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Everything posted by paahlman

  1. correct.. Even with saltwater chlorination it is useful and if not mandatory to now and then "shock chlorinate" it a little bit now and then .. Depending on rain etc.. The weather in other words... Salt should be main source though for the chlorinator to do its work.
  2. Believe it or not. Thailand’s broadband internet speed is ranking number 1 https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/2054991/thailand-tops-internet-speed-testing
  3. Increase either or both the salt amount in the pool OR increase the flow of the pump thus resulting in more salt passing the chlorinator. Make sure chlorinator is correct spec according to the size of the pool(often meassuerd in m3 on chlorinators) a "normal" home pool for example of 8x5=40m3. Chlorinators have this in the specs.
  4. Yes. We also use 3bb. But the answer is more what location you are in. 3bb is best many places.. AIS might be better somewhere else based on their lines.. True or even 5ghz over the phone might be best for some people also...
  5. Its like this. You can apply for a DL based on tourist visa and get 2 years temporary license.. IF you want to renew it again under a tourist visa you get 2 more years.. If you have a Non Immigrant(O, A , X or other) or of course different visas like diplomatic, Education visa or whatever you get 5 years on the extension.
  6. Melantonin is the bodys natural sleeping pill. The brain produces it.. However.. This is why they call it a drowsiness pill. Bad translation , but it makes you naturally sleepy.. but not if you are excited or have general medical problems.. I think ... not sure. the point is that once i has helped you sleep the bodys natural mechanism takes over... It helped for me withouth any bi effect, but that was some 20 years ago.
  7. No..hehe.. BUT.. they actually made a case out of this i saw in the news.. Will be funny to see how that escalates.
  8. Well.. maybe just start another school, but maybe you have to restart that from outside again.
  9. You can give a power of attorney to a lawyer in Thailand to execute it.
  10. Well.. seems we are going in circles.. I do understand the rules the same as you.. Im just saying they told me to take theory and practical exam once again after 1.5 years already. I know they practice 3 years sometimes. I have also just been told that.. However.. 1 year seems to be the norm here in Phuket. However.. I produced an international license and asked them to just renew it again or convert it you might say. This was withing their capability and was so done. However.. In the end they gave up that and just gave me a license since it as they said it did not make sense to replace the old with a new one since i had the license already for 15 years. Anyway.. It was good for me since i then got 5 more years and not the regulatory 2 on a new one which i anticipated i had to do. I am not saying anything you say is wrong.. ????
  11. The law has been in existence for around 15 years already.. Maybe more. Its just that the law in existence was much easier with a requirement of 10 millions invested. Seems they have just inflated it and called it new. As far as I understand selling that before to a Thai owner was never out of the question either. I am wrong of course.. I have to be, but I see this new law as the same just 4 times more draconic.
  12. Mine got rejected twice.. Came down to that my address was wrong.. The sign in the raod was actually not my road.. Beat that... hehe
  13. Yes.. I do not mean to argue agains what you say.. But the thing is .. It is not illegal to do this.. as you in the eyes of the law start again.. And when you start again this is a normal procedure.. Your old license is invalid and can not be renewed after one year after it was due for renewal. Hence it is not of any use anymore.. So a brand new license with new registration number on it is required.. Then it is considered a new thing and the procedure discussed is a normal way of doint it.. I do know it might not work everywhere. But it has worked recently. That is for sure.. ????
  14. Again. This is not faulty info.. Some offices never ask for the complete certificate print.. Some do not even bother to send you to watch the video again.. This was in Phuket.. I hear some other provinces require what you say.., but it is also depending on what kind of licence you already have.. Maybe they are more relaxed if it is a 5 to 5 new year renewal.. From 2-5 I also did not watch any video, but I know some people has to.
  15. It is absolutely not false info.. I just did it and so did one of my friends. Either you need your driving licence from abroad verified by the embassy OR the easiest way is to bring an international licence that can be purchased in your home country for around 20 EU or a little more maybe.. This international license is acceptale for conversion with no tests(and no visit to consulate or embassy).. Except the reaction test that is distinguish red from green light.. break test so to speak.. Then you will be issued a new license for 2 years.. since the old one is not valid any more.. Remember.. This is for people that already have gone more than one year over the limit.. Meaning.. the license can be renewed within a year after expiry. If more than one year you can do my mentioned method.
  16. They do not care.. Not that I thought so either , but.. Solution is to bring an international license and get a new 2 year one withouth driving or theory. The easiest fastest it is...
  17. Yes.. of course.. but instead of writing anything.. This link explains it.. You just need a different pci-e adapter.. They do not have the same connectors so they would not fit in a nvme adaper anyway... Its a no brainer. I mean.. You would not be able to put anything wrong into the machine. https://www.pcpepper.com/sata-vs-msata-vs-ngff-m-2-vs-nvme-pcie-m-2-which-is-the-right-ssd-for-me/
  18. There are two M2 Cards.. NVME like Grandpapillon says here.. but also NGFF . There are converter adapters for both of them for apple macs. 2240 is the lenght.. and it would work good , but .. the 2240 ones are normally only sata disk.. Anyway.. All can be used, but for speed a real nvme disk m2 is recommended.
  19. you have two options.. buy a disk from aliexpress.. free freight.. they cost around 50 usd to thailand .. or buy a similar priced m2280 ngff or nvme.. if its a mac.. remember to buy the adapter for 100 baht also.. from proprietary Apple ssd connector to standard ngff or nvme M2 disk.. You can also use 2240 which are normally ngff disks and half the size but a litte bit wider.. This is an example of something you could use.. normal sata ssd. 2.5 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003115386317.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1dda78d0KE4Swe&algo_pvid=f3d51d3c-4088-4a25-b5fc-0f29e6cb1c16&algo_exp_id=f3d51d3c-4088-4a25-b5fc-0f29e6cb1c16-2&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000024183198526"}&pdp_pi=-1%3B2036.69%3B-1%3B-1%40salePrice%3BTHB%3Bsearch-mainSearch
  20. This is the law like mentioned.. , but its not what is applied in all circumstances. Especially if you change airline along the way. Last flight into the county is the key. From checkin time of that the pcr test has to be valid from the time written on the paper which will be from when you took the test. Not when you recieved it. But yet.. claiming the law does not always work. However strange it is.
  21. The answer is like this.. The law says.. 72 hours from first port of embarkation.. However.. It is not always implied like this.. Health personel in europe told me. Not hearsay.. It is the last flight checkin time that you actually check in.. or in other words.. The last flight until you land in Thailand. This is if you have a multi leg which most have. And yes. To complicate it further.. It is from the test time.. Not when the result is recieved. Hope it clears stuff up.. Sidenote... It is normally applied to first port of embarkation time.., but it could backfire and lets say you change airline.. if its a different airline you normally have to show it again.. meaning.. IF you fly Lufthansa from point a to b then it will definetly be first port of embarkation.
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