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Posts posted by theoldgit

  1. On 3/30/2022 at 4:40 PM, Lolothai said:

    Is there a way to contact Kasikorn without calling from abroad or the call center. Is there an email? I can't find any way to contact them on my kasikorn online account.


    Have you tried using their contact form https://www.kasikornbank.com/th/contact/Pages/contact.aspx


    The contact form also suggests contacting them via their email address [email protected]

  2. 9 hours ago, Pmbkk said:

    FYI, a Thai wife can go through the UK Customs queue with you if you didn't know.

    I understand obv' a gf won't be able to do that, but maybe of use to someone.


    I'm not sure that I've ever come across a queue in the Customs Hall, which is after the check at the border, people enter and are selected at random, Customs/Border Force Officers, already have a good idea who they're going to stop for questioning.


    At the Border it's certainly prudent to present yourselves to the Border Force Officer together, I normally go for whichever line is shorter. If the officer wants to ask more questions it's better if a family group, including girl/boy friends, are both together.


    There's nothing written down, but Border Force Officers are encouraged not to split up families, and it certainly makes it easier for them.   

  3. 49 minutes ago, actonion said:

    I recently asked my Son in the UK to send my Debit card   to Thailand via Courier, thinking its safer, he said he had asked several Courier companies including DHL,  but  they said no  they will not accept any Bank cards, just wondering if in your case , you didnt have to disclose the contents ?


    My bank in the UK sent debit cards for my wife and I before the previous cards expired, Santander International, no idea what they told DHL.


    As our cards needed to be activated on arrival here, I'm not sure what the issue is.


    Maybe send the card inside a book.

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  4. 1 minute ago, Surasak said:

    What you think you deserve and what you are likely to get are two different things. My understanding is, you would not be refused, but you could have a very long wait before treatment unless an emergency.


    You would not be refused, or charged, for initial emergency treatment, but any ongoing or elective treatment would be charged at 150% of actual cost for expats, whether you're a UK taxpayer or not.

  5. 5 hours ago, Will B Good said:

    In my experience (UK) immigration only have one question in mind........what will ensure that she has to (or will want to) return to Thailand.

    The question is about the US though not the UK.


    There is certainly no such thing for the UK, in fact such an offer is specifically excluded in the guidance to UKVI decision makers, I suspect the same applies for US applicants.

    • Like 1
  6. I live on the outskirts of Hua Hin, last week I received a letter from my bank in the Isle of Man that was posted on the 3rd January, it arrived with some Christmas Cards.


    Thankfully my bank are aware of the hit and miss issues when sending post to me here, and had phoned me to say the letter was on the way, they also sent the form we needed to complete via secure messenging, I don't know why they don't always use this method.


    The completed forms were received by the bank seven days after I mailed them.


    Bank Cards are always sent by DHL.


    As others have said, it really depends where you live here. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Brick Top said:

    I would have preferred that it went to the Consular team , I have heard from my neighbor yesterday ( who is the ex Australian consulate) that as of April 5th  British passport can be renewed in Phuket . I am very well aware of the existing procedure of having to go to Bangkok in person.  Also I am aware of lots of older posts regarding this issue , I read the two Asean Now  newsletters in full every day and have lived here 21 years.



    Whilst you're waiting for a response from the Consular Team, though has been pointed the renewal of passports isn't a Consular issue, maybe I can help you by confirming that personal appointments for the renewal at the HMPO offices can only currently be made in Bangkok or Chiang Mai.


    A number of agents have popped up, up and down the country, who will for a fee, typically 5,000 Baht on top of the HMPO fee for renewal and courier delivery from the UK to the Visa Application Centre, deliver your application to the HMPO's agents, and collect the new passport on your behalf.


    I suspect it's one of the private agents that your friend refers to.


    I note from your screen shot that the Consular Section states that forum members can respond to questions, maybe this is why other members have tried to be helpful and responded.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 9 hours ago, Captainchaos said:

    Yes I understand she needs to show ties and a good reason to go home again after her visit, this is why I was saying she has a son in thailand and land and a home ( owner) . My son lives with her in Thailand ... I just thought our son would be more comfortable on the long flight to thailand with hi mother there with us , hence the need for a visa for her . I can show bank statements showing enough funds to well cover her visit to the UK. .. show my rent agreement and any other requirements.  I was hoping maybe someone else applied with similar circumstances and coukd advise or is it pot luck after showing all required . Thanks for the advise 


    It's a sad fact that many mothers leave children with grandparents in Thailand to travel to "the promised land" in an attempt to make their fortune, I'm not suggesting that your childs mother wishes to do this, but it will be at the back of the ECO's mind when considering her application.


    If you are going to fund her trip, not only will you need to satisfy the ECO that it's affordable but that it's reasonable to do so.


    Whilst supplying details of your rented property will show that they have somewhere to stay during the proposed visit, it doesn't address the main issue of "reasons to return".


    I can't stress enough that her reasons to return are very important, and you seem to accept that, she will need to satisfy the ECO is better off in Thailand than by overstaying in the UK. You say she has a house, how does she support herself and two children?


    I wouldn't describe the proccess as pot luck, but the ECO, who are not based in Thailand, will need to be satisfied that she has sufficient reasons to leave the UK at the conclusion of a visit.


    You mentioned an agent, a reputable agent would certainly help the lady present a compelling case, but she needs to be careful who she chooses, some will offer the earth but let you down, they don't come cheap.

  9. The first thing you need to get your head round is that you don’t get a holiday visa for your ex and your son, it’s her that needs to apply for a Standard Visit Visa, and it’s her that needs to satisfy the Entry Clearance Officer, the person who makes a decision on her application, that her proposed visit is genuine, affordable and that, on the balance of probabilities, she will leave the UK at the conclusion of her visit.


    Does your child live with you in the UK or with his mother in Thailand?

    As well as stating the reason for her visit, and how she will finance it, she needs to demonstrate her ties to her home country, often referred to as the reasons to return. This could be employment, housing and the like.


    If you intend to finance her trip, you will need to demonstrate that it’s affordable and reasonable for you to do so.

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