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Posts posted by thaidel48

  1. Well after 26 years and .. err well quite a few coupes this one seems well organise and so far ( touch wood n whistle ) bloodless. Lets hope it stays that way.

    ind you if the keep the tv off I can see my old lady and her mates marching to war .

  2. I've been here for 26 years and am fluent in Thai and am familiar with Thai culture and customs and believe me I play the dumb/angry Falang more now than when I first got here especialy when it comes to mother-inlaws ect. lol

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  3. Never mind those ATM rip offs. Bangkok Bank and perhaps others ( I only have A bangkok Bank account ) charge 50 Baht a month if you use a savings account as a bank account ie make multiple withdrawals. As anyone who has tried to open a chequing account knows this is not an option so the fee they charge is unfair to say the least and extortion in truth. The problem of opening a real chequing applies to Thai's as well.

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