bus, the whole payment schedule is in disarray due to the changes in the timing of the curriculum's, so you end up being asked to pay twice within about 2 months, when they first went to the IP, then we were told that the payments would remain 2 times per year, regardless of the 3 terms.

    I'm guessing that they have no proper accounting control of payments, luckily mine are made on line, so there is a traceable record.


    I have tried calling the school to get some information on these so called due payments to no avail, emailed them dozens of times asking for a proper statement of accounts for my son's payments, again, nothing!

    My ex. wife went to the school and tried to discuss, waste of time, she also asked them to call me with an English speaking person, still waiting for the call.


    The issue for me is that my son is at the age where I'd prefer not to change schools due to the disruption this can cause, a catch 22!

  12. Sorry, as I'm sure this has been asked before, however time is short today!


    I worked for a Chonburi based company for 11 years and after the initial work permit application, I never had to do a medical for any of the subsequent renewals of the permit.


    The new (Bangkok based) company are renewing my current work permit in March 17 and are saying that I must do a medical prior to the renewal, is this normal, or has something changed so that now it is required at every renewal?

  13. Here I am looking out of the window of my 6th floor condo, WOW a pig just flew past...............


    About as likely to happen as two Farangs hiring a bike, giving all the correct ID, then "borrowing" the bike to a couple of Thai's who whilst riding around just happened across a rich Farang in a Porsche and thought, let's kill this guy!


    Get real folks <deleted>.

  14. 13 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    Because he was selling a white porche driven by a little old lady, now it's red and missing a little old lady. please read previous posts that say the porche for sale 5 million baht but was it delivered?

    I think that you will find that the white Porsche was a previous car, possibly his wife's, the red one the latest one, certainly not one and the same car and no idea where the little old lady comes from.

  15. Unless I am mistaken, the OP only needs to provide ONE of the items listed in Table A of the guidance document?

    The first one listed is a valid Visa or Resident Permit, so as UJ states, the extension page should be fine.

    There is also an option of an employment record from an employer, or a tax letter.

    So if the OP has any of the above, then it should suffice, my take is that all they want is for you to prove that you have a legitimate reason to be here and therefore can apply for a UK passport here, not necessarily the actual address that you reside at?

  16. Agreed it is quite a good article.

    Two real life examples of the (lack of) driving skills of the indigenous here.


    When my ex. wife was learning to drive, I paid for her to have 'professional'  lessons as my patience was not up to the task of doing it myself, came back from 6 weeks offshore and she had 'passed' the test and had a license, so let her drive me, after 9km I said, "you haven't looked in the mirrors once", her reply "They taught me that I don't need to, as anything behind me has to worry about me"


    A friend's ex. wife, many times she would indicate and immediately change lanes regardless, when asked why, the answer was "I'm indicating so can" another one of her sayings was when asked why she hadn't put her lights on, as it is dark, answer "no need, I can see"


    Say no more!

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