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Posts posted by Mattd

  1. As an update, no issues getting the residence certificate from the Jomtien immigration office, was a formality.

    Documents needed:

    1 each copy of the following:

    Passport cover page

    Change of passport page with original visa information etc.

    Extension of stay page

    Re-entry permit page

    Last entry stamp page and TM6

    Copy of a Tisco provident statement as proof of address

    2 x photos.


    Was very busy there today, all up it took about 1hour 45 minutes, received the residence certificate about 30 minutes after submitting the paperwork.


    Next battle, Chonburi DLT................

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  2. 22 hours ago, johng said:

    @Mattd  you didn't post page 7  I can understand you don't want your name or address revealed  only asked to see as it would help understand the situation better..but anyway nevermind.

    Hi John, sorry for the late response, busy day yesterday, anyway yes, correct I did not post page 7 for the reasons you state, I will PM this part to you.


    I think that the Jatujak part is where the DLT main place is in Bangkok.


    The difference in the dates is, I assume, because BMW leasing originally sent the paperwork off around that time in October, however, DLT wound not accept my Bangkok work permit for the address, so had to go and get a residence cert from the British Embassy to complete the change.


    Planning on going to make the change next week.

  3. 10 minutes ago, worrab said:

    I purchased a new Honda from Bangkok with obviously Bangkok registration last year. I have since moved to Bang Saphan Noi in the province of Prachuap Khiri Khan and went to the local DLT a couple of weeks ago to do the yearly tax. No problems at all even though the car is still registered with Bangkok plates. Cannot see the need of going through the hassle you are discussing here. 

    From what I am told, the rules changed around May / June this year, prior to this it wasn't an issue, if I could keep it as is, then for sure I would, it is a royal PITA!

  4. 9 minutes ago, johng said:


    From my experience  they will not issue a new book  just update the details in the old book .

    When the number plates change they give you a new  "tax disc"  to reflect the new number  I cant remember if they make you pay again for new tax or just re issue with new number...

    The police seem to be increasingly vigilant about  Tax stickers missing or out of date etc.

    also remember that you should update the details on your insurance.

    John, thanks, then there is hope, as the page with my details on it will not change, it might be worth seeing if they will accept a Chonburi based work permit in that case, it was part of the check list that BMW gave to me (translated from Thai by them).


    Docs Req.jpg

  5. I will add that I am more than a little miffed with BMW Finance, as they could and should have informed of the need to get two residency certificates, as explained before I did have to get one from the British Embassy so that they could change the information in the Bangkok issued blue book, had I have known it would have been a relatively simple task to get two of them, either at the same time, or another appointment shortly afterwards, albeit an expensive way!

    It would have resolved my current issue though!


    One thing I'm really not clear on and cannot remember from the last time, is whether Chonburi will issue a complete new book for the car, or just modify the existing one to reflect the new plates? (I asked about the yearly registration tax and BMW seemed to think that I would just continue to use the one on the car now, even though the registration number will end up being different, this was renewed in August, so has quite sometime left, when it is time to renew next August, they said Chonburi area would issue a new one then with the new number)

    If the latter, then I might be able to get away with showing them the Chonburi work permit as proof of province so to speak, it would be cheating a little I know, but.......... !!!!

  6. 5 minutes ago, johng said:

    I've never head of them forcing a change of province before, what I mean by that is the car is already properly legally registered to you with Bangkok plates and Bangkok address yes ??
    Why are they forcing the change ?

    It's quite normal for them to insist on province change when changing owners (new owner lives in different province)

    John, I am not forcing the change, far from it, ideally I'd like to leave it Bangkok, it is DLT that are forcing it.


    Without trying to get too far off topic, the story goes like this.

    Car was purchased from German Auto in Bangna in July 2014 utilising finance from BMW, was asked at the time if I wanted to use Bangkok or Chonburi plates, opted for Bangkok as there was an additional cost from the dealer of 4,000 Baht for them to do in Chonburi, was told it was not an issue to do this, at the time it wasn't.

    I was working and living in Chonburi at the time of purchase, so used the Chonburi based work permit for registration purposes, the blue book had both BMW finance address (All Seasons Place, Bangkok and the company address in Chonburi where I was working at.

    Was laid off in Chonburi in January this year and started working for a Bangkok based company in March (also based at All Seasons Place!!), hence why the extension of stay etc. was moved from Chonburi to Bangkok immigration.


    As stated, I really do not want to use a Bangkok address, as it is a temporary situation and do need to use what I consider as my permanent address in Chonburi.

    BMW Finance are telling me that the regulations changed earlier this year and even if it is the same owner, then if the province changes, then so must the plates, in fact a friend of mine had the same situation a couple of weeks back with a Honda Accord that was purchased on Bangkok plates, upon paying off his finance, same thing, as his work permit is based in Chonburi.

    I do still have a copy of the Chonburi work permit and this copy is still valid date wise, it is obviously cancelled with the labour department, however according to BMW, DLT would only check the date on the copy to accept it, however, still need to use my home address, not an old company one.


    The strange part is, the Bangkok issued blue book, with the original plates, now has my name and Chonburi address in it as owner, it is just that according to BMW, these plates will be cancelled and I have the 15 days to go to Chonburi DLT to get them to issue new plates and blue book, apparently this can be done in just a few hours, as Bangkok DLT have informed Chonburi of this need and a plate is already allocated, this part we will see about.

  7. Unfortunately it is no longer an option to leave the car registered in Bangkok, if it was then I definitely would do, after I paid the finance off on the car I was told that as I wanted to use a Chonburi address then I HAD to change the registration from Bangkok to Chonburi, as the DLT changed the rules earlier this year to basically back to what it was a few years back, i.e. the car has to be registered in the same province as your address, tried reasoning with them, but to no avail.

    On page 18 of the blue book there is writing in Thai that apparently says that I have 15 days to do this from 30th November 2016, which is actually today, of course I didn't get the blue book back from the finance company until yesterday!!! 

    I will get fined for this, no worries there, using a Bangkok address is not really a good option, as this is a temporary situation, plus DLT would not accept the company address for the car registration (they will for a company, not individuals, they used to before!!)

    All I can do in reality is go to the immigration in Jomtien and give it a go, all understood about the address in Bangkok, there in lies the issue for a lot of things, as you cannot get an extension of stay to work in Bangkok based on a Chonburi address, it has to be in Bangkok, so if I change this, then get issues later on when the extension is due, unfortunately it is not possible to have two addresses.

    As I will go to Singapore today for one day, then on entry in to Thailand, I will write the Chonburi address on the TM.6, as I always do, then try to reason it that way! (not hopeful mind!)

  8. 40 minutes ago, elviajero said:

    You could try at Jomtien, but unless you do a formal change of address It's unlikely that they will issue a residence certificate.

    Last reports were that they were not checking whether any TM30 / TM28 have been submitted to issue the RC, however, this could be possible now of course.

    I'm mainly concerned that they may reject due to the visa related stuff being issued in Bangkok.

  9. Quick question, I need to change my car registration from Bangkok to Chonburi province, one of the things I've just been told I need to produce is another residence certificate to do this. (despite having just given one to the Department of Land and Transport in Bangkok to get the blue book and address changed after paying off the finance, that one was gotten from the British Embassy and not an option this time, as only have a few days to complete the registration of the car in Chonburi and earliest available appointment at the embassy is 3rd Jan 2017)


    No real issue to go to Jomtien Immigration to get a residence certificate from them apart from the fact that the current extension of stay in my passport was issued by CW Immigration in Bangkok, anybody got any idea if this will be an issue for getting the residency certificate issued in Jomtien?


    Basically, my main residence is in Chonburi province, but the work permit and immigration stuff is in Bangkok, where I work Mon - Fri, hence why they differ.


  10. Terry, for the outbound flight then this could be useful, as it will not flag up the need for a visa, so upon check in he can show her British passport only.

    The main reasoning (for me) would be to avoid any confusion, as the daughter has been to the UK before. but on her Thai passport with a UK visa, hence why I'd be coy at not showing this passport to check in staff unless i had to, not that anything is amiss, just saves any unnecessary hassle if a inquisitive check in staff spotted this and started asking questions why, easy enough to answer and would not stop the flying part, just believe in an easy life if possible!

    Though I suppose in reality it works the other way around when departing UK back to Thailand, would just find it easier to explain.

  11. + 1 for Lopburi 3 & Patrick's replies, apart for the need for the birth certificate, if she has a Thai passport then the immigration would have no reason to question her citizenship and also she has used her Thai passport before.

    Never had an issue doing it the way described with either of my children, both hold Thai and British passports.

    He will certainly have to show the airline staff her British passport whilst checking in, if it was me, I'd refrain from showing her Thai passport at that point, unless asked.

    If the air tickets are booked online, then make sure he uses her United Kingdom details in the booking if required.

  12. 1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I don't agree with the present diktat ( if someone wants to live and spend money in LOS, why not? ), but I can understand that a person under 50 without a WP living in Thailand would be suspected of working illegally.

    Absolutely agree 100%, this can be averted by the requirement to prove that you can support yourself for the duration, which doesn't really differ from the retirement / marriage (or child support) routes.

    There have been several references to the rules of other countries, UK, US etc. again agree, the difference is that this information is available and known, here it is a case of finding out once it is too late and it is not necessarily uniform, but hey TIT!

  13. I am I missing something, the OP clearly states he just obtained his third TV from Penang, so by definition has entered on two before, therefore 2 x TV = 120 Days, 2 x extensions = 60 days, so total number of possible days would be 180 on two TV, not 250 days?

    Unless one of them was ME, the intimation in his posts are they were SE?

    Many reports now of this 180 day alert on the immigration system.


  14. WOW I can't imagine why any foreigner would even attempt to leave the country just using this card! Strange idea given that they would be stamped in to the country when they arrived with their passport!

    The way I understand the Pink ID card is that it was originally introduced to keep track of the migrant workers of neighbouring countries, especially for those without a passport, or any other form of travel document or ID, it seems to have since been adopted by the Thai authorities for foreigners who are eligible to have one.

    The issue with that is in it's origins, as technically the holder of the pink ID card is not supposed to go outside of the issuing authorities jurisdiction, so if it is issued in Banglamung district for instance, then they are supposed to stay in that area only, the ones being issued to yellow book holder Farangs also states this on the back in Thai, of course they still have the option of using a passport or D/L.

    I'm not saying whether you can or cannot use the card for whatever and wherever in Thailand, just saying that if it is looked at properly by whoever is being offered it, then it could possibly cause issues if this is not in the area that it was issued in and if you have no other form of ID in the way of a passport or Thai D/L etc. with you.

  15. +1 on the definition of resident, I don't want to start a different thread, however, this from the Thai Revenue Department website and their definition of a resident in Thailand.

    "Taxpayers are classified into “resident” and “non-resident”. “Resident” means any person residing in Thailand for a period or periods aggregating more than 180 days in any tax (calendar) year."

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  16. 1 hour ago, muzmurray said:



    Which is it? Do they want to stay here or not? You have argued both sides!

    Disagree, these were just used as examples, maybe that was a bad one, not all have families etc. (if they did then they have a visa route) they may just want to be here for the fun, could really be any reason, whatever it is they still spend money.



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